class Marker(orangeqt.PlotItem): """ Displays a text marker on the plot. :param text: The text to display. It can be HTML-formatted :type tex: str :param x: The x coordinate of the marker's position :type x: float :param y: The y coordinate of the marker's position :type y: float :param align: The text alignment :type align: :param bold: If ``True``, the text will be show bold. :type bold: int :param color: The text color :type color: QColor :param brushColor: The color of the brush user to paint the background :type color: QColor :param size: Font size :type size: int Markers have the QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations flag set by default, so text remains the same size when zooming. There is no need to scale the manually. """ def __init__(self, text, x, y, align, bold = 0, color = None, brushColor = None, size=None): orangeqt.PlotItem.__init__(self) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIgnoresTransformations, True) self._item = QGraphicsTextItem(text, parent=self) self._data_point = QPointF(x,y) f = self._item.font() f.setBold(bold) if size: f.setPointSize(size) self._item.setFont(f) self._item.setPos(x, y) def update_properties(self): self._item.setPos(self.graph_transform().map(self._data_point))
class OWLegendTitle(QGraphicsObject): """ A legend item that shows ``text`` with a bold font and no symbol. """ def __init__(self, text, parent): QGraphicsObject.__init__(self, parent) self.text_item = QGraphicsTextItem(text + ':', self) f = self.text_item.font() f.setBold(True) self.text_item.setFont(f) self.rect_item = QGraphicsRectItem(self.text_item.boundingRect(), self) self.rect_item.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.rect_item.stackBefore(self.text_item) def boundingRect(self): return self.text_item.boundingRect() def paint(self, painter, option, widget): pass
class LinkItem(QGraphicsObject): """ A Link item in the canvas that connects two :class:`.NodeItem`\s in the canvas. The link curve connects two `Anchor` items (see :func:`setSourceItem` and :func:`setSinkItem`). Once the anchors are set the curve automatically adjusts its end points whenever the anchors move. An optional source/sink text item can be displayed above the curve's central point (:func:`setSourceName`, :func:`setSinkName`) """ #: Z value of the item Z_VALUE = 0 #: Runtime link state value #: These are pulled from SchemeLink.State for ease of binding to it's #: state State = SchemeLink.State #: The link has no associated state. NoState = SchemeLink.NoState #: Link is empty; the source node does not have any value on output Empty = SchemeLink.Empty #: Link is active; the source node has a valid value on output Active = SchemeLink.Active #: The link is pending; the sink node is scheduled for update Pending = SchemeLink.Pending def __init__(self, *args): self.__boundingRect = None QGraphicsObject.__init__(self, *args) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemHasNoContents, True) self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt.RightButton | Qt.LeftButton) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.setZValue(self.Z_VALUE) self.sourceItem = None self.sourceAnchor = None self.sinkItem = None self.sinkAnchor = None self.curveItem = LinkCurveItem(self) self.sourceIndicator = LinkAnchorIndicator(self) self.sinkIndicator = LinkAnchorIndicator(self) self.sourceIndicator.hide() self.sinkIndicator.hide() self.linkTextItem = QGraphicsTextItem(self) self.linkTextItem.setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt.NoButton) self.linkTextItem.setAcceptHoverEvents(False) self.__sourceName = "" self.__sinkName = "" self.__dynamic = False self.__dynamicEnabled = False self.__state = LinkItem.NoState self.hover = False self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__updatePen() self.__boundingRect = None def setSourceItem(self, item, anchor=None): """ Set the source `item` (:class:`.NodeItem`). Use `anchor` (:class:`.AnchorPoint`) as the curve start point (if ``None`` a new output anchor will be created using ``item.newOutputAnchor()``). Setting item to ``None`` and a valid anchor is a valid operation (for instance while mouse dragging one end of the link). """ if item is not None and anchor is not None: if anchor not in item.outputAnchors(): raise ValueError("Anchor must be belong to the item") if self.sourceItem != item: if self.sourceAnchor: # Remove a previous source item and the corresponding anchor self.sourceAnchor.scenePositionChanged.disconnect( self._sourcePosChanged ) if self.sourceItem is not None: self.sourceItem.removeOutputAnchor(self.sourceAnchor) self.sourceItem = self.sourceAnchor = None self.sourceItem = item if item is not None and anchor is None: # Create a new output anchor for the item if none is provided. anchor = item.newOutputAnchor() # Update the visibility of the start point indicator. self.sourceIndicator.setVisible(bool(item)) if anchor != self.sourceAnchor: if self.sourceAnchor is not None: self.sourceAnchor.scenePositionChanged.disconnect( self._sourcePosChanged ) self.sourceAnchor = anchor if self.sourceAnchor is not None: self.sourceAnchor.scenePositionChanged.connect( self._sourcePosChanged ) self.