def getPOV(self, varlist): """Returns the corresponding POV_* class variable for the reaction of the dockedat faction to the status of the event.""" relatdef = VS.GetRelation(self.dockedat_faction, varlist[self.DEFENDER_INDEX]) relatagg = VS.GetRelation(self.dockedat_faction, varlist[self.AGGRESSOR_INDEX]) success = varlist[NewsManager.AGGRESSOR_SUCCESS_INDEX] if (relatdef <= -self.POV_CUTOFF and relatagg <= -self.POV_CUTOFF) or ( relatdef >= self.POV_CUTOFF and relatagg >= self.POV_CUTOFF): return self.POV_NEUTRAL elif relatdef > relatagg: if success == self.SUCCESS_WIN: return self.POV_BAD elif success == self.SUCCESS_LOSS: return self.POV_GOOD elif success == self.SUCCESS_DRAW: return self.POV_GOOD elif relatdef < relatagg: if success == self.SUCCESS_WIN: return self.POV_GOOD elif success == self.SUCCESS_LOSS: return self.POV_BAD elif success == self.SUCCESS_DRAW: return self.POV_BAD else: debug.debug( "ERROR: VS is returning -0 for relationship relatagg number") return self.POV_NEUTRAL
def Check(self): dead=not self.un if (not dead): dead = self.un.GetHull()<=0 if (dead): debug.debug("Uunit died") if (VS.systemInMemory (self.starsystem)): if fg_util.RemoveShipFromFG(self.fgname,self.faction,self.type)!=0: if (VS.getPlayerX(0)): debug.debug('unit died for real') if (VS.GetRelation(self.faction,VS.getPlayerX(0).getFactionName())>0): dynamic_battle.rescuelist[self.starsystem]=(self.faction,"Shadow",faction_ships.get_enemy_of(self.faction)) debug.debug("friend in trouble") global dnewsman_ numships = updatePlayerKillList(0,self.faction) debug.debug("num ships killed ") debug.debug(numships) if ((numships>0 and VS.getPlayer()) or fg_util.NumShipsInFG(self.fgname,self.faction)==0): #generate news here fg killed IRL varList=[str(Director.getSaveData(0,"stardate",0)),dnewsman_.TYPE_DESTROYED,dnewsman_.STAGE_END,"unknown",self.faction,dnewsman_.SUCCESS_WIN,str(dynamic_battle.getImportanceOfType(self.type)),self.starsystem,dnewsman_.KEYWORD_DEFAULT,"unknown","unknown",self.fgname,self.type] if (numships>0 and VS.getPlayer()): varList=[str(Director.getSaveData(0,"stardate",0)),dnewsman_.TYPE_DESTROYED,dnewsman_.STAGE_END,VS.getPlayer().getFactionName(),self.faction,dnewsman_.SUCCESS_WIN,str(dynamic_battle.getImportanceOfType(self.type)),self.starsystem,dnewsman_.KEYWORD_DEFAULT,VS.getPlayer().getFlightgroupName(),VS.getPlayer().getName(),self.fgname,self.type] dnewsman_.writeDynamicString(varList) debug.debug('news about unit dying') else: fg_util.LandShip(self.fgname,self.faction,self.type) return 0 else: sys=self.un.getUnitSystemFile() if (len(sys)): self.starsystem=sys return 1
def get_relations_text(player): str_relations = "Cash: %s\n\nKill breakdown:\n" % (int( player.getCredits())) # length of faction_kills = VS.GetNumFactions() + 1 # could the last entry be the total? or maybe the number of times the user has died? faction_kills = [] for i in range(Director.getSaveDataLength(VS.getCurrentPlayer(), 'kills')): faction_kills.append( Director.getSaveData(VS.getCurrentPlayer(), 'kills', i)) displayed_factions = [ 'confed', 'kilrathi', 'merchant', 'retro', 'pirates', 'hunter', 'militia' ] for i in range(VS.GetNumFactions()): # VS.GetFactionIndex(s) expects a string # VS.GetFactionIndex(s) expects a name faction = VS.GetFactionName(i) if faction in displayed_factions: # note: the following calls do not always return equal values: # VS.GetRelation(a, b) # VS.GetRelation(b, a) relation = int( VS.GetRelation(faction, player.getFactionName()) * 100) if relation > 100: relation = 100 elif relation < -100: relation = -100 # not sure if the AI or Friend/Foe radar agree with these figures, but this ought to work, mostly if relation > 20: str_relation = "friendly" elif relation < -20: str_relation = "hostile" else: str_relation = "neutral" try: kills = int(faction_kills[i]) except: kills = 0 # try to pad the columns # (this doesn't work perfectly, since we're using a variable-width font) str_pad = " " int_pad_len = len(str_pad) - len(str(kills)) if int_pad_len < 1: str_pad = "" else: str_pad = str_pad[:int_pad_len] # add current faction to the output string str_relations = str_relations + "%s%s %s\t(%s: %s)\n" % ( str_pad, kills, faction.capitalize(), str_relation, relation) return str_relations
