Esempio n. 1
 def getTabSeparatedRecord (self):
     # return tab separated record
     theLine = self.event_id + "\t" + self.reel_id + "\t" + self.eventType
     theLine = theLine + "\t" + self.cutType + "\t"
     theLine = theLine + self.source_in + "\t" + self.source_out + "\t"
     theLine = theLine + self.record_in + "\t" + self.record_out + "\t"
     theLine = theLine + self.slateNumber + "\t" + self.takeNumber + "\t"
     theLine = theLine + str(Timecode.timeCode2frameCount(self.record_out) - Timecode.timeCode2frameCount(self.record_in)) + newline
     return (theLine)
Esempio n. 2
 def addHeadsAndTails (self, handleLenght, sourceOrRecord):
     if sourceOrRecord == "source":
         self.source_in = Timecode.frameCount2timeCode (Timecode.timeCode2frameCount(self.source_in) - handleLenght)
         self.source_out = Timecode.frameCount2timeCode (Timecode.timeCode2frameCount(self.source_out) + handleLenght)
     elif sourceOrRecord == "record":
         self.record_in = Timecode.frameCount2timeCode (Timecode.timeCode2frameCount(self.record_in) - handleLenght)
         self.record_out = Timecode.frameCount2timeCode (Timecode.timeCode2frameCount(self.record_out) + handleLenght)
Esempio n. 3
 def shiftTimeCode (self, shiftAmount, sourceOrRecord):
     if sourceOrRecord == "source":
         self.source_in = Timecode.frameCount2timeCode (Timecode.timeCode2frameCount(self.source_in) + shiftAmount)
         self.source_out = Timecode.frameCount2timeCode (Timecode.timeCode2frameCount(self.source_out) + shiftAmount)
     elif sourceOrRecord == "record":
         self.record_in = Timecode.frameCount2timeCode (Timecode.timeCode2frameCount(self.record_in) + shiftAmount)
         self.record_out = Timecode.frameCount2timeCode (Timecode.timeCode2frameCount(self.record_out) + shiftAmount)
Esempio n. 4
	def getTimecodeSync(self, timecode, tcAttrName, attrs, fps, timecodeFps, timecodeMultiplier, offset=0):
		tcSyncTime = None
		if timecode is not None and tcAttrName in attrs and attrs[tcAttrName]:
			tcSyncTime = self.attr('timecode', atLocation=attrs[tcAttrName])
			if tcSyncTime is not None:
				tcSyncValue = Timecode.TCFtoInt(tcSyncTime, fps)
					diff = Timecode.TCSub(tcSyncTime, timecode, timecodeFps)
					offset += Timecode.TCFtoInt(diff, timecodeFps) * timecodeMultiplier
				except Exception as e:
					self.logger.error('Error calculating timecode difference: %s' % str(e))
					return tcSyncTime, -1
					# import traceback
					# traceback.print_exc()

		return tcSyncTime, offset
Esempio n. 5
    def _parse_stream(self):
        while True:
            strl = self._next_chunk()
            # search for next LIST/strl chunk
            if strl.fcc == b"LIST" and strl.sub_fcc == b"strl":
            # skip LIST/odml chunks
            elif strl.fcc == b"LIST" and strl.sub_fcc == b"odml":
            # back up if anything else is found
                return False

        self._log.write("Stream definition #{0}".format(len(self._stream_data)))

        strh = self._require_chunk(b"strh")
        stream_header = self._read_struct_chunk(strh, StreamHeader)

        self._log.write("Stream header")

        bitmap_info = None
        strf = self._require_chunk(b"strf")
        if stream_header.fccType == b"vids":
            bitmap_info = self._read_struct_chunk(strf, BitmapInfoHeader)
            self._log.write("Bitmap info header")

        codec_data = None
        c = self._next_chunk()
        if c.fcc == b"strd":
            codec_data = self._read_chunk_content(c)
            self._log.write("Codec data: {0} bytes", len(codec_data))
            c = self._next_chunk()

        stream_name = None
        if c.fcc == b"strn":
            stream_name = _from_asciiz(self._read_chunk_content(c))
            self._log.write("Stream name: {0!r}", stream_name)

        if bitmap_info is not None:
            vs = InputVideoStream(self)

            vs.stream_num = len(self._stream_data)
            vs.width = bitmap_info.Width
            vs.height = bitmap_info.Height
            vs.frame_rate = Timecode.interpret_frame_rate(
                stream_header.Rate / float(stream_header.Scale))

