Esempio n. 1
 def eval_bond_coul2nd(self, occm_ch, nneocc_ch_trial):
     logger.debug("now determining charged 2nd neighbour's")
     sec_nneocc_ch_trial = SupportFunctions.sec_neigh(self.args.n, self.args.m, occm_ch, nneocc_ch_trial, self.icind)
     icsec_ch_trial = SupportFunctions.totnoneigh2(self.args.n, self.args.m, sec_nneocc_ch_trial, True)
     ecoulrep_sec = self.args.beta_sec_coul * icsec_ch_trial
     logger.debug("2nd neighbour coloumbic energy: {0}".format(ecoulrep_sec))
     return ecoulrep_sec
Esempio n. 2
    def LoadData(self, fromBinaryFile = True, filtering = False,
                 UseExternalGeoDataNearestest = True,  UseExternalGeoDataPlaces = True):
        if fromBinaryFile:
            dataTogether = np.load(self.commonPath + "dump_allData.npy")

            self.Labels = np.load(self.commonPath + "dump_labels.npy")
            self.LabelsN =  sp.LabelsSimpleFromLabels(self.Labels)

            self.TrainData = dataTogether[0:len(self.Labels)]
            self.TestData = dataTogether[len(self.Labels):len(dataTogether)]

            print("data loaded from file." )            
            trainDataRaw, labels = self.LoadTrainDataAndLabels() #(firstRows = 5000)

            testDataRaw = self.LoadTestData() #(firstRows = 5000)

            self.Labels = self.LabelsToNums(labels[:, 0])
            self.LabelsN = sp.LabelsSimpleFromLabels(self.Labels)

            dataTogether = np.concatenate((trainDataRaw, testDataRaw))
            dataTogether = self.DataNormalization(dataTogether) 
            print("data normilized." ) 

   + "dump_allData", dataTogether)
   + "dump_labels", self.Labels)

            self.TrainData = dataTogether[0:len(trainDataRaw)]
            self.TestData  = dataTogether[len(trainDataRaw): len(dataTogether)]

            print("data saved to file." ) 

        if UseExternalGeoDataNearestest:
            nearestData = self.LoadGeoNearestData()
            self.TrainData = np.c_[self.TrainData, nearestData[0:len(self.Labels)]]
            self.TestData = np.c_[self.TestData, nearestData[len(self.Labels):len(dataTogether)]]      

        if UseExternalGeoDataPlaces:
            self.GeoData = self.GeoDataPlaces()
            self.TrainData = np.c_[self.TrainData, self.GeoData[0:len(self.Labels)]]
            self.TestData = np.c_[self.TestData, self.GeoData[len(self.Labels):len(dataTogether)]]

        '''self.TrainDataHalf1 = self.TrainData[::2]
        self.TrainDataHalf2 = self.TrainData[1::2]

        self.LabelsDataHalf1 = self.Labels[::2]
        self.LabelsDataHalf2 = self.Labels[1::2]

        self.LabelsNHalf1 = self.LabelsN[::2]
        self.LabelsNHalf2 = self.LabelsN[1::2]'''
		self.TrainDataHalf1, self.TrainDataHalf2, self.LabelsDataHalf1, self.LabelsDataHalf2, self.LabelsNHalf1, self.LabelsNHalf2 = 
		sp.SplitTrainDataByWeeks(self.TrainData, self.Labels, self.LabelsN)
Esempio n. 3
 def eval_bond_coul(self, occm_trial, nneocc_trial):
     logger.debug("charging effects are active")
     occm_ch, ntot_ch = SupportFunctions.identify(self.args.n, self.args.m, occm_trial, nneocc_trial, self.args.n_thresh_ch)
     nneocc_scr_trial = SupportFunctions.occneigh2(self.args.n, self.args.m, occm_ch, occm_trial, self.icind)
     ictot_scr_trial = SupportFunctions.totnoneigh2(self.args.n, self.args.m, nneocc_scr_trial, False)
     logger.debug('evaluating neights based off of coloumbic interaction')
     escreen = -self.args.beta_scr * (ictot_scr_trial - ntot_ch * self.args.n_thresh_ch)
     logger.debug("screnmol, energy: {0} {1} {2} ".format(ntot_ch, ictot_scr_trial, escreen))
     logger.debug("now determines charged 1st nn's")
     nneocc_ch_trial = SupportFunctions.occneigh2(self.args.n, self.args.m, occm_ch, occm_ch, self.icind)
     logger.debug('computing number of charge bonds and such coulombic energy')
     ictot_ch_trial = SupportFunctions.totnoneigh2(self.args.n, self.args.m, nneocc_ch_trial, True)
     ecoulrep = self.args.beta_coul * ictot_ch_trial
     return ecoulrep, escreen, occm_ch, nneocc_ch_trial, ntot_ch, ictot_ch_trial
Esempio n. 4
    def setup(self):
        if self.args.brestart:
            self.occm = numpy.zeros([self.args.n * self.args.m], dtype=numpy.bool)
            ifile = open(self.args.inp_filenm, 'r')
            self.etot = 0.0
            self.args.n = numpy.load(ifile)
            self.args.m = numpy.load(ifile)
            self.ntotmol = numpy.load(ifile)
            self.occm = numpy.load(ifile)
            self.etot = numpy.load(ifile)

