def onStop(self): super().onStop() if not self._recording: return try: online = requests.get( '').status_code == 204 except: online = False if not online: self.logInfo('We are currently offline, cannot send log reports') os.remove(self._flagFile) return repo = Repository(directory=self.Commons.rootDir()) if not repo.isUpToDate(): self.logInfo( 'Alice is not up to date. Please first update to latest version and retry before trying to submit a bug report again.' ) os.remove(self._flagFile) return if not self._history or not self._title: self.logInfo('Nothing to report') elif not self.ConfigManager.githubAuth: self.logWarning( 'Cannot report bugs if Github user and token are not set in configs' ) else: title = f'[AUTO BUG REPORT] {self._title}' body = '\n'.join(self._history) data = {'title': title, 'body': f'```\n{body}\n```'} request = url=f'{constants.GITHUB_API_URL}/ProjectAlice/issues', data=json.dumps(data), auth=self.ConfigManager.githubAuth) if request.status_code != 201: self.logError( f'Something went wrong reporting a bug, status: {request.status_code}, error: {request.json()}' ) else: self.logInfo( f'Created new issue: {request.json()["html_url"]}') os.remove(self._flagFile)
def __init__(self, installer: dict): self._installer = installer self._updateAvailable = False self._name = installer['name'] self._icon = self._installer.get('icon', 'fas fa-biohazard') self._aliceMinVersion = Version.fromString( self._installer.get('aliceMinVersion', '1.0.0-b4')) self._maintainers = self._installer.get('maintainers', list()) self._description = self._installer.get('desc', '') self._category = self._installer.get('category', constants.UNKNOWN) self._conditions = self._installer.get('conditions', dict()) self._skillPath = Path('skills') / self._name self._repository = Repository(directory=self._skillPath, init=True, raiseIfExisting=False) super().__init__()
def getSkillRepository(self, skillName: str, directory: str = None) -> Optional[Repository]: """ Returns a Git object for the given skill :param skillName: :param directory: where to look for that skill, if not standard directory :return: """ if not directory: directory = self.getSkillDirectory(skillName=skillName) try: return Repository(directory=directory) except: raise
def downloadSkills(self, skills: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Optional[Dict]: """ Clones skills. Existence of the skill online is checked :param skills: :return: Dict: a dict of created repositories """ if isinstance(skills, str): skills = [skills] repositories = dict() for skillName in skills: try: tag = self.SkillStoreManager.getSkillUpdateTag(skillName=skillName) response = requests.get(f'{constants.GITHUB_RAW_URL}/skill_{skillName}/{tag}/{skillName}.install') if response.status_code != 200: raise GithubNotFound self.logInfo(f'Now downloading **{skillName}** version **{tag}**') with suppress(): # Increment download counter requests.get(f'{skillName}') installFile = response.json() if not self.ConfigManager.getAliceConfigByName('devMode'): self.checkSkillConditions(installer=installFile) source = self.getGitRemoteSourceUrl(skillName=skillName, doAuth=False) try: repository = self.getSkillRepository(skillName=skillName) except PathNotFoundException: repository = Repository.clone(url=source, directory=self.getSkillDirectory(skillName=skillName), makeDir=True) except NotGitRepository: shutil.rmtree(self.getSkillDirectory(skillName=skillName), ignore_errors=True) repository = Repository.clone(url=source, directory=self.getSkillDirectory(skillName=skillName), makeDir=True) except: raise repository.checkout(tag=tag) repositories[skillName] = repository except GithubNotFound: if skillName in self.NEEDED_SKILLS: self._busyInstalling.clear() self.logFatal(f"Skill **{skillName}** is required but wasn't found in released skills, cannot continue") return repositories else: self.logError(f'Skill "{skillName}" not found in released skills') continue except SkillNotConditionCompliant as e: if self.notCompliantSkill(skillName=skillName, exception=e): continue else: self._busyInstalling.clear() return repositories except Exception as e: if skillName in self.NEEDED_SKILLS: self._busyInstalling.clear() self.logFatal(f'Error downloading skill **{skillName}** and it is required, cannot continue: {e}') return repositories else: self.logError(f'Error downloading skill "{skillName}": {e}') continue return repositories