            vs.codec = stream_header.fccHandler
            vs.codec_data = codec_data
            vs.suggested_buffer_size = stream_header.SuggestedBufferSize
            vs.bit_depth = bitmap_info.BitCount
            vs.compression = bitmap_info.Compression
            vs.size_image = bitmap_info.SizeImage


            stream_header, bitmap_info, codec_data, stream_name))

        return True
Esempio n. 6
 def microseconds_per_frame(self):
     return round(1e6 / Timecode.interpret_frame_rate(self.frame_rate))
Esempio n. 7
 def timecode_to_frame(self, timecode):
     return Timecode.parse_timecode(timecode, self.frame_rate)
Esempio n. 8
def parseRawEDL2 (edl):
    Another version of parsing a 'raw' EDL object. The edl must be sorted by event for
    this to work correctly.
    It store clipname and keyclip name data in the eventobjects
    last_event_index = -1
    from_clip = None
    to_clip = None
    key_clip = None
    l = len (edl.eventList)
    for i in range (l):
    #for event in edl.eventList:

        event = edl.eventList [i]
        if last_event_index != -1 and last_event_index < l:
            last_event = edl.eventList [last_event_index]
            last_event = AN_EDL_EVENT (None, None, None, None)
        if debug > 3:
            print "process event: %s - id in list: %s" % (event.getEventID(), edl.eventList[i].getEventID())
            print event.printAsString ()
        for comment in event.commentList:
            # Check if we have the clipname
            if re.match (r'\* FROM CLIP NAME', comment):
                # Get the clipname part
                from_clip = string.strip (string.split (comment, ':') [1])
            if re.match (r'\* TO CLIP NAME', comment):
                # Get the clipname part
                to_clip = string.strip (string.split (comment, ':') [1])
            # Check if we have the key clip name, with more info
            if re.match (r'\* KEY CLIP NAME', comment):
                # Get the name part seperated by a ':'
                key_clip = string.strip (string.split (comment, ':') [1])
        if event.cutType != "C":
            # Check for a black event - which doesn't need a clipname
            if not event.blackevent:
                # Set the to 'to clip' to use as clipname for this event
                if to_clip:
                    event.setClipName (to_clip)
                    event.setToClipName (to_clip)
                    print "Warning: event %s has no 'to clip' to use in comment list %s" % (event.event_id, event.commentList)

            if event.event_id == last_event.event_id:
                # Check for a black event - which doesn't need a clipname
                if not last_event.blackevent:
                    if from_clip:
                        # Set the 'from clip' to use as clipname for the last event
                        last_event.setClipName (from_clip)
                        # Compute correct source out for the last event based on effect duration
                        if debug > 3:
                            print "Source out original: %s" % last_event.getSourceOut ()
                        source_out = Timecode.timeCodeAddFrames (last_event.getSourceOut (), event.effectDuration, fps=edl.fps)
                        last_event.setSourceOut (source_out)
                        # Set the 'from clip' for the current event
                        event.setFromClipName (from_clip)
                        print "Warning: event %s has no 'from clip' to use in comment list %s" % (event.event_id, event.commentList)
            # We have a regular cut event
            if from_clip:
                # Set the 'from clip' to use as clipname
                event.setClipName (from_clip)
                print "Warning: event %s has no 'from clip' to use in comment list %s" % (event.event_id, event.commentList)
        # Set processed event to be last_event
        last_event_index += 1
Esempio n. 9
def parseEDL2object2 (edl_file, filename, shiftEventCount = 0, fillGaps = False, gvg = 0, edlobject = None):
    # Keep track of position in file before each readline
    last_line = 0
    stop = False
    new_event = None
    last_event = None
    # Keep track of lowest and highest record time codes
    lowestRecordTC = None
    highestRecordTC = None
    firstline  = TRUE
    firstevent = TRUE
    eventindex = 0
    #lastEvent  = 0
    last_event = AN_EDL_EVENT (None, None, None, None)

    lastRecOut = 0
    step = 0
    ne = ""
    le = ""

    #print "debug: %s" % debug
    lookfor = r'\d\d\d'
    if gvg == 1:
        lookfor = r'\d\d\d\d'
    # Create an empty edl
    if edlobject:
        edl = edlobject
        edl = AN_EDL (filename, "")
    # Read the header, title and whatever upto first event number
    while not stop:
        last_line = edl_file.tell ()
        l = edl_file.readline ().strip ()
        if l.startswith ("TITLE:"):
            junk, essence = l.split (":")
            edl.title = essence.strip ()
        elif l.startswith ("FCM:"):
            junk, essence = l.split (":")
            edl.fcm = essence.strip ()
        elif re.match (lookfor, l):
            # found event number - quit parsing header
            stop = True
            # Addition comments/text in header before first event
            edl.header.append (l.strip ())