__updateCurve() def setSinkItem(self, item, anchor=None): """ Set the sink `item` (:class:`.NodeItem`). Use `anchor` (:class:`.AnchorPoint`) as the curve end point (if ``None`` a new input anchor will be created using ``item.newInputAnchor()``). Setting item to ``None`` and a valid anchor is a valid operation (for instance while mouse dragging one and of the link). """ if item is not None and anchor is not None: if anchor not in item.inputAnchors(): raise ValueError("Anchor must be belong to the item") if self.sinkItem != item: if self.sinkAnchor: # Remove a previous source item and the corresponding anchor self.sinkAnchor.scenePositionChanged.disconnect( self._sinkPosChanged ) if self.sinkItem is not None: self.sinkItem.removeInputAnchor(self.sinkAnchor) self.sinkItem = self.sinkAnchor = None self.sinkItem = item if item is not None and anchor is None: # Create a new input anchor for the item if none is provided. anchor = item.newInputAnchor() # Update the visibility of the end point indicator. self.sinkIndicator.setVisible(bool(item)) if self.sinkAnchor != anchor: if self.sinkAnchor is not None: self.sinkAnchor.scenePositionChanged.disconnect( self._sinkPosChanged ) self.sinkAnchor = anchor if self.sinkAnchor is not None: self.sinkAnchor.scenePositionChanged.connect( self._sinkPosChanged ) self.__updateCurve() def setFont(self, font): """ Set the font for the channel names text item. """ if font != self.font(): self.linkTextItem.setFont(font) self.__updateText() def font(self): """ Return the font for the channel names text. """ return self.linkTextItem.font() def setChannelNamesVisible(self, visible): """ Set the visibility of the channel name text. """ self.linkTextItem.setVisible(visible) def setSourceName(self, name): """ Set the name of the source (used in channel name text). """ if self.__sourceName != name: self.__sourceName = name self.__updateText() def sourceName(self): """ Return the source name. """ return self.__sourceName def setSinkName(self, name): """ Set the name of the sink (used in channel name text). """ if self.__sinkName != name: self.__sinkName = name self.__updateText() def sinkName(self): """ Return the sink name. """ return self.__sinkName def _sinkPosChanged(self, *arg): self.__updateCurve() def _sourcePosChanged(self, *arg): self.__updateCurve() def __updateCurve(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None if self.sourceAnchor and self.sinkAnchor: source_pos = self.sourceAnchor.anchorScenePos() sink_pos = self.sinkAnchor.anchorScenePos() source_pos = self.curveItem.mapFromScene(source_pos) sink_pos = self.curveItem.mapFromScene(sink_pos) # Adaptive offset for the curve control points to avoid a # cusp when the two points have the same y coordinate # and are close together delta = source_pos - sink_pos dist = math.sqrt(delta.x() ** 2 + delta.y() ** 2) cp_offset = min(dist / 2.0, 60.0) # TODO: make the curve tangent orthogonal to the anchors path. path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(source_pos) path.cubicTo(source_pos + QPointF(cp_offset, 0), sink_pos - QPointF(cp_offset, 0), sink_pos) self.curveItem.setCurvePath(path) self.sourceIndicator.setPos(source_pos) self.sinkIndicator.setPos(sink_pos) self.__updateText() else: self.setHoverState(False) self.curveItem.setPath(QPainterPath()) def __updateText(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None if self.__sourceName or self.__sinkName: if self.__sourceName != self.__sinkName: text = ("<nobr>{0}</nobr> \u2192 <nobr>{1}</nobr>" .format(escape(self.__sourceName), escape(self.__sinkName))) else: # If the names are the same show only one. # Is this right? If the sink has two input channels of the # same type having the name on the link help elucidate # the scheme. text = escape(self.__sourceName) else: text = "" self.linkTextItem.setHtml('<div align="center">{0}</div>' .format(text)) path = self.curveItem.curvePath() # Constrain the text width if it is too long to fit on a single line # between the two ends if not path.isEmpty(): # Use the distance between the start/end points as a measure of # available space diff = path.pointAtPercent(0.0) - path.pointAtPercent(1.0) available_width = math.sqrt(diff.x() ** 2 + diff.y() ** 2) # Get the ideal text width if it was unconstrained doc = self.linkTextItem.document().clone(self) doc.setTextWidth(-1) idealwidth = doc.idealWidth() doc.deleteLater() # Constrain the text width but not below a certain min width minwidth = 100 textwidth = max(minwidth, min(available_width, idealwidth)) self.linkTextItem.setTextWidth(textwidth) else: # Reset the fixed width self.linkTextItem.setTextWidth(-1) if not path.isEmpty(): center = path.pointAtPercent(0.5) angle = path.angleAtPercent(0.5) brect = self.linkTextItem.boundingRect() transform = QTransform() transform.translate(center.x(), center.y()) transform.rotate(-angle) # Center and move above the curve path. transform.translate(-brect.width() / 2, -brect.height()) self.linkTextItem.setTransform(transform) def removeLink(self): self.setSinkItem(None) self.setSourceItem(None) self.__updateCurve() def setHoverState(self, state): if self.hover != state: self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None self.hover = state self.sinkIndicator.setHoverState(state) self.sourceIndicator.setHoverState(state) self.curveItem.setHoverState(state) self.