        # a dictionary to store energy values in
        # determines all positions and indices vectors
        self.allpos, self.allind, self.ic, self.pos = SupportFunctions.allpositions(self.args.n, self.args.m, self.args.b)
        #determines the index file of all neighbours
        self.allneigh = numpy.zeros([self.args.n*self.args.m, 6, 2],
        self.icind = numpy.zeros([self.args.n*self.args.m, 6],
        self.allneigh, self.icind = SupportFunctions.allneighbors(self.allind, self.ic, self.args.n, self.args.m)
        if not self.args.brestart:
            self.occm, self.ntotmol = SupportFunctions.randdistr(self.args.n, self.args.m, self.args.cov)
        #colours the molecules (occupied sites)
        #determines their neighbours
        self.nneocc = SupportFunctions.occneigh(self.args.n, self.args.m, self.occm, self.icind)

        # counts the bonds (shared edges)
        self.ictot = SupportFunctions.totnoneigh2(self.args.n, self.args.m, self.nneocc, True)

        # total energy
        self.evdW = -1.0*self.args.beta*self.ictot
        # total energy for the moment just vdW
        if not self.args.brestart:
            self.etot = self.evdW
        #'Temperature: {0}'.format(self.args.kt))'INITIAL energy/mol: {0}'.format(self.etot/float(self.ntotmol)))

        # makes a little metropolis animation
        self.entropy = 0.0
        self.escreen = 0.0
        self.ecoulrep = 0.0
        self.ecoulrep_sec = 0.0
        self.jfrom = 0
        self.jto = 0
        self.icmov = 0
        self.cluster_type = 0
def WriteChockValues(mChock, vNameSector, mChockName, sDirectoryOutput, nYear,
    vDataSheet = []
    vSheetName = []
    vRowsLabel = []
    vColsLabel = []
    vUseHeader = []

    vNameRowsReg = vNameSector
    vNameColsReg = mChockName

    sFileSheet = 'Chock_Base_' + str(nYear) + '_' + str(nSectors) + '.xlsx'
    Support.write_data_excel(sDirectoryOutput, sFileSheet, vSheetName,
                             vDataSheet, vRowsLabel, vColsLabel, vUseHeader)
def WriteMultipliers(tTuplesIa, tTuplesIb, tTuplesII, vNameSector,
                     sDirectoryOutput, nYear, nSectors):
    vDataSheet = []
    vSheetName = []
    vRowsLabel = []
    vColsLabel = []
    vUseHeader = []
    vNameCols = [
        'VA_I', 'VA_II', 'Occup_I', 'Occup_II', 'Remun_I', 'Remun_II', 'EOB_I',
        'EOB_II', 'Salary_I', 'Salary_II'
    vNameMult = ['Multiplier', 'Gerador', 'Coef']

    xI = np.concatenate(tTuplesIa, axis=1)

    xI = np.concatenate(tTuplesIb, axis=1)

    vNameCols = ['VA', 'Occup', 'Remun', 'EOB', 'Salary']
    xI = np.concatenate(tTuplesII, axis=1)

