Esempio n. 1
def ChangeDistMode(UPConfig):
    UPConfig['DistMode'] = 'RasterEuc'
    return UPConfig
Esempio n. 2
def ImportSALayer(InSALayer, UPlanGDB, LongName, SAIDField, SANameField,
    *Imports an SubArea layer to the GDB
    *Adds a record to the upc_layers table for this SubArea layer
    *Updates the upc_subareas table with the new SubAreas
    *Updates the 3 SubArea KeyNames in the upc_key table
    *Updates UPConfig.p
    Called by:
    Import General Plan Toolbox
    InSALayer: The layer to be added to the GDB as SubAreas
    UPlanGDB: The UPlan GDB (where the layer will be imported)
    LongName: The descriptive name of the layer
    SAIDField: Field within the layer that contains the SubArea codes (or IDs)
    SANameField: Field within the layer that contains the SubArea descriptions (or Names)
    SearchLength: When assigning Base Geometry centroids to SubAreas, this is the maximum distance a centroid can be outside of a SubArea polygon and still be assigned to it 
    Returns: None
    #Create a function to import a Subarea Layer, record the subarea_id and replace any prior subarea records
    arcpy.env.workspace = UPlanGDB
    if os.path.basename(InSALayer)[-4:] == ".shp":
        SHPName = os.path.basename(InSALayer)[:-4]
        SHPName = os.path.basename(InSALayer)

    #Add layer to geodatabase
    arcpy.FeatureClassToGeodatabase_conversion(InSALayer, UPlanGDB)

    #add general plan layer to layer tracker table
    AddToUPC_Layers(UPlanGDB, SHPName, LongName, 'Subareas')

    #clear sub areas table

    #populate sub areas table with attributes from the new layer
    Subareas = []
    rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(SHPName)
    for row in rows:
        SA = {}
        SA['sa'] = row.getValue(SAIDField)
        SA['SAName'] = row.getValue(SANameField)
        if SA not in Subareas:  # don't add a SA that is already in the list

    fields = ['Code', 'Name']
    cur = arcpy.da.InsertCursor('upc_subareas', fields)
    for x in range(0, len(Subareas)):
        sa = Subareas[x]['sa']
        SAName = Subareas[x]['SAName']
        cur.insertRow((sa, SAName))
    del cur

    #update the upc_key table with the new subarea -
    UpdateUPCKeyTable(UPlanGDB, 'Subarea_bnd', SHPName)
    UpdateUPCKeyTable(UPlanGDB, 'Subarea_id', SAIDField)
    UpdateUPCKeyTable(UPlanGDB, 'Subarea_search', str(SearchLength))

    #update pickle file
    DBSplit = uiut.SplitPath(UPlanGDB)
    UPConfig = {}
    UPConfig = upc.ReadUPConfigFromGDB(DBSplit[0], DBSplit[1])
    uiut.MakePickle(UPConfig, UPlanGDB)
Esempio n. 3
def ImportBaseGeom(UPlanGDB, InSHP, DescName, CentInside):
    *Imports a Base Geometry layer to the GDB 
    *Adds a field called up_polyid and calculates it equal to the ObjectID
    *Creates a Centroid layer from the Base Geometry layer and names it BaseGeom_cent
    *Adds a record to the upc_layers table for this Base Geometry layer and the centroid layer
    *updates the upc_keys table with the new base geometry info
    *updates pickle file
    Called by:
    The Import Base Geometry Toolbox
    UPlanGDB: The UPlan GDB (where the layer will be imported)
    InSHP: The shapefile to import
    DescName: The descriptive name of the layer
    CentInsdie = True if you want to force the centroid inside of the polygons, false for true centroid
    Returns: None
    arcpy.env.workspace = UPlanGDB
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    #Register it with the layer tracker
    if os.path.basename(InSHP)[-4:] == ".shp":
        SHPName = os.path.basename(InSHP)[:-4]
        #if the shp has a field named "OBJECTID", it needs to be deleted
        #(SHPs use FID, so if OBJECT ID is there, it's from copying form a GDB
        #when copied back into the UPlan GDB it creates OBJECTID_1 instead of OBJECTID if OBJECTID isn't deleted)
        if FieldExist(InSHP, 'OBJECTID'):
            arcpy.DeleteField_management(InSHP, 'OBJECTID')
        SHPName = os.path.basename(InSHP)
    AddToUPC_Layers(UPlanGDB, SHPName, DescName, 'BaseGeom_bnd')

