def segment(self, exp):
        setattr(exp, "strokes", [])
        setattr(exp, "segSymbols", [])
        for s in exp.symbols:
            for stroke in s.strokes:

        strokeNo = 0

        for stroke in exp.strokes:
            s = Symbol('?')
            s.addStroke(stroke, strokeNo)
            s.featureVector = getFeatureVector(s.strokes)
            #s.featureVector = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
            strokeNo += 1
def readExpression(filename):
    tree = ET.parse(filename)
    root = tree.getroot()
    strokes = {}

    # Collect all of the traces (strokes)
    for trace in root.iter():
        if(trace.tag == "{}trace"):
            traceid = trace.attrib['id']
            tracetext = trace.text.strip().split(',')
            tracecoords = []
            for t in tracetext:
                coords = t.strip().split(' ')
                tracecoords.append( (coords[0],coords[1]) )
            # Save the stroke
            strokes[traceid] = tracecoords

    # Go through each traceGroup and put together symbol objects.

    tgroot = root.find("{}traceGroup")
    rawfilename = filename.split('.')[0]
    newexpression = Expression(rawfilename)

    first = True
    for tg in tgroot.iter():
        if(tg.tag == "{}traceGroup"):
            truth = tg.find("{}annotation").text
                # traceGroup for entire segmentation
                first = False

            newsymbol = Symbol(truth)

            for elem in tg.iter():
                if(elem.tag == "{}traceView"):
                    tvindex = elem.attrib['traceDataRef']
                    newsymbol.addStroke(strokes[tvindex], tvindex)
    return newexpression