Esempio n. 1
def player_vs_computer():
    still_playing = True
    while still_playing:
        not_valid_input = True
        while not_valid_input:
            level = 'hard'
            # create AI
            if level.lower() == 'easy':
                clu = AI_Easy()
                not_valid_input = False
            elif level.lower() == 'medium':
                clu = AI_Intermediate()
                not_valid_input = False
            elif level.lower() == 'hard':
                clu = AI_Expert()
                not_valid_input = False

        ships = {
            'P': 2,  # Patrol Boat
            'D': 3,  # Destroyer
            'S': 3,  # Submarine
            'B': 4,  # Battleship
            'A': 5  # Aircraft Carrier

        # create the user_board
        user_board = Board(10, 10)
        user_hit_board = Board(10, 10)
        original_user_board = Board(10, 10)

        # create user
        start = Start_Player()
        start.place_ships(user_board, ships)
        original_user_board.spaces = deepcopy(user_board.spaces)
        user = Player()

        # create the AI
        clu_board = Board(10, 10)
        clu.place_ships(clu_board, ships)
        original_clu_board = Board(10, 10)
        original_clu_board.spaces = deepcopy(clu_board.spaces)

        print " "

        no_winner = True
        # Let the Games BEGIN!
        round_count = 0
        while no_winner:

            round_count += 1
            ''' USER MOVE'''
            user.take_turn(user_hit_board, clu_board, original_clu_board)
            bool_ships = {
                'P': True,  # Patrol Boat
                'D': True,  # Destroyer
                'S': True,  # Submarine
                'B': True,  # Battleship
                'A': True  # Aircraft Carrier
            user.which_ships_are_sunk(bool_ships, clu_board)
            if is_win(bool_ships):
                Game_Stats.write_game_stats(1, round_count, 0, 1)
                print "Game over you win!"
            ''' CLU's TURN '''
            print "Clu's turn..."

            bool_ships = {
                'P': True,  # Patrol Boat
                'D': True,  # Destroyer
                'S': True,  # Submarine
                'B': True,  # Battleship
                'A': True  # Aircraft Carrier
            clu.take_turn(user_board, original_user_board)
            print '\n-------------------------'
            clu.which_ships_are_sunk(bool_ships, user_board)
            if is_win(bool_ships):
                Game_Stats.write_game_stats(1, round_count, 1, 0)
                print "Game over clu wins!"
        response = raw_input("Play Again? (y/n) ")
        if response.lower() == 'n':
            still_playing = False
Esempio n. 2
def player_vs_computer():
    still_playing = True
    while still_playing: 
        not_valid_input = True  
        while not_valid_input:
            level = 'hard'
             # create AI
            if level.lower() == 'easy':    
                clu = AI_Easy()
                not_valid_input = False
            elif level.lower() == 'medium':
                clu = AI_Intermediate()
                not_valid_input = False
            elif level.lower() == 'hard':
                clu = AI_Expert()
                not_valid_input = False
        ships = {'P' : 2, # Patrol Boat
                 'D' : 3, # Destroyer
                 'S' : 3, # Submarine
                 'B' : 4, # Battleship
                 'A' : 5  # Aircraft Carrier
        # create the user_board
        user_board = Board(10,10)
        user_hit_board = Board(10,10)
        original_user_board = Board(10,10)
        # create user
        start = Start_Player()
        start.place_ships(user_board, ships) 
        original_user_board.spaces = deepcopy(user_board.spaces);    
        user = Player()
        # create the AI   
        clu_board = Board(10,10)
        clu.place_ships(clu_board, ships)
        original_clu_board = Board(10,10)
        original_clu_board.spaces = deepcopy(clu_board.spaces);    
        print " "
        no_winner = True
        # Let the Games BEGIN!
        round_count = 0
        while no_winner:

            round_count += 1
            ''' USER MOVE'''
            user.take_turn(user_hit_board, clu_board, original_clu_board)
            bool_ships = {'P' : True, # Patrol Boat
                 'D' : True, # Destroyer
                 'S' : True, # Submarine
                 'B' : True, # Battleship
                 'A' : True  # Aircraft Carrier
            user.which_ships_are_sunk(bool_ships, clu_board)
            if is_win(bool_ships):
                Game_Stats.write_game_stats(1, round_count, 0, 1)
                print "Game over you win!"

