def setUp(self): print("--- Set Up ---") # Defining the variables that will access the data in the excel sheet: self.data_book = openpyxl.load_workbook("C:/Users/ori/Selenium/AOSTestData.xlsx") self.data_sheet = self.data_book["Data"] self.aid_sheet = self.data_book["Aids"] # Defining a Chrome browser and 10 seconds implicit wait: self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=str(self.aid_sheet["C4"].value)) self.driver.implicitly_wait(10) # Entering the AOS website: self.driver.get("") self.driver.maximize_window() # Defining a Waiter class, Actions class and a General class for the test: self.wait = Waiters(self.driver) self.general = General(self.driver) self.actions = Actions(self.driver) # Ignore the "tracemalloc" ResourceWarning: warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ResourceWarning)
class Test8(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): print("--- Set Up ---") # Defining the variables that will access the data in the excel sheet: self.data_book = openpyxl.load_workbook("C:/Users/ori/Selenium/AOSTestData.xlsx") self.data_sheet = self.data_book["Data"] self.aid_sheet = self.data_book["Aids"] # Defining a Chrome browser and 10 seconds implicit wait: self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=str(self.aid_sheet["C4"].value)) self.driver.implicitly_wait(10) # Entering the AOS website: self.driver.get("") self.driver.maximize_window() # Defining a Waiter class, Actions class and a General class for the test: self.wait = Waiters(self.driver) self.general = General(self.driver) self.actions = Actions(self.driver) # Ignore the "tracemalloc" ResourceWarning: warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ResourceWarning) def tearDown(self): print("--- Tear Down ---") # Return to homepage: self.general.click_logo_button() self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "speakersImg")) # Wait for the homepage to load. # Closing the browser: self.driver.close() # Saving the excel book:"C:/Users/ori/Selenium/AOSTestData.xlsx") def test_aos8(self): print("AOS Test 8") # Defining products and quantities for the test using the excel sheet: chosen_cat = self.data_sheet["J2"].value prod1_id = self.data_sheet["J3"].value # Defining account details and payment details using the excel sheet: username = self.aid_sheet["B2"].value + str(self.aid_sheet["B3"].value) # Recreating the excel formula. # Updating the username index for future test executions: self.aid_sheet["B3"] = self.aid_sheet["B3"].value + 1 email = self.data_sheet["J15"].value password = self.data_sheet["J16"].value safepay_user = self.data_sheet["J17"].value safepay_password = self.data_sheet["J18"].value # Enter the category: self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "tabletsImg")) # Waiting for the homepage to load Homepage(self.driver).enter_category(chosen_cat) # Entering the chosen category. # Ordering product: category = Categories(self.driver) # Defining a variable for the chosen category page. category.enter_product(prod1_id) self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "Description")) # Wait for the product description to be visible. product = Products(self.driver) # Defining a variable for the product pages. product.click_add_to_cart() # Waiting for the cart pop-up menu to appear and entering the checkout page: self.wait.visibility((By.XPATH, "//table[@ng-show='cart.productsInCart.length > 0']")) self.general.popup_cart_enter_checkout() checkout = Checkout(self.driver) # Defining a variable for the Checkout class. checkout.click_register() # Entering the account creation page. new_account = CreateAccount(self.driver) # Defining a variable for the CreateAccount class. # Creating a new account: new_account.enter_username(username) new_account.enter_email(email) new_account.enter_password_and_confirmation(password) new_account.agree_to_terms().click() # If the "agree to terms" checkbox isn't selected, it is checked again: if not new_account.agree_to_terms().is_selected(): new_account.agree_to_terms().click() # Moving to the "Register" button, waiting for it to be clickable and clicking it: self.actions.move_to(new_account.register_button()) self.wait.clickable((By.ID, "register_btnundefined")) new_account.register_button().click() # After returning to the checkout page, proceed to payment: self.wait.clickable((By.ID, "next_btn")) # Waiting for the next button to be clickable. checkout.click_proceed_to_payment() # Enter SafePay details: checkout.choose_payment_method("safepay") checkout.fill_safepay_details(safepay_user, safepay_password) self.wait.clickable((By.ID, "pay_now_btn_SAFEPAY")) # Wait for the "Pay Now" button to be clickable. checkout.click_pay_now_safepay() # Entering the "Thank You" page: payment = OrderPayment(self.driver) # Defining a variable for the OrderPayment class. self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "orderPaymentSuccess")) # Waiting for the "Thank You" page to load. print("Reached Thank You Page.") # Testing the "Thank You" massage appears properly: self.assertEqual("Thank you for buying with Advantage", payment.thank_you_message().text) order_num = payment.order_payment_num().text # Defining a variable with the order number. # Enter "my orders" and compare order number: self.general.open_account_menu() self.general.enter_my_orders() self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "myAccountContainer")) # Waiting for "My Orders" page to load. # Searching "My Orders" page for an element with the order number. # If such element exists, that means the order was saved to the account. order_elem = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(f"//*[text()='{order_num}']") self.assertEqual(order_num, order_elem.text) print(f"Order Number: {order_num}") # Entering the cart: self.general.enter_cart_page() self.wait.visibility((By.CLASS_NAME, "sticky")) # Waiting for it to load. # Making sure the cart is empty: self.assertEqual("Your shopping cart is empty", Cart(self.driver).empty_cart().text) print("Shopping Cart is empty.") # Writing the result in the excel sheet: self.data_sheet["J24"] = "V"
class AOSTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): print("--- Set Up ---") # Defining the variables that will access the data in the excel sheet: self.data_book = openpyxl.load_workbook( "C:/Users/ori/Selenium/AOSTestData.xlsx") self.data_sheet = self.data_book["Data"] self.aid_sheet = self.data_book["Aids"] # Defining a Chrome browser and 10 seconds implicit wait: self.driver = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path=str(self.aid_sheet["C4"].value)) self.driver.implicitly_wait(10) # Entering the AOS website: self.driver.get("") self.driver.maximize_window() # Defining a Waiter class, Actions class and a General class for the test: self.wait = Waiters(self.driver) self.general = General(self.driver) self.actions = Actions(self.driver) # Ignore the "tracemalloc" ResourceWarning: warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ResourceWarning) def tearDown(self): print("--- Tear Down ---") # Return to homepage: self.general.click_logo_button() self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "speakersImg")) # Wait for the homepage to load. # Closing the browser: self.driver.close() # Saving the excel book:"C:/Users/ori/Selenium/AOSTestData.xlsx") # Test 1 - Order 2 different products with different quantities # and check the quantity in the cart pop-up window is correct: def test_aos001(self): print("AOS Test 1") # Defining products and quantities for the test using the excel data sheet: chosen_cat = self.data_sheet["C2"].value prod1_id = self.data_sheet["C3"].value prod1_quan = self.data_sheet["C4"].value prod2_id = self.data_sheet["C6"].value prod2_quan = self.data_sheet["C7"].value # Enter the category: self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "speakersImg")) # Wait for the homepage to load. Homepage(self.driver).enter_category( chosen_cat) # Enter the chosen category. # Ordering 1st product: category = Categories( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the category page. category.enter_product(prod1_id) self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "Description")) # Wait for the product page to be load. product = Products( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the product pages. product.choose_quantity(prod1_quan) product.click_add_to_cart() self.driver.back() # Ordering 2nd product: category.enter_product(prod2_id) self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "Description")) product.choose_quantity(prod2_quan) product.click_add_to_cart() # Waiting for the cart pop-up menu to appear before the assertions stage: self.wait.clickable((By.ID, "checkOutPopUp")) # Printing the result for comparison. print( f"Product 1 Desired QTY: {prod1_quan}, Actual {self.general.popup_cart_quantity(2)}" ) print( f"Product 2 Desired QTY: {prod2_quan}, Actual {self.general.popup_cart_quantity(1)}" ) # Making sure the test