Esempio n. 1
import os
import sys
import datetime

sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + '/Settings')
sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + '/WebApis')
sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + '/Localization')
sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + '/Data')

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from flask_cors import CORS
from Server import Server, SlashRequests
from AppSettings import AppSettings

appSettings = AppSettings()

app = Flask(__name__)
server = Server(appSettings)

#All events come in through POST requests
@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def Event():
    #Initial error checking, ensure type of message is JSON and we have base data needed to continue
    if not request.json:
        return jsonify({'error':
                        "Invalid payload type, only json permitted"}), 400
    if not 'token' in request.json:
        return jsonify({'error': "missing required value, token"}), 400
    if not 'type' in request.json:
Esempio n. 2
class IOServiceHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

    ## IO board abstracion driver.
    __board = IOBoard.IOBoard()

    ## Application settings.
    __settings = AppSettings.AppSettings('/home/pi/PiCons/settings.ini')

    ## KIOSK browser settings.
    __kioskSettings = KioskSettings.KioskSettings(

    ## Page body.
    __the_page = 'OK'

    ## MIME type of the response.
    __mime_type = ''

    ## Relay 1 command key. Value: 1 or 0
    __RELAY_1 = 'Relay1'
    ## Relay 2 command key. Value: 1 or 0
    __RELAY_2 = 'Relay2'
    ## Relay 3 command key. Value: 1 or 0
    __RELAY_3 = 'Relay3'
    ## Relay 4 command key. Value: 1 or 0
    __RELAY_4 = 'Relay4'

    ## Toggle relay 1 command key. Value: 1
    __TOGGLE_RELAY_1 = 'ToggleRelay1'
    ## Toggle relay 2 command key. Value: 1
    __TOGGLE_RELAY_2 = 'ToggleRelay2'
    ## Toggle relay 3 command key. Value: 1
    __TOGGLE_RELAY_3 = 'ToggleRelay3'
    ## Toggle relay 4 command key. Value: 1
    __TOGGLE_RELAY_4 = 'ToggleRelay4'

    ## Pulse relay 4 command key. Value: 1 to 60[s]
    __PULSE_RELAY_1 = 'PulseRelay1'
    ## Pulse relay 4 command key. Value: 1 to 60[s]
    __PULSE_RELAY_2 = 'PulseRelay2'
    ## Pulse relay 4 command key. Value: 1 to 60[s]
    __PULSE_RELAY_3 = 'PulseRelay3'
    ## Pulse relay 4 command key. Value: 1 to 60[s]
    __PULSE_RELAY_4 = 'PulseRelay4'

    ## Address of the KIOSK browser in BASE64.
    __KIOSK_ADDRESS = 'KioskAddress'
    ## Preset the default settings of the browser.
    __KIOSK_DEFAULT = 'KioskDefault'

    ## Relay outputs descriptor.
    __RO = {
        'key': "RelayOutputs",
        'name': 'RelayOutput',
        'unit': 'LogicLevel',
        'id': {
            '1': '0',
            '2': '1',
            '3': '2',
            '4': '3'
    ## Digital inputs descriptor.
    __DI = {
        'key': "DigitalInputs",
        'name': 'DigitalInput',
        'unit': 'LogicLevel',
        'id': {
            '1': '4',
            '2': '5',
            '3': '6',
            '4': '7',
            '5': '8',
            '6': '9'
    ## Counters inputs descriptor.
    __CI = {
        'key': "CounterInputs",
        'name': 'CounterInput',
        'unit': 'Count',
        'id': {
            '1': '10',
            '2': '11'
    ## Analog inputs descriptor.
    __AI = {
        'key': "AnalogInputs",
        'name': 'AnalogInput',
        'unit': 'V',
        'id': {
            '1': '12',
            '2': '13',
            '3': '14',
            '4': '15',
            '5': '16',
            '6': '17',
            '7': '18',
            '8': '19'
    ## Electronic scales descriptor.
    __ES = {
        'key': "ElectronicScales",
        'name': 'ElectronicScale',
        'id': {
            '1': '20'

    ## Protocol version.

    ## Text representation of logic level 0.
    __STATE_LOW = '0'
    ## Text representation of logic level 1.
    __STATE_HIGH = '1'

    ## Get the key.

    ## Handler for the GET requests.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def do_GET(self):

        # Get the key.
        key = self.__settings.get_credentials_as_b64()

        # Check if it home IP or authorized client respons it.
        if (self.headers.getheader('Authorization')
                == 'Basic ' + key) or (self.client_address[0] == ''):
            # Just pass and proseed.

