def handleGeoUnitChange(self, geo_unit): self.geo_unit = geo_unit if TrLib.IsGeographic(str(self.cb_bshlm_system.currentText())): for field in self.input_bshlm: WidgetUtils.translateAngularField(field, geo_unit, precision=4) for field in self.output_bshlm_geo: WidgetUtils.translateAngularField(field, geo_unit, precision=4)
def doBesselHelmert(self): # Check if we need to update data.... is_custom = self.chb_bshlm_custom_ellipsoid.isChecked() self.cache.is_valid = False self.logBshlm("", clear=True) if is_custom or str(self.cb_bshlm_system.currentText()) != self.onBshlmSystemChanged(False) if not self.cache.valid_label: self.logBshlm("Invalid input label...", "red") self.clearOutput() return is_mode1 = self.rdobt_bshlm_mode1.isChecked() # Get needed input mlb = geo_mlb = self.cache.geo_mlb is_geo_in = is_custom or TrLib.IsGeographic(mlb) if is_mode1: coords, msg = WidgetUtils.getInput( self.input_bshlm, is_geo_in, z_fields=[], angular_unit=self.geo_unit) if len(coords) != 4: self.logBshlm("Input coordinate %d not OK.\n%s" % (len(coords) + 1, msg), "red") self.input_bshlm[len(coords)].setFocus() self.clearOutput() return x1, y1, x2, y2 = coords else: coords, msg = WidgetUtils.getInput( self.input_bshlm[0:2], is_geo_in, z_fields=[], angular_unit=self.geo_unit) if len(coords) != 2: self.logBshlm("Station1 coordinates not OK.\n%s" % msg, "red") self.input_bshlm[len(coords)].setFocus() self.clearOutput() return input_data, msg = WidgetUtils.getInput(self.input_bshlm_azimuth, True, z_fields=[ 0], angular_unit=self.geo_unit_derived) if len(input_data) != 2: self.logBshlm( "Input distance and azimuth not OK.\n%s" % msg, "red") self.input_bshlm_azimuth[len(input_data)].setFocus() self.clearOutput() return x1, y1 = coords dist, a1 = input_data a = self.cache.axis f = self.cache.flattening #end get needed input# #transform to geo coords if needed# if not is_custom: try: ct = TrLib.CoordinateTransformation(mlb, geo_mlb) except: self.logBshlm("Input label not OK!", "red") self.clearOutput() return try: x1, y1, z = ct.Transform(x1, y1) except: msg = "" err = TrLib.GetLastError() if err in ERRORS: msg = "\n%s" % ERRORS[err] self.logBshlm( "Error in transformation of coords for station1" + msg, "red") self.clearOutput() return # display output of first transformation, x1,y1 should now alwyas be in # geo-coords# WidgetUtils.setOutput([x1, y1], self.output_bshlm_geo[ :2], True, z_fields=[], angular_unit=self.geo_unit) # Now get the other output from bshlm and transformations.... if is_mode1: if not is_custom: try: # transform to geographic x2, y2, z = ct.Transform(x2, y2) except: msg = "" err = TrLib.GetLastError() if err in ERRORS: msg = "\n%s" % ERRORS[err] self.logBshlm( "Error in transformation of coords for station2" + msg, "red") self.clearOutput() return data = TrLib.BesselHelmert(a, f, x1, y1, x2, y2) if data[0] is not None: a1, a2 = data[1:] # WidgetUtils.setOutput(data,self.output_bshlm_azimuth,True,z_fields=[0],angular_unit=self.geo_unit_derived) self.output_bshlm_azimuth[0].setText("%.3f m" % data[0]) self.output_bshlm_azimuth[1].setText(translateFromDegrees( data[1], self.geo_unit_derived, precision=1)) self.output_bshlm_azimuth[2].setText(translateFromDegrees( data[2], self.geo_unit_derived, precision=1)) else: self.message("Error: could not calculate azimuth!") self.clearOutput() return else: data = TrLib.InverseBesselHelmert(a, f, x1, y1, a1, dist) if data[0] is not None: x2, y2, a2 = data if not is_custom: try: x2_out, y2_out, z2 = ct.InverseTransform(x2, y2) except: msg = "" err = TrLib.GetLastError() if err in ERRORS: msg = "\n%s" % ERRORS[err] self.logBshlm( "Error in transformation of coords for station2" + msg, "red") self.clearOutput() return else: x2_out = x2 y2_out = y2 # display result... WidgetUtils.setOutput([x2_out, y2_out], self.input_bshlm[ 2:], is_geo_in, z_fields=[], angular_unit=self.geo_unit) self.txt_bshlm_azimuth2.setText(translateFromDegrees( a2, self.geo_unit_derived, precision=1)) else: self.message( "Error: could not do inverse Bessel Helmert calculation") self.clearOutput() return # always display ouput in geo field - even if not transformed self.cache.a1 = a1 self.cache.a2 = a2 WidgetUtils.setOutput([x2, y2], self.output_bshlm_geo[2:], True, z_fields=[], angular_unit=self.geo_unit) self.cache.is_valid = True self.cache.mode = int(not is_mode1)