Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, audiofile, strings=None, filename=None):
        self.filename = filename
        self.audiofile = audiofile
        self.touched = True

        if not strings: strings = [-5, -10, -14, -19, -24, -29]

        self.appsinkpipeline = Pipeline.AppSinkPipeline(self.audiofile)
        self.pipeline = Pipeline.Pipeline(self.audiofile)
        self.timeline = Timeline.Timeline(self, strings)
        self.control = VisualizerControl(self.pipeline)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, anim_):
        self.anim = anim_
        # This is the time line object that if at to bottom of
        # the screen.
        self.timeline = Timeline(self.anim)
        # The list of all the user's objects
        self.animlist = []

        # This stores the Z order list of items at a given time.
        # The key is the time (number) and the value is
        # a list of items id in the order they appear on screen.
        self.zorder = {}

        # Create our rootitem. We put each canvas item in it so at the end we
        # only have to kill it. The canvas deletes all the items it contains
        # automaticaly.
        self.rootitem = goocanvas.Group(

        self.pickle_protocol = 2
        self.format_string = {'gcompris': 'GCompris anim 3 cPikle file'}