def test_GetUserTimeline(self): # モックのインタフェースを作成 apiMock = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.API) # モックの戻り値クラスを作成 statusMock = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.models.Status) statusMock.text=u'test status' # Twitterクラスを作成 twitter = Twitter() # 対象クラスにMockインタフェースの設定 twitter.api = apiMock # 動作記録をリセット self.mocker.ResetAll() # 動作の記録 apiMock.user_timeline(id=u'test').AndReturn([statusMock]) # 動作検証の開始 self.mocker.ReplayAll() lst = twitter.getUserTL(u'test') # 実動作の確認(正しくないとエラーが出るよ) self.mocker.VerifyAll() # 戻り値が1件であること assert_equal(1, len(lst)) # 正しいデータが取得できること assert_equal(100, lst[0][0]) assert_equal(u'test status', lst[0][1])
def __init__(self, rootpath, folderpath, start, end, originhashtag): """Initialize the parameters. Parameters ---------- rootpath : str the root path of the data folderpath : str the folder path of the data start : str the start date of the query format: 'yyyy-mm-dd' end : str the end date of the query format: 'yyyy-mm-dd' originhashtag : str the original query hashtag Returns ------- None """ self.rootpath = rootpath self.folderpath = folderpath self.start = start self.end = end self.filename = "tweets.pkl" self.originhashtag = originhashtag self.helper = Utility.Helper(rootpath) self.addressTweet = Twitter.AddressTweet(rootpath) self.getTwitter = Twitter.GetTwitterData(rootpath)
def picture_to_twitter(bh_tweet): print("Taking your picture smile!!") time.sleep(0.2) with picamera.PiCamera() as camera: camera.resolution = (1024, 768) camera.start_preview() # Camera warm-up time time.sleep(1) camera.capture("foo.jpg") Twitter.tweet_with_photo("/home/pi/Desktop/MT-MuseumBoerhaave/foo.jpg", bh_tweet)
def test_TweetEnableDisable(self): # Twitter制御クラスの作成 twitter = Twitter() assert_true(twitter.isEnable) twitter.setDisable() assert_false(twitter.isEnable) twitter.setEnable() assert_true(twitter.isEnable)
def test_GetMentions(self): # モックのインタフェースを作成 apiMock = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.API) # モックの戻り値クラスを作成1 userMock1 = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.models.User) userMock1.screen_name = u'testuser1' statusMock1 = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.models.Status) statusMock1.text=u'test1 status' statusMock1.user=userMock1 # モックの戻り値クラスを作成2 userMock2 = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.models.User) userMock2.screen_name = u'testuser2' statusMock2 = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.models.Status) statusMock2.text=u'test2 status' statusMock2.user=userMock2 # Twitterクラスを作成 twitter = Twitter() # 対象クラスにMockインタフェースの設定 twitter.api = apiMock # 動作記録をリセット self.mocker.ResetAll() # 動作の記録 apiMock.mentions().AndReturn([statusMock1, statusMock2]) # 動作検証の開始 self.mocker.ReplayAll() lst = twitter.getMentions() # 実動作の確認(正しくないとエラーが出るよ) self.mocker.VerifyAll() # 戻り値が2件であること assert_equal(2, len(lst)) # 正しいデータが取得できること assert_equal(100, lst[0][0]) assert_equal(u'testuser1', lst[0][1]) assert_equal(u'test1 status', lst[0][2]) assert_equal(200, lst[1][0]) assert_equal(u'testuser2', lst[1][1]) assert_equal(u'test2 status', lst[1][2])
def is_bot_spammer_observer(tweets, user_name, debug=0): if len(tweets) > 2: is_spam = is_SPAM(tweets, debug=debug) else: is_spam = 0 user = Twitter.get_user_data(user_name) if debug == 1: print('User name:', user_name) if (user.followers_count / 4 < user.friends_count and user.statuses_count < 4 ) or (user.followers_count / 4 < user.friends_count and is_spam == 1): print( 'Attention!\nThis user could be a bot or an observer troll, have', len(tweets), 'tweets,', user.followers_count, 'followers, and follows', user.friends_count, 'users.') return 0 elif is_spam: print( 'Attention!\nThis user could be a spammer troll, always publishes the same.' ) return 0 else: print('This user sames a normal user.') return 1
