Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self,
        The constructor basically allows the developer to specify any number of
        parameters for an error trace, but requires none.  Python is flexible enough
        to let us do this.
        - error_type is the error type (a long)
        - error_code is the error code (a long)
        - exception is a previous exception from the ACS Error System, or a Python
        native exception, in which case, an ErrorTrace will be constructed. The traceback
        should be ok in most cases, but if you find that it isn't, a possible workaround is
        converting the python exception to an ACS exception using pyExceptionToCORBA()
        before passing it to an ACSError constructor. Remember, that if you don't use
	pyExceptionToCORBA(), if
        you are dealing with a native exception, you must pass create=1 to the ACSError
        - description is a stringified description of the errror
        - nvSeq is a name-value sequence describing the error condition. Each value
        should be of the type ACSErr.NameValue
        - create with a value of 1 implies error information will be added to the stack
        - severity is the ACSErr severity of the error
        Returns: Nothing
        Raises: Nothing
        if nvSeq == None:
            nvSeq = []

        # Get a Logger instance
        self.timehelper = TimeUtil()

        #If create has not been changed by the developer we create a new error trace
        #appending the old one if it exists
        if create == 1:
            self.errorTrace = ErrorTrace(error_type, error_code, exception,
                                         description, nvSeq, 3, severity)

        #Someone has caught a CORBA exception and is trying to convert it into
        #this helper class.
        elif exception != None:

            #If the previous exception is an ACS Error System Exception
            if hasattr(exception, "errorTrace"):
                #We can use an error stack...
                self.errorTrace = exception.errorTrace

            #if the previous exception was actually an ACSErr.Completion with a
            #non-empty error trace
            elif hasattr(exception, "previousError") and (len(
                    exception.previousError) == 1):
                self.errorTrace = exception.previousError[0]
Esempio n. 2
 def test_errorTraceToString(self):
     """ErrorTraceHelper errorTraceToString creates formatted message"""
     rv = 'ErrorTrace (TimeStamp=Tue Feb  3 21:42:26 2009,\n                File=myfile,\n                Line=myline,\n                Routine=myroutine,\n                Host=myhost,\n                Process=myprocess,\n                Thread=mythread,\n                Type=0,\n                Code=0,\n                ShortDescrip=Description,\n                Severity=Routine,\n                Data: )\n'
     tu = TimeUtil()
     et = ACSErr.ErrorTrace('myfile', 'myline', 'myroutine', 'myhost',
                            'myprocess', 'mythread',
                            tu.py2epoch(1233697346).value, 'mySourceObj', 0,
                            0, 'Routine', 'Description', [], None)
     self.assertEqual(rv, self.eth.errorTraceToString(et, '    '))
Esempio n. 3
 def test_Print(self):
     """ErrorTraceHelper Print produces output for a single trace"""
     tu = TimeUtil()
     et = ACSErr.ErrorTrace('myfile', 'myline', 'myroutine', 'myhost',
                            'myprocess', 'mythread',
                            tu.py2epoch(1233697346).value, 'mySourceObj', 0,
                            0, 'Routine', 'Description', [], [])
     self.eth = ET.ErrorTraceHelper(et)
     self.assertEqual('write', sys.stdout.method_calls[0][0])
Esempio n. 4
    def errorTraceToString(self, error_trace, ws):
        Converts an error trace to a human-readable string.
        Parameters: error_trace is an errortrace
        ws is whitespace

        Returns: Nothing

        Raises: Nothing
        #figure out a nice format for time first
        epoch = acstime.Duration(
            error_trace.timeStamp)  #convert to an ACS epoch
        timehelper = TimeUtil()
        epoch = timehelper.epoch2py(epoch)  #convert to Python time
        epoch = gmtime(epoch)  #convert to gm time
        epoch = asctime(epoch)  #convert to nice string format

        nice_space = "            "
        for i in range(0, len(ws) / 4):
            nice_space = nice_space + "    "