__updatePen() def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): # Hover enter event happens when the mouse enters any child object # but we only want to show the 'hovered' shadow when the mouse # is over the 'curveItem', so we install self as an event filter # on the LinkCurveItem and listen to its hover events. self.curveItem.installSceneEventFilter(self) return QGraphicsObject.hoverEnterEvent(self, event) def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): # Remove the event filter to prevent unnecessary work in # scene event filter when not needed self.curveItem.removeSceneEventFilter(self) return QGraphicsObject.hoverLeaveEvent(self, event) def sceneEventFilter(self, obj, event): if obj is self.curveItem: if event.type() == QEvent.GraphicsSceneHoverEnter: self.setHoverState(True) elif event.type() == QEvent.GraphicsSceneHoverLeave: self.setHoverState(False) return QGraphicsObject.sceneEventFilter(self, obj, event) def boundingRect(self): if self.__boundingRect is None: self.__boundingRect = self.childrenBoundingRect() return self.__boundingRect def shape(self): return self.curveItem.shape() def setEnabled(self, enabled): """ Reimplemented from :class:`QGraphicsObject` Set link enabled state. When disabled the link is rendered with a dashed line. """ # This getter/setter pair override a property from the base class. # They should be renamed to e.g. setLinkEnabled/linkEnabled self.curveItem.setLinkEnabled(enabled) def isEnabled(self): return self.curveItem.isLinkEnabled() def setDynamicEnabled(self, enabled): """ Set the link's dynamic enabled state. If the link is `dynamic` it will be rendered in red/green color respectively depending on the state of the dynamic enabled state. """ if self.__dynamicEnabled != enabled: self.__dynamicEnabled = enabled if self.__dynamic: self.__updatePen() def isDynamicEnabled(self): """ Is the link dynamic enabled. """ return self.__dynamicEnabled def setDynamic(self, dynamic): """ Mark the link as dynamic (i.e. it responds to :func:`setDynamicEnabled`). """ if self.__dynamic != dynamic: self.__dynamic = dynamic self.__updatePen() def isDynamic(self): """ Is the link dynamic. """ return self.__dynamic def setRuntimeState(self, state): """ Style the link appropriate to the LinkItem.State Parameters ---------- state : LinkItem.State """ if self.__state != state: self.__state = state if state & LinkItem.Pending: self.sinkIndicator.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.yellow)) else: self.sinkIndicator.setBrush(QBrush(QColor("#9CACB4"))) self.__updatePen() def runtimeState(self): return self.__state def __updatePen(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None if self.__dynamic: if self.__dynamicEnabled: color = QColor(0, 150, 0, 150) else: color = QColor(150, 0, 0, 150) normal = QPen(QBrush(color), 2.0) hover = QPen(QBrush(color.darker(120)), 2.1) else: normal = QPen(QBrush(QColor("#9CACB4")), 2.0) hover = QPen(QBrush(QColor("#7D7D7D")), 2.1) if self.__state & LinkItem.Empty: pen_style = Qt.DashLine else: pen_style = Qt.SolidLine normal.setStyle(pen_style) hover.setStyle(pen_style) if self.hover: pen = hover else: pen = normal self.curveItem.setPen(pen)
class LinkItem(QGraphicsObject): """ A Link item in the canvas that connects two :class:`.NodeItem`\s in the canvas. The link curve connects two `Anchor` items (see :func:`setSourceItem` and :func:`setSinkItem`). Once the anchors are set the curve automatically adjusts its end points whenever the anchors move. An optional source/sink text item can be displayed above the curve's central point (:func:`setSourceName`, :func:`setSinkName`) """ #: Z value of the item Z_VALUE = 0 #: Runtime link state value #: These are pulled from SchemeLink.State for ease of binding to it's #: state State = SchemeLink.State #: Link is empty; the source node does not have any value on output Empty = SchemeLink.Empty #: Link is active; the source node has a valid value on output Active = SchemeLink.Active #: The link is pending; the sink node is scheduled for update Pending = SchemeLink.Pending def __init__(self, *args): self.__boundingRect = None QGraphicsObject.__init__(self, *args) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemHasNoContents, True) self.setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt.RightButton | Qt.LeftButton) self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.setZValue(self.Z_VALUE) self.sourceItem = None self.sourceAnchor = None self.sinkItem = None self.sinkAnchor = None self.curveItem = LinkCurveItem(self) self.sourceIndicator = LinkAnchorIndicator(self) self.sinkIndicator = LinkAnchorIndicator(self) self.sourceIndicator.hide() self.sinkIndicator.hide() self.linkTextItem = QGraphicsTextItem(self) self.__sourceName = "" self.__sinkName = "" self.__dynamic = False self.__dynamicEnabled = False self.__state = LinkItem.Empty self.hover = False self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__updatePen() self.