Esempio n. 1
# The data shows a normal distribution, so we're going to use a
# logistic mapping function.

# This time, load the entire dataset into memory.
word_vecs = h5f['word_vecs'][:]

# Calculate the mean using a sample of the vectors.
center = np.mean(word_vecs[0:sample_size].flatten())

# Verify that the mean is roughly zero.
assert(abs(center - 0.0) < 0.01)

# Learn the parameters for the logistic mapping function.
# The mapping function will saturate at 8 standard deviations, and will convert
# the values to 8-bit integers.
tf = Transforms.Transforms(np.uint8)

standard_deviations = 8
tf.learn_logistic(word_vecs, num_std=standard_deviations)

# Apply logistic mapping to the dataset vectors.
word_vecs_int = tf.apply_logistic(word_vecs)

# Load the query vectors into memory and map the values.
query_vecs = h5f['query_vecs'][:]

# Apply logistic mapping to the query vectors.
query_vecs_int = tf.apply_logistic(query_vecs)

# Take a small subset of the dataset and plot a histogram of the values.
Esempio n. 2
if my_args.output != None:
    plotpath = my_args.output + "/"

# DATA_PATH = "./data/pythia/"
# filename = "reco_simu_Zdd.csv"
# BCG_PATH = './data/'
# Filename_background = "reco_0.csv"

h = Hits.Hits(filename)
ev = Hits.Event(h)  #, 11)

# h.drawAllEvents()
# Combine events (background, or several events)
# ev.combineEvents([Hits.Event(h_background)])
# ev.combineEvents([Hits.Event(h, 12), Hits.Event(h, 11)])

ev.drawEvent3D(plotName=plotpath + "3D_Zdd.pdf")
# ev.drawEventXY()#plotName=plotpath+"3tracks_XY.pdf")
# ev.drawEventXZ()
# ev.drawEventYZ()
d =
tr = Transforms.Transforms(ev)

H, xedges, yedges = tr.HoughTransform_phi(numpoints=200,
                                          plotName=plotpath +
tr.plotConformalTransform(plotpath + "CT_Zdd.pdf")