def CreateRandomMission(whichnum): """ This function gets a random mission and saves the information in an array as the which element. Returns the sprite file and text.""" which = str(whichnum) missiontype = vsrandom.random() fac = VS.GetGalaxyFaction(VS.getSystemFile()) if fac == "pirates": if (missiontype > .5): return None missiontype *= .2 elif (VS.GetRelation(fac, "pirates") < -.8 and missiontype < .1): missiontype = 0.1 + 0.9 * missiontype plr = getMissionPlayer() if (missiontype < .05): return MakePlunder(which) elif (missiontype < .1): return MakeContraband(which) else: goodlist = [] for indx in range(Director.getSaveStringLength(plr, "mission_scripts")): script = Director.getSaveString(plr, "mission_scripts", indx) if script.find("#F#") != -1: goodlist.append(indx) goodlist.sort() goodlist.reverse() if len(goodlist): i = goodlist[vsrandom.randrange(len(goodlist))] script = Director.getSaveString(plr, "mission_scripts", i) desc = Director.getSaveString(plr, "mission_descriptions", i) vars = PickleTools.decodeMap( Director.getSaveString(plr, "mission_vars", i)) vars.setdefault('MISSION_SHORTDESC', Director.getSaveString(plr, "mission_names", i)) Director.eraseSaveString(plr, "misson_scripts", i) Director.eraseSaveString(plr, "misson_descriptions", i) Director.eraseSaveString(plr, "misson_names", i) Director.eraseSaveString(plr, "misson_vars", i) mylist = script.split( "#" ) ###Skip the first two because first is always '' and second is always 'F' try: vars['MISSION_ID'] = vars['MISSION_ID'] except: vars['MISSION_ID'] = which description = vars['MISSION_SHORTDESC'].split("/")[1] vars['MISSION_NAME'] = description AddNewMission(description, script, None, desc, mylist[4], vars, vars) return (mylist[2], mylist[3], which, description) else: # It should only get here if no fixer missions were found return None # Fixer code will generate a NoFixer hopefully.
def randomMovement(fg,fac): import universe import fg_util citizen=VS.isCitizen(fac) sys=fg_util.FGSystem(fg,fac) convoywhere=fg.find("->") if (convoywhere!=-1): endpoints=[fg[0:convoywhere],fg[convoywhere+2:]] if fg.find("Insys")!=-1: return#can't go about moving insys fgs away if (sys!='nil' and fg!=fg_util.BaseFGInSystemName(sys)): l = universe.getAdjacentSystemList(sys) nthis = fg_util.NumFactionFGsInSystem(fac,sys) if (len(l)): suggestednewsys = l[vsrandom.randrange(0,len(l))] sugfac=VS.GetGalaxyFaction(suggestednewsys) sugrel=VS.GetRelation(fac,sugfac) if convoywhere==-1 and (((fac.find(sugfac)!=-1 or sugrel>.5) and citizen) or not citizen): fg_util.TransferFG( fg,fac,suggestednewsys); #debug.debug('moving '+fg+' from '+sys+' to '+ suggestednewsys) else: for i in l: ifac = VS.GetGalaxyFaction(i) #if (ifac==fac and nthis > fg_util.NumFactionFGsInSystem(fac,i)): # suggestednewsys = i likes=False if convoywhere!=-1: if endpoints[0]==i or endpoints[1]==i: likes=True elif VS.GetRelation(fac,ifac)>.5: likes=True if (likes): fg_util.TransferFG(fg,fac,i) return #debug.debug('moving '+fg+' from '+sys+' to '+ suggestednewsys) fg_util.TransferFG( fg,fac,suggestednewsys); else: pass #debug.debug("flightgroup "+fg+" in system "+sys + " is stuck")
def CreateRandomMission(whichnum): """This function gets a random mission and saves the infomation in an array as the which element. Returns the sprite file and text""" which = str(whichnum) missiontype = vsrandom.random() fac = VS.GetGalaxyFaction(VS.getSystemFile()) if fac == "pirates": if (missiontype > .5): return () missiontype *= .2 elif (VS.GetRelation(fac, "pirates") < -.8 and missiontype < .1): missiontype = .1 + .9 * missiontype plr = VS.getPlayer().isPlayerStarship() # while (len (last_constructor)<=whichnum): # last_constructor[which]=(patrol.patrol) # last_args[which]=(saved_args) # last_briefing[0][which]=('ERROR in') # last_briefing[1][which]=('ERROR in') if (missiontype < .05): return MakePlunder(which) elif (missiontype < .1): ####CONTRABAND return MakeContraband(which) else: goodlist = [] for indx in range(Director.getSaveStringLength(plr, "mission_scripts")): script = Director.getSaveString(plr, "mission_scripts", indx) if script.find("#F#") != -1: goodlist.append(indx) goodlist.sort() goodlist.reverse() if len(goodlist): i = goodlist[vsrandom.randrange(len(goodlist))] script = Director.getSaveString(plr, "mission_scripts", i) desc = Director.getSaveString(plr, "mission_descriptions", i) Director.eraseSaveString(plr, "misson_scripts", i) Director.eraseSaveString(plr, "misson_descriptions", i) Director.eraseSaveString(plr, "misson_names", i) last_constructor[which] = None last_args[which] = script last_briefing[0][which] = desc mylist = script.split( "#" ) ###Skip the first two because first is always '' and second is always 'F' last_briefing[1][which] = mylist[4] return (mylist[2], mylist[3]) else: # It should only get here if no fixer missions were found return () # Fixer code will generate a NoFixer hopefully.