    #return edl
    stop = False
    # Read the edl body
    while not stop:
        last_line = edl_file.tell ()
        l = edl_file.readline ()
        if l == '':
            l = l.strip()
        # First look for an event number
        if re.match (lookfor, l):

            # We found an event - process this event line
            # Split the line into separate elements
            ls = l.split ()
            ne = AN_EDL_EVENT (ls[0], ls[1], ls[2], ls[3])
            le = ""
            # Check for blackevents
            if ls[1] == "BL":
                ne.blackevent = True
                ne.blackevent = False
            if ls[3] == "D":
                if debug > 2:
                    print "Found dissolve"
                ne.duration = ls[4]
                ne.isEffectElement = True
                ne.effectDuration = int(ls[4])
                indexShift = 1
            elif ls[3].startswith ("W"):
                if debug > 2:
                    print "Found wipe"
                ne.duration = ls[4]
                ne.isEffectElement = True
                ne.effectDuration = int(ls[4])
                indexShift = 1
            elif ls[3] == "K":
                indexShift = 1
                indexShift = 0
            ne.source_in  = ls[4 + indexShift]	# Source timecode inpoint
            ne.source_out = ls[5 + indexShift]	# Source timecode outpoint
            ne.record_in  = ls[6 + indexShift]	# Record timecode inpoint
            ne.record_out = ls[7 + indexShift]	# Record timecode outpoint
            if debug > 3:
                print "Source In: %s Out: %s   Record In: %s Out:%s" % (ne.source_in, ne.source_out, ne.record_in, ne.record_out)
            edl.eventList.append (ne)
            # Compare Last record out and new record out
            # For a regular cut the should be equal
            # If the Last out point is before the current one we have a gap
            # If the Last out is later - we have overlap and will need to trim
            if debug > 3:
                print "Check last and new record out...",ls[6 + indexShift], lastRecOut
            if firstevent == FALSE:
                # compare last record out to record in for gaps
                if Timecode.timeCodeCompare (ls[6 + indexShift], lastRecOut) != 0:
                    # Insert additional in/out for black event
                    # Take last record out for new rec. in and current
                    # record in for new rec. out.
                    # and don't forget to riple the event count
                    if debug > 3:
                        print "Found time gap in record timecode"
            lastRecOut = ls[7 + indexShift]
            if firstevent:
                firstevent = FALSE
            # Point last event to the just created and filled event object
            last_event = ne
            # By using the event object itself, the event index becomes obsolete
            eventindex = eventindex + 1
            ne = ""

        # Look for a motion effect line
        elif re.match (r'\M2 ', l):
            # True if we found a comment
            if debug > 2:
                print "Found Motion effect"
            last_event.hasSpeedChange = True
            last_event.newFPS = float (l.split ()[2])
        # Look for a comment line
        elif re.match (r'\* ', l):
            # True if we found a comment
            if debug > 2:
                print "Eventindex: %s" % eventindex
            ei = eventindex - 1
            edl.eventList [ei].addCommentLine (l)

        elif re.match (r'>>> SOURCE', l):
            sourcereel = A_EDL_SOURCE_ID (ls)
            edl.sourceReelList.append (sourcereel)
            if debug > 3:
                print "Found source reel line", sourcereel.reel_1, sourcereel.reel_2, sourcereel.reelCode
                if (le ==""):
                    le = eventindex - 1
                edl.eventList [le].commentList.append (l)

    return (edl)
Esempio n. 10
    def initialise(self, interface, attrs):
        directory = self.resolvePath(attrs['directory'])
        if not directory: return False

        prefix = attrs['prefix']
        prefixFilename = self.resolvePath(attrs['prefixFilename'])
        if prefix and not prefixFilename: return

        calibration = attrs['calibration']
        calibrationFilename = self.resolvePath(attrs['calibrationFilename'])
        calibrationLocation = self.resolvePath(attrs['calibrationLocation'])
        if calibration and (not calibrationFilename
                            and not calibrationLocation):
            return False

        movieFilenames = []
            for file in os.listdir(directory):
                if prefixFilename and not file.startswith(prefixFilename):
                if file.endswith('.avi') or file.endswith(
                        '.mov') or file.endswith('mp4'):
                    movieFilenames.append(os.path.join(directory, file))
        except WindowsError as e:
            self.logger.error('Could not find videos: % s' % str(e))

        if not movieFilenames:
            # TODO: Here we'll have to clear the cameras etc.
            return False