def data_loading(request, content_type, htmlname): params = content_type_dict[content_type].copy() repo = params["repo"] query = params["query"].format(htmlname) params.update({"htmlname": htmlname}) if not Github.has_already_created(repo, htmlname): tweet_list = [] myTwitterAction = Twitter.MyTwitterAction() if content_type == "legends": tweet_list = myTwitterAction.search_tweet_list_universal(query, amount=50) elif content_type == "overseas": tweet_list = myTwitterAction.search_tweet_list(query, amount=50) try: tweet_list = translate_tweet_list(tweet_list) except: pass else: tweet_list = myTwitterAction.search_tweet_list(query, amount=50) git_json = {} git_json.update({"tweet_list": tweet_list}) text = json.dumps(git_json, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) Github.upload(repo, htmlname, text) return render(request, f"ranking/ranking.html", params)
def index(): error = None url = "" #steam = st.plotSteam() steam = "" try: text = request.args.get("topic") tw.twitter_wordcloud(text) img = "assets/img/"+text+".png" return render_template("index.html", googleTrend = url, steamTrend = steam, img_source = img) except Exception as e: #flash(e) #url = s.plotInterest("Star wars") return render_template("index.html", googleTrend = url, steamTrend = steam)
def __call__ (self): page = Page.Page_Menu() page.banner += Top_Banner() main_box = CTK.Box ({'id': 'index-main'}) main_box += Highlights() page += main_box side_box = CTK.Box ({'id': 'index-sidebox'}) side_box += Sidebox() page += side_box page += CTK.Box({'class': 'clr'}) bar3 = CTK.Box ({'class': 'bar3'}) bar3 += Twitter.Latest_Tweets() page += bar3 bar3 = CTK.Box ({'class': 'bar3'}) bar3 += Commits.Latest_GIT_Commits() page += bar3 bar3 = CTK.Box ({'class': 'bar3'}) bar3 += MailingList.Latest_Mailing_List() page += bar3 page += CTK.Box({'class': 'clr'}) return CTK.HTTP_Cacheable (10, body=page.Render())
def extract(self, user, consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret, test): self.logger.init_tweet_log(user) self.logger.log_system("Connecting to Twitter...") twitter = Twitter(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret, test) twitter.auth() self.logger.log_system("Connected. Extracting user timeline...") timeline = twitter.timeline(user) count = 0 for tweet in timeline: if "text" in tweet: count = count + 1 self.logger.log_system("Tweet logged: #:%d | ID:%s" % (count, tweet["id"])) # print json.dumps(tweet, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf8') self.logger.log_tweet(tweet) if count >= 3180 and test: self.logger.log_system( "Approaching 3200 tweet limit for open API; closing connection" ) twitter.close() break elif "message" in tweet: self.logger.log_system("Message %s" % tweet[message]) break self.logger.close_tweet_log() return self.logger.get_output_file()
def connect_to_twitter(): print('Establish connection with Twitter API...') try: api = Twitter.get_api() except Exception: print('Connection failed') shutdown_server() print('Connection Established') return api
def main(): rootpath = '/local/data/haoxu/Rudetect' folderpath = 'Gabapentin_0628_0121' start = '2017-06-28' end = '2018-01-21' originhashtag = '#gabapentin' gettweets = Twitter.GetTweets(rootpath, folderpath, start, end, originhashtag) gettweets.start_getTweets()
def test_Refollow(self): # モックのインタフェースを作成 apiMock = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.API) # ユーザーのモックを作成 userMock = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.models.User) = 10 userLockMock = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.models.User) =400 userLockMock.protected = True userUnlockMock = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.models.User) = 500 userUnlockMock.protected = False # Twitterクラスを作成 twitter = Twitter() # 対象クラスにMockインタフェースの設定 twitter.api = apiMock # 動作記録をリセット self.mocker.ResetAll() # 動作の記録 apiMock.friends_ids(id=10).AndReturn([100, 200, 300, 1000]) apiMock.followers_ids(id=10).AndReturn([200, 300, 400, 500]) apiMock.get_user(id=400).AndReturn(userLockMock) apiMock.get_user(id=500).AndReturn(userUnlockMock) apiMock.create_friendship(id=500) # 動作検証の開始 self.mocker.ReplayAll() # リフォロー機能 twitter.refollow(); # 実動作の確認(正しくないとエラーが出るよ) self.mocker.VerifyAll()