def getSystemsNAway (start,k,preferredfaction): l = getSystemsKAwayNoFaction(start,k) if (preferredfaction==None): return l lbak=l if (preferredfaction==''): preferredfaction=VS.GetGalaxyFaction(start) i=0 while i <len(l): if (VS.GetRelation(preferredfaction,VS.GetGalaxyFaction(l[i][-1]))<0): del l[i] i-=1 i+=1 if (len(l)): return l return lbak
def __init__ (self,factionname,numsystemsaway, enemyquantity, waves, distance_from_base, creds, incoming, protectivefactionname='',jumps=(),var_to_set='',dynamic_flightgroup='',dynamic_type='', dynamic_defend_fg='',dynamic_defend_type='',greetingText=['Escort: give up while you still can...','If you let us ravage our target then we grant you passage today.']): Director.Mission.__init__(self) self.greetingText=greetingText self.dedicatedattack=vsrandom.randrange(0,2)*vsrandom.randrange(0,2) if (VS.GetRelation(factionname,protectivefactionname)>=0.0): self.dedicatedattack=1 self.arrived=0 self.todock=VS.Unit() self.launchedfriend=0 self.protectivefaction = protectivefactionname self.var_to_set=var_to_set self.quantity=0 self.mplay="all" self.gametime=VS.GetGameTime() self.waves=waves self.incoming=incoming self.dynatkfg = dynamic_flightgroup self.dynatktype = dynamic_type self.dyndeffg = dynamic_defend_fg self.dyndeftype = dynamic_defend_type self.attackers = [] self.objective= 0 self.targetiter = 0 self.ship_check_count=0 self.faction = factionname self.cred=creds self.quantity=enemyquantity self.savedquantity=enemyquantity self.distance_from_base=distance_from_base self.defendee=VS.Unit() self.difficulty=1 self.respawn=0 name = () self.successdelay=0 self.objectivezero=0 self.mplay=universe.getMessagePlayer( self.adjsys = go_to_adjacent_systems(,numsystemsaway,jumps) VS.IOmessage (0,"escort mission",self.mplay,"Your mission is as follows:") self.adjsys.Print("You are in the %s system,","Proceed swiftly to %s.","Your arrival point is %s.","escort mission",1)
def launch_near(self, un): if (VS.GetGameTime() < 10): debug.debug("launch_near called too soon!") return cursys = VS.getSystemFile() #numsigs=universe.GetNumSignificantsForSystem(cursys) for factionnum in range(faction_ships.getMaxFactions() - 1): faction = faction_ships.intToFaction(factionnum) fglist = fg_util.FGsInSystem(faction, cursys) if not len(fglist): debug.debug('no flight group for faction: ' + faction + ' in system ' + cursys + '.') continue num = len(fglist) 'Probability numbers: %d %d' % (num, fg_util.MaxNumFlightgroupsInSystem(cursys))) #,numsigs avg = float(num) / float( fg_util.MaxNumFlightgroupsInSystem(cursys)) #/float(numsigs) fortress_level = 0 if cursys in faction_ships.fortress_systems: foretress_level = faction_ships.fortress_systems[cursys] avg *= (not ( VS.GetRelation(VS.GetGalaxyFaction(cursys), faction) < 0 and cursys in faction_ships.fortress_systems) ) * fortress_level + (1 - fortress_level) debug.debug('Chance for %s ship: %g' % (faction, avg)) rndnum = vsrandom.random() debug.debug('Random number: %g; will generate ship: %d' % (rndnum, rndnum < avg)) if rndnum < avg: #now we know that we will generate some ships! flightgroup = fglist[vsrandom.randrange(len(fglist))] typenumbers = fg_util.GetShipsInFG(flightgroup, faction) debug.debug('FG Name: "%s", ShipTypes: %s' % (flightgroup, str(typenumbers))) launch_recycle.launch_types_around( flightgroup, faction, typenumbers, 'default', self.generation_distance * vsrandom.random() * 0.9, un, self.generation_distance * vsrandom.random() * 2, '')