        # Else redirect to authorize.
        elif (self.headers.getheader('Authorization') == None):
            self.wfile.write('no auth header received')

        # Else redirect to authorize.
            self.wfile.write('not authenticated')

        # Parse the URL path.
        parsed_url = urlparse(self.path)

        # Check is there arguments.
        if (parsed_url.query != None and parsed_url.query != ""):
            # Create the response.
            self.__the_page = self.__create_get_response(parsed_url.query)
            # Create XML structure.
            container = dict()
            container['ProtocolVersion'] = self.__PROTOCOL_VERSION
            container['Entrys'] = None

            xml = dicttoxml.dicttoxml(container,
            # Create the response.
            self.__the_page = xml

        # ============================================

        self.send_header('Content-type', self.__mime_type)
            "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"
        )  # This may be usefull as a settings. Only the central server can call the IO device.
        #self.send_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET") # This may be usefull only with get method to access the device.
        # Send the page


    ## Handler for the authorization.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    def do_AUTHHEAD(self):
        # Set MIME.
        self.__mime_type = "text/xml"
        self.send_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm=\"Test\"')
        self.send_header('Content-type', self.__mime_type)

    ## Translate relative path to absolute.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param url_path relative path from the request.
    def __from_realative_to_absolute(self, url_path):

        curent_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        full_path = curent_path + url_path
        if ( == 'nt'):
            full_path = full_path.replace('/', '\\')

        if (os.path.isdir(full_path) == True):
            full_path = os.path.join(full_path, self.__default_file_name)
        elif (os.path.isfile(full_path) == True):
            full_path = full_path

        return full_path

    ## Get the content from the file.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param file_path file path that wil get the content.
    def __get_content(self, file_path):
        content = ''
        # Open the file.
        page_file = open(file_path, 'rb')
        # Read page file content.
        content =
        # Close the content.

        return content

    ## Returns MIME type.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param url_path URL path.
    def __get_mime(self, url_path):
        split_string = url_path.split('.')
        extention = ''
        mime_type = ''
        split_count = len(split_string)
        if (split_count >= 2):
            extention = split_string[split_count - 1]
            if (extention == 'css'):
                mime_type = "text/css"
            elif (extention == "jpg"):
                mime_type = "image/jpeg"
            elif (extention == "jpeg"):
                mime_type = "image/jpeg"
            elif (extention == "png"):
                mime_type = "image/png"
            elif (extention == "bmp"):
                mime_type = "image/bmp"
            elif (extention == "gif"):
                mime_type = "image/gif"
            elif (extention == "emf"):
                mime_type = "image/emf"
            elif (extention == "ico"):
                mime_type = "image/ico"
            elif (extention == "csv"):
                mime_type = "text/csv"
            elif (extention == "html"):
                mime_type = "text/html"
            elif (extention == "js"):
                mime_type = "text/javascript"
            elif (extention == "xml"):
                mime_type = "text/xml"
                mime_type = "text/html"

        return mime_type

    ## Generate entry.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param units Units of the mesurment in the entry.
    #  @param id ID of the entry.
    #  @param name Name of the entry.
    #  @param value Value of the mesurment.
    def __generate_entry(self, units, id, name, value):
        entry = dict()

        entry['Unit'] = units
        entry['ID'] = id
        entry['Name'] = name
        entry['Value'] = value

        return entry

    ## Create XML response.
    #  @param self The object pointer.
    #  @param url_query URL path.
    def __create_get_response(self, url_query):

        query_dict = dict()

        # Entrys container list.
        entries = []

        if (url_query != None):
            #query = urllib.unquote(url_query).decode('utf8')
            ucq_dict = parse_qs(url_query)
            query_dict = dict([(str(key), str(value[0]))
                               for key, value in ucq_dict.items()])

