Esempio n. 1
    def fit(self, X_train, X_test, LA, SGS, nMB, nEpochs, epsilon, alpha, x,
            lambda_x, c_e, c_a, period_ovf, plots, useProb):
        # Initialize counter for the energies plots
        counter = 0

        # Construct an Analyzer object
        analyzer = Analyzer(self.N, self.M)

        # Define a small validation set
        len_val = int(0.1 * len(X_test))
        X_val = X_test[:len_val]

        # Standard size of the  mini-batches
        sizeMB = int(len(X_train) / nMB)

        # Initialize arrays for the statistics
        MRE = np.zeros(nEpochs, dtype=float)
        nCorrect = np.zeros(nEpochs, dtype=float)
        sparsity = np.zeros(int(nEpochs / period_ovf), dtype=float)
        ovf = np.zeros((2, int(nEpochs / period_ovf)), dtype=float)

        # Initialize velocity
        velocity = np.zeros((self.N + 1, self.M + 1))

        # Initialize learning parameters
        epsilon_0 = epsilon
        alpha_0 = alpha

        # Iterate over X_train nEpochs times
        for t in range(nEpochs):
            for ind in np.random.permutation(nMB):
                if ind < nMB - 1:
                    # Create a view of the i-th mini-batch
                    MB = X_train[ind * sizeMB:(ind + 1) * sizeMB]
                    # Make a bigger mini-batch if len(X_train)%nMB != 0
                    MB = X_train[ind * sizeMB:]

                # Compute weight updates deriving from log-likelihood (heuristically) maximization and the regularization term
                if LA == 'CD':
                    W_updates = epsilon * (
                        1. / len(MB) * self.CD(MB, SGS, useProb) -
                        lambda_x * self.regularize(x))
                elif LA == 'PCD':
                    W_updates = epsilon * (
                        1. / len(MB) * self.PCD(MB, SGS, sizeMB, useProb) -
                        lambda_x * self.regularize(x))

                # Update the velocity
                velocity = W_updates + alpha * velocity

                #Update the weights (one time per MB)
                self.W += velocity

            # Compute and print statistics of the current epoch
            print("---------------Epoch {}--------------".format(t + 1))
            MRE[t], nCorrect[t] = self.reconstructionScore(X_val, self.v)

            print("Mean Squared Error = ", MRE[t])
            print("Correct reconstructions (%%) = %.2f \n" % nCorrect[t])

            # Update the arrays for the plots
            if plots and (t % period_ovf == 0):
                # Compute the energies and the sparsity of the model
                    counter] = self.monitorOverfitting(X_train[:len_val],
                sparsity[counter], __, __, __, T = analyzer.analyzeWeights(
                counter += 1

            # Increase alpha and decrease epsilon while learning progresses
            epsilon = epsilon_0 * np.exp(-c_e * (t + 1.) / nEpochs)
            if alpha < 0.9:
                alpha = alpha_0 * np.exp(c_a * (t + 1.) / nEpochs)

        return MRE, nCorrect, sparsity, ovf