    #delete up_polyid field if it exists
    if FieldExist(InSHP, 'up_polyid'):
        arcpy.DeleteField_management(InSHP, 'up_polyid')

    #Import the shp to the GDB
    arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(InSHP, UPlanGDB, SHPName)

    #Add int field called "up_polyid" and calc = to object ID
    arcpy.AddField_management(SHPName, "up_polyid", "LONG")
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(SHPName, "up_polyid", "!OBJECTID!",

    #Create centroid layer and drop all fields except for "up_polyid" (and shape and objectid).
    if arcpy.ProductInfo() == 'ArcInfo':
        if CentInside:
            CentType = 'INSIDE'
            CentType = 'CENTROID'
        arcpy.FeatureToPoint_management(SHPName, "poly_cent", CentType)
        CreateCentroids(UPlanGDB, SHPName)

    Fields = arcpy.ListFields("poly_cent")
    FieldList = []
    for Field in Fields:
        if not Field.required:
            if not == "up_polyid":
    arcpy.DeleteField_management("poly_cent", FieldList)

    #add centroid layer to layer tracker table
    AddToUPC_Layers(UPlanGDB, 'poly_cent',
                    'Base Geometry Centroids (Created from: ' + SHPName + ')',

    #update upc_key table with base geometry info
    UpdateUPCKeyTable(UPlanGDB, 'BaseGeom_bnd', SHPName)
    UpdateUPCKeyTable(UPlanGDB, 'BaseGeom_cent', 'poly_cent')
    UpdateUPCKeyTable(UPlanGDB, 'BaseGeom_id', 'up_polyid')

    #update pickle file
    DBSplit = uiut.SplitPath(UPlanGDB)
    UPConfig = {}
    UPConfig = upc.ReadUPConfigFromGDB(DBSplit[0], DBSplit[1])
    uiut.MakePickle(UPConfig, UPlanGDB)
Esempio n. 4
Created on Feb 5, 2015

@author: roth
import os
import UPConfig
from Utilities import UPCleanup

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Starting Cleanup")
    UPConfig = UPConfig.LoadUPConfig_python(True, True)
    print("Cleanup Finished")
Esempio n. 5
Created on Feb 5, 2015

@author: roth
import os
import arcpy
import UPConfig
import CalcGeneralPlans
import CalcConstraints
import CalcWeights
from Utilities import Logger

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Logger("Running UPlan")
    global UPConfig
    UPConfig = UPConfig.LoadUPConfig_python()

    Logger("UPlan Finished")
Esempio n. 6
        Logger("Writing Redevelopment Pop and Emp")
        au.WriteRedev(UPConfig, TSResults[3],

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Call the primary function for this module for testing purposes.

    #     dbpath = r"G:\Public\UPLAN\Uplan4\testing\TestAllocation"
    #     dbname = "AllocTest_ReDev.gdb"
    dbpath = r"G:\Public\UPLAN\Calaveras\Debug"
    dbname = "RyanTest_Calaveras.gdb"

    #global UPConfig
    #     UPConfig = UPConfig.LoadUPConfig_python(True,True)
    UPConfig = UPConfig.ReadUPConfigFromGDB(dbpath, dbname)
    UPConfig['Redev'] = None
    ##########uncomment this line if redev isn't working
    #     UPConfig['Redev'] = None
    #     picklepath = "\\".join([dbpath,dbname,"UPConfig.p"])
    #     UPConfig2 = uiut.LoadPickle(picklepath)

    Logger("Cleanup and Prep"
           )  # So it doesn't error out when trying to overwrite tables.