passed using the products' quantity variable and a General class function. self.assertEqual(str(f"QTY: {prod1_quan}"), self.general.popup_cart_quantity(2)) self.assertEqual(str(f"QTY: {prod2_quan}"), self.general.popup_cart_quantity(1)) # Writing the result in the excel sheet: self.data_sheet["C24"] = "V" # Test 2 - Order 3 different products with different quantities and colors # and check the products' names, colors, quantities and prices in the pop-up window is correct: def test_aos002(self): print("AOS Test 2") # Defining products, colors and quantities for the test using the excel data sheet: chosen_cat = self.data_sheet["D2"].value prod1_id = self.data_sheet["D3"].value prod1_quan = self.data_sheet["D4"].value prod1_color = self.data_sheet["D5"].value prod2_id = self.data_sheet["D6"].value prod2_quan = self.data_sheet["D7"].value prod2_color = self.data_sheet["D8"].value prod3_id = self.data_sheet["D9"].value prod3_quan = self.data_sheet["D10"].value prod3_color = self.data_sheet["D11"].value # Enter the category: self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "headphonesImg")) # Wait for the homepage to load. Homepage(self.driver).enter_category( chosen_cat) # Enter the chosen category. # Ordering 1st product: category = Categories( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the category page. category.enter_product(prod1_id) self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "Description")) # Wait for the product page to load. product = Products( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the product pages. # Creating a variable with the product's name for the testing assertions: prod1_name = product.product_name() # Creating a variable with the product's unit price for the testing assertions: prod1_price = product.product_price() product.choose_color(prod1_color) product.choose_quantity(prod1_quan) product.click_add_to_cart() self.driver.back() # Ordering 2nd product: category.enter_product(prod2_id) self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "Description")) prod2_name = product.product_name() prod2_price = product.product_price() product.choose_color(prod2_color) product.choose_quantity(prod2_quan) product.click_add_to_cart() self.driver.back() # Ordering 3rd product: category.enter_product(prod3_id) self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "Description")) prod3_name = product.product_name() prod3_price = product.product_price() product.choose_color(prod3_color) product.choose_quantity(prod3_quan) product.click_add_to_cart() # Waiting for the cart pop-up menu to appear before the assertions stage: self.wait.visibility( (By.XPATH, "//table[@ng-show='cart.productsInCart.length > 0']")) # Printing the test data for compairson: print( f"Product 1:\n" f"Name: Desired - {prod1_name}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_name(3)} \n" f"Color: Desired - {prod1_color}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_color(3)[7:]} \n" f"Quantity: Desired - {prod1_quan}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_quantity(3)[5:]} \n" f"Price: Desired - {prod1_price} * {str(prod1_quan)}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_price(3)}" ) print( f"Product 2:\n" f"Name: Desired - {prod2_name}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_name(2)} \n" f"Color: Desired - {prod2_color}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_color(2)[7:]} \n" f"Quantity: Desired - {prod2_quan}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_quantity(2)[5:]} \n" f"Price: Desired - {prod2_price} * {str(prod2_quan)}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_price(2)}" ) print( f"Product 3:\n" f"Name: Desired - {prod3_name}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_name(1)} \n" f"Color: Desired - {prod3_color}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_color(1)[7:]} \n" f"Quantity: Desired - {prod3_quan}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_quantity(1)[5:]} \n" f"Price: Desired - {prod3_price} * {str(prod3_quan)}, Actual - {self.general.popup_cart_price(1)}" ) # Making sure the test passed using the prod variables and General class functions: # Pop-up cart names = Products' names: # List with all the prod_name variables sorted according to their order in the cart. names_list = [prod3_name, prod2_name, prod1_name] for i in names_list: # Because the cart pop-up menu shortens product names > 27 letters, the assertion has an IF condition: # IF the product name