        # If relay 1 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__RELAY_1 in query_dict):
            state = query_dict[self.__RELAY_1]
            if (state == "0"):
                self.__board.set_output(0, False)
            if (state == "1"):
                self.__board.set_output(0, True)

        # If relay 2 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__RELAY_2 in query_dict):
            state = query_dict[self.__RELAY_2]
            if (state == "0"):
                self.__board.set_output(1, False)
            if (state == "1"):
                self.__board.set_output(1, True)

        # If relay 3 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__RELAY_3 in query_dict):
            state = query_dict[self.__RELAY_3]
            if (state == "0"):
                self.__board.set_output(2, False)
            if (state == "1"):
                self.__board.set_output(2, True)

        # If relay 4 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__RELAY_4 in query_dict):
            state = query_dict[self.__RELAY_4]
            if (state == "0"):
                self.__board.set_output(3, False)
            if (state == "1"):
                self.__board.set_output(3, True)

        # If toggle relay 1 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__TOGGLE_RELAY_1 in query_dict):
            state = str(query_dict[self.__TOGGLE_RELAY_1][0])
            if (state == "1"):
                state = not self.__board.get_output(0)
                self.__board.set_output(0, state)

        # If toggle relay 2 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__TOGGLE_RELAY_2 in query_dict):
            state = query_dict[self.__TOGGLE_RELAY_2]
            if (state == "1"):
                state = not self.__board.get_output(1)
                self.__board.set_output(1, state)

        # If toggle relay 3 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__TOGGLE_RELAY_3 in query_dict):
            state = query_dict[self.__TOGGLE_RELAY_3]
            if (state == "1"):
                state = not self.__board.get_output(2)
                self.__board.set_output(2, state)

        # If toggle relay 4 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__TOGGLE_RELAY_4 in query_dict):
            state = query_dict[self.__TOGGLE_RELAY_4]
            if (state == "1"):
                state = not self.__board.get_output(3)
                self.__board.set_output(3, state)

        # If pulse relay 1 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__PULSE_RELAY_1 in query_dict):
            sTime = query_dict[self.__PULSE_RELAY_1]
                fTime = float(sTime)
                self.__board.timed_output_set(0, fTime)

        # If pulse relay 2 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__PULSE_RELAY_2 in query_dict):
            sTime = query_dict[self.__PULSE_RELAY_2]
                fTime = float(sTime)
                self.__board.timed_output_set(1, fTime)

        # If pulse relay 3 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__PULSE_RELAY_3 in query_dict):
            sTime = query_dict[self.__PULSE_RELAY_3]
                fTime = float(sTime)
                self.__board.timed_output_set(2, fTime)

        # If pulse relay 4 is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__PULSE_RELAY_4 in query_dict):
            sTime = query_dict[self.__PULSE_RELAY_4]
                fTime = float(sTime)
                self.__board.timed_output_set(3, fTime)

        # If kiosk browser address is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__KIOSK_ADDRESS in query_dict):
            b64address = query_dict[self.__KIOSK_ADDRESS]
                address = base64.b64decode(str(b64address))
            except e:
                print e

        # If kiosk browser default settings is in the arguments prse it.
        if (self.__KIOSK_DEFAULT in query_dict):
            value = query_dict[self.__KIOSK_DEFAULT]
            except e:
                print e

        # Check if the relay outputs key is in the list.
        if (self.__RO['key'] in query_dict):

            indexes = query_dict[self.__RO['key']]

            relay_outputs = self.__board.get_outputs()

            # If the key is all then get all relay outputs.
            if (indexes == 'all'):
                for index in range(len(self.__RO['id'])):

                    # Get ID of the entry item.
                    id = self.__RO['id'][str(index + 1)]

                    # Get value of the entry item.
                    value = self.__STATE_HIGH if relay_outputs[
                        index] else self.__STATE_LOW

                    # Create nama of the entry item.
                    name = self.__RO['name'] + str(index + 1)

                    # Generate entry item.
                    entry = self.__generate_entry(self.__RO['unit'], id, name,

                    # Add entry item to entries.

            # If the key is array.
            elif (indexes <> ''):

                # Split by coma.
                indexes_splited = indexes.split(',')

                # Remove dublicates and sort.
                indexes_splited = sorted(list(set(indexes_splited)))

                # If the length is grater then one.
                for index in range(len(indexes_splited)):
                    if (indexes_splited[index] in self.__RO['id']):