    sFileSheet = 'Multip_' + str(nYear) + '_' + str(nSectors) + '.xlsx'
    Support.write_data_excel(sDirectoryOutput, sFileSheet, vSheetName,
                             vDataSheet, vRowsLabel, vColsLabel, vUseHeader)
Esempio n. 7
    def DataNormalization(self, data):
        #streets = sp.Streets(data[:, 3])
        corner = sp.IfCorner(data[:, 3])
        coordinates = sp.Coordinates(data[:, 4:6])
        severalActionsInSameTime = sp.SeveralActionsInSameTime(coordinates, data[:, 0])
        streetsTypes = sp.StreetType(data[:, 3]) 
        dateTime = self.DateTimeNormalization(data[:, 0])
        distriction = sp.PDDistriction(data[:, 2])
        weekDaysBinarized = sp.WeekDaysBinarization(data[:, 1])
        dataNormalized = np.c_[dateTime, dataNormalized, weekDaysBinarized, coordinates, distriction, streetsTypes, severalActionsInSameTime, corner]

        return dataNormalized
Esempio n. 8
 def iteration(self, idx):
     logger.debug('conducting interation')
     logger.debug('generating trial move')
     occm_trial, jfrom, jto = SupportFunctions.trialmove(self.args.n, self.args.m, self.occm)
     logger.debug("evaluating vDW bonds")
     evdW_trial, ictot_trial, nneocc_trial = self.eval_bond_vdw(occm_trial)
     escreen = 0  # these are initlaised here instead of further down (if self.args.bbcharg is False)
     ecoulrep = 0
     ecoulrep_sec = 0
     if self.args.bbcharg:
         ecoulrep, escreen, occm_ch, nneocc_ch_trial, ntot_ch, ictot_ch_trial = self.eval_bond_coul(occm_trial, nneocc_trial)
         logger.debug("1st neighbour coloumbic energy: {0}".format(ecoulrep))
         if self.args.bbtwoch:
             ecoulrep_sec = self.eval_bond_coul2nd(occm_ch, nneocc_ch_trial)
             logger.debug("2nd neighbour coloumbic energy: {0}".format(ecoulrep_sec))
             logger.debug("proceeding without bbtwoch")
         logger.debug("ecoulmol, energy: {0} {1} {2}".format(ntot_ch, ictot_ch_trial, ecoulrep))
         logger.debug("proceeding without charges")
     etot_trial = evdW_trial + escreen + ecoulrep + ecoulrep_sec
     delta_e = etot_trial - self.etot
     ee = numpy.exp(-delta_e / self.args.kt)
     random_prob = numpy.random.rand()
     logger.debug("ee: {0}, random_prob: {1}, old cluster_type: {2}".format(ee, random_prob, self.cluster_type))
     if ee > random_prob:  # accepts the trial move with prob. ee
         logger.debug("trial move accepted!")
         self.occm = occm_trial.copy()  # and makes trial move the curent layout
         self.nneocc = nneocc_trial.copy()
         self.ictot = ictot_trial
         self.etot = etot_trial
         self.evdW = evdW_trial
         self.escreen = escreen
         self.ecoulrep = ecoulrep
         self.ecoulrep_sec = ecoulrep_sec
         self.entropy, self.cluster_type = entropy.evaluate_entropy(occm=self.occm, ic=self.ic, ictot=self.ictot, allneigh=self.allneigh, args=self.args)
         logger.debug("entropy: {0}, cluster_type: {1}".format(self.entropy, self.cluster_type))
         logger.debug("move ok, energy per molecule (eV) ({0}, {1})".format(idx, self.args.hartree * self.etot / float(self.ntotmol)))
         self.icmov += 1
         logger.debug("evaluating entropy")
         return True
         logger.debug("trial move rejected")
         return False
    nBeginModel = time.perf_counter()
    sTimeBeginModel = time.localtime()
    print("Running Model for ", nSectors, "sectors")
    print("Begin at ", time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y - %H:%M:%S", sTimeBeginModel))
    if lRelativAbsolut:
        nAdjustUni = 1
        nAdjustUni = 0

