def single_simulation(): """ Performs a single simulation with the specified constants :return: """ print_band_gap_frequencies(C0, L0, C, L, CELL_LEN) abcd_simulator = ABCDSimulator(R, L0, G, C0, L, C, CELL_LEN, CELLS_NUM, START_FREQ, END_FREQ, V_end, I_end) abcd_simulator.read_measured_data(MEASURED_S11_PATH, MEASURED_S21_PATH) abcd_simulator.plot_s_params(SAVE_FIG, PLOT_MEASURED_DATA)
def simulate_over_C0_L0(): gammas = [] freq_arr = None for i in range(-4, 4): c0 = C0 * (2**i) l0 = L0 * (2**i) print_band_gap_frequencies(c0, l0, C, L, CELL_LEN) abcd_simulator = ABCDSimulator(R, l0, G, c0, L, C, CELL_LEN, CELLS_NUM, START_FREQ, END_FREQ, V_end, I_end) abcd_simulator.plot_s_params() freq_arr = abcd_simulator.frequency_range gammas.append(abcd_simulator.gamma_arr) plt.figure(1) title = f'Gamma vs frequency over different C0,L0' plt.suptitle(title, fontSize=FONT_SIZE) for i in range(-4, 4): c0 = C0 * (2**i) l0 = L0 * (2**i) plt.plot(freq_arr, 20 * np.log10(gammas[4 + i]), label=f'C0={c0},L0={l0}') plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Gamma (Db)') plt.legend(loc='best')
def simulate_over_cells_num(): print_band_gap_frequencies(C0, L0, C, L, CELL_LEN) min_cell_num = 1 max_cell_num = 10 for cells_num in range(min_cell_num, max_cell_num): abcd_simulator = ABCDSimulator(R, L0, G, C0, L, C, CELL_LEN, cells_num, START_FREQ, END_FREQ, V_end, I_end) abcd_simulator.plot_s_params()
def board_spec_simulation(): l0 = 3.574 * 10**-9 c0 = 0.82838 * 10**-12 G = 0 R = 0 print_band_gap_frequencies(c0, l0, C, L, CELL_LEN) abcd_simulator = ABCDSimulator(R, l0, G, c0, L, C, CELL_LEN, CELLS_NUM, START_FREQ, END_FREQ, V_end, I_end) abcd_simulator.plot_s_params()
def simulate_over_C_L(): for i in range(-4, 4): c = C * (5**i) l = L * (5**i) print_band_gap_frequencies(C0, L0, c, l, CELL_LEN) abcd_simulator = ABCDSimulator(R, L0, G, C0, l, c, CELL_LEN, CELLS_NUM, START_FREQ, END_FREQ, V_end, I_end) abcd_simulator.plot_s_params()
def simulate_over_R_G(): # SET R TO AT LEAST 10 ** 4 FOR AN EFFECT ON THE SIMULATION! print_band_gap_frequencies(C0, L0, C, L, CELL_LEN) gammas = [] for i in range(-10, 3): r = R * (10**i) g = r abcd_simulator = ABCDSimulator(r, L0, g, C0, L, C, CELL_LEN, CELLS_NUM, START_FREQ, END_FREQ, V_end, I_end) abcd_simulator.plot_s_params() gammas.append(abcd_simulator.gamma_arr) plt.figure(1) title = f'Gamma vs frequency over different R,G' plt.suptitle(title, fontSize=FONT_SIZE) for i in range(-10, 3): r = R * (10**i) plt.phase_spectrum(gammas[10 + i], label=f'R=G={r}') plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Gamma (Db)') plt.legend(loc='best')
def simulate_over_cell_len(): gammas = [] freq_arr = None for i in range(-4, 4): cell_len = CELL_LEN * (2**i) print_band_gap_frequencies(C0, L0, C, L, cell_len) abcd_simulator = ABCDSimulator(R, L0, G, C0, L, C, cell_len, CELLS_NUM, START_FREQ, END_FREQ, V_end, I_end) abcd_simulator.plot_s_params() freq_arr = abcd_simulator.frequency_range gammas.append(abcd_simulator.gamma_arr) plt.figure(1) title = f'Gamma vs frequency over different cell length' plt.suptitle(title, fontSize=FONT_SIZE) for i in range(-4, 4): cell_len = CELL_LEN * (2**i) plt.plot(freq_arr, 20 * np.log10(gammas[4 + i]), label=f'{cell_len}m') plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') plt.ylabel('Gamma (Db)') plt.legend(loc='best')