    Logger("Run Full Allocation")
    Logger("Allocation Complete")
Esempio n. 7
    return (results_array)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Logger("Calculating Weights")
    dbpath = r"..\testing\TestAllocation"
    dbname = 'AllocTest.gdb'
    UPGDB = os.path.join(dbpath, dbname)
    saveDisaggWts = True
    #         UPGDB = r"..\\testing\calaveras.gdb"
    #         saveDisaggWts = False
    #         picklepath = "\\".join([UPGDB,"UPConfig.p"])
    #         UPConfig = uiut.LoadPickle(picklepath)
    splitpath = uiut.SplitPath(UPGDB)
    UPConfig = upc.ReadUPConfigFromGDB(splitpath[0], splitpath[1])
    Logger("Cleaning up Weights")
    Logger("Calculating Distances")
    # Get unique set of attractors
    attractors = []
    for TimeStep in UPConfig[
            'TimeSteps']:  # Build a list of all attractors used in the run.
        newattractors = UPConfig[TimeStep[0]]['attractors']
        attractors = attractors + newattractors
    attractors = set(attractors)
    CalcDistanceLayerMultiple(UPConfig, attractors,
                              False)  # False disables multi processing.

    for TimeStep in UPConfig['TimeSteps']:
        Logger("Working on time step: {ts}".format(ts=TimeStep[0]))
Esempio n. 8
    dbname = 'calaveras.gdb'
    TSCode = 'ts1'

    TestDemand = True
    TestRedev = False

    # Testing primary Demand Calculations
    if TestDemand == True:
        InWorkspace = os.path.join(dbpath, dbname)
        UPDemand = CalculateDemand(InWorkspace, TSCode)
        UPDemand = CalculateDemand(InWorkspace, 'ts2')

    # Testing Redevelopment
    if TestRedev == True:
        Logger("Reading UPConfig")
        UPConfig = upc.ReadUPConfigFromGDB(dbpath, dbname)
        pop = 250
        emp = 200
        resac = CalcRedevRes(UPConfig, UPConfig['TimeSteps'][0], pop)

        empac = CalcRedevEmp(UPConfig, UPConfig['TimeSteps'][0], emp)

        redevResults = ReDevCalcs(UPConfig, UPConfig['TimeSteps'][0], pop, emp)


    print("script finished")
Esempio n. 9
    gplans.columns = [[UPConfig['BaseGeom_id'],UPConfig[TimeStep[0]]['gp'][1]]]
#     gplans = gplans.set_index([UPConfig['BaseGeom_id']])
#     gplans[UPConfig['BaseGeom_id']] = gplans.index
    gparray = None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Testing functions within this utility module.
    Logger("Beginning Tests")
    global UPConfig
    UPConfig = UPConfig.ReadUPConfigFromGDB("..//testing","calaveras_complete.gdb")
    TimeStep = UPConfig['TimeSteps'][0]
#     Logger("Testing Making Allocation Table")
#     allocTable = MakeAllocTables(UPConfig)
#     Logger("Testing Saving Allocation Table")
#     try:
#         Utilities.SavePdDataFrameToTable(allocTable, "..//testing/Calaveras.gdb", 'z_testTable')
#     except Exception, e:
#         Logger("Saving Allocation Table Failed: {err}".format(err=str(e)))
    Logger("Testing DevSpace Calculations")
    devSpace = MakeDevSpace(UPConfig, TimeStep)
    Utilities.SavePdDataFrameToTable(devSpace, "..//testing/Calaveras.gdb", "z_devspace")
    Logger("DevSpace Calculation Complete")
Esempio n. 10
picklepath = os.path.join(dbpath,dbname)

# get UPConfig
print("getting path")
UPConfig  = uiut.LoadPickle(picklepath)

startlist = ['A','B','C','D','E']

outlist = uiut.InsertToList(startlist, "N", 2)

TSShortName = "TS3"
TSLongName = "Time Step 3"
TSPosition = 2

TimeSteps = UPConfig['TimeSteps']
UPConfig['TimeSteps'] = uiut.InsertToList(TimeSteps, [TSShortName,TSLongName], TSPosition)

# Empty Timestep
UPConfig[TSShortName] = uiut.MakeEmptyTimeStep()

# Write out the pickle
uiut.MakePickle(UPConfig, picklepath)

# Write out to tables
upc.WriteUPConfigToGDB(UPConfig) # excluding upc_layers