    vCodGrupSector, vNameGrupSector = Support.load_GrupSector(
        sDirectoryInput, "SetoresGrupo.xlsx", nGrupSectors, nSectors)
    mDemandShock = Support.load_DemandShock(sDirectoryInput, sFileShock,
                                            "Demanda", nSectors, nAdjustUni)
    vLaborRestriction = Support.load_OfferShock(sDirectoryInput, sFileShock,
                                                "Oferta", nSectors, nAdjustUni)
    #    vCodStates, vNameRegions, vNameStates, vShortNameStates = Support.load_table_states(sDirectoryInput, sFileStates, nStates)
    # ============================================================================================
    # Import values from National MIP from guilhoto
    # ============================================================================================
    sTimeIntermediate = time.localtime()
    print(time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y - %H:%M:%S", sTimeIntermediate),
          " - Reading National Mip Matrix")
    print("Running Model by year ", nYear, " for ", nProducts, "products x ",
          nSectors, "sectors ")
    print("Begin at ", time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y - %H:%M:%S", sTimeBeginModel))
    # ============================================================================================
    # Import values from TRUs
    # ============================================================================================
    vCodProduct, vNameProduct, vCodSector, vNameSector, mIntermConsumNat = Support.load_intermediate_consumption \
        (sDirectoryInput, sFileUses, sSheetIntermedConsum, nProducts, nSectors)

    mDemandNat, vNameDemand = Support.load_demand(sDirectoryInput, sFileUses,
                                                  sSheetDemand, nProducts,

    mAddedValueNat, vNameAddedValue = Support.load_gross_added_value \
        (sDirectoryInput, sFileUses, sSheetAddedValue, nSectors, nRowsAV)

    mOfferNat, vNameOffer = Support.load_offer(sDirectoryInput, sFileResources,
                                               sSheetOffer, nProducts,

    mProductionNat = Support.load_production(sDirectoryInput, sFileResources,
                                             sSheetProduction, nProducts,

    vImportNat = Support.load_import(sDirectoryInput, sFileResources,
                                     sSheetImport, nProducts)
Esempio n. 11
     # add test for ascii characters only
     openFileHandle = urlopen(nextUrlLink);                
     lutron_soup = Bsoup(;
     # create a new instance of a class to handle the processing of the soup                                    
 except Exception as expt:
     print "the \"try\" failed";
 if lutron_soup != "":
     bSoupProcessor = LFDM_bsoupProcessor.LutronSoupProcessor(lutron_soup,debugPrinter.addMessageToDebugOutput);
     filteredHrefList = SupportFunctions.filteringHrefLists(bSoupProcessor.getAllHyperlinks());    
     fullHrefList = SupportFunctions.returnListWithLeadingStringInEachEntry(filteredHrefList,baseSearchUrl);
 unvisitedHrefList = [x for x in fullHrefList if x not in urlLinksVisited];
 pendingUrlLinks = list(set(pendingUrlLinks+unvisitedHrefList));    
 print 'end reached of one url'
 print len(urlLinksVisited);
 print len(unvisitedHrefList);
 print len(pendingUrlLinks);
 if (len(urlLinksVisited) > 10):
     moreToGo = False;
 elif (len(pendingUrlLinks)>0):
     nextUrlLink = pendingUrlLinks.pop(0);
def Equilibrium(nCountries, nSectors, nTradebleSectors, nSectorsLabor, nYears, nBeta, nValIntertemp, nPositionBR,
                mInitialMigration, mInitialLaborStock, vFactor, nMaxIterations, nTolerance, mInitialY, nAdjust,
                mCsiBrasil, isNormal, sDirectoryInputScenario, sDirectoryOutput, sNameScenario):

    mY = mInitialY
    # Loading trade flows in files txt
    # B         - Share of value added
    # GO        - Gross Output
    # IO        - Input Output Matrix
    # T (Thetas)- dispersion of productivity - non-tradables = 8.22
    #               Need Checks that dispersion of productivity
    lRead = ['B', 'Comercio', 'Csi_total', "GO", 'IO', 'Tarifas', 'T']
    mShareVA, mTrade, Csi_total, mGrossOutputOrigin, mIO, mTariffs, mThetasOrigin\
            = Support.read_data_txt(lRead, sDirectoryInputScenario)
# ============================================================================================
# Loading data from prior run from csv files
    if isNormal:
        lRead = ['w_aux', 'wbr_aux']
        lRead = ['w_aux_C', 'wbr_aux_C']

    w_aux, wbr_aux = Support.read_data_csv(lRead, sDirectoryOutput)
    mTau = 1 + mTariffs / 100
    nIteration = 1
    Ymax = 1
    while (nIteration <= nMaxIterations) and (Ymax > nTolerance):

        nBeginInteration = time.perf_counter()
        nTimeBeginInteration = time.localtime()
        print("Running ", sNameScenario, "int = ", nIteration)