                        # Get ID of the entry item.
                        id = self.__RO['id'][indexes_splited[index]]

                        # Get value of the entry item.
                        value = self.__STATE_HIGH if relay_outputs[
                            index] else self.__STATE_LOW

                        # Create name of the entry item.
                        name = self.__RO['name'] + indexes_splited[index]

                        # Generate entry item.
                        entry = self.__generate_entry(self.__RO['unit'], id,
                                                      name, value)

                        # Add entry item to entries.

        # Check if the digital inputs key is in the list.
        if (self.__DI['key'] in query_dict):

            # Get content from the arguments.
            indexes = query_dict[self.__DI['key']]

            # Read inputs.
            digital_inputs = self.__board.get_inputs()

            # If the key is all then get all relay inputs.
            if (indexes == 'all'):
                for index in range(len(self.__DI['id'])):

                    # Get ID of the entry item.
                    id = self.__DI['id'][str(index + 1)]

                    # Get value of the entry item.
                    value = self.__STATE_HIGH if digital_inputs[
                        index] else self.__STATE_LOW

                    # Create nama of the entry item.
                    name = self.__DI['name'] + str(index + 1)

                    # Generate entry item.
                    entry = self.__generate_entry(self.__DI['unit'], id, name,

                    # Add entry item to entries.

            # If the key is array.
            elif (indexes <> ''):

                # Split by coma.
                indexes_splited = indexes.split(',')

                # Remove dublicates and sort.
                indexes_splited = sorted(list(set(indexes_splited)))

                # If the length is grater then one.
                for index in range(len(indexes_splited)):
                    if (indexes_splited[index] in self.__DI['id']):

                        # Get ID of the entry item.
                        id = self.__DI['id'][indexes_splited[index]]

                        # Get value of the entry item.
                        value = self.__STATE_HIGH if digital_inputs[
                            index] else self.__STATE_LOW

                        # Create nama of the entry item.
                        name = self.__DI['name'] + indexes_splited[index]

                        # Generate entry item.
                        entry = self.__generate_entry(self.__DI['unit'], id,
                                                      name, value)

                        # Add entry item to entries.

        # Check if the counter inputs key is in the list.
        if (self.__CI['key'] in query_dict):

            # Get content from the arguments.
            indexes = query_dict[self.__CI['key']]

            # Read counters_inputs.
            cnt_get1 = self.__board.get_counter1()
            cnt_get2 = self.__board.get_counter2()
            self.__settings.add_counters(cnt_get1, cnt_get2)
            (cnt_get1, cnt_get2) = self.__settings.get_counters()
            counters_inputs = (cnt_get1, cnt_get2)

            # If the key is all then get all counters_inputs.
            if (indexes == 'all'):
                for index in range(len(self.__CI['id'])):

                    # Get ID of the entry item.
                    id = self.__CI['id'][str(index + 1)]

                    # Get value of the entry item.
                    value = counters_inputs[index]

                    # Create name of the entry item.
                    name = self.__CI['name'] + str(index + 1)

                    # Generate entry item.
                    entry = self.__generate_entry(self.__CI['unit'], id, name,

                    # Add entry item to entries.

            # If the key is array.
            elif (indexes <> ''):

                # Split by coma.
                indexes_splited = indexes.split(',')

                # Remove dublicates and sort.
                indexes_splited = sorted(list(set(indexes_splited)))

                # If the length is grater then one.
                for index in range(len(indexes_splited)):
                    if (indexes_splited[index] in self.__CI['id']):

                        # Get ID of the entry item.
                        id = self.__CI['id'][indexes_splited[index]]

                        # Get value of the entry item.
                        value = counters_inputs[index]

                        # Create name of the entry item.
                        name = self.__CI['name'] + indexes_splited[index]

                        # Generate entry item.
                        entry = self.__generate_entry(self.__CI['unit'], id,
                                                      name, value)