def PlayMusik(forcechange=1, hostile_dist=0): un = VS.getPlayer() if not __enabled: return elif not un: mpl(PEACELIST, PEACELIST, forcechange) debug.debug("Ppeace") elif un.DockedOrDocking() not in [1, 2]: perfect = 1 threat = 0 around_sig = 0 iter = VS.getUnitList() target = iter.current() unfcount = {} siglist = [] asteroid = 0 while (iter.notDone()): if (target): ftmp = 2 * target.getRelation(un) nam = target.getName().lower() fact = target.getFactionName() if un.getSignificantDistance(target) <= 2 * target.rSize( ) and ('afield' == nam[:6] or 'asteroid' == nam[:8]): asteroid = 1 hdis = HOSTILE_AUTODIST if (hostile_dist != 0): hdis = hostile_dist if (target.GetTarget() == un or (ftmp < 0 and un.getDistance(target) < hdis)): unfcount[fact] = unfcount.get(fact, 0) + 1 perfect = 0 if ((target.GetTarget() == un) and (ftmp < 0 and un.getDistance(target) < hdis)): threat = 1 if (target.isSignificant() and (un.getSignificantDistance(target) < (SIGNIFICANT_DISTANCE_OFFSET + SIGNIFICANT_DISTANCE_MULTIPLY * target.rSize()))): around_sig = 1 iter.advance() target = iter.current() if (perfect): if asteroid and asteroidlist != -1 and vsrandom.random() < .7: mpl(asteroidlist, PEACELIST, forcechange) return sys = VS.getSystemFile() fact = VS.GetGalaxyFaction(sys) ufact = un.getFactionName() if (around_sig): mpl(LookupTable(peacearoundsiglist, fact), PEACESITUATION, forcechange) debug.debug("peace-around-significant " + fact) else: if (VS.GetRelation(ufact, fact) >= 0): mpl(LookupTable(peaceawayfriendlylist, fact), PEACESITUATION, forcechange) debug.debug("peace-away-frienly " + fact) else: mpl(LookupTable(peaceawayhostilelist, fact), PEACESITUATION, forcechange) debug.debug("peace-away-hostile " + fact) else: ftmp = un.FShieldData() + 2 * un.GetHullPercent() + un.RShieldData( ) - 2 + 0.5 mfname = None mfcount = 0 for (fname, fcount) in unfcount.iteritems(): if fcount > mfcount: mfname = fname mfcount = fcount if (threat): if (ftmp < 0): mpl(LookupTable(paniclist, mfname), PANICSITUATION, forcechange) debug.debug("panic " + mfname) else: mpl(LookupTable(battlelist, mfname), BATTLESITUATION, forcechange) debug.debug("battle " + mfname) else: mpl(LookupTable(threatlist, mfname), THREATSITUATION, forcechange) debug.debug("threat " + mfname)
def Launch(self, you): if (self.havelaunched == 0): for i in range(len(self.faction)): faction = self.faction[i] if len(self.numenemies) > i: numenemies = self.numenemies[i] else: numenemies = self.numenemies[0] if type(self.AdjustFaction) != bool: try: if len(self.AdjustFaction) > i: self.AdjustFaction = self.AdjustFaction[i] else: self.AdjustFaction = self.AdjustFaction[0] except: AjdustFaction = True if len(self.fgname) > i: fgname = self.fgname[i] else: fgname = self.fgname[0] if fgname == "": fgname = "Shadow" if len(self.dyntype) > i: dyntype = self.dyntype[i] else: dyntype = self.dyntype[0] for z in range(numenemies):'Ambush: Launch ships!') self.havelaunched = 1 import launch L = launch.Launch() L.fg = fgname L.dynfg = "" # dynfg tells launch to load flightgroup from SaveString if dyntype == "": import faction_ships dyntype = faction_ships.getRandomFighter(faction) L.type = dyntype L.num = 1 if z == 0: L.fgappend = "" else: L.fgappend = "_" + str(z) L.minradius = 6000 L.maxradius = 8000 try: import faction_ships L.minradius *= faction_ships.launch_distance_factor L.maxradius *= faction_ships.launch_distance_factor except: pass L.faction = faction import universe enemy = L.launch(you) lead = enemy.getFlightgroupLeader() enemy.SetTarget(you) if lead: lead.SetTarget(you) else: enemy.setFlightgroupLeader(enemy) enemy.setFgDirective("A.") self.enemy = lead rel = VS.GetRelation(faction, "privateer") if self.AdjustFaction and rel >= 0: VS.AdjustRelation(faction, "privateer", -.02 - rel, 1.0) rel = VS.GetRelation("privateer", faction) VS.AdjustRelation("privateer", faction, -.02 - rel, 1.0) if i == 0 and z == 0: universe.greet(self.greetingText, enemy, you)'Ambush: Ships have been launched. Exiting...')