        mGrowthLabor, mMigration = \
            Labor(mY, nCountries, nSectors, nSectorsLabor, nYears, nBeta, mInitialMigration, mInitialLaborStock)

        mGrossOutput = np.copy(mGrossOutputOrigin)

        mThetas = mThetasOrigin
        # dispersion of productivity - non-tradables = 8.22
        # Need Checks that dispersion of productivity
        mThetas = np.hstack((1. / mThetas, np.ones([(nSectors - nTradebleSectors)], dtype=float) * 1 / 8.22)).reshape(nSectors, 1)
        # reformatting theta vector
        mLinearThetas = np.ones([nSectors * nCountries, 1], dtype=float)
        for j in range(nSectors):
            for n in range(nCountries):
                mLinearThetas[j * nCountries + n, :] = mThetas[j]

        # Calculating expenditures
        mTauPrev  = mTau[0:nSectors*nCountries ,:]
        mTauActual= mTau[nSectors*nCountries:2*nSectors*nCountries ,:]
        xbilat = np.vstack((mTrade, np.zeros([(nSectors - nTradebleSectors) * nCountries, nCountries]))) * mTauPrev
        # Domestic sales
        x = np.zeros([nSectors, nCountries])
        xbilat_domestic = xbilat / mTauPrev
        for i in range(nSectors):
            # Computing sum of partial columns (0 a 30, 31 sectors) of exports
            # Adding as rows
            x[i, :] = sum(xbilat_domestic[i * nCountries: (i + 1) * nCountries, :])

        # Checking MAX between Exports and Domestic Product
        mGrossOutput = np.maximum(mGrossOutput, x)
        domsales = mGrossOutput - x
        # Bilateral trade matrix
        domsales_aux = domsales.T
        aux2 = np.zeros([nSectors * nCountries, nCountries], dtype=float)
        for i in range(nSectors):
            aux2[i * nCountries: ((i + 1) * nCountries), :] = np.diag(domsales_aux[:, i])

        xbilat = aux2 + xbilat
        # Calculating Expenditures shares
        A = sum(xbilat.T)
        XO = np.zeros([nSectors, nCountries])
        for j in range(nSectors):
            XO[j, :] = A[j * nCountries: (j + 1) * nCountries]

        # Calculating expenditures shares
        Xjn = sum(xbilat.T).T.reshape(nSectors * nCountries, 1).dot(np.ones([1, nCountries], dtype=float))
        Din = xbilat / Xjn
        # Calculating superavits
        xbilattau = xbilat / mTauPrev
        M = np.zeros([nSectors, nCountries])
        E = np.zeros([nSectors, nCountries])
        for j in range(nSectors):
            # Imports
            M[j, :] = sum(xbilattau[j * nCountries: (j + 1) * nCountries, :].T).T
            for n in range(nCountries):
                # Exports
                E[j, n] = sum(xbilattau[j * nCountries: (j + 1) * nCountries, n]).T

        Sn = (sum(E).T - sum(M).T).reshape(nCountries, 1)
        # Calculating Value Added
        VAjn = mGrossOutput * mShareVA
        VAn = sum(VAjn).T.reshape(nCountries, 1)
        VA_Br = np.ones([nSectors, 1], dtype= float)
        for j in range(nSectors):
            VA_Br[j, 0] = VAjn[j, nPositionBR]

        Csi_teste = Csi_total
        Cap = VAjn * Csi_teste
        rem_cap = sum(Cap).T.reshape(nCountries, 1)
        Qui = sum(rem_cap)
        mIota = (rem_cap - Sn) / Qui
        num = np.zeros([nSectors, nCountries])
        for n in range(nCountries):
            num[:, n] = XO[:, n] - mIO[n * nSectors:(n + 1) * nSectors, :].dot((1 - mShareVA[:, n]) * E[:, n])

