Esempio n. 1
 def picture_children():
     # Return a QPicture displaying all children patches of this
     # node.
     pic = QPicture()
     painter = QPainter(pic)
     for ch in child_patches():
         painter.drawPicture(0, 0, ch.picture())
     return pic
    def __paint(self):
        picture = QPicture()
        painter = QPainter(picture)
        pen = QPen(QBrush(Qt.white), 0.5)

        geom = self.geometry
        x, y = geom.x(), geom.y()
        w, h = geom.width(), geom.height()
        wsingle = w / len(self.dist)
        for d, c in zip(self.dist, self.colors):
            painter.drawRect(QRectF(x, y, wsingle, d * h))
            x += wsingle

        self.__picture = picture
Esempio n. 3
        def picture_this_level():
            # Create a QPicture drawing the contribution from this
            # level only. This is all regions where the contingency is
            # not empty and does not have a computed sub-contingency
            # (i.e. the node does not have a child in that cell).

            pic = QPicture()
            painter = QPainter(pic)
            ctng = node.contingencies
            colors = create_image(ctng, palette, scale=scale)
            x, y, w, h = node.brect
            N, M = ctng.shape[:2]

            # Nonzero contingency mask
            any_mask = Node_mask(node)

            if node.is_leaf:
                skip = itertools.repeat(False)
                # Skip all None children they were already painted.
                skip = (ch is not None for ch in node.children.flat)

            painter.translate(x, y)
            painter.scale(w / node.nbins, h / node.nbins)

            indices = itertools.product(range(N), range(M))
            for (i, j), skip, any_ in zip(indices, skip, any_mask.flat):
                if not skip and any_:
                    painter.setBrush(QColor(*colors[i, j]))
                    if shape == Rect:
                        painter.drawRect(i, j, 1, 1)
                    elif shape == Circle:
                        painter.drawEllipse(i, j, 1, 1)
                    elif shape == RoundRect:
                        painter.drawRoundedRect(i, j, 1, 1, 25.0, 25.0,
            return pic
Esempio n. 4
def Patch_create(node, palette=None, scale=None, shape=Rect):
    Return a `Patch` for visualizing `node`.

    .. note::
        The patch (picture and children fields) are evaluated lazily.

    :type node: Tree
    :type palette: colorpalette.PaletteGenerator
    :type scale: nparray -> ndarray
    :type shape: int
    :rtype: Patch

    if node.is_empty:
        return Patch(node, once(lambda: QPicture()), once(lambda: ()))
        def picture_this_level():
            # Create a QPicture drawing the contribution from this
            # level only. This is all regions where the contingency is
            # not empty and does not have a computed sub-contingency
            # (i.e. the node does not have a child in that cell).

            pic = QPicture()
            painter = QPainter(pic)
            ctng = node.contingencies
            colors = create_image(ctng, palette, scale=scale)
            x, y, w, h = node.brect
            N, M = ctng.shape[:2]

            # Nonzero contingency mask
            any_mask = Node_mask(node)

            if node.is_leaf:
                skip = itertools.repeat(False)
                # Skip all None children they were already painted.
                skip = (ch is not None for ch in node.children.flat)

            painter.translate(x, y)
            painter.scale(w / node.nbins, h / node.nbins)

            indices = itertools.product(range(N), range(M))
            for (i, j), skip, any_ in zip(indices, skip, any_mask.flat):
                if not skip and any_:
                    painter.setBrush(QColor(*colors[i, j]))
                    if shape == Rect:
                        painter.drawRect(i, j, 1, 1)
                    elif shape == Circle:
                        painter.drawEllipse(i, j, 1, 1)
                    elif shape == RoundRect:
                        painter.drawRoundedRect(i, j, 1, 1, 25.0, 25.0,
            return pic

        def child_patches():
            # Return a tuple of all non empty child patches for this node.
            if node.is_leaf:
                children = []
                children = filter(is_not_none, node.children.flat)
            return tuple(Patch_create(child, palette, scale, shape)
                         for child in children) + \
                   (Patch(node, picture_this_level, once(lambda: ())),)

        def picture_children():
            # Return a QPicture displaying all children patches of this
            # node.
            pic = QPicture()
            painter = QPainter(pic)
            for ch in child_patches():
                painter.drawPicture(0, 0, ch.picture())
            return pic

        return Patch(node, picture_children, child_patches)