Esempio n. 1
def SplittingRecursive(image, left, right, top, bottom, depth=0):
    cx, cy, n = Task2.FindCentroid(image, left, right, top, bottom)

    if depth < 3:
        SplittingRecursive(image, left, cx, top, cy, depth + 1)  # Top Left
        SplittingRecursive(image, cx, right, top, cy, depth + 1)  # Bottom Left
        SplittingRecursive(image, left, cx, cy, bottom, depth + 1)  # Top Right
        SplittingRecursive(image, cx, right, cy, bottom,
                           depth + 1)  # Bottom Right
        rectangles.append([(left, top), (right, bottom)])
        ratios.append(Task5.AspectRatio(left, right, top, bottom))

        # Task 6
        size = (bottom - top) * (right - left)
        blacks = Task6.blackPixels(image, left, right, top, bottom)

            normalized.append(size / blacks)

        cx, cy, n = Task2.FindCentroid(image[top:bottom, left:right], 0,
                                       right - left, 0, bottom - top)
        centroids.append((cx, cy))

        # Task 7
        angle = math.degrees(
                (bottom - top - cy) / (math.sqrt((right - left - cx)**2 +
                                                 (bottom - top - cy)**2))))
Esempio n. 2
def SplittingRecursive(image, left, right, top, bottom, depth=0):
	cx, cy = Task2.FindCentroid(image, left, right, top, bottom)
	# print("(", top, "\t", left, ")\t(", bottom, "\t", right, ")\t", cx, "\t", cy, "\tDepth: ", depth)

	if depth < 3:
		SplittingRecursive(image, left, cy, top, cx, depth + 1)		# Top Left
		SplittingRecursive(image, cy, right, top, cx, depth + 1)	# Bottom Left
		SplittingRecursive(image, left, cy, cx, bottom, depth + 1)	# Top Right
		SplittingRecursive(image, cy, right, cx, bottom, depth + 1)	# Bottom Right
		t = Task4.B2W_Transitions(image, left, right, top, bottom)
		r = Task5.AspectRatio(left, right, top, bottom)

		filePath = "../Text/"
		# If Path Does not exists; Create it
		if not os.path.exists(filePath):
			os.makedirs(filePath + "Transitions/")
			os.makedirs(filePath + "Ratios/")
			os.makedirs(filePath + "Centroids/")

		TransitionsFile = open(filePath + "Transitions/" + "signature.txt", "a")
		TransitionsFile.write(str(t) + "\n")

		RatiosFile = open(filePath + "Ratios/" + "signature.txt", "a")
		RatiosFile.write(str(r) + "\n")

		CentroidsFile = open(filePath + "Centroids/" + "signature.txt", "a")
		CentroidsFile.write(str(cx) + "," + str(cy) + "\n")

	return cv2.rectangle(bin_image, (top, left), (bottom, right), (0,255,0), 1)
Esempio n. 3
bin_image = Task0.Binarization(image, filename)

filename = filename.split('/')[-1]
# Task 1
height, width = bin_image.shape
filename = path + "box_" + filename
top, bottom, left, right = Task1.BoundingBox(bin_image, height, width)
bounding_box_image = cv2.rectangle(bin_image, (top, left), (bottom, right), (0,255,0), 3)

cv2.imwrite(filename, bounding_box_image)
B = (left, right, top, bottom)

filename = filename.split('/')[-1]
# Task 2
filename = path + "cen_" + filename
cx, cy = Task2.FindCentroid(bin_image, 0, bin_image.shape[1], 0, bin_image.shape[0])
centroid_image =, (cy, cx), 10, 200, -1)

cv2.imwrite(filename, centroid_image)
C = (cx, cy)

filename = filename.split('/')[-1]
# Task 3
filename = path + "seg_" + filename
top_left, bottom_left, top_right, bottom_right, segmented_image = Task3.DivideBoundingBox(centroid_image, top, bottom, left, right, cx, cy)

cv2.imwrite(filename, segmented_image)
filename = filename.split('/')[-1]
image = SplittingRecursive(bin_image, left, right, top, bottom, 0)
cv2.imshow("image", image)
Esempio n. 4
# Task 0
filename = "bin_" + filename
bin_image = Task0.Binarization(image, filename)
# cv2.imshow("Binarization", bin_image)

# Task 1
width, height = bin_image.shape
filename = "box_" + filename
top, bottom, left, right, bounding_box_image = Task1.BoundingBox(width, height, bin_image, filename)
B = (left, right, top, bottom)
# cv2.imshow("Bounding Box", bounding_box_image)

# Task 2
filename = "cen_" + filename
centroid_image, cx, cy = Task2.FindCentroid(width, height, bin_image, bounding_box_image, filename)
C = (cx, cy)
# cv2.imshow("Centroid", centroid_image)

# Task 3
cx = int(cx)
cy = int(cy)
filename = "seg_" + filename
top_left, bottom_left, top_right, bottom_right, segmented_image = Task3.DivideBoundingBox(centroid_image, top, bottom, left, right, cx, cy, filename)

cv2.imshow("Top Left", top_left)
cv2.imshow("Bottom Left", bottom_left)
cv2.imshow("Top Right", top_right)
cv2.imshow("Bottom Right", bottom_right)

print("\nNumber of Black to White Transitions")