Esempio n. 1
 def generateImage(self, K, trans, imgsize):
     img = np.zeros( imgsize + (3,), np.uint8 )
     depths = np.full(imgsize, float('inf'))
     K4 = Util.identity(4)
     K4[:-1,:-1] = K
     fullTrans = K4 * trans
     for p in self.points:
         tp = fullTrans *
         depth = tp[2, 0]
         if depth <= 0:
         coord = tuple( ( tp[1::-1] / depth ).getA1().tolist() )
         if coord[0] >= 0 and coord[0] < imgsize[0] and coord[1] >= 0 and coord[1] < imgsize[1] and depth < depths[coord]:
             depths[coord] = depth
             img[coord] = p.color
     return img
Esempio n. 2
def reconstruction(K, images):
    inv_K = np.linalg.inv(K)

    # find all direct transformations
    directTransforms = []
    max_img_src = 1
    for i, (imgA) in enumerate(images):
        for imgB in images[ i + 1 : i + 1 + max_img_src ]:

            print "\tLooking for direct transformation from " + str(imgB.index) + " to " + str(imgA.index)

            matPoints = imgA.matchesToDeepPoints(imgB, imgA.buildMatches(imgB, True), inv_K)
            print "\t\tMatches found: " + str(len(matPoints))

            trans, vote_matches = Util.RANSAC( matPoints, 3, Util.buildDirectTransformation, Util.testTransform, 0.002, 10000, 0.5 * len(matPoints) )

            if len(vote_matches) > 0:
                directTransforms.append( Transformation.Transformation( trans, len(vote_matches), [ imgA.index, imgB.index ] ) )
                print "\t\tDirect transformation found!"
                print "\t\tUnable to find a direct transformation!"

    print "\tDirect transformation search completed. Searching for combinational paths . . ."
    combinationTransforms = Transformation.searchForPaths(0, xrange( 1, len(images) ), directTransforms, 27)

    cloudTransforms = [ Transformation.Transformation(Util.identity(4), 1, [0,0]) ] + Transformation.getBestTransformations( 0, xrange(1, len(images)), directTransforms + combinationTransforms )

    print "\tAll transformations identified. Combining point clouds . . ."
    pointCloud = Point.PointCloud()
    for i, img in enumerate(images):
        print "\t\tAdding points from image " + str(i)
        points = img.getAllPoints( inv_K, cloudTransforms[i].getMatrix() )
    print "\tPoint cloud combination finished with " + str(len(pointCloud.points)) + " total points"

    return pointCloud, cloudTransforms