def Siege(fac): global siegenumber global siegenumtimes global siegeprob # turns_till_siege_effective=100 if (not fac in faction_ships.siegingfactions): return numfg= fg_util.NumAllFlightgroups(fac) if (numfg): if (siegenumber==0): siegeprob = float(numfg)/float(faction_ships.siegingfactions[fac]); siegenumtimes = int (siegeprob) if (siegenumtimes==0): siegenumtimes=1 else: siegeprob =1 if siegenumber>=siegenumtimes: siegenumber=0 return 0 else: if (vsrandom.uniform(0,1)<siegeprob): fg =fg_util.RandomFlightgroup(fac) sys = fg_util.FGSystem(fg,fac) enfac=VS.GetGalaxyFaction(sys) if (not sys in faction_ships.invincible_systems): #fg_util.CheckAllShips(fac) #fg_util.CheckAllShips(enfac) if enfac == "unknown": debug.debug("exploration: "+sys) fgleader = fg_util.getFgLeaderType(fg,fac) exploration = 1 else: exploration = 0 if (VS.GetRelation(fac,enfac)<0 and neighborFaction(sys,fac)):#FIXME maybe even less than that numenemyfg = fg_util.NumFactionFGsInSystem(enfac,sys) numfriendfg = fg_util.NumFactionFGsInSystem(fac,sys) #debug.debug('siegarol enemioes '+str(numenemyfg)+ ' friends '+str(numfriendfg)) global dnewsman_ if exploration: if sys != 'nil': generate_dyn_universe.TakeoverSystem(fac,sys) #HACK, regenerate bases instnatly dnewsman_.writeDynamicString([str(Director.getSaveData(0,"stardate",0)),dnewsman_.TYPE_EXPLORATION,dnewsman_.STAGE_END,fac,enfac,dnewsman_.SUCCESS_WIN,str(getImportanceOfSystem(sys)),sys,dnewsman_.KEYWORD_DEFAULT,fg,fgleader,"unknown","unknown"]) #FIXME use keyword (ignore #keyword for now Daniel) elif (numenemyfg==0 and numfriendfg==0): #If both annihalate each other completely (unlikely but possible) facnum = VS.GetFactionIndex (fac) debug.debug('cehcking started') debug.error("DRAW error "+fg+" sys has "+sys+" has " +str(fg_util.NumFactionFGsInSystem(fac,sys))+" String is "+Director.getSaveString(0,fg_util.MakeStarSystemFGKey(sys),facnum)) if sys != 'nil': dnewsman_.writeDynamicString([str(Director.getSaveData(0,"stardate",0)),dnewsman_.TYPE_SIEGE,dnewsman_.STAGE_END,fac,enfac,dnewsman_.SUCCESS_WIN,str(getImportanceOfSystem(sys)),sys,dnewsman_.KEYWORD_DEFAULT,fg,"unknown","unknown","unknown"]) #FIXME use keyword (ignore #keyword for now Daniel) elif (numenemyfg==0 and (fg_util.CapshipInFG(fg,fac) or moveSurroundingCapshipsToSiege(fac,sys))): #If aggressor succeeded debug.debug(fac + ' took over '+ sys + ' originally owned by '+enfac) #ok now we have him... while the siege is going on the allies had better initiate the battle--because we're now defending the place... so that means if the owners are gone this place is ours at this point in time fgs = fg_util.FGsInSystem(fac,sys) if (len(fgs)>0): fgs=fgs[0] else: fgs = "unknown" if sys != 'nil': dnewsman_.writeDynamicString([str(Director.getSaveData(0,"stardate",0)),dnewsman_.TYPE_SIEGE,dnewsman_.STAGE_END,fac,enfac,dnewsman_.SUCCESS_WIN,str(getImportanceOfSystem(sys)),sys,dnewsman_.KEYWORD_DEFAULT,fgs,"unknown","unknown","unknown"]) #FIXME use keyword (ignore #keyword for now Daniel) generate_dyn_universe.TakeoverSystem(fac,sys) #HACK, regenerate bases instnatly elif (numfriendfg==0): #If aggressor lost debug.error('wtf!!') fgs = fg_util.FGsInSystem(enfac,sys) if (len(fgs)>0): fgs=fgs[0] else: fgs = "unknown" if sys != 'nil': dnewsman_.writeDynamicString([str(Director.getSaveData(0,"stardate",0)),dnewsman_.TYPE_SIEGE,dnewsman_.STAGE_END,fac,enfac,dnewsman_.SUCCESS_LOSS,str(getImportanceOfSystem(sys)),sys,dnewsman_.KEYWORD_DEFAULT,"unknown","unknown",fgs,"unknown"]) #FIXME use keyword (ignore #keyword for now Daniel) #FIXME add if statements if there is instead a (non appocalyptic) draw (if waring factions have relations "almost neutral" you could have a cease fire, or if the two factions are evenly matched and go nowhere a withdraw of the attackers might occur)!!! siegenumber+=1 return 1 else: return 0
def launchUnits(sys):"Launching units for %s", sys) import faction_ships import launch_recycle import universe sig_units=universe.significantUnits() ownerfac= VS.GetGalaxyFaction(sys) jumpcount=0 planetcount=0 # asteroidcount=0 basecount=0 farlen=0 for sig in sig_units: if sig.isJumppoint(): jumpcount+=1 elif sig.isPlanet(): planetcount+=1 # elif sig.isAsteroid(): # asteroidcount+=1 else: basecount+=1 tmplen=Vector.Mag(sig.Position()) if tmplen>farlen: farlen=tmplen for factionnum in xrange(0,faction_ships.getMaxFactions()-1): faction=faction_ships.intToFaction(factionnum) fglist=filterLaunchedFGs(FGsInSystem(faction,sys)) isHostile=VS.GetRelation(ownerfac,faction)<0 isForeign=faction.find(ownerfac)==-1 if isForeign: if basecount+jumpcount: frac=len(fglist)/float(basecount+jumpcount) else: frac=0.0 else: if basecount+planetcount+jumpcount: frac=len(fglist)/float(planetcount+basecount+jumpcount) else: frac=0.0 if isHostile: for flightgroup in fglist: X=incr_by_abs(vsrandom.uniform(-1.0,1.0),1)*farlen Y=incr_by_abs(vsrandom.uniform(-1.0,1.0),1)*farlen Z=incr_by_abs(vsrandom.uniform(-1.0,1.0),1)*farlen XYZ = (X,Y,Z) typenumbers=ShipsInFG(flightgroup,faction) debug.debug("Really Far Apart around %s and 10000",XYZ) debug.debug(" launching %s for %s at %s", typenumbers, faction, XYZ) launch_recycle.launch_types_around(flightgroup,faction,typenumbers,'default',1,XYZ,0,'','',1,10000) else: for flightgroup in fglist: #jp = sig.isJumppoint() #if sig.isPlanet() or not isForeign: sig = sig_units[vsrandom.randrange(0,len(sig_units))] typenumbers=ShipsInFG(flightgroup,faction) debug.debug(" launching %s for %s", typenumbers, faction) launch_recycle.launch_types_around(flightgroup,faction,typenumbers,'default',sig.rSize()*vsrandom.randrange(10,100),sig,0,'','',1,10000)
