def __init__(self): self.folder = '(папка):' self.path = ['/'] self.old_path = '' self.old_name = '' self.to_delete = '0' self.api = Api('', 'admin', 'admin') self.root = Tk() self.root.geometry("400x250") self.listbox = Listbox(self.root, width=30, height=15) self.listbox.pack(side=LEFT) self.listbox.bind('<Double-1>', lambda x: self.listbox_click()) self.fill_listbox() self.frame = Frame(self.root) self.frame.pack(side=LEFT) self.upload = Button(self.frame, text="Загрузить", command=self.upload) self.upload.pack() self.new_folder = Button(self.frame, text="Новая папка", command=self.new_folder) self.new_folder.pack() self.delete = Button(self.frame, text="Удалить", command=self.delete) self.delete.pack() self.copy = Button(self.frame, text="Копировать", command=self.copy_object) self.copy.pack() self.take = Button(self.frame, text="Вырезать", command=self.take) self.take.pack() self.paste = Button(self.frame, text="Вставить", command=self.paste) self.paste.pack() self.root.mainloop() pass
class Db(): def __init__(self): = Api("None") def setPais(self): self.mycursor = mydb.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO datos (nombre,capital,habitantes) VALUES(%s,%s,%s)" val = (,, self.mycursor.execute(sql, val) mydb.commit() print(self.mycursor.rowcount, "registro ha sido insertado con exito.") def getDatos(self): self.mycursor = mydb.cursor() self.mycursor.execute("SELECT * FROM datos") self.myresult = self.mycursor.fetchall() """for result in self.myresult:
def menu(): print("BIENVENIDO") while True: TrueDeparment = True limit = int(input("Ingrese el numero maximo de datos a buscar: ")) while TrueDeparment: deparment = input("Ingrese el departamento(sin tilde): ") deparment = deparment.upper() if deparment not in all_deparments: print("Departamento no encontrado.") continue TrueDeparment = False result = Api.consult(limit, deparment) print( tabulate(result, headers=[ 'Ciudad', 'Departamento', 'Edad', 'Tipo', 'Estado', 'Procendencia' ], tablefmt='fancy_grid', stralign='center')) next = input("Desea buscar mas datos?[Y/N]: ") if next == "N" or next == "n": break
class GUI: def __init__(self): self.folder = '(папка):' self.path = ['/'] self.old_path = '' self.old_name = '' self.to_delete = '0' self.api = Api('', 'admin', 'admin') self.root = Tk() self.root.geometry("400x250") self.listbox = Listbox(self.root, width=30, height=15) self.listbox.pack(side=LEFT) self.listbox.bind('<Double-1>', lambda x: self.listbox_click()) self.fill_listbox() self.frame = Frame(self.root) self.frame.pack(side=LEFT) self.upload = Button(self.frame, text="Загрузить", command=self.upload) self.upload.pack() self.new_folder = Button(self.frame, text="Новая папка", command=self.new_folder) self.new_folder.pack() self.delete = Button(self.frame, text="Удалить", command=self.delete) self.delete.pack() self.copy = Button(self.frame, text="Копировать", command=self.copy_object) self.copy.pack() self.take = Button(self.frame, text="Вырезать", command=self.take) self.take.pack() self.paste = Button(self.frame, text="Вставить", command=self.paste) self.paste.pack() self.root.mainloop() pass def copy_object(self): self.old_name = self.get_file_name() self.old_path = "/".join(self.path) def take(self): self.copy_object() self.to_delete = '1' def paste(self): self.api.paste(self.path, self.old_name, self.old_path, self.old_name, self.to_delete) self.old_path = '' self.old_name = '' self.to_delete = '0' self.fill_listbox() def get_file_name(self): item = self.listbox.get('active') if item.find(self.folder) != -1: item = item.split(':')[1] return item def delete(self): self.api.delete(self.get_file_name(), self.path) self.fill_listbox() def fill_listbox(self): self.listbox.delete(0, END) out = self.api.file_list("/".join(self.path)) files, directories = out.content.decode('utf-8').split('$') self.listbox.insert(END, "/") if len(directories) > 0: for item in directories.split(','): self.listbox.insert(END, self.folder + item) for item in files.split(','): self.listbox.insert(END, item) def upload(self): filepath = askopenfilename(initialdir="/home/oleg", title="Select file", filetypes=(("text", "*.txt"), ("all files", "*.*"))) filename = filepath.split('/')[-1] files = {'file': (filename, open(filepath, 'rb'))} output = self.api.upload(file=files, path=self.path) self.listbox.insert(END, output.content.decode('utf-8')) self.fill_listbox() pass def new_folder(self): new_folder_modal = Toplevel(self.root) self.entry = Entry(new_folder_modal) self.entry.pack() create = Button(new_folder_modal, text="Создать", command=self.create_folder) create.pack() pass def create_folder(self): name = self.entry.get() self.api.create_folder(name, self.path) self.fill_listbox() def listbox_click(self): item = self.listbox.get('active') # get clicked item folder = '' if item.find(self.folder) > -1: self.path.append(item.split(':')[1]) self.fill_listbox() return if item == '/': if len(self.path) > 1: self.path.pop() self.fill_listbox() return else: self.file_modal(item) def file_modal(self, item): top = Toplevel(self.root) self.text = Text(top) self.text.pack() file = self.api.file_get_content(self.path, item) self.text.delete('1.0', END) self.text.insert(END, file.content.decode('utf-8')) save = Button(top, text="Сохранить", save.pack() def save(self): item = self.listbox.get('active') text = self.text.get("1.0", END), self.path, item) self.fill_listbox() pass
# Sæunn Elín Ragnarsdóttir # Summer of 2020 # University of Iceland # ============================================================================= import sqlite3 from API import Api import datetime # ============================================================================= # This program saves data from CoinMarketCap to a database. # This program will be run every hour. # ============================================================================= # The class Api from the API file api = Api() # The Pricing information from CoinMarketCap is fetched directly api.readfromCMC() # Connect to the following database file conn = sqlite3.connect("cmcdata.db") # A cursor is defined c = conn.cursor() # Date and time variable defined datetime = # The following function creates the SQLite table CMCdata
def __init__(self): = Api("None")
from API import Api import time import sys passphrase = "" key = "" b64 = "" url = '' a = Api("cbpro", passphrase=passphrase, b64=b64, key=key, url=url) a.start() try: while True: time.sleep(0.2) o = input("buy or sell ? ") if "buy" in o:"Which size would you buy ? "))) elif "sell" in o: a.sell(float(input("Which size would you buy ? "))) else: print ("I don't understand, please retry\n") time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: a.stop() sys.exit(0)