            ''' CLU's TURN '''
            print "Clu's turn..."
            bool_ships = {'P' : True, # Patrol Boat
                 'D' : True, # Destroyer
                 'S' : True, # Submarine
                 'B' : True, # Battleship
                 'A' : True  # Aircraft Carrier
            clu.take_turn(user_board, original_user_board)
            print '\n-------------------------'
            clu.which_ships_are_sunk(bool_ships, user_board)
            if is_win(bool_ships):
                Game_Stats.write_game_stats(1, round_count, 1, 0)
                print "Game over clu wins!"
        response = raw_input("Play Again? (y/n) ")
        if response.lower() == 'n':
            still_playing = False
Esempio n. 3
def computer_vs_computer_many():
    games_played = 0
    tron_wins = 0
    clu_wins = 0
    while games_played < 1000:
        ships = {
            'P': 2,  # Patrol Boat
            'D': 3,  # Destroyer
            'S': 3,  # Submarine
            'B': 4,  # Battleship
            'A': 5  # Aircraft Carrier
        # create tron
        tron = AI_Easy()
        tron_board = Board(10, 10)
        tron.place_ships(tron_board, ships)
        original_tron = Board(10, 10)
        original_tron.spaces = deepcopy(tron_board.spaces)

        # create clu
        clu = AI_Master()
        clu_board = Board(10, 10)
        clu.place_ships(clu_board, ships)
        original_clu = Board(10, 10)
        original_clu.spaces = deepcopy(clu_board.spaces)

        no_winner = True
        # Let the Games BEGIN!
        while no_winner:

            bool_ships = {
                'P': True,  # Patrol Boat
                'D': True,  # Destroyer
                'S': True,  # Submarine
                'B': True,  # Battleship
                'A': True  # Aircraft Carrier
            # Tron's Turn
            print "tron's turn..."
            #time.sleep( 2 )
            tron.take_turn(clu_board, original_clu)
            tron.which_ships_are_sunk(bool_ships, clu_board)
            if is_win(bool_ships):
                print "game over tron wins"
                tron_wins += 1

            bool_ships = {
                'P': True,  # Patrol Boat
                'D': True,  # Destroyer
                'S': True,  # Submarine
                'B': True,  # Battleship
                'A': True  # Aircraft Carrier
            # Clu's turn
            print "Clu's turn..."
            #time.sleep( 2 )
            clu.take_turn(tron_board, original_tron)
            clu.which_ships_are_sunk(bool_ships, tron_board)
            if is_win(bool_ships):
                print "game over clu wins"
                clu_wins += 1
        games_played = tron_wins + clu_wins

    print 'Tron ' + str(tron_wins)
    print 'Clu ' + str(clu_wins)
Esempio n. 4
def computer_vs_computer_many():
    games_played = 0
    tron_wins = 0
    clu_wins = 0
    while games_played < 1000:
        ships = {'P' : 2, # Patrol Boat
                 'D' : 3, # Destroyer
                 'S' : 3, # Submarine
                 'B' : 4, # Battleship
                 'A' : 5  # Aircraft Carrier
        # create tron
        tron = AI_Easy()
        tron_board = Board(10,10)
        tron.place_ships(tron_board, ships)
        original_tron = Board(10,10)
        original_tron.spaces = deepcopy(tron_board.spaces);
        # create clu
        clu = AI_Master()
        clu_board = Board(10,10)
        clu.place_ships(clu_board, ships)
        original_clu = Board(10,10)
        original_clu.spaces = deepcopy(clu_board.spaces);
        no_winner = True
        # Let the Games BEGIN!
        while no_winner:
            bool_ships = {'P' : True, # Patrol Boat
                 'D' : True, # Destroyer
                 'S' : True, # Submarine
                 'B' : True, # Battleship
                 'A' : True  # Aircraft Carrier
            # Tron's Turn
            print "tron's turn..."
            #time.sleep( 2 )
            tron.take_turn(clu_board, original_clu)
            tron.which_ships_are_sunk(bool_ships, clu_board)
            if is_win(bool_ships):
                print "game over tron wins"
                tron_wins += 1
            bool_ships = {'P' : True, # Patrol Boat
                 'D' : True, # Destroyer
                 'S' : True, # Submarine
                 'B' : True, # Battleship
                 'A' : True  # Aircraft Carrier
            # Clu's turn
            print "Clu's turn..."
            #time.sleep( 2 )
            clu.take_turn(tron_board, original_tron)
            clu.which_ships_are_sunk(bool_ships, tron_board)
            if is_win(bool_ships):
                print "game over clu wins"
                clu_wins += 1
        games_played = tron_wins + clu_wins
    print 'Tron ' + str(tron_wins)
    print 'Clu ' + str(clu_wins)