def AddSysDict(cursys): global _generatedsys, _last_progress_percent #pick random fighter from insysenemies with .3 probability OR pick one from the friendlies list. # debug.debug('Addsysdict') sysfaction = VS.GetGalaxyFaction(cursys) numflightgroups = 1 + vsrandom.randrange( fg_util.MinNumFlightgroupsInSystem(cursys) - 1, fg_util.MaxNumFlightgroupsInSystem(cursys)) #debug.debug("Initializing system %s with %d flightgroups... " % (cursys,numflightgroups)) progress_percent = (_generatedsys / getSystemCount()) if progress_percent - _last_progress_percent > 0.01: ShowProgress.setProgressBar("loading", progress_percent) ShowProgress.setProgressMessage( "loading", "Generating dynamic universe (%.2f%%)" % (100 * progress_percent)) _last_progress_percent = progress_percent _generatedsys += 1 global fgnames, fglists i = 0 AddBasesToSystem(sysfaction, cursys) adjsystems = getAdjacentSystemList(cursys) for i in range(len(faction_ships.factions)): thisfac = faction_ships.factions[i] thisfactionnr = faction_ships.factionToInt(thisfac) rel = VS.GetRelation(sysfaction, thisfac) iscit = VS.isCitizen(thisfac) if iscit and thisfac.find(sysfaction) != -1: #debug.debug("generating spc civilian for "+cursys+" faction "+thisfac) #do somethign special for this military faction if thisfac == sysfaction: pass elif iscit: for neighbor in adjsystems: if (VS.GetRelation(thisfac, VS.GetGalaxyFaction(neighbor)) > -.05): #fgname=cursys+"->"+neighbor fgname = "(CivReg) " + GetNewFGName(thisfac) typenumbertuple = GenerateCivilianFgShips( thisfac, thisfactionnr, True) fg_util.AddShipsToFG(fgname, thisfac, typenumbertuple, cursys) fgname = "Insystem_" + cursys typenumbertuple = GenerateCivilianFgShips( thisfac, thisfactionnr, False) if iscit: #debug.debug("generating gen civilian for "+cursys+" faction "+thisfac) if VS.GetRelation( thisfac, sysfaction) > -.05: #brave citizens of the new order... fgname = GetNewFGName(thisfac) typenumbertuple = GenerateCivilianFgShips( thisfac, thisfactionnr, True) fg_util.AddShipsToFG(fgname, thisfac, typenumbertuple, cursys) friendlychance = .7 if cursys in faction_ships.fortress_systems: friendlychance = faction_ships.fortress_systems[cursys] #debug.debug('enemy chance for '+cursys +'= '+str(friendlychance)) for i in range(numflightgroups): #number of fgs in a system. faction = sysfaction friendly = 0 if not sysfaction or sysfaction == 'unknown' or vsrandom.random( ) > friendlychance: faction = faction_ships.get_rabble_of_no_citizen( sysfaction) #why even have citizens on the list then else: faction = faction_ships.get_friend_of_no_citizen( sysfaction ) #likewise--- maybe this should be a faction_ships fix if (faction == sysfaction): friendly = 1 if (sysfaction in faction_ships.production_centers): if (cursys in faction_ships.production_centers[sysfaction]): friendly = 2 #if (friendly): # debug.debug(faction+" "+sysfaction+" "+cursys) factionnr = faction_ships.factionToInt(faction) global maxshipsinfg typenumbertuple = GenerateFgShips( vsrandom.randrange(maxshipsinfg) + 1, factionnr, friendly) fgname = GetNewFGName(faction) fg_util.AddShipsToFG(fgname, faction, typenumbertuple, cursys) return i
def Launch(self, you): if (self.havelaunched == 0): if (type(self.numenemies) == type(1)): self.numenemies = (self.numenemies, ) self.faction = (self.faction, ) self.dyntype = (self.dyntype, ) self.dynfg = (self.dynfg, ) if (type(self.AdjustFaction) != type(()) and type(self.AdjustFaction) != type([])): self.AdjustFaction = (self.AdjustFaction, ) for i in range(len(self.faction)): numenemies = self.numenemies[i] faction = self.faction[i] for z in range(numenemies): AdjustFaction = self.AdjustFaction[-1] if (i < len(self.AdjustFaction)): AdjustFaction = self.AdjustFaction[i] dynfg = "" if (len(self.dynfg) > i): dynfg = self.dynfg[i] dyntype = "" if (len(self.dyntype) > i): dyntype = self.dyntype[i] print('Ambush: Launch ships!') self.havelaunched = 1 L = launch.Launch() L.fg = "Shadow" if (dyntype == ""): dyntype = faction_ships.getRandomFighter(faction) L.dynfg = dynfg L.type = dyntype L.num = 1 L.fgappend = "X" L.minradius = 6000 L.maxradius = 8000 try: L.minradius *= faction_ships.launch_distance_factor L.maxradius *= faction_ships.launch_distance_factor except: pass L.faction = faction enemy = L.launch(you) lead = enemy.getFlightgroupLeader() enemy.SetTarget(you) if (lead): lead.SetTarget(you) else: enemy.setFlightgroupLeader(enemy) enemy.setFgDirective("A.") self.enemy = lead rel = VS.GetRelation(faction, "privateer") if (AdjustFaction and rel >= 0): VS.AdjustRelation(faction, "privateer", -.02 - rel, 1.0) rel = VS.GetRelation("privateer", faction) VS.AdjustRelation("privateer", faction, -.02 - rel, 1.0) if (i == len(self.faction) - 1 and z == 0): universe.greet(self.greetingText, enemy, you) #print "launchin" print('Ambush: Ships have been launched. Exiting...')
