Esempio n. 1
    def _format_string(self, formatter, arguments):
        """Searches for the formatter string in the debug information.

        Also checks the downloadable capabilities.

            string_ptr: Pointer to the formatter string.
            arguments: Arguments for the formatter string. Note this can
            # python can't handle the '%p' format specifier, apparently.
            formatter = re.sub(r'%([0-9]*)p', r'0x%\g<1>x', formatter)
            formattedstr = formatter % tuple(
                arguments)  # works for an empty list too
        except TypeError as exception:
            # TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not str
            # Nasty special case: if we incorrectly interpreted a large number
            # as a string, the format specifier won't match here.
            if"arguments number is required", str(exception)):
                specifiers = re.findall(r"%([\d\w]+)", formatter)
                # if len(specifiers) != len(arguments) bad case
                for idx, val in enumerate(specifiers):
                    # If the specifier isn't a string, but we have a string in
                    # args, try to correct our mistake.
                    cs_available ="[cs]", val)
                    if not cs_available and isinstance(arguments[idx], str):
                        # Replace the string with the original large number.
                        # That requires a search through all the debug strings
                        # to work out what the number was.
                        debug_strings = self.debuginfo.get_kymera_debuginfo(
                        for addr, string in debug_strings.items():
                            if string == arguments[idx]:
                                arguments[idx] = addr
                                formattedstr = formatter % tuple(arguments)
                formattedstr = ("\n@@@@ ERROR:" + str(exception) + "\n" +
                                "     formatter string: %s\n" % (formatter) +
                                "     arguments: %s\n" %
        return formattedstr
Esempio n. 2
    def _decode_log(self):
        """Same as decode_log, but is not thread safe."""
        # Form the list on a temporary list so we don't duplicate old entries
        tmp_debug_log = []
        # Read all the debug variables.
        buffer_wrp = self.chipdata.get_data(self.p_buffer_wrp)
        debug_buffer = self.chipdata.get_data(self.p_buffer, self.buffer_size)
        if buffer_wrp == self.last_read + 1:
            # Nothing new in the log so don't bother reading it

        # The debug buffer looks like this:
        #     [appppaapapaa...............ppp]
        #      ^           ^                 ^
        #  debug_buffer    buffer_wrp      len(debug_buffer)
        #  p = string pointer, arguments = string argument

        # Decoding is more complicated than you might think, because:
        # * We can't assume that a value > $flash.debugdata.__Base is a string
        #    pointer (it could just be a large number)
        # * String pointers can in some circumstances be arguments to other
        #   strings (more details below).
        # * The buffer may not be completely full
        # * The buffer may have wrapped unevenly, so that the first few
        #   arguments after buffer_wrp are orphaned from the corresponding
        #   string.
        # So what we need to do is work backwards from buffer_wrp, find the
        # last string pointer, and count the number of format specifiers
        # in it to check that it matches the number of arguments.

        arguments = []  # list of args for each log statement
        i = buffer_wrp - 1  # start with the newest entry in the buffer
        last_read = i  # record how far we will read up to this time
        wrapped = False

        while True:
            # Check for a wrap/repeat
            if i < 0:
                i = len(debug_buffer) - 1
                wrapped = True
            if wrapped and i <= buffer_wrp:
                # we've parsed the whole buffer

            # We need to look for things that look like pointers to debug
            # strings.
            region = Arch.get_dm_region(debug_buffer[i], False)
            if region == 'DEBUG' or region == 'DBG_DWL' or region == 'DBG_PTCH':
                mystr = self._get_formatter_string(debug_buffer[i], arguments)

                # Now it could just so happen that this value is an argument
                # to printf AND a valid debug string pointer, like:
                #    AUDIO_LOG_STRING(hi, "hello");
                #    L0_DBG_MSG1("foo: %s", (DBG_STR)hi);
                # (This construct is especially prevalent in isp_router).
                # We can check that the string pointed-to has the same number
                # of arguments as we have in a[], but that doesn't actually
                # help in this case since it doesn't allow us to distinguish
                # between a string that simply has no arguments, and a string
                # that is an argument to another string.
                # To avoid painful look-ahead, the simple way to solve this
                # is to just assume every complete-looking string is actually
                # complete, and put it into tmp_debug_log[]. If we then come
                # across a string that doesn't seem to have enough
                # arguments, we backtrack. Note that we only support one
                # level of nesting here; if someone has put a formatted
                # string inside a formatted string then all bets are off.

                if mystr.count('%') == 0 and arguments:
                    # This could happen if you had something like:
                    #    L0_DBG_MSG1("foo: %s %d", (DBG_STR)hi, 0x1234)
                    # This string is clearly just actually an argument.
                    i -= 1

                if mystr.count('%') > len(arguments):
                    # We're missing some arguments. We probably put them into
                    #  tmp_debug_log[], thinking they were complete strings.
                    num_args_missing = mystr.count('%') - len(arguments)
                    if num_args_missing == mystr.count('%s'):
                        temp_arguments = tmp_debug_log[-num_args_missing:]
                        if Arch.addr_per_word != 4:
                            # For Hydra platforms, like Crescendo and Aura
                            # the arguments in tmp_debug_log[] are in the
                            # right order, because the order in which the
                            # arguments are stored. For Blucore platforms,
                            # like Gordon and Rick, the array slice is in
                            # the wrong order.
                        arguments = temp_arguments + arguments
                        # now arguments[] contains what it would have held,
                        # had we not put the missing args into
                        # tmp_debug_log[]. Last thing to do is disavow them.
                        tmp_debug_log[-num_args_missing:] = []

                # Now we should have the right number of arguments!
                str_cnt = mystr.count('%')

                # Assume this is a complete log.
                # shrink-wrap the string we just read, and save it.
                arguments.reverse()  # because we added args in reverse order.

                # format the string.
                formatter_error = False
                if str_cnt == len(arguments):
                        formatted_str = self._format_string(mystr, arguments)
                    except ValueError:
                        # ValueError can be caused by erroneous formatting
                        # string like a "0x%08"
                        formatter_error = True
                    formatter_error = True
                if formatter_error:
                    formatted_str = (
                        "\n@@@@ ERROR: Wrong number of arguments! " +
                        "This could be caused by buffer tear. \n" +
                        "Buffer tear happens when messages are " +
                        "written too fast to the log buffer\n" +
                        "and the debug interface cannot keep up in reading them. \n"
                        + "     formatter string: %s\n" %
                        (mystr.replace("\n", "")) + "     arguments: %s\n" %

                # Add the formatted string to the debug log.
                # Clear the arguments for the next run.
                arguments = []

                # Found an argument.

            i -= 1  # next

            if i == self.last_read:  # We've reached where we got to

        self.last_read = last_read
        # invert the debug log so it is printed in the correct order
        return tmp_debug_log