__boundingRect = None def setSourceItem(self, item, anchor=None): """ Set the source `item` (:class:`.NodeItem`). Use `anchor` (:class:`.AnchorPoint`) as the curve start point (if ``None`` a new output anchor will be created using ``item.newOutputAnchor()``). Setting item to ``None`` and a valid anchor is a valid operation (for instance while mouse dragging one end of the link). """ if item is not None and anchor is not None: if anchor not in item.outputAnchors(): raise ValueError("Anchor must be belong to the item") if self.sourceItem != item: if self.sourceAnchor: # Remove a previous source item and the corresponding anchor self.sourceAnchor.scenePositionChanged.disconnect( self._sourcePosChanged ) if self.sourceItem is not None: self.sourceItem.removeOutputAnchor(self.sourceAnchor) self.sourceItem = self.sourceAnchor = None self.sourceItem = item if item is not None and anchor is None: # Create a new output anchor for the item if none is provided. anchor = item.newOutputAnchor() # Update the visibility of the start point indicator. self.sourceIndicator.setVisible(bool(item)) if anchor != self.sourceAnchor: if self.sourceAnchor is not None: self.sourceAnchor.scenePositionChanged.disconnect( self._sourcePosChanged ) self.sourceAnchor = anchor if self.sourceAnchor is not None: self.sourceAnchor.scenePositionChanged.connect( self._sourcePosChanged ) self.__updateCurve() def setSinkItem(self, item, anchor=None): """ Set the sink `item` (:class:`.NodeItem`). Use `anchor` (:class:`.AnchorPoint`) as the curve end point (if ``None`` a new input anchor will be created using ``item.newInputAnchor()``). Setting item to ``None`` and a valid anchor is a valid operation (for instance while mouse dragging one and of the link). """ if item is not None and anchor is not None: if anchor not in item.inputAnchors(): raise ValueError("Anchor must be belong to the item") if self.sinkItem != item: if self.sinkAnchor: # Remove a previous source item and the corresponding anchor self.sinkAnchor.scenePositionChanged.disconnect( self._sinkPosChanged ) if self.sinkItem is not None: self.sinkItem.removeInputAnchor(self.sinkAnchor) self.sinkItem = self.sinkAnchor = None self.sinkItem = item if item is not None and anchor is None: # Create a new input anchor for the item if none is provided. anchor = item.newInputAnchor() # Update the visibility of the end point indicator. self.sinkIndicator.setVisible(bool(item)) if self.sinkAnchor != anchor: if self.sinkAnchor is not None: self.sinkAnchor.scenePositionChanged.disconnect( self._sinkPosChanged ) self.sinkAnchor = anchor if self.sinkAnchor is not None: self.sinkAnchor.scenePositionChanged.connect( self._sinkPosChanged ) self.__updateCurve() def setFont(self, font): """ Set the font for the channel names text item. """ if font != self.font(): self.linkTextItem.setFont(font) self.__updateText() def font(self): """ Return the font for the channel names text. """ return self.linkTextItem.font() def setChannelNamesVisible(self, visible): """ Set the visibility of the channel name text. """ self.linkTextItem.setVisible(visible) def setSourceName(self, name): """ Set the name of the source (used in channel name text). """ if self.__sourceName != name: self.__sourceName = name self.__updateText() def sourceName(self): """ Return the source name. """ return self.__sourceName def setSinkName(self, name): """ Set the name of the sink (used in channel name text). """ if self.__sinkName != name: self.__sinkName = name self.__updateText() def sinkName(self): """ Return the sink name. """ return self.__sinkName def _sinkPosChanged(self, *arg): self.__updateCurve() def _sourcePosChanged(self, *arg): self.__updateCurve() def __updateCurve(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None if self.sourceAnchor and self.sinkAnchor: source_pos = self.sourceAnchor.anchorScenePos() sink_pos = self.sinkAnchor.anchorScenePos() source_pos = self.curveItem.mapFromScene(source_pos) sink_pos = self.curveItem.mapFromScene(sink_pos) # Adaptive offset for the curve control points to avoid a # cusp when the two points have the same y coordinate # and are close together delta = source_pos - sink_pos dist = math.sqrt(delta.x() ** 2 + delta.y() ** 2) cp_offset = min(dist / 2.0, 60.0) # TODO: make the curve tangent orthogonal to the anchors path. path = QPainterPath() path.moveTo(source_pos) path.cubicTo(source_pos + QPointF(cp_offset, 0), sink_pos - QPointF(cp_offset, 0), sink_pos) self.curveItem.setCurvePath(path) self.sourceIndicator.setPos(source_pos) self.sinkIndicator.setPos(sink_pos) self.__updateText() else: self.setHoverState(False) self.curveItem.setPath(QPainterPath()) def __updateText(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None if self.__sourceName or self.__sinkName: if self.__sourceName != self.__sinkName: text = "{0} \u2192 {1}".format(self.__sourceName, self.__sinkName) else: # If the names are the same show only one. # Is this right? If the sink has two input channels of the # same type having the name on the link help elucidate # the scheme. text = self.__sourceName else: text = "" self.linkTextItem.setPlainText(text) path = self.curveItem.curvePath() if not path.isEmpty(): center = path.pointAtPercent(0.5) angle = path.angleAtPercent(0.5) brect = self.linkTextItem.boundingRect() transform = QTransform() transform.translate(center.x(), center.y()) transform.rotate(-angle) # Center and move above the curve path. transform.translate(-brect.width() / 2, -brect.height()) self.linkTextItem.setTransform(transform) def removeLink(self): self.setSinkItem(None) self.setSourceItem(None) self.