def contractMissionsFor(fac, minsysaway, maxsysaway): global totalMissionNumber global insysMissionNumber totalMissionNumber = 0 insysMissionNumber = 0 facnum = faction_ships.factionToInt(fac) enemies = list(faction_ships.enemies[facnum]) script = '' cursystem = VS.getSystemFile() thisfaction = VS.GetGalaxyFaction(cursystem) preferredfaction = None if (VS.GetRelation(fac, thisfaction) >= 0): preferredfaction = thisfaction #try to stay in this territory l = [] num_wingmen = 2 num_rescue = 2 num_defend = 1 num_idefend = 2 num_bounty = 1 num_ibounty = 1 num_patrol = 1 num_ipatrol = 1 num_escort = 1 num_iescort = 1 mincount = 2 usedcats = {} plr = VS.getPlayer() if plr: for i in range(plr.numCargo()): usedcats[plr.GetCargoIndex(i).GetCategory()] = 1 for i in range(minsysaway, maxsysaway + 1): for j in getSystemsNAway(cursystem, i, preferredfaction): import dynamic_battle if (i < 2 and num_rescue > 0): if j[-1] in dynamic_battle.rescuelist: generateRescueMission(j, dynamic_battle.rescuelist[j[-1]]) if checkCreatedMission(): num_rescue -= 1 # if (0 and i==0): # generateRescueMission(j,("confed","Shadow","pirates")) l = dynamic_battle.BattlesInSystem(j[-1]) nodefend = 1 for k in l: if (VS.GetRelation(fac, k[1][1]) >= 0): if ((j[-1] == VS.getSystemFile() and num_idefend <= 0) or (j[-1] != VS.getSystemFile() and num_defend <= 0)): mungeFixerPct() debug.debug("Munged") else: nodefend = 0 generateDefendMission(j, k[1][0], k[1][1], k[0][0], k[0][1]) restoreFixerPct() if checkInsysNum(): num_idefend -= 1 if checkMissionNum(): num_defend -= 1 debug.debug("Generated defendX with insys at: " + str(num_idefend) + " and outsys at " + str(num_defend)) (m, nummerchant, numthisfac) = GetFactionToDefend(thisfaction, fac, j[-1]) if preferredfaction: for kk in faction_ships.enemies[ faction_ships.factiondict[thisfaction]]: k = faction_ships.intToFaction(kk) for mm in fg_util.FGsInSystem(k, j[-1]): if (i == 0 or vsrandom.randrange(0, 4) == 0): #fixme betterthan 4 if nodefend and len(m) and vsrandom.random() < .4: if 1: #for i in range(vsrandom.randrange(1,3)): insys = (j[-1] == VS.getSystemFile()) if (insys and num_idefend <= 0): mungeFixerPct() elif (num_defend <= 0 and not insys): mungeFixerPct() rnd = vsrandom.randrange(0, len(m)) def_fg = m[rnd] def_fac = "merchant" if rnd >= nummerchant: def_fac = thisfaction if rnd >= numthisfac: def_fac = fac generateDefendMission( j, def_fg, def_fac, mm, k) restoreFixerPct() if checkInsysNum(): num_idefend -= 1 if checkMissionNum(): num_defend -= 1 debug.debug( "Generated defendY with insys at: " + str(num_idefend) + " and outsys at " + str(num_defend)) nodefend = 0 elif ((i == 0 or vsrandom.random() < .5)): if ((j[-1] == VS.getSystemFile() and num_ibounty <= 0) or (j[-1] != VS.getSystemFile() and num_bounty <= 0)): mungeFixerPct() generateBountyMission(j, mm, k) restoreFixerPct() if checkInsysNum(): debug.debug( " decrementing INSYS bounty to " + str(num_ibounty)) num_ibounty -= 1 if checkMissionNum(): debug.debug(" decrementing bounty to " + str(num_bounty)) num_bounty -= 1 mincount = -2 if i == 0: mincount = 1 for k in range(vsrandom.randrange( mincount, 4)): ###FIXME: choose a better number than 4. if k < 0: k = 0 rnd = vsrandom.random() if (rnd < .15): # 15% - nothing pass if (rnd < .5 or i == 0): # 35% - Patrol Mission if ((j[-1] == VS.getSystemFile() and num_ipatrol <= 0) or (j[-1] != VS.getSystemFile() and num_patrol <= 0)): mungeFixerPct() if (vsrandom.randrange(0, 2) or j[-1] in faction_ships.fortress_systems): generatePatrolMission(j, vsrandom.randrange(4, 10)) else: generateCleansweepMission( j, vsrandom.randrange(4, 10), faction_ships.get_enemy_of(fac)) restoreFixerPct() if checkInsysNum(): num_ipatrol -= 1 if checkMissionNum(): num_patrol -= 1 else: # 50% - Cargo mission numcargos = vsrandom.randrange(1, 25) if numcargos > 20: numcargos = 20 category = '' if (rnd > .87 and fac != 'confed' and fac != "ISO" and fac != "militia" and fac != "homeland-security" and fac != "kilrathi" and fac != "merchant" and fac != "klkk"): category = 'Contraband' else: for myiter in