def __init__(self, supportedIntents: Iterable = None, databaseSchema: dict = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) try: self._skillPath = Path(inspect.getfile(self.__class__)).parent self._installFile = Path(inspect.getfile( self.__class__)).with_suffix('.install') self._installer = json.loads(self._installFile.read_text()) except FileNotFoundError: raise SkillInstanceFailed( skillName=constants.UNKNOWN, error=f'[{type(self).__name__}] Cannot find install file') except Exception as e: raise SkillInstanceFailed( skillName=constants.UNKNOWN, error=f'[{type(self).__name__}] Failed loading skill: {e}') instructionsFile = self.getResource( f'instructions/{self.LanguageManager.activeLanguage}.md') if not instructionsFile.exists(): instructionsFile = self.getResource(f'instructions/') self._instructions = instructionsFile.read_text( ) if instructionsFile.exists() else '' self._name = self._installer['name'] self._author = self._installer.get('author', constants.UNKNOWN) self._version = self._installer.get('version', '0.0.1') self._icon = self._installer.get('icon', 'fas fa-biohazard') self._aliceMinVersion = Version.fromString( self._installer.get('aliceMinVersion', '1.0.0-b4')) self._maintainers = self._installer.get('maintainers', list()) self._description = self._installer.get('desc', '') self._category = self._installer.get('category', constants.UNKNOWN) self._conditions = self._installer.get('conditions', dict()) self._updateAvailable = False self._active = False self._delayed = False self._required = False self._failedStarting = False self._databaseSchema = databaseSchema self._widgets = list() self._widgetTemplates = dict() self._deviceTypes = list() self._intentsDefinitions = dict() self._scenarioPackageName = '' self._scenarioPackageVersion = Version(mainVersion=0, updateVersion=0, hotfix=0) self._supportedIntents: Dict[str, Intent] = self.buildIntentList( supportedIntents) self._repository = Repository(directory=self._skillPath, init=True, raiseIfExisting=False) self.loadIntentsDefinition() self._utteranceSlotCleaner = re.compile('{(.+?):=>.+?}') self._myDevicesTemplates = dict() self._myDevices: Dict[str, Device] = dict()
class AliceSkill(ProjectAliceObject): def __init__(self, supportedIntents: Iterable = None, databaseSchema: dict = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) try: self._skillPath = Path(inspect.getfile(self.__class__)).parent self._installFile = Path(inspect.getfile( self.__class__)).with_suffix('.install') self._installer = json.loads(self._installFile.read_text()) except FileNotFoundError: raise SkillInstanceFailed( skillName=constants.UNKNOWN, error=f'[{type(self).__name__}] Cannot find install file') except Exception as e: raise SkillInstanceFailed( skillName=constants.UNKNOWN, error=f'[{type(self).__name__}] Failed loading skill: {e}') instructionsFile = self.getResource( f'instructions/{self.LanguageManager.activeLanguage}.md') if not instructionsFile.exists(): instructionsFile = self.getResource(f'instructions/') self._instructions = instructionsFile.read_text( ) if instructionsFile.exists() else '' self._name = self._installer['name'] self._author = self._installer.get('author', constants.UNKNOWN) self._version = self._installer.get('version', '0.0.1') self._icon = self._installer.get('icon', 'fas fa-biohazard') self._aliceMinVersion = Version.fromString( self._installer.get('aliceMinVersion', '1.0.0-b4')) self._maintainers = self._installer.get('maintainers', list()) self._description = self._installer.get('desc', '') self._category = self._installer.get('category', constants.UNKNOWN) self._conditions = self._installer.get('conditions', dict()) self._updateAvailable = False self._active = False self._delayed = False self._required = False self._failedStarting = False self._databaseSchema = databaseSchema self._widgets = list() self._widgetTemplates = dict() self._deviceTypes = list() self._intentsDefinitions = dict() self._scenarioPackageName = '' self._scenarioPackageVersion = Version(mainVersion=0, updateVersion=0, hotfix=0) self._supportedIntents: Dict[str, Intent] = self.buildIntentList( supportedIntents) self._repository = Repository(directory=self._skillPath, init=True, raiseIfExisting=False) self.loadIntentsDefinition() self._utteranceSlotCleaner = re.compile('{(.+?):=>.+?