def twitterEventReceived(): requestJson = request.get_json() #dump to console for debugging purposes print(json.dumps(requestJson, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) if 'favorite_events' in requestJson.keys(): #Tweet Favourite Event, process that likeObject = requestJson['favorite_events'][0] userId = likeObject.get('user', {}).get('id') #event is from myself so ignore (Favourite event fires when you send a DM too) if userId == CURRENT_USER_ID: return ('', HTTPStatus.OK) Twitter.processLikeEvent(likeObject) elif 'direct_message_events' in requestJson.keys(): #DM recieved, process that eventType = requestJson['direct_message_events'][0].get("type") messageObject = requestJson['direct_message_events'][0].get( 'message_create', {}) messageSenderId = messageObject.get('sender_id') #event type isnt new message so ignore if eventType != 'message_create': return ('', HTTPStatus.OK) #message is from myself so ignore (Message create fires when you send a DM too) if messageSenderId == CURRENT_USER_ID: return ('', HTTPStatus.OK) Twitter.processDirectMessageEvent(messageObject) elif 'tweet_create_events' in requestJson.keys(): for tweet in requestJson['tweet_create_events']: set_lights_from_a_tweet(tweet) else: #Event type not supported return ('', HTTPStatus.OK) return ('', HTTPStatus.OK)
def getTweets(self, query, start, end): """Get the the final tweets. Returns ------- None """ gettweets = Twitter.GetTweets(self.rootpath, self.folderpath, start, end, query) gettweets.start_getTweets()
def test_TweetControl(self): # APIのモックを作成 apiMock = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.API) # Twitter制御クラスの作成 twitter = Twitter() # モックのインタフェースを設定 twitter.api = apiMock # Enable状態 twitter.setEnable() # 動作記録をリセット self.mocker.ResetAll() # [動作記録]ステータスのアップデート apiMock.update_status(u'test') # 動作検証の開始 self.mocker.ReplayAll() twitter.update(u'test') # 実動作の確認(正しくないとエラーが出るよ) self.mocker.VerifyAll() # Disable状態 twitter.setDisable() # 動作記録をリセット self.mocker.ResetAll() # 動作検証の開始 self.mocker.ReplayAll() twitter.update(u'test') # 実動作の確認(正しくないとエラーが出るよ) self.mocker.VerifyAll()
def get_response(self): """ Get a response from the chatbot and display it. """ user_input = self.usr_input.get() self.usr_input.delete(0, tk.END) if self.user_name == "": self.user_name = user_input if self.user_name == "": self.conversation['state'] = 'normal' self.conversation.insert(tk.END, "Enter your name:" + "\n") self.conversation['state'] = 'disabled' else: response = chatbot.get_response("Hello") self.conversation['state'] = 'normal' self.conversation.insert( tk.END, "Human: " + user_input + "\n" + "ChatBot: " + str(response.text) + "\n") self.conversation['state'] = 'disabled' else: command = 'null' if user_input[0:4] == 'play': command = 'play' if user_input[0:5] == 'tweet': command = 'tweet' if command == 'play': if user_input == 'play song': exec(open('').read()) elif user_input == 'play game': exec(open('').read()) elif command == 'tweet': status = "From " + self.user_name + ": " + user_input[6:] new_tweet = tweet.Tweet(status=status) self.conversation['state'] = 'normal' self.conversation.insert( tk.END, "\n" + self.user_name + " just tweeted: " + user_input[6:] + "\n" + "Check out your tweet at:" + "\n" + "\n") self.conversation['state'] = 'disabled' else: response = chatbot.get_response(user_input) self.conversation['state'] = 'normal' self.conversation.insert( tk.END, "Human: " + user_input + "\n" + "ChatBot: " + str(response.text) + "\n") self.conversation['state'] = 'disabled'
class TestTwitterMethods(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.twitter = Twitter() def test_get_tweets_user(self): """Test if retrieving specific user tweets returns list correctly. This test will return an empty list and should still pass if there is no Twitter Bearer Token available. """ user = '******' result = self.twitter.get_tweets(user) self.assertIsInstance(result, list) def test_get_tweets_search(self): """Test if retrieving tweets for a generic search term returns list correctly. This test will return an empty list and should still pass if there is no Twitter Bearer Token available. """ search_term = 'news' result = self.twitter.get_tweets(search_term) self.assertIsInstance(result, list) def test_get_tweets_hashtag(self): """Test if retrieving specific hashtag tweets returns list correctly. This test will return an empty list and should still pass if there is no Twitter Bearer Token available. """ hashtag = '#news' result = self.twitter.get_tweets(hashtag) self.assertIsInstance(result, list) def test_parse_tweets(self): """Test if a list of tweets correctly parses into a single string. """ tweets = self.twitter.get_tweets('@twitter') parsed_tweets = self.twitter.parse_tweets(tweets) self.assertIsInstance(parsed_tweets, str)