is > 27, only the first 27 letters are used for the assertion. if len(i) > 27: self.assertEqual( i[0:27], self.general.popup_cart_name(names_list.index(i) + 1)[0:27]) else: self.assertEqual( i, self.general.popup_cart_name(names_list.index(i) + 1)) # Pop-up cart colors = Products' colors: self.assertEqual(f"Color: {prod1_color}", self.general.popup_cart_color(3)) self.assertEqual(f"Color: {prod2_color}", self.general.popup_cart_color(2)) self.assertEqual(f"Color: {prod3_color}", self.general.popup_cart_color(1)) # Pop-up cart quantity = Products' quantity: self.assertEqual(f"QTY: {prod1_quan}", self.general.popup_cart_quantity(3)) self.assertEqual(f"QTY: {prod2_quan}", self.general.popup_cart_quantity(2)) self.assertEqual(f"QTY: {prod3_quan}", self.general.popup_cart_quantity(1)) # Pop-up cart price = Products' price: # Every product's unit price is converted to a float and multiplied by the ordered quantity, # then it's compared to the pop-up menu's final price (also converted to float and removed the "$"). self.assertEqual( float(prod1_price[1:]) * prod1_quan, float(self.general.popup_cart_price(3)[1:])) self.assertEqual( float(prod2_price[1:]) * prod2_quan, float(self.general.popup_cart_price(2)[1:])) self.assertEqual( float(prod3_price[1:]) * prod3_quan, float(self.general.popup_cart_price(1)[1:])) # Writing the result in the excel sheet: self.data_sheet["D24"] = "V" # Test 3 - Removing an item using the cart pop-up menu and testing to see it was removed properly: def test_aos003(self): print("AOS Test 3") # Defining products and quantities from the excel sheet for the test: chosen_cat = self.data_sheet["E2"].value prod1_id = self.data_sheet["E3"].value prod2_id = self.data_sheet["E6"].value # Enter the category: self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "miceImg")) # Wait for the homepage to load. Homepage(self.driver).enter_category( chosen_cat) # Entering the chosen category. # Ordering 1st product: category = Categories( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the category page. category.enter_product(prod1_id) self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "Description")) # Wait for the product description to be visible. product = Products( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the product pages. product.click_add_to_cart() self.driver.back() # Ordering 2nd product: category.enter_product(prod2_id) self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "Description")) prod2_name = product.product_name( ) # Defining a variable with the product's name for the test assertions. product.click_add_to_cart() # Waiting for the cart pop-up menu to appear and removing a product: self.wait.visibility( (By.XPATH, "//table[@ng-show='cart.productsInCart.length > 0']")) self.general.popup_cart_remove_product(2) # Making sure you can't delete the 2nd item in the cart after it's been deleted: with self.assertRaises(NoSuchElementException): self.general.popup_cart_remove_product(2) # Hovering over the cart icon and waiting for the pop-up menu to appear: self.general.hover_cart_icon() self.wait.visibility( (By.XPATH, "//table[@ng-show='cart.productsInCart.length > 0']")) # Making sure the item left in the cart is the correct one: print(f"Desired product left: {prod2_name}") print(f"Actual product left: {self.general.popup_cart_name(1)}") self.assertEqual(prod2_name, self.general.popup_cart_name(1)) # Writing the result in the excel sheet: self.data_sheet["E24"] = "V" # Test 4 - Clicking the cart icon in the upper right corner and making sure it redirects to the cart page: def test_aos004(self): print("AOS Test 4") # Defining a product for the test using the excel sheet: chosen_cat = self.data_sheet["F2"].value prod1_id = self.data_sheet["F3"].value # Enter the category: self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "miceImg")) # Wait for the homepage to load Homepage(self.driver).enter_category( chosen_cat) # Entering the chosen category. # Ordering product: category = Categories( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the category page. category.enter_product(prod1_id) self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "Description")) # Wait for the product description to be visible. product = Products( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the product pages. product.click_add_to_cart() self.driver.back() # Entering the cart page: self.general.enter_cart_page() # Waiting for the cart page to load and the cart table to