}') self._myDevicesTemplates = dict() self._myDevices: Dict[str, Device] = dict() @property def modified(self) -> bool: return self._repository.isDirty() @property def repository(self) -> Repository: return self._repository @property def failedStarting(self) -> bool: return self._failedStarting @property def myDevices(self) -> Dict[str, Device]: return self._myDevices @failedStarting.setter def failedStarting(self, value: bool): self._failedStarting = value def registerDeviceInstance(self, device: Device): if device.paired: self._myDevices[device.uid] = device def unregisterDeviceInstance(self, device: Device): self._myDevices.pop(device.uid, None) def getHtmlInstructions(self) -> flask.Markup: return flask.Markup(markdown(self._instructions)) def addUtterance(self, text: str, intent: str, language: str = None) -> bool: """ Add the supplied utterance for a given skill to the dialogTemplate extending file of the current active language if no specific language is supplied. :param text: :param intent: :param language: default None will load the active Language from language manager :return: """ lang = language if language is not None else self.activeLanguage() file = self.getResource(f'dialogTemplate/{lang}.ext.json') file.touch() data: Dict = json.loads(file.read_text()) data.setdefault('intents', dict()) data['intents'].setdefault(intent, dict()) data['intents'][intent].setdefault('utterances', list()) utterances = data['intents'][intent]['utterances'] if not text in utterances: utterances.append(text) data['intents'][intent]['utterances'] = utterances file.write_text(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False, indent='\t')) return True return False def loadScenarioNodes(self) -> None: """ Load the scenario nodes (folder scenarioNodes) for Node-Red and store them in _scenarioPackageName :return: """ path = self.getResource('scenarioNodes/package.json') if not path.exists(): return try: with'r') as fp: data = json.load(fp) self._scenarioPackageName = data['name'] self._scenarioPackageVersion = Version.fromString( data['version']) except Exception as e: self.logWarning(f'Failed to load scenario nodes: {e}') def loadIntentsDefinition(self): dialogTemplate = self.getResource('dialogTemplate') for lang in self.LanguageManager.supportedLanguages: try: path = dialogTemplate / f'{lang}.json' if not path.exists(): continue with'r') as fp: data = json.load(fp) if 'intents' not in data: continue self._intentsDefinitions[lang] = dict() for intent in data['intents']: self._intentsDefinitions[lang][ intent['name']] = intent['utterances'] except Exception as e: self.logWarning( f'Something went wrong loading intent definition for skill **{self._name}**, language **{lang}**: {e}' ) def buildIntentList(self, supportedIntents) -> dict: supportedIntents = supportedIntents or list() intents: Dict[str, Intent] = self.findDecoratedIntents() for item in supportedIntents: if isinstance(item, tuple): intent = item[0] if not isinstance(intent, Intent): intent = Intent(intent, userIntent=False) intent.fallbackFunction = item[1] item = intent elif not isinstance(item, Intent): item = Intent(item, userIntent=False) if str(item) in intents: intents[str(item)].addDialogMapping(item.dialogMapping, if item.fallbackFunction: intents[str(item)].fallbackFunction = item.fallbackFunction # always use the highest auth level specified (low values mean a higher auth level) if item.authLevel < intents[str(item)].authLevel: intents[str(item)].authLevel = item.authLevel else: intents[str(item)] = item return intents def findDecoratedIntents(self) -> dict: intentMappings = dict() functionNames = [ name for name, func in self.__class__.__dict__.items() if callable(func) ] for name in functionNames: function = getattr(self, name) intents = getattr(function, 'intents', list()) for intentMapping in intents: intent = intentMapping['intent'] requiredState = intentMapping['requiredState'] if str(intent) not in intentMappings: intentMappings[str(intent)] = intent if requiredState: intentMappings[str(intent)].addDialogMapping( {requiredState: function}, else: intentMappings[str(intent)].fallbackFunction = function # always use the highest auth level specified (low values mean a higher auth level) if intent.authLevel < intentMappings[str(intent)].authLevel: intentMappings[str(intent)].authLevel = intent.authLevel return intentMappings def loadWidgets(self) -> None: """ Load all .py files in the widgets folder and load them as instances of Widget. Loaded widget types are added to self._widgets :return: """ fp = self.getResource('widgets') if fp.exists(): self.logInfo(f"Found **{len(list(fp.glob('*.py'))) - 1}** widget", plural='widget') for file in fp.glob('*.py'): if'__'): continue self._widgets.append(Path(file).stem) self.loadWidgetConfigTemplate(Path(file).stem) def loadWidgetConfigTemplate(self, widgetType): """ Load the config file of the current widget type. The config has to be in the default alice json format containing the config value names, default value and value type. :param widgetType: :return: """ try: filepath = Path( f'skills/{self._name}/widgets/{widgetType}.config.template') if not filepath.exists(): self.logInfo( f'![green](No