def test_UpdateReply(self): # モックのインタフェースを作成 apiMock = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.API) # Twitterクラスを作成 twitter = Twitter() # 対象クラスにMockインタフェースの設定 twitter.api = apiMock # 動作記録をリセット self.mocker.ResetAll() # 動作の記録 apiMock.update_status('test', 12345) # 動作検証の開始 self.mocker.ReplayAll() twitter.update('test', 12345); # 実動作の確認(正しくないとエラーが出るよ) self.mocker.VerifyAll()
def twitterEventReceived(): requestJson = request.get_json() if 'favorite_events' in requestJson.keys(): #Tweet Favourite Event, process that likeObject = requestJson['favorite_events'][0] userId = likeObject.get('user', {}).get('id') #event is from myself so ignore (Favourite event fires when you send a DM too) if userId == CURRENT_USER_ID: return None Twitter.processLikeEvent(likeObject) elif 'direct_message_events' in requestJson.keys(): #DM recieved, process that eventType = requestJson['direct_message_events'][0].get("type") messageObject = requestJson['direct_message_events'][0].get( 'message_create', {}) messageSenderId = messageObject.get('sender_id') #event type isnt new message so ignore if eventType != 'message_create': return None #message is from myself so ignore (Message create fires when you send a DM too) if messageSenderId == CURRENT_USER_ID: return None Twitter.processDirectMessageEvent(messageObject) else: #Event type not supported return None return None
def test_UpdateDisableDataStore(self): # モックのインタフェースを作成 apiMock = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.API) # Twitterクラスを作成 twitter = Twitter() # 対象クラスにMockインタフェースの設定 twitter.api = apiMock # ツイート不可に設定 ds = DataStore.DataStore() ds.setTweetEnable(False) # 動作記録をリセット self.mocker.ResetAll() # 動作記録 self.mocker.ReplayAll() twitter.update("test"); # 実動作の確認(正しくないとエラーが出るよ) self.mocker.VerifyAll()
def main2(): repo = "overseas" for htmlname in Github.seach_page_list(repo): tweet_list = [] myTwitterAction = Twitter.MyTwitterAction() query = htmlname + " lang:en min_faves:100" tweet_list = myTwitterAction.search_tweet_list(query, amount=50) tweet_list = translate_tweet_list(tweet_list) git_json = {} git_json.update({"tweet_list": tweet_list}) text = json.dumps(git_json, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) Github.delete_page(repo, htmlname) Github.upload(repo, htmlname, text) time.sleep(4)
def main(): tag_list = Github.seach_page_list(repo) for htmlname in tag_list: Github.delete_page(repo, htmlname) print("mainloop:", htmlname, "has deleted") myTwitterAction = Twitter.MyTwitterAction() tweet_list = myTwitterAction.search_tweet_list( '"' + htmlname + '"' + " lang:ja min_faves:100", amount=50) git_json = {} git_json.update({"tweet_list": tweet_list}) text = json.dumps(git_json, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) Github.upload(repo, htmlname, text) print("mainloop:", htmlname, "is created") time.sleep(4)
def getHistoricalTweets(self, username, foldername): """Get the historical tweets of user. Parameters ---------- username : str the username of account without '@' Returns ------- None save the tweet object in username.pkl file """ tweetFlag = True getTwitterData = Twitter.GetTwitterData(self.rootPath) criteria = getTwitterData.setCriteria(username=username) getTwitterData.getTweets(criteria, foldername, username + ".pkl", tweetFlag)
def get_birthday_hits(self): username = self.twitterUsernameTextField.text() self.text = Twitter.birthday_extraction(username) msg = QMessageBox() msg.setWindowTitle("Hits From Twitter") msg.setInformativeText("Hit Copy to Exit As Well") msg.setText(self.text) saveFiles = QPushButton("Save As") copyText = QPushButton("Copy") saveFiles.clicked.connect(self.save_files) copyText.clicked.connect(self.copy_text) msg.addButton(saveFiles, QMessageBox.YesRole) msg.addButton(copyText, QMessageBox.YesRole) val = msg.exec_()