        # Windows will produce a wonky order, i.e. 1, 10, 11, .., 2, 3, ..
        # Use natural sorting to rectify

        self.camera_ids = []
        self.camera_names = []
        self.movies = []
        self.mats = []
        vheights = []
        vwidths = []
        timecodes = []
        hasTimecode = False
        useTimecode = attrs['useTimecode'] if 'useTimecode' in attrs else True

        offset = attrs['offset']
        if 'offsets' in attrs and attrs['offsets']:
            offsets = eval(attrs['offsets'])
            offsets = [offset] * len(movieFilenames)

        for ci, mf in enumerate(movieFilenames):
  'Loading MovieReader: %s' % mf)
            movieData = MovieReader.open_file(mf,

            if movieData['vbuffer'] is not None:

                if 'timecode' in movieData and movieData['timecode']:
                    hasTimecode = True

        # Make sure we have all the cameras before continuing
        if len(self.movies) != len(movieFilenames):
            self.logger.error('Could not load all movies in sequence')

        # Make sure we have as many time codes as movies (if we have any)
        if hasTimecode and len(self.movies) != len(timecodes):
            self.logger.error('Not all movie files have a time code')

        # See if we can get the offsets using the time codes
        if hasTimecode and useTimecode:
            print 'Video timecodes:', timecodes
            fps_all = [round(m['fps']) for m in self.movies]
            print 'FPS:', fps_all
            timecodeValues = [
                Timecode.TCFtoInt(tc, fps)
                for tc, fps in zip(timecodes, fps_all)
            tcOrderDesc = [
                timecodes.index(tc) for tc in sorted(timecodes, reverse=True)

            # Set the first offset to 0
            firstTcIndex = tcOrderDesc[0]
            self.timecodeOffsets[firstTcIndex] = 0
            largestTc = timecodes[firstTcIndex]
            offsetStartIndex = 1

            # We can also get the timecode destination from an incoming location, e.g. 2D detections
            if 'timecodeLocation' in attrs and attrs['timecodeLocation']:
                tcSyncTime = interface.attr(
                    'timecode', atLocation=attrs['timecodeLocation'])
                if tcSyncTime is not None:
                    tcSyncValue = Timecode.TCFtoInt(tcSyncTime, fps_all[0])
                    if tcSyncValue < timecodeValues[firstTcIndex]:
                            'Sync timecode %s is smaller than video timecodes (%s).'
                            % (tcSyncTime, largestTc))

                    largestTc = tcSyncTime
                    offsetStartIndex = 0

            self.timecode = largestTc
  'Setting timecode to: %s' % (largestTc))

            # Calculate the offset for each camera to get it up to speed with the target timecode
            # TODO: Replace hard coded timecode fps and multiplier
            timecodeFps, timecodeMultiplier = 25., 2.
            for tcInd in tcOrderDesc[offsetStartIndex:]:
                diff = Timecode.TCSub(largestTc, timecodes[tcInd], timecodeFps)
                self.timecodeOffsets[tcInd] = Timecode.TCFtoInt(
                    diff, timecodeFps) * timecodeMultiplier

        if self.timecodeOffsets:
            print 'Video timecode offsets:', self.timecodeOffsets

        self.camera_ids = [
            'Camera %d' % ci for ci in xrange(len(movieFilenames))
        self.movies = self.movies

        if not calibrationLocation: calibrationLocation = interface.root()
        if calibrationFilename or interface.hasAttr(
                'mats', atLocation=calibrationLocation):
            if calibrationFilename:
                # TODO: Detect filetype, e.g. .cal and .xcp and handle accordingly
                    self.mats, rawCalData = OptitrackReader.load_CAL(
                    if not self.mats: return False
                except IOError as e:
                    self.logger.error('Could not load calibration file: %s' %
                    return False
                self.mats = interface.attr('mats',
                if not self.mats:
                    self.logger.error('Could not find calibration mats: %s' %
                    return False

            from GCore import Calibrate
            for ci, (cid, md) in enumerate(zip(self.camera_ids, self.movies)):
                if md is not None:
                            ci, (md['vheight'], md['vwidth'])))

        for md in self.movies:

        Ps = interface.getPsFromMats(self.mats)
        self.attrs = {
            'vheight': vheights,
            'vwidth': vwidths,
            'camera_ids': self.camera_ids,
            'Ps': Ps,
            'mats': self.mats,
            'colour': eval(attrs['colour'])

        if self.camera_names:
            self.attrs['camera_names'] = self.camera_names

        self.initialised = True
        return True