widget config template for widget type {widgetType} found)' ) return data = json.loads(filepath.read_text()) self._widgetTemplates[widgetType] = data except Exception as e: self.logError( f'Error loading widget config template for widget type **{widgetType}** {e}' ) def getWidgetTemplate(self, name: str) -> dict: """ Get the config template for the given widget type in the current skill instance. :param name: :return: """ if name in self._widgetTemplates: return self._widgetTemplates[name] else: return dict() def loadDeviceTypes(self) -> None: """ Load all .py files in the devices folder and load them as instances of DeviceType. Loaded devices types are added to self._deviceTypes :return: """ fp = self.getResource('devices') if fp.exists(): self.logInfo( f"Found **{len(list(fp.glob('*.py'))) - 1}** device type", plural='type') for file in fp.glob('*.py'): if'__'): continue self._deviceTypes.append(Path(file).stem) try: deviceImport = importlib.import_module( f'skills.{}.devices.{file.stem}') klass: Device = getattr(deviceImport, file.stem) self.DeviceManager.registerDeviceType(, klass.getDeviceTypeDefinition()) except Exception as e: self.logError( f"Failed retrieving device type definition for device **{file.stem}** {e}" ) def getUtterancesByIntent(self, intent: Union[Intent, tuple, str], forceLowerCase: bool = True, cleanSlots: bool = False) -> list: lang = self.LanguageManager.activeLanguage if lang not in self._intentsDefinitions: return list() if isinstance(intent, tuple): check = intent[0].action elif isinstance(intent, Intent): check = intent.action else: check = str(intent).split('/')[-1].split(':')[-1] if check not in self._intentsDefinitions[lang]: return list() if not cleanSlots: return list(self._intentsDefinitions[lang][check]) return [ re.sub(self._utteranceSlotCleaner, '\\1', utterance.lower() if forceLowerCase else utterance) for utterance in self._intentsDefinitions[lang][check] ] def supportedIntentsWithUtterances(self) -> dict: return { str(intent): self.getUtterancesByIntent(intent, True, True) for intent in self._supportedIntents } @property def widgets(self) -> list: return self._widgets @property def deviceTypes(self) -> list: return self._deviceTypes @property def active(self) -> bool: return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value: bool): self._active = value @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value: str): self._name = value @property def author(self) -> str: return self._author @author.setter def author(self, value: str): self._author = value @property def description(self) -> str: return self._description @description.setter def description(self, value: str): self._description = value @property def version(self) -> str: return self._version @version.setter def version(self, value: str): self._version = value @property def updateAvailable(self) -> bool: return self._updateAvailable @updateAvailable.setter def updateAvailable(self, value: bool): self._updateAvailable = value @property def required(self) -> bool: return self._required @required.setter def required(self, value: bool): self._required = value @property def supportedIntents(self) -> dict: return self._supportedIntents @supportedIntents.setter def supportedIntents(self, value: list): self._supportedIntents = value @property def delayed(self) -> bool: return self._delayed @delayed.setter def delayed(self, value: bool): self._delayed = value @property def scenarioNodeName(self) -> str: return self._scenarioPackageName @property def scenarioNodeVersion(self) -> Version: return self._scenarioPackageVersion @property def icon(self) -> str: return self._icon @property def installFile(self) -> Path: return self._installFile @property def installer(self) -> Dict: return self._installer @property def skillPath(self) -> Path: return self._skillPath @property def instructions(self) -> str: return self._instructions def hasScenarioNodes(self) -> bool: return self._scenarioPackageName != '' def subscribeIntents(self): self.MqttManager.subscribeSkillIntents(self._supportedIntents) def unsubscribeIntents(self): self.MqttManager.unsubscribeSkillIntents(self._supportedIntents) def notifyDevice(self, topic: str, deviceUid: str = ''): self.MqttManager.publish(topic=topic, payload={'uid': deviceUid}) def authenticateIntent(self, session: DialogSession): intent = self._supportedIntents[session.message.topic] # Return if intent is for auth users only but the user is unknown if session.user == constants.UNKNOWN_USER: self.endDialog(sessionId=session.sessionId, text=self.TalkManager.randomTalk(talk='unknownUser', skill='system')) raise