        F = np.zeros([nSectors, nCountries])
        for j in range(nSectors):
            F[j, :] = sum((Din[j * nCountries: (j + 1) * nCountries:1, :] / mTauPrev[j * nCountries: (j + 1) * nCountries:1, :]).T)

        mAlphas = num / (np.ones([nSectors, 1], dtype=float)).dot((VAn + sum(XO * (1 - F)).T.reshape(nCountries, 1) - Sn).T)
        for j in range(nSectors):
            for n in range(nCountries):
                if mAlphas[j, n] < 0:
                    mAlphas[j, n] = 0

        mAlphas = mAlphas / np.ones([nSectors, 1]).dot(sum(mAlphas).reshape(1, nCountries))
        # Main program conterfactuals
        VAn = VAn / 100
        Sn = Sn / 100
        VA_Br = VA_Br / 100
        VABrasil = np.ones([nYears, nSectors], dtype=float)
        w_Brasil = np.ones([nYears, nSectors], dtype=float)
        P_Brasil = np.ones([nYears, nSectors], dtype=float)
        PBr = np.ones([nYears, 1], dtype=float)
        xbilat_total = np.zeros([nYears * nSectors * nCountries, nCountries], dtype=float)
        mGrossOutputTotal = np.zeros([nYears * nSectors, nCountries], dtype=float)
        mAllPrice = np.zeros([nYears * nSectors, nCountries], dtype=float)
        # ============================================================================================
        # Routine that repeat for nYears years
        # ============================================================================================
        for nActualYear in range(nYears):

            LG = np.ones([nSectors, 1], dtype=float)
            for j in range(nSectors):
                LG[j, 0] = mGrowthLabor[nActualYear, j + 1]

            if (nActualYear>0):
                mTauPrev = mTau[nActualYear * nSectors * nCountries : (nActualYear+1) * nSectors * nCountries, :]
                mTauActual = mTau[(nActualYear+1) * nSectors * nCountries : (nActualYear+2)* nSectors * nCountries, :]

            mTauHat =  mTauActual / mTauPrev

            mWages, mPriceFactor, PQ, mWeightedTariffs, mTradeShare, ZW, Snp2, mCost, DP, PF, mWagesBrasil \
                = equilibrium_LC(mTauHat, mTauActual, mAlphas, mLinearThetas, mThetas, mShareVA, mIO, Din, nSectors,
                                 nCountries, nMaxIterations, nTolerance, VAn, Sn, vFactor, LG, VA_Br, nBeta,
                                 nPositionBR, nActualYear, w_aux, wbr_aux, mCsiBrasil, Csi_teste, mIota)

            w_aux = np.ones([nCountries, nYears], dtype=float)
            wbr_aux = np.ones([nSectors, nYears], dtype=float)
            for n in range(nCountries):
                w_aux[n, nActualYear] = mWages[n, 0]

            for j in range(nSectors):
                wbr_aux[j, nActualYear] = mWagesBrasil[j, 0]

            PQ_vec = PQ.T.reshape(nSectors * nCountries, 1, order='F').copy()  # expenditures Xji in long vector: PQ_vec=(X11 X12 X13...)'
            Dinp_om = mTradeShare / mTauActual
            xbilattau = (, nCountries)))) * Dinp_om
            xbilatp = xbilattau * mTauActual
            for j in range(nSectors):
                mGrossOutput[j, :] = sum(xbilattau[j * nCountries: (j + 1) * nCountries, :])

            VAjn = mGrossOutput * mShareVA
            VAn = sum(VAjn).T.reshape(nCountries, 1)
            # dif no VA_Br 2/5/2018 00:51
            VA_Br = VAjn[:, nPositionBR].reshape(nSectors, 1)
            Din = mTradeShare
            for j in range(nSectors):
                VABrasil[nActualYear, j] = VA_Br[j, 0]
                w_Brasil[nActualYear, j] = mWagesBrasil[j, 0]
                P_Brasil[nActualYear, j] = mPriceFactor[j, nPositionBR]

            # pf0_all = mPriceFactor. / (mAlphas);
            # P = prod(pf0_all. ^ (mAlphas));
            # PBr(nActualYear, 1) = P(1, nPositionBR);
            # pf0_all = mPriceFactor./(mAlphas);
            P = ** mAlphas, axis=0)
            PBr[nActualYear, 0] = P[nPositionBR]
            # xbilatp_old = xbilatp.copy()
            # for j in range(nSectors):
            #     for n in range(nCountries):
            #         xbilatp_old[n + j * nCountries, n] = 0
            sidx = np.arange(nSectors)
            cidx = np.arange(nCountries)
            xbilatp[cidx + sidx[:,None] * nCountries, cidx] = 0
            # assert np.array_equal(xbilatp, xbilatp_old)

