def animate_byTimeStep(t): t = timeIndices[t] # set graph limits limits = AnimationLimits.getLimits_byTimeStep(particleData, t) setAxisLimits(limits) ax.set_title(str(round_to_n(time[t], 2)) + " s") circles = updateCircles(t) lines = updateLines(t) return list(circles.values()) + list(lines.values())
def animate_autoscale(t): t = timeIndices[t] # set graph limits limits = AnimationLimits.getLimits_autoscale(ax) setAxisLimits(limits) ax.set_title(str(round_to_n(time[t], 2)) + " s") circles = updateCircles(t) lines = updateLines(t) return list(circles.values()) + list(lines.values())
def animate_autoscale(t): for p in range(nParticles): xCenter, yCente = circles[p].center X = 0 Y = 1 xCenter = particleData[p]['position'][t,X] yCenter = particleData[p]['position'][t,Y] circles[p].center = (xCenter , yCenter) # set graph limits [ xmin , xmax , ymin , ymax ] = AnimationLimits.getLimits_autoscale( ax ) ax.set_xlim( (xmin , xmax) ) ax.set_ylim( (ymin , ymax) ) ax.set_title(str(timeVectorForPlot[t]) + " s") return circles
def build(simulationOutputData, paths, animationBools, animationTime, animationTypes): ### get simulation output data ### [simulationSettings, particleData, boundaryData, time] = simulationOutputData.get() ### get folder where the animation will be saved ### simulationAnimationsOutputFolder = paths.getSimulationAnimationsOutputFolder( ) ### Configure figure ### fig_x_size = 8 fig_y_size = 8 # create figure fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(fig_x_size, fig_y_size) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.grid(visible=True) # Set axes limits ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both') # Time indices timeIndices = list(time.keys())[::2] # Suppose that time = {5: 1.5, 8: 3.7} # 1.5 is the time instant indexed by number 5. # 5 is the first time index # So timeIndices[0] == 5 and time[5] == 1.5 # Beginning of the simulation beginning = timeIndices[0] # Create several circles, one for each particle circles = {} if "SphericalParticle" in particleData: for particleName, particle in particleData[ "SphericalParticle"].items(): t = beginning X = 0 Y = 1 xCenter = float(particle["Position"][t][X]) yCenter = float(particle["Position"][t][Y]) radius = float(particle["Radius"][t]) color = getColor(particle["Color"][t]) circles[particleName] = plt.Circle((xCenter, yCenter), radius, fill=True, fc=color) limits = AnimationLimits.getLimits_global(particleData) lines = {} if "FixedInfinitePlane" in boundaryData: for boundaryName, boundary in boundaryData[ "FixedInfinitePlane"].items(): t = beginning X = 0 Y = 1 normalVersor = list(boundary["NormalVersor"][t]) origin = list(boundary["Origin"][t]) color = getColor(boundary["Color"][t]) (boolReturn, begin, end) = getIntersectPoints(normalVersor, origin, limits) if boolReturn: (xbeg, ybeg) = begin (xend, yend) = end lines[boundaryName] = Line2D([xbeg, xend], [ybeg, yend], color=color) round_to_n = lambda x, n: round(x, -int(floor(log10(x))) + (n - 1)) if x != 0 else 0 ### Initial function to animation ### def init(): ax.set_title(str(time[0]) + " s") # circles = {} if "SphericalParticle" in particleData: for name, particle in particleData["SphericalParticle"].items( ): t = beginning X = 0 Y = 1 xCenter = float(particle["Position"][t][X]) yCenter = float(particle["Position"][t][Y]) radius = float(particle["Radius"][t]) color = getColor(particle["Color"][t]) circles[name] = plt.Circle((xCenter, yCenter), radius, fill=True, fc=color) ax.add_patch(circles[name]) lines = {} if "FixedInfinitePlane" in boundaryData: for boundaryName, boundary in boundaryData[ "FixedInfinitePlane"].items(): t = beginning X = 0 Y = 1 normalVersor = list(boundary["NormalVersor"][t]) origin = list(boundary["Origin"][t]) color = getColor(boundary["Color"][t]) (boolReturn, begin, end) = getIntersectPoints(normalVersor, origin, limits) if boolReturn: (xbeg, ybeg) = begin (xend, yend) = end lines[boundaryName] = Line2D([xbeg, xend], [ybeg, yend], color=color) ax.add_line(lines[boundaryName]) # return list(circles.values()) return list(circles.values()) + list(lines.values()) def setAxisLimits(limits): [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] = limits ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax)) def updateCircles(t): if "SphericalParticle" in particleData: for name, particle in particleData["SphericalParticle"].items( ): X = 0 Y = 1 xCenter = float(particle["Position"][t][X]) yCenter = float(particle["Position"][t][Y]) radius = float(particle["Radius"][t]) circles[name].center = (xCenter, yCenter) circles[name].radius = radius return circles def updateLines(t): if "FixedInfinitePlane" in boundaryData: for boundaryName, boundary in boundaryData[ "FixedInfinitePlane"].items(): t = beginning X = 0 Y = 1 normalVersor = list(boundary["NormalVersor"][t]) origin = list(boundary["Origin"][t]) color = getColor(boundary["Color"][t]) (boolReturn, begin, end) = getIntersectPoints(normalVersor, origin, limits) if boolReturn: (xbeg, ybeg) = begin (xend, yend) = end lines[boundaryName] = Line2D([xbeg, xend], [ybeg, yend], color=color) return lines ### Animate function ### def animate_byTimeStep(t): t = timeIndices[t] # set graph limits limits = AnimationLimits.getLimits_byTimeStep(particleData, t) setAxisLimits(limits) ax.set_title(str(round_to_n(time[t], 2)) + " s") circles = updateCircles(t) lines = updateLines(t) return list(circles.values()) + list(lines.values()) def animate_global(t): t = timeIndices[t] # set graph limits limits = AnimationLimits.getLimits_global(particleData) setAxisLimits(limits) ax.set_title(str(round_to_n(time[t], 2)) + " s") circles = updateCircles(t) lines = updateLines(t) return list(circles.values()) + list(lines.values()) def animate_autoscale(t): t = timeIndices[t] # set graph limits limits = AnimationLimits.getLimits_autoscale(ax) setAxisLimits(limits) ax.set_title(str(round_to_n(time[t], 2)) + " s") circles = updateCircles(t) lines = updateLines(t) return list(circles.values()) + list(lines.values()) # define animate functions animateFunction = {} animateFunction["by_time_step"] = animate_byTimeStep animateFunction["global"] = animate_global animateFunction["autoscale"] = animate_autoscale ### video settings ### frames = len(timeIndices) fps = frames / animationTime ### build and save video ### for at in animationTypes: if (animationBools[at]): anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animateFunction[at], init_func=init, frames=frames, blit=True) extension = "_" + at + ".mp4" filename = "Animation" + extension filepath = os.path.join(simulationAnimationsOutputFolder, filename), fps=fps)