appear: self.wait.visibility((By.CLASS_NAME, "fixedTableEdgeCompatibility")) # Testing if the navigation line updated to "Shopping Cart": print("Desired Text: SHOPPING CART, Actual: " + self.general.nav_line(2).text) self.assertEqual(self.general.nav_line(2).text, "SHOPPING CART") # Writing the result in the excel sheet: self.data_sheet["F24"] = "V" # Test 5 - Testing the product data in the cart page is accurate by ordering 3 different products and quantities: def test_aos005(self): print("AOS Test 5") # Defining products and quantities for the test using the excel sheet: chosen_cat = self.data_sheet["G2"].value prod1_id = self.data_sheet["G3"].value prod1_quan = self.data_sheet["G4"].value prod2_id = self.data_sheet["G6"].value prod2_quan = self.data_sheet["G7"].value prod3_id = self.data_sheet["G9"].value prod3_quan = self.data_sheet["G10"].value # Enter the category: self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "laptopsImg")) # Wait for the homepage to load. Homepage(self.driver).enter_category( chosen_cat) # Entering the chosen category. # Ordering 1st product: category = Categories( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the category page. category.enter_product(prod1_id) self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "Description")) # Wait for the product description to be visible. product = Products( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the product pages. product.choose_quantity(prod1_quan) prod1_name = product.product_name( ) # Defining a variable with the product's name for the assertions. prod1_price = product.product_price( ) # Defining a variable with the product's price for the assertions. product.click_add_to_cart() self.driver.back() # Ordering 2nd product: category.enter_product(prod2_id) self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "Description")) product.choose_quantity(prod2_quan) prod2_name = product.product_name() prod2_price = product.product_price() product.click_add_to_cart() self.driver.back() # Ordering 3rd product: category.enter_product(prod3_id) self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "Description")) product.choose_quantity(prod3_quan) prod3_name = product.product_name() prod3_price = product.product_price() product.click_add_to_cart() # Entering the cart page: self.general.enter_cart_page() # Waiting for the cart page to load: self.wait.visibility((By.CLASS_NAME, "fixedTableEdgeCompatibility")) cart = Cart(self.driver) # Defining a variable for the Cart class. # Making sure the test passed by comparing the data in the cart table to the products' info: # Products' quantities: self.assertEqual(str(prod1_quan), cart.cart_quantities(3)) self.assertEqual(str(prod2_quan), cart.cart_quantities(2)) self.assertEqual(str(prod3_quan), cart.cart_quantities(1)) # Products' prices: # Creating a variable for every product's final price to check the site made the right calculations: prod1_final_price = float(prod1_price[1:]) * prod1_quan prod2_final_price = float(prod2_price[1:]) * prod2_quan prod3_final_price = float(prod3_price[1:]) * prod3_quan # Using a list and an IF condition for the final price test. # IF the price > 999, the STR needs an additional "," for the assertions to pass. # The list's indexes are matching the cart order. final_prices = [ prod3_final_price, prod2_final_price, prod1_final_price ] for i in final_prices: if i > 999: final_price_str = str(i)[0] + "," + str(i)[1:] self.assertEqual(f"${final_price_str}", cart.cart_prices(final_prices.index(i) + 1)) else: self.assertEqual(f"${i}", cart.cart_prices(final_prices.index(i) + 1)) # Printing the products' details for comparison: print(f"1st product: {prod1_name} \n " f"Quantity: {prod1_quan} \n " f"Price: {prod1_price} \n " f"Final Price: {prod1_final_price}") print(f"2nd product: {prod2_name} \n " f"Quantity: {prod2_quan} \n " f"Price: {prod2_price} \n " f"Final Price: {prod2_final_price}") print(f"3rd product: {prod3_name} \n " f"Quantity: {prod3_quan} \n " f"Price: {prod3_price} \n " f"Final Price: {prod3_final_price}") # Writing the result in the excel sheet: self.data_sheet["G24"] = "V" # Test 6 - Testing the "Edit" function in the cart page and making sure it changes the product quantities properly: def test_aos006(self): print("AOS Test 6") # Defining products and quantities for the test using the excel sheet: chosen_cat = self.data_sheet["H2"].value prod1_id = self.data_sheet["H3"].value prod1_quan = self.data_sheet["H4"].value prod2_id = self.data_sheet["H6"].value prod2_quan = self.data_sheet["H7"].value # Enter the category: self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "laptopsImg")) # Waiting for the homepage to load. Homepage(self.driver).enter_category( chosen_cat) # Entering the laptops category. # Ordering 1st product: category = Categories( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the category page. category.enter_product(prod1_id) self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "Description")) # Wait for the product description to be visible. product = Products( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the product pages. product.choose_quantity(prod1_quan) product.click_add_to_cart() self.driver.back() # Ordering 2nd product: category.enter_product(prod2_id) self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "Description")) product.choose_quantity(prod2_quan) product.click_add_to_cart() # Entering the cart page: self.general.enter_cart_page() # Waiting for the cart page to load: self.wait.visibility((By.CLASS_NAME, "fixedTableEdgeCompatibility")) cart = Cart(self.driver) # Defining a variable for the Cart class. # Editing the 1st product's quantity: cart.cart_click_edit(2) self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "Description")) # Waiting for the product page to load. product.choose_quantity(prod1_quan + 1) product.click_add_to_cart() # Waiting for the cart page to load: self.wait.visibility((By.CLASS_NAME, "fixedTableEdgeCompatibility")) # Editing the 2nd product's quantity: # Waiting for the cart popup menu to disappear: self.wait.invisibility( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "table[ng-show='cart.productsInCart.length > 0']")) cart.cart_click_edit(1) self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "Description")) product.choose_quantity(prod2_quan + 1) product.click_add_to_cart() # Waiting for the cart page to load: self.wait.visibility((By.CLASS_NAME, "fixedTableEdgeCompatibility")) # Printing for comparison: print(f"Product 1 desired quantity: {prod1_quan + 1}") print(f"Product 1 actual quantity: {cart.cart_quantities(2)}") print(f"Product 2 desired quantity: {prod2_quan + 1}") print(f"Product 2 actual quantity: {cart.cart_quantities(1)}") # Making sure the test passed by comparing the quantity in the cart page to the new wanted quantity: self.assertEqual(cart.cart_quantities(2), str(prod1_quan + 1)) self.assertEqual(cart.cart_quantities(1), str(prod2_quan + 1)) # Writing the result in the excel sheet: self.data_sheet["G24"] = "V" # Test 7 - Adding a product from the tablets category and making sure that when you return to the previous # page, it returns you to the tablets category and then to the homepage: def test_aos007(self): print("AOS Test 7") # Defining products and quantities for the test using the excel sheet: chosen_cat = self.data_sheet["I2"].value prod1_id = self.data_sheet["I3"].value # Enter the category: self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "tabletsImg")) # Waiting for the homepage to load. Homepage(self.driver).enter_category( chosen_cat) # Entering the chosen category. # Ordering product: category = Categories( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the category page. category.enter_product(prod1_id) self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "Description")) # Wait for the product description to be visible. product = Products( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the product pages. product.click_add_to_cart() # Return to the tablets category page: self.driver.back() # Making sure we returned to the tablets category page and the navigation line updated: print( f"Desired navigation line indication: TABLETS, Actual: {self.general.nav_line(2).text}" ) self.assertEqual("TABLETS", self.general.nav_line(2).text) # Making sure we can't go to a product's page using the navigation line: with self.assertRaises(NoSuchElementException): self.general.nav_line(3).click() # Return to the homepage: self.driver.back() # Making sure we returned to the homepage and the navigation line disappeared: with self.assertRaises(NoSuchElementException): self.general.nav_line(2).click() print("Returned to Homepage") # Writing the result in the excel sheet: self.data_sheet["I24"] = "V" # Test 8 - Order a product and in checkout create a new account and pay with SafPay. # Make sure the payment worked, the cart is empty and the order is under the account's "My Orders" tab. def test_aos008(self): print("AOS