            # xbilat_total_old = xbilat_total.copy()
            # for i in range(nCountries * nSectors):
            #     for n in range(nCountries):
            #         xbilat_total_old[nActualYear * nCountries * nSectors + i, n] = xbilatp[i, n]
            n = nCountries * nSectors
            xbilat_total[nActualYear*n:(nActualYear+1)*n] = xbilatp
            # assert np.array_equal(xbilat_total, xbilat_total_old)

            # mGrossOutputTotal_old = mGrossOutputTotal.copy()
            # mAllPrice_old = mAllPrice.copy()
            # for j in range(nSectors):
            #     for n in range(nCountries):
            #         mGrossOutputTotal_old[nActualYear * nSectors + j, n] = mGrossOutput[j, n]
            #         mAllPrice_old[nActualYear * nSectors + j, n] = mPriceFactor[j, n]
            mGrossOutputTotal[nActualYear*nSectors:(nActualYear+1)*nSectors] = mGrossOutput
            mAllPrice[nActualYear*nSectors:(nActualYear+1)*nSectors] = mPriceFactor
            # assert np.array_equal(mGrossOutputTotal, mGrossOutputTotal_old)
            # assert np.array_equal(mAllPrice, mAllPrice_old)

#        Y_aux = mY
        Y_aux = np.ones([nYears, nSectorsLabor], dtype=float)
        for i in range(nYears - 1, 0, -1):
            Y_aux[i - 1, 0] =[(i - 1) * nSectorsLabor, :], (Y_aux[i, :] ** nBeta).T.reshape(nSectorsLabor, 1))
            for j in range(nSectors):
                Y_aux[i - 1, j + 1] =[i - 1, j] / PBr[i - 1]) ** (1 / nValIntertemp)),
                                   [(i - 1) * nSectorsLabor + j + 1, :], (Y_aux[i, :] ** nBeta).T))

        Y1_ant = mY
        Y1 = Y_aux
        Y_aux2 = sum(abs(Y1 - mY))
        vYmax = np.zeros([1, 1], dtype=float)
        vYmax[0, 0] = sum(Y_aux2.T)
        Ymax = vYmax[0, 0]

        nEndInteration = time.perf_counter()
        nElapsedTimeInteration = (nEndInteration - nBeginInteration)
        nTimeEndinteration = time.localtime()

        print("End ", sNameScenario, "int = ", nIteration, " between ", time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y - %H:%M:%S", nTimeBeginInteration),
              " and ", time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y - %H:%M:%S", nTimeEndinteration ), " Spent: %.2f segs " % nElapsedTimeInteration,
              " Ymax = ", Ymax )

        Y2 = mY - nAdjust * (mY - Y1)
        if isNormal:
            lDataToSave = ['Y1', 'w_aux', 'wbr_aux', 'Y1_ant', 'YmaxV']
            lDataToSave = ['Y1_C', 'w_aux_C', 'wbr_aux_C', 'Y1_ant_C', 'YmaxV_C']

        lData = [Y1, w_aux, wbr_aux, Y1_ant, vYmax]
        Support.write_data_csv(lDataToSave, lData, sDirectoryOutput)
        mY = Y2
        nIteration +=1

    return VABrasil, w_Brasil, P_Brasil, mY, mGrowthLabor, PBr, xbilat_total, mGrossOutputTotal, mAllPrice, mMigration,\
           sDirectoryInputScenario, mTau, mAlphas
Esempio n. 13
 def eval_bond_vdw(self, occm_trial):
     nneocc_trial = SupportFunctions.occneigh(self.args.n, self.args.m, occm_trial, self.icind)
     ictot_trial = SupportFunctions.totnoneigh2(self.args.n, self.args.m, nneocc_trial, True)
     evdW_trial = -self.args.beta * ictot_trial
     return evdW_trial, ictot_trial, nneocc_trial
Esempio n. 14
    column_names = gen_data.columns
    gen_data = gen_data.astype(str)
    insert_data = gen_data.values.tolist()
    del gen_data

    # Clear existing results in table for given circuit

    # Insert new results
    sql = 'INSERT INTO ' + table_name + ' (' + ', '.join(column_names) + ') VALUES ('
    for col_number in range(1, len(column_names) + 1):
        if col_number != 1:
            sql += ', '
        sql += ':' + str(col_number)
    sql += ')'

    cur.executemany(None, insert_data)
    return None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import SupportFunctions as Support
    cmate_con, cmate_cur = Support.oracle_conn('CMATE')
    create_generator(cmate_con, cmate_cur)