def __init__(self, master): ''' Initializes the variables for the game and tkinter window. Pre: The Tkinter master is supplied. Post: Game and window initialized. ''' self.turn = "O" ## Adding menu bar self.themenu = Menu(master) self.file_label_menu = Menu(self.themenu, tearoff=0) # Submenu self.file_new_submenu = Menu(self.file_label_menu) self.file_new_submenu.add_command(label="Human vs. Human",command = self.new_human) # Difficulty submenus self.new_submenu_ai_first_submenu = Menu(self.file_new_submenu) self.new_submenu_ai_first_submenu.add_command(label="Easy",command = self.new_ai_first_easy) self.new_submenu_ai_first_submenu.add_command(label="Medium",command = self.new_ai_first_medium) self.new_submenu_ai_first_submenu.add_command(label="Hard",command = self.new_ai_first_hard) self.file_new_submenu.add_cascade(label="Computer vs. Human",menu=self.new_submenu_ai_first_submenu) self.new_submenu_ai_submenu = Menu(self.file_new_submenu) self.new_submenu_ai_submenu.add_command(label="Easy",command=self.new_ai_easy) self.new_submenu_ai_submenu.add_command(label="Medium",command=self.new_ai_medium) self.new_submenu_ai_submenu.add_command(label="Hard",command=self.new_ai_hard) self.file_new_submenu.add_cascade(label="Human vs Computer",menu=self.new_submenu_ai_submenu) self.file_label_menu.add_cascade(label="New Game",menu=self.file_new_submenu) self.file_label_menu.add_separator() self.file_label_menu.add_command(label="Exit",command=master.quit) self.themenu.add_cascade(label="File",menu=self.file_label_menu) master.config(menu=self.themenu) # Frames used in window. buttonframe = Frame(master) buttonframe.pack() frame = Frame(master) frame.pack(side=TOP,fill=BOTH,expand=True) # Label in button frame self.label_message = StringVar() Label(buttonframe,textvariable=self.label_message,font=("serif",16)).pack() # Canvas for drawing self.width = 400 self.height = 400 self.x_offset = 0 self.y_offset = 0 self.canvas = Canvas(frame,width=self.width,height=self.height,relief=SUNKEN) self.canvas.grid() self.canvas.pack(side=TOP,fill=BOTH,expand=True) # Setting event responses self.canvas.bind("<Configure>",self.draw_board) self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>",self.WhichSquare) # Initializes Game. self.g = self.label_message.set(self.g.message) # AI is false self.use_ai = False
def main(): board_numbers() g = # Asking for AI game difficulity difficulty_message = "Enter game difficulity (0 for easy, 1 for medium, 2 for hard): " difficulty = int(raw_input(difficulty_message)) a = TTT_AI.AI(difficulty) # Asking who goes first order_message = "AI first [y/n]: " order = raw_input(order_message) if order == "y": ai_move = a.next_move(g.board, g.turn) if g.TakeTurn(ai_move) == False: error_message = "AI gave bad coordinate: " + str(ai_move) print (error_message) exit() elif order != "n": error_message = "Input needs to be 'y' or 'n'" print (error_message) exit() # Game main loop while g.gameover == False: # Beginning Output print (g.message) print_board(g.board) # Finding the move coor = int(raw_input("Please Enter Move: ")) # Running through game move if coor < 9 and coor >= 0: if g.TakeTurn(coor): g.CheckEnd() if g.gameover == False: # Continue AI move if game is not over ai_move = a.next_move(g.board, g.turn) if g.TakeTurn(ai_move): # Check move g.CheckEnd() # Checking if AI made winning move or tie. else: error_message = "AI gave bad coordinate: " + str(ai_move) print (error_message) exit() # End Message and goodbye print ("\n" + g.message) print_board(g.board) print ("Goodbye")