__updateCurve() def setHoverState(self, state): if self.hover != state: self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None self.hover = state self.sinkIndicator.setHoverState(state) self.sourceIndicator.setHoverState(state) self.curveItem.setHoverState(state) self.__updatePen() def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): # Hover enter event happens when the mouse enters any child object # but we only want to show the 'hovered' shadow when the mouse # is over the 'curveItem', so we install self as an event filter # on the LinkCurveItem and listen to its hover events. self.curveItem.installSceneEventFilter(self) return QGraphicsObject.hoverEnterEvent(self, event) def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): # Remove the event filter to prevent unnecessary work in # scene event filter when not needed self.curveItem.removeSceneEventFilter(self) return QGraphicsObject.hoverLeaveEvent(self, event) def sceneEventFilter(self, obj, event): if obj is self.curveItem: if event.type() == QEvent.GraphicsSceneHoverEnter: self.setHoverState(True) elif event.type() == QEvent.GraphicsSceneHoverLeave: self.setHoverState(False) return QGraphicsObject.sceneEventFilter(self, obj, event) def boundingRect(self): if self.__boundingRect is None: self.__boundingRect = self.childrenBoundingRect() return self.__boundingRect def shape(self): return self.curveItem.shape() def setEnabled(self, enabled): """ Reimplemented from :class:`QGraphicsObject` Set link enabled state. When disabled the link is rendered with a dashed line. """ # This getter/setter pair override a property from the base class. # They should be renamed to e.g. setLinkEnabled/linkEnabled self.curveItem.setLinkEnabled(enabled) def isEnabled(self): return self.curveItem.isLinkEnabled() def setDynamicEnabled(self, enabled): """ Set the link's dynamic enabled state. If the link is `dynamic` it will be rendered in red/green color respectively depending on the state of the dynamic enabled state. """ if self.__dynamicEnabled != enabled: self.__dynamicEnabled = enabled if self.__dynamic: self.__updatePen() def isDynamicEnabled(self): """ Is the link dynamic enabled. """ return self.__dynamicEnabled def setDynamic(self, dynamic): """ Mark the link as dynamic (i.e. it responds to :func:`setDynamicEnabled`). """ if self.__dynamic != dynamic: self.__dynamic = dynamic self.__updatePen() def isDynamic(self): """ Is the link dynamic. """ return self.__dynamic def setRuntimeState(self, state): """ Style the link appropriate to the LinkItem.State Parameters ---------- state : LinkItem.State """ if self.__state != state: self.__state = state if state & LinkItem.Pending: self.sinkIndicator.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.yellow)) else: self.sinkIndicator.setBrush(QBrush(QColor("#9CACB4"))) self.__updatePen() def runtimeState(self): return self.__state def __updatePen(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None if self.__dynamic: if self.__dynamicEnabled: color = QColor(0, 150, 0, 150) else: color = QColor(150, 0, 0, 150) normal = QPen(QBrush(color), 2.0) hover = QPen(QBrush(color.darker(120)), 2.1) else: normal = QPen(QBrush(QColor("#9CACB4")), 2.0) hover = QPen(QBrush(QColor("#7D7D7D")), 2.1) if self.__state & LinkItem.Active: pen_style = Qt.SolidLine else: pen_style = Qt.DashLine normal.setStyle(pen_style) hover.setStyle(pen_style) if self.hover: pen = hover else: pen = normal self.curveItem.setPen(pen)
class OWAxis(QGraphicsItem): Role = OWPalette.Axis def __init__(self, id, title='', title_above=False, title_location=AxisMiddle, line=None, arrows=0, plot=None, bounds=None): QGraphicsItem.__init__(self) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemHasNoContents) self.setZValue(AxisZValue) = id self.title = title self.title_location = title_location self.data_line = line self.plot = plot self.graph_line = None self.size = None self.scale = None self.tick_length = (10, 5, 0) self.arrows = arrows self.title_above = title_above self.line_item = QGraphicsLineItem(self) self.title_item = QGraphicsTextItem(self) self.end_arrow_item = None self.start_arrow_item = None self.show_title = False self.scale = None path = QPainterPath() path.setFillRule(Qt.WindingFill) path.moveTo(0, 3.09) path.lineTo(0, -3.09) path.lineTo(9.51, 0) path.closeSubpath() self.arrow_path = path self.label_items = [] self.label_bg_items = [] self.tick_items = [] self._ticks = [] self.zoom_transform = QTransform() self.labels = None self.values = None self._bounds = bounds self.auto_range = None self.auto_scale = True self.zoomable = False self.update_callback = None self.max_text_width = 50 self.text_margin = 5 self.always_horizontal_text = False @staticmethod def compute_scale(min, max): magnitude = int(3 * log10(abs(max - min)) + 1) if magnitude % 3 == 0: first_place = 1 elif magnitude % 3 == 1: first_place = 2 else: first_place = 5 magnitude = magnitude // 3 - 1 step = first_place * pow(10, magnitude) first_val = ceil(min / step) * step return first_val, step def update_ticks(self): self._ticks = [] major, medium, minor = self.tick_length if self.labels is not None and not self.auto_scale: values = self.values or