def test_draw_map_outline_type_of_return(self):
        """Test draw_map if it returns a list properly.

        The result is expected True
        map_outline = map.draw_map_outline()
        self.assertEqual(list, type(map_outline))
    def test_draw_map_outline_length_of_list(self):
        """Test draw_map if it creates valid length of list based on map_size.

        The result is expected True
        map_outline = map.draw_map_outline()
        self.assertEqual(10, len(map_outline))
    def test_draw_map_outline_value_of_each_dict(self):
        """Test draw_map_outline if it contains valid value in each dictionary.

        The result is expected True
        map_outline = map.draw_map_outline()
        map_value = map_outline[0][0, 0]
        self.assertEqual(' ', map_value)
    def test_draw_map_outline_type_of_elements(self):
        """Test draw_map if it contains valid dictionary elements.

        The result is expected True
        map_outline = map.draw_map_outline()
        map_elements = map_outline[0]
        self.assertEqual(dict, type(map_elements))
    def test_draw_last_line_map_length_of_list(self):
        """Test draw_last_line_map if it returns valid length of list based on map_size.

        The result is expected True
        map_outline = map.draw_map_outline()
        last_line = map.draw_last_line_map(map_outline)
        self.assertEqual(5, len(last_line))
    def test_draw_last_line_map_type_of_return(self):
        """Test draw_last_line_map if the type of return is valid.

        The result is expected True
        map_outline = map.draw_map_outline()
        last_line = map.draw_last_line_map(map_outline)
        self.assertEqual(list, type(last_line))
    def test_draw_map_user_location(self):
        """Test draw_map if it writes the location of user properly.

        The result is expected True
        map_lines = map.draw_map_outline()
        drawn_map = map.draw_map(map_lines, self.test_dict)
        self.assertEqual('[O]', drawn_map[2][2, 2])
    def test_draw_map_length_of_list(self):
        """Test draw_map if the length of returned list is valid.

        The result is expected True
        map_lines = map.draw_map_outline()
        drawn_map = map.draw_map(map_lines, self.test_dict)
        self.assertEqual(3, len(drawn_map))
    def test_draw_map_type_of_return(self):
        """Test draw_map if it returns valid list.

        The result is expected True
        map_lines = map.draw_map_outline()
        drawn_map = map.draw_map(map_lines, self.test_dict)
        self.assertEqual(list, type(drawn_map))