def raster_pixel_to_polygon(src_tif_path, dst_shp_path, all_bands_as_feature=False, crs=None, return_gdf=False): """ crs should be dict type 'epsg:<epsg_code>', e.g. 'epsg:4326' """ rows, cols, bands, geo_transform, projection, dtype_gdal, no_data_value, metadata = tgp.get_raster_info( src_tif_path) X = tgp.get_raster_data(src_tif_path) idxs = np.where(np.ones_like(X[:, :, 0], dtype=bool)) rows = [] for row_idx, col_idx in zip(*idxs): row = {} npidx = (row_idx, col_idx) row['geometry'] = Polygon( tgp.npidxs_to_coord_polygons([npidx], geo_transform)[0]) if all_bands_as_feature: for i in range(X.shape[2]): row['band' + str(i + 1)] = X[row_idx, col_idx, i] rows.append(row) df_shp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(rows, geometry='geometry') if crs: = crs if return_gdf: return df_shp else: df_shp.to_file(dst_shp_path)
def tif_composition(ref_tif_path, src_tif_paths, dst_tif_path, dst_tif_dtype_gdal=None): """ ref_tif_path: should be used to create the canvas with final coordinate system, geo_transform and projection, src_tif_paths: should be in list type with elements with full path of tif images. dst_tif_path: output file path """ # get geo info rows, cols, bands, geo_transform, projection, dtype_gdal, no_data_value, metadata = tgp.get_raster_info( ref_tif_path) if dst_tif_dtype_gdal: dtype_gdal = dst_tif_dtype_gdal # cal bands count bands_for_each_tif = [ tgp.get_raster_info(tif_path)[2] for tif_path in src_tif_paths ] bands = sum(bands_for_each_tif) # bands compositions: create new tif dst_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(dst_tif_path, cols, rows, bands, dtype_gdal) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(geo_transform) dst_ds.SetProjection(projection) # bands compositions: write bands band_num = 1 for tif_path, bands_for_the_tif in zip(src_tif_paths, bands_for_each_tif): nparr = tgp.get_raster_data(tif_path) for band_num_for_the_tif in range(bands_for_the_tif): band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(band_num) band.WriteArray(nparr[:, :, band_num_for_the_tif], 0, 0) band.FlushCache() if no_data_value: band.SetNoDataValue(no_data_value) band_num += 1 dst_ds = None