range(100): carg = VS.getRandCargo(numcargos, category) category = carg.GetCategory() if ((not category in usedcats) and category[:9] != 'Fragments' and category[:10] != 'Contraband' and category.find('upgrades') != 0 and (category.find('starships') != 0 or rnd > .999)): break if (myiter != 99): category = '' # debug.debug("CATEGORY OK "+category) if not category in usedcats: generateCargoMission(j, numcargos, category, fac) usedcats[category] = 1 numescort = vsrandom.randrange(0, 2) if (numescort > len(m)): numescort = len(m) count = 0 for k in m: if (i == 0): if vsrandom.random() < .92: count += 1 continue elif (vsrandom.random() < .97): count += 1 continue f = "merchant" if count >= nummerchant: f = thisfaction if count >= numthisfac: f = fac if (vsrandom.random() < .25): if (num_wingmen > 0): generateWingmanMission(k, f) num_wingmen -= 1 elif (i == 0): if (vsrandom.random() < .25): if num_iescort <= 0: mungeFixerPct() generateEscortLocal(j, k, f) restoreFixerPct() if checkCreatedMission(): num_iescort -= 1 else: if num_escort <= 0: mungeFixerPct() generateEscortMission(j, k, f) restoreFixerPct() if checkCreatedMission(): num_escort -= 1 count += 1
def isNotWorthy(fac): return VS.GetRelation(fac, VS.getPlayer().getFactionName()) < 0
def launch_near(self, un, forceLaunch=False): if (VS.GetGameTime() < 10 and not forceLaunch): debug.debug("hola!") return cursys = VS.getSystemFile() cursysfaction = VS.GetGalaxyFaction(cursys) # Computing probability numbers is relatively expensive, # accessing multiple times FG/Galaxy/Universe API. # Although with some optimization it becomes acceptable on # a director loop, this is still much better: we compute # probabilities roughly once per system entry, and then just # launch a single flightgroup per director execution (to spread # launch load in time and make it less intrusive on gameplay - # ie, stutter less noticeably). Outside code will take care # of ceasing to call this function when no more flightgroups # are needed. # Validate probability cache if (cursysfaction != self.probability_cache[0]) \ or (cursys != self.probability_cache[1]) \ or (faction_ships.getMaxFactions() != len(self.probability_cache[2])): debug.debug('Probability numbers:') psum = 0 probs = [] for factionnum in range(faction_ships.getMaxFactions()): faction = faction_ships.intToFaction(factionnum) num = fg_util.NumFactionFGsInSystem( faction, cursys) # will count bases... but... much quicker. if num == 1: #cannot accept counting bases in this case... num = len(fg_util.FGsInSystem(faction, cursys)) avg = float(num) / float( fg_util.MaxNumFlightgroupsInSystem( cursys)) #/float(numsigs) fortress_level = 0 if cursys in faction_ships.fortress_systems: foretress_level = faction_ships.fortress_systems[cursys] avg *= (not (VS.GetRelation(cursysfaction, faction) < 0 and cursys in faction_ships.fortress_systems) ) * fortress_level + (1 - fortress_level) debug.debug('Chance for %s ship: %g' % (faction, avg)) probs.append(avg) psum += avg self.probability_cache = (cursysfaction, cursys, probs, psum) else: debug.debug('Probability numbers cached.') # Launch a single random flightgroup in the bunch rnd = vsrandom.random() * self.probability_cache[3] p = 0 for factionnum in range(len(self.probability_cache[2])): p += self.probability_cache[2][factionnum] if (p >= rnd): #now we know that we will generate some ships! faction = faction_ships.intToFaction(factionnum) fglist = fg_util.FGsInSystem(faction, cursys) for k in range(10): #try 10 times flightgroup = fglist[vsrandom.randrange(len(fglist))] typenumbers = fg_util.GetShipsInFG(flightgroup, faction) if not len(typenumbers): continue debug.debug('FG Name: "%s", ShipTypes: %s' % (flightgroup, str(typenumbers))) launch_recycle.launch_types_around( flightgroup, faction, typenumbers, 'default', self.generation_distance * vsrandom.random() * 0.9, un, self.generation_distance * vsrandom.random() * 2, '', '', 100) break # assume after 10 tries we launched a flightgroup, we're done here break # Update DJ dj_lib.PlayMusik(0, dj_lib.HOSTILE_NEWLAUNCH_DISTANCE)