def load_missing_ids_thread(self): while self.missing_ids: # Pick any id, but do not remove it yet in case this id would # be requested again by another thread, before we are done. id = self.missing_ids.pop() self.missing_ids.add(id) # Try fetching a description. print "Before yield", id yield True print "After yield", id try: buffer = Common.twitter.get_user_info(id) except Common.Error: # If we do not get it, just ignore it buffer = None if not buffer: self.missing_ids.remove(id) continue # Save the description. self.db[str(id)] = buffer # Replace the old strip by a new one wherever appropriate. new = self.load(id) assert new is not None old = User(Twitter.dummy_user(id)) for tab in Tab.Tab.registry.itervalues(): if isinstance(tab.strip_type, User): if old in tab.strips: tab.discard_strips([old]) tab.add_strips([new]) # Check! tab.refresh() # Ok, we are now done for real with this id. self.missing_ids.remove(id)
def data_loading(request, htmlname): result = seach(request) if result: return result params = { "title": "twitterアカウント分析サイト", "description": site_explain, "favicon": favicon, "img": img, "repo": repo, "htmlname": htmlname, } if not Github.has_already_created(repo, htmlname): myTwitterAction = Twitter.MyTwitterAction() tweet_list = myTwitterAction.search_tweet_list(htmlname, amount=50) git_json = {} git_json.update({"tweet_list": tweet_list}) git_json.update({"wordcloud": genWordList(tweet_list)}) text = json.dumps(git_json, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) Github.upload("twitter_json", htmlname, text) return render(request, f"fanstatic/dashboard/dashboard.html", params)
def test_UpdateDisableProperty(self): # モックのインタフェースを作成 apiMock = self.mocker.CreateMock(tweepy.API) # Twitterクラスを作成 twitter = Twitter() # 対象クラスにMockインタフェースの設定 twitter.api = apiMock # ツイート不可に設定 twitter.setDisable() # 動作記録をリセット self.mocker.ResetAll() # 動作記録 self.mocker.ReplayAll() twitter.update("test"); # 実動作の確認(正しくないとエラーが出るよ) self.mocker.VerifyAll()
''' Created on Nov 21, 2012 @author: kevin ''' import main import Twitter def get_feeds(): main.connect_foursquare() Twitter.connect_twitter() if __name__ == '__main__': main.connect_foursquare() Twitter.connect_twitter() pass
def loginTwitter(self,loginList): self.twitterID = Twitter.Twitter(str(loginList[0]),str(loginList[1])) self.twitterID.signIn()
def main(): #check folder if not os.path.exists("dataset_instagram"): os.makedirs("dataset_instagram") if not os.path.exists("dataset_twitter"): os.makedirs("dataset_twitter") if not os.path.exists("result"): os.makedirs("result") network = input("Enter the network you want to use (twitter or instagram) : ") if network != "twitter" and network != "instagram": print("Error of network, please choose between twitter or instagram") sys.exit() hashtag = input("Enter the hashtag you want to analyse : ") if network == "twitter": nbtweet = input("Enter the number of tweets you want : ") if network == "instagram": nbtweet = input("Enter the number of post you want : ") language = input("Enter the language you want (en or fr) : ") if language != "en" and language != "fr": print("Error of language, please choose between en or fr") sys.exit() if network == "twitter": path = Twitter.getTweets(hashtag, int(nbtweet), language) elif network == "instagram": path = Instagram.get_hash_tag_caption(hashtag, int(nbtweet), "dataset_instagram/"+language+"/"+hashtag+"/"+hashtag+".csv", language) if language == "en": Data_Cleaner.DataCleanerEn("pred", hashtag, path) elif language == "fr": Data_Cleaner.DataCleanerFr("pred", hashtag, path) pathpred = Predict.predict(network, hashtag, path, language) Negative = 0 Neutral = 0 Positive = 0 Total = -1 with open(pathpred, newline='') as csvfile: predfile = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') for row in predfile: #Total Total = Total + 1 #Negative if row[0] == '0': Negative = Negative + 1 #Neutral elif row[0] == '2': Neutral = Neutral + 1 #Positive elif row[0] == '4': Positive = Positive + 1 PercentNegative = Negative*100/Total PercentNeutral = Neutral*100/Total PercentPositive = Positive*100/Total print("\nResult for #" + hashtag +" with " + nbtweet + " tweets in " + language + " :") print("Negative:", round(PercentNegative, 2), "%") print("Neutral:", round(PercentNeutral, 2), "%") print("Positive:", round(PercentPositive, 2), "%") print("\nRandom examples of prediction :") with open(pathpred) as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for index, row in enumerate(reader): if index == 0: chosen_row = row else: r = random.randint(0, index) if r == 0: chosen_row = row print(chosen_row)