AccessLevelTooLow() # Return if intent is for auth users only and the user doesn't have the access level for it if not self.UserManager.hasAccessLevel(session.user, intent.authLevel): self.endDialog(sessionId=session.sessionId, text=self.TalkManager.randomTalk(talk='noAccess', skill='system')) raise AccessLevelTooLow() @staticmethod def intentNameMoreSpecific(intentName: str, oldIntentName: str) -> bool: cleanedIntentName = intentName.rstrip('#').split('+')[0] cleanedOldIntentName = oldIntentName.rstrip('#').split('+')[0] return cleanedIntentName > cleanedOldIntentName def filterIntent(self, session: DialogSession) -> Optional[Intent]: # Return if the skill isn't active if not return None # search for intent that has a matching mqtt topic matchingIntent = None oldIntentName = None for intentName, intent in self._supportedIntents.items(): if MQTTClient.topic_matches_sub( intentName, session.message.topic) and ( not matchingIntent or self.intentNameMoreSpecific( intentName, oldIntentName)): matchingIntent = intent oldIntentName = intentName return matchingIntent def onMessageDispatch(self, session: DialogSession) -> bool: intent = self.filterIntent(session) if not intent: return False if intent.authLevel != AccessLevel.ZERO: try: self.authenticateIntent(session) except AccessLevelTooLow: raise function = intent.getMapping(session) or self.onMessage ret = function(session=session) return True if ret is None or ret == True else False def getResource(self, resourcePathFile: str = '') -> Path: return self.skillPath / resourcePathFile def _initDB(self) -> bool: if self._databaseSchema: return self.DatabaseManager.initDB(schema=self._databaseSchema, return True def onStart(self): self.logInfo(f'Starting') self._active = True self._initDB() self.SkillManager.configureSkillIntents(self._name, True) self.LanguageManager.loadSkillStrings( self.TalkManager.loadSkillTalks( self.loadDeviceTypes() self.loadWidgets() self.loadScenarioNodes() self._failedStarting = False self.logInfo(f'![green](Started!)') def onStop(self): self._active = False self.SkillManager.configureSkillIntents(self._name, False) self.logInfo(f'![green](Stopped)') def onBooted(self) -> bool: if self.delayed: self.logInfo('Delayed start') self.ThreadManager.doLater(interval=5, func=self.onStart) return True def onSkillStopped(self, skill): if skill == self._name: self.onStop() def onSkillInstalled(self, **kwargs): self.onSkillUpdated(**kwargs) def onSkillUpdated(self, skill: str): if skill != return self._updateAvailable = False self.MqttManager.subscribeSkillIntents(self._supportedIntents) def onSkillDeleted(self, skill: str): if skill != or not self._databaseSchema: return for tableName in self._databaseSchema: self.DatabaseManager.dropTable(tableName=tableName, # HELPERS def getConfig(self, key: str) -> Any: return self.ConfigManager.getSkillConfigByName(, configName=key) def getSkillConfigs(self) -> dict: ret = copy(self.ConfigManager.getSkillConfigs( ret.pop('active', None) return ret def getSkillConfigsTemplate(self) -> dict: return self.ConfigManager.getSkillConfigsTemplate( def updateConfig(self, key: str, value: Any): self.ConfigManager.updateSkillConfigurationFile(, key=key, value=value) def getAliceConfig(self, key: str) -> Any: return self.ConfigManager.getAliceConfigByName(configName=key) def updateAliceConfig(self, key: str, value: Any): self.ConfigManager.updateAliceConfiguration(key=key, value=value) def activeLanguage(self) -> str: return self.LanguageManager.activeLanguage def defaultLanguage(self) -> str: return self.LanguageManager.defaultLanguage def databaseFetch(self, tableName: str, query: str, values: dict = None) -> List: return self.DatabaseManager.fetch(tableName=tableName, query=query, values=values, def databaseInsert(self, tableName: str, query: str = None, values: dict = None) -> int: return self.DatabaseManager.insert(tableName=tableName, query=query, values=values, def randomTalk(self, text: str, replace: Union[str, List] = None, skill: str = None) -> str: if not isinstance(replace, list): replace = [replace] talk = self.TalkManager.randomTalk(talk=text, skill=skill or if replace: talk = talk.format(*replace) return talk def getSkillInstance(self, skillName: str) -> AliceSkill: return self.SkillManager.getSkillInstance(skillName=skillName) def say(self, text: str, deviceUid: str = None, customData: dict = None, canBeEnqueued: bool = True): self.MqttManager.say(text=text, deviceUid=deviceUid, customData=customData, canBeEnqueued=canBeEnqueued) def ask(self, text: str, deviceUid: str = None, intentFilter: list = None, customData: dict = None, canBeEnqueued: bool = True, currentDialogState: str = '', probabilityThreshold: float = None): if currentDialogState: currentDialogState = f'{}:{currentDialogState}' self.MqttManager.ask(text=text, deviceUid=deviceUid, intentFilter=intentFilter, customData=customData, canBeEnqueued=canBeEnqueued, currentDialogState=currentDialogState, probabilityThreshold=probabilityThreshold) def continueDialog(self, sessionId: str, text: str, customData: dict = None, intentFilter: list = None, slot: str = '', currentDialogState: str = '', probabilityThreshold: float = None): if currentDialogState: currentDialogState = f'{}:{currentDialogState}' self.MqttManager.continueDialog( sessionId=sessionId, text=text, customData=customData, intentFilter=intentFilter, slot=slot, currentDialogState=currentDialogState, probabilityThreshold=probabilityThreshold) def endDialog(self, sessionId: str = '', text: str = '', deviceUid: str = ''): self.MqttManager.endDialog(sessionId=sessionId, text=text, deviceUid=deviceUid) def endSession(self, sessionId): self.MqttManager.endSession(sessionId=sessionId) def playSound(self, soundFilename: str, location: Path = None, sessionId: str = '', deviceUid: Union[str, List[Union[str, Device]]] = None): """ Sends audio chunks from the audio file over Mqtt. Note that instead of using a random "requestId" at the end of the topic, we use the session id if available. :param soundFilename: :param location: :param sessionId: :param deviceUid: :return: """ session = self.DialogManager.getSession(sessionId=sessionId) if session: session.lastWasSoundPlayOnly = True self.MqttManager.playSound(soundFilename=soundFilename, location=location, sessionId=sessionId, deviceUid=deviceUid) def publish(self, topic: str, payload: dict = None, stringPayload: str = None, qos: int = 0, retain: bool = False): self.MqttManager.publish(topic=topic, payload=payload, stringPayload=stringPayload, qos=qos, retain=retain) def __repr__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.toDict()) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__repr__() def toDict(self) -> dict: return { 'name': self._name, 'author': self._author, 'version': self._version, 'modified': self.modified, 'updateAvailable': self._updateAvailable, 'active': self._active, 'delayed': self._delayed, 'required': self._required, 'databaseSchema': self._databaseSchema, 'icon': self._icon, 'instructions': self._instructions, 'settings': self.ConfigManager.getSkillConfigs(, 'settingsTemplate': self.getSkillConfigsTemplate(), 'description': self._description, 'category': self._category, 'aliceMinVersion': str(self._aliceMinVersion), 'maintainers': self._maintainers, 'intents': self.supportedIntentsWithUtterances() }
class FailedAliceSkill(ProjectAliceObject): def __init__(self, installer: dict): self._installer = installer self._updateAvailable = False self._name = installer['name'] self._icon = self._installer.get('icon', 'fas fa-biohazard') self._aliceMinVersion = Version.fromString( self._installer.get('aliceMinVersion', '1.0.0-b4')) self._maintainers = self._installer.get('maintainers', list()) self._description = self._installer.get('desc', '') self._category = self._installer.get('category', constants.UNKNOWN) self._conditions = self._installer.get('conditions', dict()) self._skillPath = Path('skills') / self._name self._repository = Repository(directory=self._skillPath, init=True, raiseIfExisting=False) super().__init__() @staticmethod def onMessageDispatch(_session: DialogSession) -> bool: return False def onStart(self): pass # Is always handled by the sibling def onStop(self): pass # Is always handled by the sibling def onBooted(self) -> bool: return True def onSkillInstalled(self, **kwargs): self._updateAvailable = False def onSkillUpdated(self, **kwargs): self._updateAvailable = False def __repr__(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.toDict()) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__repr__() @property def modified(self) -> bool: return self._repository.isDirty() @property def repository(self) -> Repository: return self._repository @property def skillPath(self) -> Path: return self._skillPath def getResource(self, resourcePathFile: str = '') -> Path: return self.skillPath / resourcePathFile def toDict(self) -> dict: return { 'name': self._name, 'author': self._installer['author'], 'version': self._installer['version'], 'modified': self.modified, 'updateAvailable': self._updateAvailable, 'maintainers': self._maintainers, 'settings': self.ConfigManager.getSkillConfigs(self._name), 'icon': self._icon, 'description': self._description, 'category': self._category, 'aliceMinVersion': str(self._aliceMinVersion) }