range(len(self.labels)) for i, text in zip(values, self.labels): self._ticks.append((i, text, medium, 1)) else: if self.scale and not self.auto_scale: min, max, step = self.scale elif self.auto_range: min, max = self.auto_range if min is not None and max is not None: step = (max - min) / 10 else: return else: return if max == min: return val, step = self.compute_scale(min, max) while val <= max: self._ticks.append((val, "%.4g" % val, medium, step)) val += step def update_graph(self): if self.update_callback: self.update_callback() def update(self, zoom_only=False): self.update_ticks() line_color = self.plot.color(OWPalette.Axis) text_color = self.plot.color(OWPalette.Text) if not self.graph_line or not self.scene(): return self.line_item.setLine(self.graph_line) self.line_item.setPen(line_color) if self.title: self.title_item.setHtml('<b>' + self.title + '</b>') self.title_item.setDefaultTextColor(text_color) if self.title_location == AxisMiddle: title_p = 0.5 elif self.title_location == AxisEnd: title_p = 0.95 else: title_p = 0.05 title_pos = self.graph_line.pointAt(title_p) v = self.graph_line.normalVector().unitVector() dense_text = False if hasattr(self, 'title_margin'): offset = self.title_margin elif self._ticks: if self.should_be_expanded(): offset = 55 dense_text = True else: offset = 35 else: offset = 10 if self.title_above: title_pos += (v.p2() - v.p1()) * ( offset + QFontMetrics(self.title_item.font()).height()) else: title_pos -= (v.p2() - v.p1()) * offset ## TODO: Move it according to self.label_pos self.title_item.setVisible(self.show_title) self.title_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle()) c = self.title_item.mapToParent( self.title_item.boundingRect().center()) tl = self.title_item.mapToParent( self.title_item.boundingRect().topLeft()) self.title_item.setPos(title_pos - c + tl) ## Arrows if not zoom_only: if self.start_arrow_item: self.scene().removeItem(self.start_arrow_item) self.start_arrow_item = None if self.end_arrow_item: self.scene().removeItem(self.end_arrow_item) self.end_arrow_item = None if self.arrows & AxisStart: if not zoom_only or not self.start_arrow_item: self.start_arrow_item = QGraphicsPathItem( self.arrow_path, self) self.start_arrow_item.setPos(self.graph_line.p1()) self.start_arrow_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle() + 180) self.start_arrow_item.setBrush(line_color) self.start_arrow_item.setPen(line_color) if self.arrows & AxisEnd: if not zoom_only or not self.end_arrow_item: self.end_arrow_item = QGraphicsPathItem(self.arrow_path, self) self.end_arrow_item.setPos(self.graph_line.p2()) self.end_arrow_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle()) self.end_arrow_item.setBrush(line_color) self.end_arrow_item.setPen(line_color) ## Labels n = len(self._ticks) resize_plot_item_list(self.label_items, n, QGraphicsTextItem, self) resize_plot_item_list(self.label_bg_items, n, QGraphicsRectItem, self) resize_plot_item_list(self.tick_items, n, QGraphicsLineItem, self) test_rect = QRectF(self.graph_line.p1(), self.graph_line.p2()).normalized() test_rect.adjust(-1, -1, 1, 1) n_v = self.graph_line.normalVector().unitVector() if self.title_above: n_p = n_v.p2() - n_v.p1() else: n_p = n_v.p1() - n_v.p2() l_v = self.graph_line.unitVector() l_p = l_v.p2() - l_v.p1() for i in range(n): pos, text, size, step = self._ticks[i] hs = 0.5 * step tick_pos = self.map_to_graph(pos) if not test_rect.contains(tick_pos): self.tick_items[i].setVisible(False) self.label_items[i].setVisible(False) continue item = self.label_items[i] item.setVisible(True) if not zoom_only: if in XAxes or getattr(self, 'is_horizontal', False): item.setHtml('<center>' + Qt.escape(text.strip()) + '</center>') else: item.setHtml(Qt.escape(text.strip())) item.setTextWidth(-1) text_angle = 0 if dense_text: w = min(item.boundingRect().width(), self.max_text_width) item.setTextWidth(w) if self.title_above: label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * ( w + self.text_margin ) + l_p * item.boundingRect().height() / 2 else: label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * self.text_margin + l_p * item.boundingRect( ).height() / 2 text_angle = -90 if self.title_above else 90 else: w = min( item.boundingRect().width(), QLineF(self.map_to_graph(pos - hs), self.map_to_graph(pos + hs)).length()) label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * self.text_margin + l_p * item.boundingRect( ).height() / 2 item.setTextWidth(w) if not self.always_horizontal_text: if self.title_above: item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle() - text_angle) else: item.setRotation(self.graph_line.angle() - text_angle) item.setPos(label_pos) item.setDefaultTextColor(text_color) self.label_bg_items[i].setRect(item.boundingRect()) self.label_bg_items[i].setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.label_bg_items[i].setBrush(self.plot.color(OWPalette.Canvas)) item = self.tick_items[i] item.setVisible(True) tick_line = QLineF(v) tick_line.translate(-tick_line.p1()) tick_line.setLength(size) if self.title_above: tick_line.setAngle(tick_line.angle() + 180) item.setLine(tick_line) item.setPen(line_color) item.setPos(self.map_to_graph(pos)) @staticmethod def make_title(label, unit=None): lab = '<i>' + label + '</i>' if unit: lab = lab + ' [' + unit + ']' return lab def set_line(self, line): self.graph_line = line self.update() def set_title(self, title): self.title = title self.update() def set_show_title(self, b): self.show_title = b self.update() def set_labels(self, labels, values): self.labels = labels self.values = values self.graph_line = None self.auto_scale = False self.update_ticks() self.update_graph() def set_scale(self, min, max, step_size): self.scale = (min, max, step_size) self.graph_line = None self.auto_scale = False self.update_ticks() self.update_graph() def set_tick_length(self, minor, medium, major): self.tick_length = (minor, medium, major) self.update() def map_to_graph(self, x): min, max = self.plot.bounds_for_axis( if min == max: return QPointF() line_point = self.graph_line.pointAt((x - min) / (max - min)) end_point = line_point * self.zoom_transform return self.projection(end_point, self.graph_line) @staticmethod def projection(point, line): norm = line.normalVector() norm.translate(point - norm.p1()) p = QPointF() type = line.intersect(norm, p) return p def continuous_labels(self): min, max, step = self.scale magnitude = log10(abs(max - min)) def paint(self, painter, option, widget): pass def boundingRect(self): return QRectF() def ticks(self): if not self._ticks: self.update_ticks() return self._ticks def bounds(self): if self._bounds: return self._bounds if self.labels: return -0.2, len(self.labels) - 0.8 elif self.scale: min, max, _step = self.scale return min, max elif self.auto_range: return self.auto_range else: return 0, 1 def set_bounds(self, value): self._bounds = value def should_be_expanded(self): self.update_ticks() return in YAxes or self.always_horizontal_text or sum( len(t[1]) for t in self._ticks) * 12 > self.plot.width()
class OWAxis(QGraphicsItem): Role = OWPalette.Axis def __init__(self, id, title='', title_above=False, title_location=AxisMiddle, line=None, arrows=0, plot=None, bounds=None): QGraphicsItem.__init__(self) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemHasNoContents) self.setZValue(AxisZValue) = id self.title = title self.title_location = title_location self.data_line = line self.plot = plot self.graph_line = None self.size = None self.scale = None self.tick_length = (10, 5, 0) self.arrows = arrows self.title_above = title_above self.line_item = QGraphicsLineItem(self) self.title_item = QGraphicsTextItem(self) self.end_arrow_item = None self.start_arrow_item = None self.show_title = False self.scale = None path = QPainterPath() path.setFillRule(Qt.WindingFill) path.moveTo(0, 3.09) path.lineTo(0, -3.09) path.lineTo(9.51, 0) path.closeSubpath() self.arrow_path = path self.label_items = [] self.label_bg_items = [] self.tick_items = [] self._ticks = [] self.zoom_transform = QTransform() self.labels = None self.values = None self._bounds = bounds self.auto_range = None self.auto_scale = True self.zoomable = False self.update_callback = None self.max_text_width = 50 self.text_margin = 5 self.always_horizontal_text = False @staticmethod def compute_scale(min, max): magnitude = int(3 * log10(abs(max - min)) + 1) if magnitude % 3 == 0: first_place = 1 elif magnitude % 3 == 1: first_place = 2 else: first_place = 5 magnitude = magnitude // 3 - 1 step = first_place * pow(10, magnitude) first_val = ceil(min / step) * step return first_val, step def update_ticks(self): self._ticks = [] major, medium, minor = self.tick_length if self.labels is not None and not self.auto_scale: values = self.values or range(len(self.labels)) for i, text in zip(values, self.labels): self._ticks.append((i, text, medium, 1)) else: if self.scale and not self.auto_scale: min, max, step = self.scale elif self.auto_range: min, max = self.auto_range if min is not None and max is not None: step = (max - min) / 10 else: return else: return if max == min: return val, step = self.compute_scale(min, max) while val <= max: self._ticks.append((val, "%.4g" % val, medium, step)) val += step def update_graph(self): if self.update_callback: self.update_callback() def update(self, zoom_only=False): self.update_ticks() line_color = self.plot.color(OWPalette.Axis) text_color = self.plot.color(OWPalette.Text) if not self.graph_line or not self.scene(): return self.line_item.setLine(self.graph_line) self.line_item.setPen(line_color) if self.title: self.title_item.setHtml('<b>' + self.title + '</b>') self.title_item.setDefaultTextColor(text_color) if self.title_location == AxisMiddle: title_p = 0.5 elif self.title_location == AxisEnd: title_p = 0.95 else: title_p = 0.05 title_pos = self.graph_line.pointAt(title_p) v = self.graph_line.normalVector().unitVector() dense_text = False if hasattr(self, 'title_margin'): offset = self.title_margin elif self._ticks: if self.should_be_expanded(): offset = 55 dense_text = True else: offset = 35 else: offset = 10 if self.title_above: title_pos += (v.p2() - v.p1()) * (offset + QFontMetrics(self.title_item.font()).height()) else: title_pos -= (v.p2() - v.p1()) * offset ## TODO: Move it according to self.label_pos self.title_item.setVisible(self.show_title) self.title_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle()) c = self.title_item.mapToParent(self.title_item.boundingRect().center()) tl = self.title_item.mapToParent(self.title_item.boundingRect().topLeft()) self.title_item.setPos(title_pos - c + tl) ## Arrows if not zoom_only: if self.start_arrow_item: self.scene().removeItem(self.start_arrow_item) self.start_arrow_item = None if self.end_arrow_item: self.scene().removeItem(self.end_arrow_item) self.end_arrow_item = None if self.arrows & AxisStart: if not zoom_only or not self.start_arrow_item: self.start_arrow_item = QGraphicsPathItem(self.arrow_path, self) self.start_arrow_item.setPos(self.graph_line.p1()) self.start_arrow_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle() + 180) self.start_arrow_item.setBrush(line_color) self.start_arrow_item.setPen(line_color) if self.arrows & AxisEnd: if not zoom_only or not self.end_arrow_item: self.end_arrow_item = QGraphicsPathItem(self.arrow_path, self) self.end_arrow_item.setPos(self.graph_line.p2()) self.end_arrow_item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle()) self.end_arrow_item.setBrush(line_color) self.end_arrow_item.setPen(line_color) ## Labels n = len(self._ticks) resize_plot_item_list(self.label_items, n, QGraphicsTextItem, self) resize_plot_item_list(self.label_bg_items, n, QGraphicsRectItem, self) resize_plot_item_list(self.tick_items, n, QGraphicsLineItem, self) test_rect = QRectF(self.graph_line.p1(), self.graph_line.p2()).normalized() test_rect.adjust(-1, -1, 1, 1) n_v = self.graph_line.normalVector().unitVector() if self.title_above: n_p = n_v.p2() - n_v.p1() else: n_p = n_v.p1() - n_v.p2() l_v = self.graph_line.unitVector() l_p = l_v.p2() - l_v.p1() for i in range(n): pos, text, size, step = self._ticks[i] hs = 0.5 * step tick_pos = self.map_to_graph(pos) if not test_rect.contains(tick_pos): self.tick_items[i].setVisible(False) self.label_items[i].setVisible(False) continue item = self.label_items[i] item.setVisible(True) if not zoom_only: if in XAxes or getattr(self, 'is_horizontal', False): item.setHtml('<center>' + Qt.escape(text.strip()) + '</center>') else: item.setHtml(Qt.escape(text.strip())) item.setTextWidth(-1) text_angle = 0 if dense_text: w = min(item.boundingRect().width(), self.max_text_width) item.setTextWidth(w) if self.title_above: label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * (w + self.text_margin) + l_p * item.boundingRect().height() / 2 else: label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * self.text_margin + l_p * item.boundingRect().height() / 2 text_angle = -90 if self.title_above else 90 else: w = min(item.boundingRect().width(), QLineF(self.map_to_graph(pos - hs), self.map_to_graph(pos + hs)).length()) label_pos = tick_pos + n_p * self.text_margin + l_p * item.boundingRect().height() / 2 item.setTextWidth(w) if not self.always_horizontal_text: if self.title_above: item.setRotation(-self.graph_line.angle() - text_angle) else: item.setRotation(self.graph_line.angle() - text_angle) item.setPos(label_pos) item.setDefaultTextColor(text_color) self.label_bg_items[i].setRect(item.boundingRect()) self.label_bg_items[i].setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.label_bg_items[i].setBrush(self.plot.color(OWPalette.Canvas)) item = self.tick_items[i] item.setVisible(True) tick_line = QLineF(v) tick_line.translate(-tick_line.p1()) tick_line.setLength(size) if self.title_above: tick_line.setAngle(tick_line.angle() + 180) item.setLine(tick_line) item.setPen(line_color) item.setPos(self.map_to_graph(pos)) @staticmethod def make_title(label, unit=None): lab = '<i>' + label + '</i>' if unit: lab = lab + ' [' + unit + ']' return lab def set_line(self, line): self.graph_line = line self.update() def set_title(self, title): self.title = title self.update() def set_show_title(self, b): self.show_title = b self.update() def set_labels(self, labels, values): self.labels = labels self.values = values self.graph_line = None self.auto_scale = False self.update_ticks() self.update_graph() def set_scale(self, min, max, step_size): self.scale = (min, max, step_size) self.graph_line = None self.auto_scale = False self.update_ticks() self.update_graph() def set_tick_length(self, minor, medium, major): self.tick_length = (minor, medium, major) self.update() def map_to_graph(self, x): min, max = self.plot.bounds_for_axis( if min == max: return QPointF() line_point = self.graph_line.pointAt((x - min) / (max - min)) end_point = line_point * self.zoom_transform return self.projection(end_point, self.graph_line) @staticmethod def projection(point, line): norm = line.normalVector() norm.translate(point - norm.p1()) p = QPointF() type = line.intersect(norm, p) return p def continuous_labels(self): min, max, step = self.scale magnitude = log10(abs(max - min)) def paint(self, painter, option, widget): pass def boundingRect(self): return QRectF() def ticks(self): if not self._ticks: self.update_ticks() return self._ticks def bounds(self): if self._bounds: return self._bounds if self.labels: return -0.2, len(self.labels) - 0.8 elif self.scale: min, max, _step = self.scale return min, max elif self.auto_range: return self.auto_range else: return 0, 1 def set_bounds(self, value): self._bounds = value def should_be_expanded(self): self.update_ticks() return in YAxes or self.always_horizontal_text or sum( len(t[1]) for t in self._ticks) * 12 > self.plot.width()