import WeatherApiUi as wau import TwiText import Twitter import WeatherDataExtractor as tc import APIgetDataException as apie from time import sleep import WeatherData as wd seto = ('35.1815', '137.1087') toyota = ('35.08', '137.15') owariasahi = ('35.21', '137.03') miyoshi = ('35.13', '137.05') nissin = ('35.17', '136.96') twitter = Twitter.Twitter() twitext = TwiText.TwiText() weatherApi = wau.WeatherApiUi() extractor = tc.WeatherDataExtractor() def beSureToDo(city): while (True): try: data = weatherApi.getDataLatLon(city[0], city[1], 1) weatherData = extractor.getAllData(data) twitter.twitte(twitext.Build(weatherData)) except apie.APIgetDataException: sleep(60) continue break
def get_feeds(): main.connect_foursquare() Twitter.connect_twitter()
# Developed and modified by Ye Liang at 11:11 June,3 2017 # All rights reserved from ExtraTools import write_To_Csv, sleep_Module import Twitter import Sqlite import Parser import Cluster CONST_DAYS_INCLUDED = 1 if __name__ == '__main__': #----------initialize the modules and settings---------------------begin db = Sqlite.Sqlite("database.db") parserModule = Parser.Parser() clusterModule = Cluster.Cluster() twitterModule = Twitter.Twitter(db, parserModule) #----------initialize the modules and settings---------------------end runSequence = True while(runSequence): # update all tweets into the database within CONST_DAYS_INCLUDED day twitterModule.update_All() # get all updated tweets within CONST_DAYS_INCLUDED day news24H = db.get_stored_news(CONST_DAYS_INCLUDED) # cluster, and find the best news sortedNews, labels, sortedScores = clusterModule.cluster_AP(news24H) # write to csv file write_To_Csv(sortedNews, sortedScores, 'Sorted_Best_Tweets (one for each cluster).csv') # sleeping procedure runSequence = sleep_Module(600) db.close()
number of days of coverage content: day date number of words number of content entity date number of words raw text title (if applicable) author (if applicable) other ? """ import NYT import Twitter import NPR import Guardian import Tumblr NYT.test() Twitter.test() NPR.test() Guardian.test() Tumblr.test()
#!/usr/bin/python # wsd project main script # hardware: ws2801 led strips + raspberry pi + internet adapter # software pulls twits from an 'admin' (twits and retwits) and # displays the last result through the led strip # Written by, hightly based on Adafruit's IoT Pinter. MIT license. # MUST BE RUN AS ROOT (due to GPIO access) import subprocess, time, socket, re from Wsd2 import * from Twitter import * tw = Twitter() display = Wsd2() time.sleep(10) display.setText('#wsd by idensitat+pratipo') display.rollPixels(True) time.sleep(0.01) prev = "" while(True): for x in range(0, 3): print "querying twitter" body = tw.getNewest()
if __name__ == "__main__": # Create an HTTP server to host the .LLM files httpd = StoppableHTTPServer(("", Settings.server_port), SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler) thread.start_new_thread(httpd.serve, ()) # Set a 'storing' counter for audio clips. storing_c = 0 # Wash, Rinse, Repeat. while True: print("Collecting tweets!") # Retrieves the messages container. tweets = Twitter.get_tweets() # Create the llm file LLM.build_llm(tweets) # Send a message to the display to retrieve the LLM file. Update.update_display(Settings.filename) # Play audio when a 'storing' is discovered. if storing_c < tweets.storingen: # Play the audio file. Audio.storing() # Set the counter to the 'storing' level. storing_c = tweets.storingen
def test_13_FollowUpdates_WithArgs_Fail_With_Arg(self): self.assertRaises(Exception, Twitter.Twitter('TestStr', 'TestStr').FollowUpdates, 'TestStr0')
def get(self): self.response.out.write(u'Hello world!') t=Twitter() t.update(u"日本語は?")