Test 8") # Defining products and quantities for the test using the excel sheet: chosen_cat = self.data_sheet["J2"].value prod1_id = self.data_sheet["J3"].value # Defining account details and payment details using the excel sheet: username = self.aid_sheet["B2"].value + str( self.aid_sheet["B3"].value) # Recreating the excel formula. # Updating the username index for future test executions: self.aid_sheet["B3"] = self.aid_sheet["B3"].value + 1 email = self.data_sheet["J15"].value password = self.data_sheet["J16"].value safepay_user = self.data_sheet["J17"].value safepay_password = self.data_sheet["J18"].value # Enter the category: self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "tabletsImg")) # Waiting for the homepage to load Homepage(self.driver).enter_category( chosen_cat) # Entering the chosen category. # Ordering product: category = Categories( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the chosen category page. category.enter_product(prod1_id) self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "Description")) # Wait for the product description to be visible. product = Products( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the product pages. product.click_add_to_cart() # Waiting for the cart pop-up menu to appear and entering the checkout page: self.wait.visibility( (By.XPATH, "//table[@ng-show='cart.productsInCart.length > 0']")) self.general.popup_cart_enter_checkout() checkout = Checkout( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the Checkout class. checkout.click_register() # Entering the account creation page. new_account = CreateAccount( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the CreateAccount class. # Creating a new account: new_account.enter_username(username) new_account.enter_email(email) new_account.enter_password_and_confirmation(password) new_account.agree_to_terms().click() # If the "agree to terms" checkbox isn't selected, it is checked again: if not new_account.agree_to_terms().is_selected(): new_account.agree_to_terms().click() # Moving to the "Register" button, waiting for it to be clickable and clicking it: self.actions.move_to(new_account.register_button()) self.wait.clickable((By.ID, "register_btnundefined")) new_account.register_button().click() # After returning to the checkout page, proceed to payment: self.wait.clickable( (By.ID, "next_btn")) # Waiting for the next button to be clickable. checkout.click_proceed_to_payment() # Enter SafePay details: checkout.choose_payment_method("safepay") checkout.fill_safepay_details(safepay_user, safepay_password) self.wait.clickable( (By.ID, "pay_now_btn_SAFEPAY" )) # Wait for the "Pay Now" button to be clickable. checkout.click_pay_now_safepay() # Entering the "Thank You" page: payment = OrderPayment( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the OrderPayment class. self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "orderPaymentSuccess" )) # Waiting for the "Thank You" page to load. print("Reached Thank You Page.") # Testing the "Thank You" massage appears properly: self.assertEqual("Thank you for buying with Advantage", payment.thank_you_message().text) order_num = payment.order_payment_num( ).text # Defining a variable with the order number. # Enter "my orders" and compare order number: self.general.open_account_menu() self.general.enter_my_orders() self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "myAccountContainer")) # Waiting for "My Orders" page to load. # Searching "My Orders" page for an element with the order number. # If such element exists, that means the order was saved to the account. order_elem = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( f"//*[text()='{order_num}']") self.assertEqual(order_num, order_elem.text) print(f"Order Number: {order_num}") # Entering the cart: self.general.enter_cart_page() self.wait.visibility( (By.CLASS_NAME, "sticky")) # Waiting for it to load. # Making sure the cart is empty: self.assertEqual("Your shopping cart is empty", Cart(self.driver).empty_cart().text) print("Shopping Cart is empty.") # Writing the result in the excel sheet: self.data_sheet["J24"] = "V" # Test 9 - Order a product and use an existing account in the checkout. Pay using MaterCredit # Make sure the cart is empty and the order is under the account's "My Orders" tab. def test_aos009(self): print("AOS Test 9") # Defining products and quantities for the test using the excel sheet: chosen_cat = self.data_sheet["K2"].value prod1_id = self.data_sheet["K3"].value # Defining account details and payment details using the excel sheet: username = self.data_sheet["K12"].value password = self.data_sheet["K13"].value card = self.data_sheet["K19"].value cvv = self.data_sheet["K20"].value month = self.data_sheet["K21"].value year = self.data_sheet["K22"].value name = self.data_sheet["K23"].value # Enter the category: self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "tabletsImg")) # Waiting for the homepage to load. Homepage(self.driver).enter_category( chosen_cat) # Entering the chosen category. # Ordering product: category = Categories( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the category page. category.enter_product(prod1_id) self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "Description")) # Wait for the product description to be visible. product = Products( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the product pages. product.click_add_to_cart() # Waiting for the cart pop-up menu to appear and entering the checkout page: self.wait.visibility( (By.XPATH, "//table[@ng-show='cart.productsInCart.length > 0']")) self.general.popup_cart_enter_checkout() checkout = Checkout( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the Checkout class. # Logging in to an existing account: checkout.fill_login_details(username, password) checkout.click_login() # Proceed to payment: self.wait.clickable( (By.ID, "next_btn")) # Waiting for the "Next" button to be clickable. checkout.click_proceed_to_payment() checkout.choose_payment_method("masterCredit") # Enter MasterCredit details: checkout.fill_mastercredit_details(card, cvv, month, year, name) checkout.click_save_changes( "master_credit") # We don't want to save the changes. self.wait.clickable( (By.ID, "pay_now_btn_MasterCredit" )) # Waiting for the "Pay Now" button to be clickable. checkout.click_pay_now_mastercreadit() # Entering the "Thank You" page: payment = OrderPayment( self.driver) # Defining a variable for the OrderPayment class. self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "orderPaymentSuccess" )) # Waiting for the "Thank You" page to load. print("Reached Thank You Page.") # Testing the "Thank You" massage appears properly: self.assertEqual("Thank you for buying with Advantage", payment.thank_you_message().text) order_num = payment.order_payment_num( ).text # Defining a variable with the order number. # Enter "my orders" and compare order number: self.general.open_account_menu() self.general.enter_my_orders() self.wait.visibility( (By.ID, "myAccountContainer")) # Waiting for "My Orders" page to load. # Searching "My Orders" page for an element with the order number. # If such element exists, that means the order was saved to the account. order_elem = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( f"//*[text()='{order_num}']") self.assertEqual(order_num, order_elem.text) print(f"Order Number: {order_num}") # Entering the cart self.general.enter_cart_page() self.wait.visibility( (By.CLASS_NAME, "sticky")) # Waiting for it to load. # Making sure the cart is empty: self.assertEqual("Your shopping cart is empty", Cart(self.driver).empty_cart().text) print("Shopping Cart is empty.") # Writing the result in the excel sheet: self.data_sheet["K24"] = "V" # Test 10 - Signing in and signing out of an existing account: def test_aos010(self): print("AOS Test 10") # Defining username and password from an existing account using the excel sheet: username = self.data_sheet["L12"].value password = self.data_sheet["L13"].value # Waiting for the site to load: self.wait.visibility((By.ID, "tabletsImg")) # Opening the sign-in menu: self.general.open_signin_menu() self.wait.visibility( (By.CLASS_NAME, "login")) # Waiting for the sign-in menu to load. # Entering an existing account's details and signing in: self.general.account_signin_username(username) self.general.account_signin_password(password) self.general.click_signin_btn_account_popup() # Signing out of the account: self.wait.clickable( (By.CLASS_NAME, "containMiniTitle")) # Waiting for the user icon to be clickable. self.general.open_account_menu() self.general.click_signout_account() # Waiting for the username to disappear: self.wait.invisibility((By.CLASS_NAME, "containMiniTitle")) # Testing the username no longer appears and the user is signed out: self.assertEqual("", self.general.signed_in_username().text) print("User signed out") # Writing the result in the excel sheet: self.data_sheet["L24"] = "V"