Esempio n. 1
def Run():
    z_outs = []
    count = 50 * 60  # Count allows us to send a 'running' message ~1 a minute
    client = initSender("PalomAlert/acc")

    while True:
        for i in range(
                0, 30
        ):  # The PalomAlert takes the standard deviation over the past 30 readings in order to tell whether the door is being shook - raw readings were too erratic to be used reliably
            z_out_L = read_byte(0x2C)
            z_out_H = read_byte(0x2D)
            z_out = convert_data(z_out_L, z_out_H)

        deviation = stdev(z_outs)
        z_outs.clear()  # Clear the array to ensure next reading is correct

        if (deviation > 1000):
            count = 50 * 60  # To indicate door isn't being shook again
            ts = time.time()  # Get timestamp
            send(client, ts, "PalomAlert/acc/shake", qos=2)
            )  # To ensure messages aren't being sent at too high a frequency

        elif (count >= 50 * 60):
                client, None, "PalomAlert/acc/running", qos=2
            )  # Running message indicates to the server that the PalomAlert is live, and there is no intrusion happening
            count = 0
            count = count + 1
Esempio n. 2
def Check(Readings):
        client = initSender("PalomAlert/check")

        # This function checks whether the door was static during calibration

        if (Readings["comp"][1] > 0.5 or Readings["x"][1] > 220) or (Readings["y"][1] > 220 or (Readings["z"][1] > 220 or Readings["temp"][1])) > 1.5:
                send(client, None, "PalomAlert/calibration/retry", qos=2)
                return False
                send(client, None, "PalomAlert/calibration/ok", qos=2)
                return True 
Esempio n. 3
def Run(compData):
    mean = compData[0]
    count = 600  # Count allows us to send a 'running' message ~1 a minute
    countOpen = 0  # Set to alert if door is open for whole minute
    scale = 0.92  # Scale needed to convert to degrees
    offset = 0.9
    client = initSender("PalomAlert/comp")
    sendMsg = True  # Allow to send message

    while True:

        # Read compass data

        x_out = read_word_2c(4, 3) * scale
        y_out = read_word_2c(
            8, 7
        ) * scale  # Read but unused - the sensor stops updating if left unread
        z_out = read_word_2c(6, 5) * scale

        bearing = convert_2_bearing(z_out, x_out)

        # Checking if door is open & a msg hasn't been sent yet or if door has been open for over a minute
        if (isOutOfRange360(bearing, mean - offset, mean + offset)
                and sendMsg) or (countOpen >= 600):
            ts = time.time()  # Get timestamp
            send(client, ts, "PalomAlert/comp/open", qos=2)
            )  # To ensure messages aren't being sent at too high a frequency
            sendMsg = False
            count = 600  # Ensures 'running' message is sent after the door is closed
            countOpen = 0

        # Checking if door has stayed open
        if isOutOfRange360(bearing, mean - offset,
                           mean + offset) and (not sendMsg):
            countOpen = countOpen + 1  # CountOpen ensures no repeat messages are sent until the door has been open for a minute

        elif (count >= 600):
                client, None, "PalomAlert/comp/running", qos=2
            )  # Running message indicates to the server that the PalomAlert is live, and there is no intrusion happening
            count = 0
            sendMsg = True
            count = count + 1
            countOpen = 0
            sendMsg = True

Esempio n. 4
def Run(tempData):
    offset = 10  # Offset neeeded to convert temperatures to celcius
    mean = tempData[0] + offset  # Conversion to celcius
    count = 60  # Count allows us to send a 'running' message ~1 a minute
    tolerance = 10  # Tolerance, the variation of temperature before a message is sent
    client = initSender("PalomAlert/temp")
    sendMsg = True  # Allow to send message
    countChange = 0

    while True:

        # Reading temperature and converting to celcius
        temp = read_word_2c(0x0C, 0x0D)
        temp = temp >> 6
        temp = temp + offset

        if ((temp < (mean - tolerance / 2) or temp >
             (mean + tolerance)) and sendMsg) or countChange >= 60:
            count = 60  # Ensures 'running' message is sent after the temperature returns to normal
            countChange = 0
            sendMsg = False

            payload = {
                "temp": temp,
                "ts": time.time()  # Send timestamp and current temperature
            send(client, payload, "PalomAlert/temp/change", qos=2)
            )  # To ensure messages aren't being sent at too high a frequency

        # Checking if temperature has stayed outside of range
        if (temp < (mean - tolerance / 2) or temp >
            (mean + tolerance)) and (not sendMsg):
            countChange = countChange + 1  # CountOpen ensures no repeat messages are sent until temperature remains changed for a minute

        elif (count >= 60):
                client, str(temp), "PalomAlert/temp/running", qos=2
            )  # Running message indicates to the server that the PalomAlert is live, and there is no intrusion happening
            count = 0
            sendMsg = True
            countChange = 0
            count = count + 1
            sendMsg = True
Esempio n. 5
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for
import json
import time
from API_network import send, initSender

client = initSender("PalomAlert/run")

#read last status from status.json
def get_status():
    with open("status.json", "r") as f:
        status_dict = json.load(f)
    return status_dict

#read logged events from log.txt
def get_log():
    with open("log.txt") as f:
        content = f.readlines()
    #to remove whitespace characters like `\n` at the end of each line
    content = [x.strip() for x in content]
    return content

#get relevant information from log to display on Events Log
def get_logStatus(log):
    output = []
    t_output = []
    for m_event in log:

        event = json.loads(m_event)
Esempio n. 6
from API_network import send, initSender

client = initSender("PalomAlert/halt")

send(client, None, "PalomAlert/halt", qos=2)