        message = "ErrorTrace ("
        message = message + "TimeStamp=" + epoch + "," + linesep
        message = message + nice_space + "File=" + str(
            error_trace.file) + "," + linesep
        message = message + nice_space + "Line=" + str(
            error_trace.lineNum) + "," + linesep
        message = message + nice_space + "Routine=" + str(
            error_trace.routine) + "," + linesep
        message = message + nice_space + "Host=" + str(
   + "," + linesep
        message = message + nice_space + "Process=" + str(
            error_trace.process) + "," + linesep
        message = message + nice_space + "Thread=" + str(
            error_trace.thread) + "," + linesep
        message = message + nice_space + "Type=" + str(
            error_trace.errorType) + "," + linesep
        message = message + nice_space + "Code=" + str(
            error_trace.errorCode) + "," + linesep
        message = message + nice_space + "ShortDescrip=" + str(
            error_trace.shortDescription) + "," + linesep
        message = message + nice_space + "Severity=" + str(
            error_trace.severity) + "," + linesep
        message = message + nice_space + "Data: "
        for i in
            message = message + "Name=" + str( + ", Value=" + str(
                i.value) + "; "
        message = message + ")" + linesep

        return message
Esempio n. 5
    def to_posixtime(tm):
        Convert an ACS epoch to a POSIX timestamp...

        ...such as is returned by time.time().

        @param tm: A time in 100 nanoseconds that have passed since
        October 15, 1582.
        @type tm: acstime.Epoch
        @return: The POSIX timestamp.
        @rtype: float
        return TimeUtil().epoch2py(tm)
Esempio n. 6
 def test_log(self):
     """ErrorTraceHelper log records messages on stdout and ACS logger"""
     rv = 'ErrorTrace (TimeStamp=Tue Feb  3 21:42:26 2009,\n                File=myfile,\n                Line=myline,\n                Routine=myroutine,\n                Host=myhost,\n                Process=myprocess,\n                Thread=mythread,\n                Type=0,\n                Code=0,\n                ShortDescrip=Description,\n                Severity=Routine,\n                Data: )\n'
     logger = mock.Mock(spec=Logger)
     tu = TimeUtil()
     et = ACSErr.ErrorTrace('myfile', 'myline', 'myroutine', 'myhost',
                            'myprocess', 'mythread',
                            tu.py2epoch(1233697346).value, 'mySourceObj', 0,
                            0, 'Routine', 'Description', [], [])
     self.eth = ET.ErrorTraceHelper(et)
     self.eth.log(logger, ACSLog.ACS_LOG_TRACE)
     self.assertEqual('logErrorTrace', logger.method_calls[0][0])
     self.assertEqual(2, len(sys.stdout.method_calls))
Esempio n. 7
 def test_Print_nested(self):
     """ErrorTraceHelper Print produces output for a nested trace"""
     tu = TimeUtil()
     etg = ACSErr.ErrorTrace('myfile', 'myline', 'myroutine', 'myhost',
                             'grandson', 'mythread',
                             tu.py2epoch(1233697346).value, 'mySourceObj',
                             0, 0, 'Routine', 'Description', [], [])
     ets = ACSErr.ErrorTrace('myfile', 'myline', 'myroutine', 'myhost',
                             'son', 'mythread',
                             tu.py2epoch(1233697346).value, 'mySourceObj',
                             0, 0, 'Routine', 'Description', [], [etg])
     etf = ACSErr.ErrorTrace('myfile', 'myline', 'myroutine', 'myhost',
                             'father', 'mythread',
                             tu.py2epoch(1233697346).value, 'mySourceObj',
                             0, 0, 'Routine', 'Description', [], [ets])
     self.eth = ET.ErrorTraceHelper(etf)
     self.assertEqual(6, len(sys.stdout.method_calls))
Esempio n. 8
    def sendLog(self, record):
        Method which sends logs to the real ACS logging service.
        if (not self.logThrottle.checkPublishLogRecord()):
            if self.logThrottleAlarmSender != None and not self.logThrottleAlarmActive:
                self.logThrottleAlarmActive = True
            if self.logThrottleAlarmSender != None and self.logThrottleAlarmActive:
                self.logThrottleAlarmActive = False