def test_12_FollowUpdates_WithoutArgs_Pass_With_Only_Valid_Arguments(self): Twitter.Twitter('TestStr', 'TestStr').FollowUpdates()
def setUp(self): self.twitter = Twitter()
def buildDict4Tweets(self, foldername): """Build dictionary for tweets got from PHEME dataset. The raw_data.json will be generated in each event folder. Arguments: foldername {str} -- folder name of an event """ resultDict = defaultdict(dict) resultPickle = [] folderpath = os.path.join(self.rootPath, foldername) if not os.path.exists(folderpath): print("the path {} does not exist.".format(folderpath)) return rnrsName = [ rnr for rnr in os.listdir(folderpath) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folderpath, rnr)) ] for rnrName in rnrsName: rnrPath = os.path.join(folderpath, rnrName) # print("rnrPath ", rnrPath) rumorsName = [ rumor for rumor in os.listdir(rnrPath) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(rnrPath, rumor)) ] for rumorName in rumorsName: rumorPath = os.path.join(rnrPath, rumorName) # print("rumorPath ", rumorPath) reactionPath = os.path.join(rumorPath, "reactions") # print("reactionPath ", reactionPath) sourceTweetsPath = os.path.join(rumorPath, "source-tweets") # print("sourceTweetsPath ", sourceTweetsPath) reactions = [ reaction for reaction in os.listdir(reactionPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(reactionPath, reaction)) ] numReaction = len(reactions) for sourceTweet in os.listdir(sourceTweetsPath): sourceTweetPath = os.path.join(sourceTweetsPath, sourceTweet) # print("sourceTweetPath ", sourceTweetPath) # avoid .DS_store if os.path.isfile( sourceTweetPath) and sourceTweet[0] != ".": # print("sourceTweetPath ", sourceTweetPath) data = self.loadJson(sourceTweetPath) idx = data['id_str'] hashtags = [ '#' + hashtag['text'] for hashtag in data['entities']['hashtags'] ] rumor = True if rnrName == 'rumours' else False date = data['created_at'] resultDict[idx]['text'] = data['text'] resultDict[idx]['favorite_count'] = data[ 'favorite_count'] resultDict[idx]['retweet_count'] = data[ 'retweet_count'] resultDict[idx]['hashtags'] = hashtags resultDict[idx]['comment'] = numReaction resultDict[idx]['rumor'] = rumor resultDict[idx]['date'] = date tweet = Twitter.Tweet() = idx tweet.text = data['text'] tweet.favorites = data['favorite_count'] tweet.retweets = data['retweet_count'] tweet.reply = numReaction tweet.rumor = rumor tweet.setHashtags(hashtags) tweet.setDate(date) resultPickle.append(tweet) self.dumpJson( folderpath + "/../../pheme_dataset/" + foldername + "/final/rawData", "raw_data.json", resultDict) print("raw_data.json has been saved.") self.dumpPickle( folderpath + "/../../pheme_dataset/" + foldername + "/final/rawData", "tweets.pkl", resultPickle) print("tweets.pkl has been saved.")
import Twitter #Welcome Screen print("Twitter Analytics App") #Take in User Inputs selection = input("Type#1 to analyze the most used words", "Type#2 to analyze twitter sentiment", "Type#3 to analyze twitter stream") if selection == 1: print("proceed to analyze most used words") u = input("Search Account: ") num = int(input("How many tweets? ")) if selection == 2: print("proceed to analyze twitter sentiment") if selection == 3: print("Proceed to analyze twitter stream") hash_tag = input("Please enter the hashtag") Twitter.user_tweets(u, num) Twitter.polarity() #Not quite sure what to do here. Twitter.stream_tweets(hash_tag)
def _when_done(self): if self._options.tweet: import Twitter Twitter.tweet(self._options.tweetmsg, self._options.tweetat)
def handle_message(event): userText = request.json["events"][0]["message"]["text"] twitterMessage = Twitter.twitterGetMessage(userText) line_bot_api.push_message('yourBotId', TextSendMessage(text=twitterMessage))
def home(user): global bow global users return render_template('home.html', user=user, bow=bow, title=user + '\'s Home', background_image=getImageUrl('all'), users=users) print("Start ElasticSearch server") client, es = Start() print("Open connection") print() print("Start crawling date") tw.twitter_scraper() print("End crawling date") print() print("Start create index of tweet's document") id.createIndexDocuments(client); print("Index created successfully") print() print("Start GUI") if __name__ == "__main__":'http://localhost:5000')