        # Create an RTContext object
        rt_context = ACSLog.RTContext(
            str(record.threadName).replace("<", "").replace(">", ""),
            str(record.source).replace("<", "").replace(">", ""),
            str(gethostname()).replace("<", "").replace(">", ""), "",
            str("<", "").replace(">", ""))

        src_info = ACSLog.SourceInfo(
            str(record.module).replace("<", "").replace(">", ""), "Unknown",

        # Put remaining keyword arguments into NVPairSeq
        data = []

        if TimeUtil().py2epoch(time()).value > TimeUtil().py2epoch(
                record.created + self.timestampThreshold).value:
            # Reformat the record
            originalMsg = NVPair("Original message", record.getMessage())
            originalTimestamp = NVPair("Original timestamp", record.asctime)

            record = self.replaceOldRecord(record)

        acs_timestamp = TimeUtil().py2epoch(record.created).value

        if 'priority' in record.__dict__:
            # The more exotic log functions have priority keyword arguments
            if 'errortrace' in record.__dict__:
                # The message is an ErrorTrace.
            elif 'data' in record.__dict__:
                # The message is a type-safe log message
                    record.priority, acs_timestamp, record.getMessage(),
                    record.rtCont if 'rtCont' in record.__dict__
                    and record.rtCont is not None else rt_context,
                    record.srcInfo if 'srcInfo' in record.__dict__
                    and record.srcInfo is not None else src_info,,
                    record.audience, record.array, record.antenna)
                # The message is a not-so-type-safe message
                self.logSvc.logWithAudience(record.priority, acs_timestamp,
                                            record.getMessage(), rt_context,
                                            src_info, record.audience,
                                            record.array, record.antenna)
        elif record.levelname == 'TRACE':
            self.logSvc.logTrace(acs_timestamp, record.getMessage(),
                                 rt_context, src_info, data)
        elif record.levelname == 'DELOUSE':
            self.logSvc.logDelouse(acs_timestamp, record.getMessage(),
                                   rt_context, src_info, data)
        elif record.levelname == 'DEBUG':
            self.logSvc.logDebug(acs_timestamp, record.getMessage(),
                                 rt_context, src_info, data)
        elif record.levelname == 'INFO':
            self.logSvc.logInfo(acs_timestamp, record.getMessage(), rt_context,
                                src_info, data)
        elif record.levelname == 'NOTICE':
            self.logSvc.logNotice(acs_timestamp, record.getMessage(),
                                  rt_context, src_info, data)
        elif record.levelname == 'WARNING' or record.levelname == 'WARN':
            self.logSvc.logWarning(acs_timestamp, record.getMessage(),
                                   rt_context, src_info, data)
        #this is a special case because logError only takes
        #in error traces
        elif record.levelname == 'ERROR':
            self.logSvc.logWithAudience(ACSLog.ACS_LOG_ERROR, acs_timestamp,
                                        record.getMessage(), rt_context,
                                        src_info, NO_AUDIENCE, "", "")
        elif record.levelname == 'CRITICAL':
            self.logSvc.logCritical(acs_timestamp, record.getMessage(),
                                    rt_context, src_info, data)
        elif record.levelname == 'ALERT':
            self.logSvc.logAlert(acs_timestamp, record.getMessage(),
                                 rt_context, src_info, data)
        elif record.levelname == 'EMERGENCY':
            self.logSvc.logEmergency(acs_timestamp, record.getMessage(),
                                     rt_context, src_info, data)
            self.logSvc.logCritical(acs_timestamp, record.getMessage(),
                                    rt_context, src_info, data)
Esempio n. 9
 def testLogTypeSafeInvalidPriority(self):
     """Logger class Type-safe logging with invalid priority"""
     msg = "LogTypeSafe Message"
     ts = TimeUtil().py2epoch(time.time()).value
     self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.mylogger.logTypeSafe, 25, ts, msg,
                       None, None, None)