                        # Add entry item to entries.

        # Check if the analog inputs key is in the list.
        if (self.__AI['key'] in query_dict):

            # Get content from the arguments.
            indexes = query_dict[self.__AI['key']]

            # Read analog alaog inputs.
            alaog_inputs = self.__board.get_analogs()

            # If the key is all then get all relay alaog inputs.
            if (indexes == 'all'):
                for index in range(len(self.__AI['id'])):

                    # Get ID of the entry item.
                    id = self.__AI['id'][str(index + 1)]

                    # Get value of the entry item.
                    value = alaog_inputs[index]

                    # Create nama of the entry item.
                    name = self.__AI['name'] + str(index + 1)

                    # Generate entry item.
                    entry = self.__generate_entry(self.__AI['unit'], id, name,

                    # Add entry item to entries.

            # If the key is array.
            elif (indexes <> ''):

                # Split by coma.
                indexes_splited = indexes.split(',')

                # Remove dublicates.
                indexes_splited = list(set(indexes_splited))

                # If the length is grater then one.
                for index in range(len(indexes_splited)):
                    if (indexes_splited[index] in self.__AI['id']):

                        # Get ID of the entry item.
                        id = self.__AI['id'][indexes_splited[index]]

                        # Get value of the entry item.
                        value = alaog_inputs[index]

                        # Create nama of the entry item.
                        name = self.__AI['name'] + str(index + 1)

                        # Generate entry item.
                        entry = self.__generate_entry(self.__AI['unit'], id,
                                                      name, value)

                        # Add entry item to entries.

        # Check if the electronic scale key is in the list.
        if (self.__ES['key'] in query_dict):

            # Get content from the arguments.
            indexes = query_dict[self.__ES['key']]

            mesurment = None

            # Read the electronic scale.
                mesurment = ElectronicScale.ElectronicScale.static_get_weight(
                    '/dev/serial0')  # '/dev/serial0'

            # Catch exception.
            except Exception as exception:
                error_text = str(exception.args[0])
                mesurment = ElectronicScale.Measurement.Measurement(
                    error_text, '')

                print "Electronic scale exception: " + error_text
                # TODO: Log the error for a week.
                #print type(exception)     # the exception instance
                #print exception.args[0]      # arguments stored in .args
                #print exception           # __str__ allows args to be printed directly

            # Data container.
            es_inputs = []

            # If the key is all then get all electronic scales.
            if (indexes == 'all'):
                for index in range(len(self.__ES['id'])):

                    # Get ID of the entry item.
                    id = self.__ES['id'][str(index + 1)]

                    # Create nama of the entry item.
                    name = self.__ES['name'] + str(index + 1)

                    # Tmporal fields.
                    value = ''
                    unit = ''

                    # Get value of the entry item.
                    if (es_inputs[index] != None):
                        if (es_inputs[index].isValid()):
                            value = es_inputs[index].getValue()
                            unit = es_inputs[index].getUnit()

                    # Generate entry item.
                    es_entry = self.__generate_entry(unit, id, name, value)

                    # Add entry item to entries.

            # If the key is array.
            elif (indexes <> ''):

                # Split by coma.
                indexes_splited = indexes.split(',')

                # Remove dublicates and sort.
                indexes_splited = sorted(list(set(indexes_splited)))

                # If the length is grater then one.
                for index in range(len(indexes_splited)):
                    if (indexes_splited[index] in self.__ES['id']):

                        # Get ID of the entry item.
                        id = self.__ES['id'][indexes_splited[index]]

                        # Create nama of the entry item.
                        name = self.__ES['name'] + indexes_splited[index]

                        # Tmporal fields.
                        value = ''
                        unit = ''

                        # Get value of the entry item.
                        if (es_inputs[index] != None
                                and es_inputs[index].isValid()):
                            value = es_inputs[index].getValue()
                            unit = es_inputs[index].getUnit()

                        # Generate entry item.
                        es_entry = self.__generate_entry(unit, id, name, value)

                        # Add entry item to entries.

        # Create XML structure.
        device = dict()
        device['Entries'] = entries
        device['Name'] = key = self.__settings.get_device_name()

        devices = []

        container = dict()
        container['Devices'] = devices
        container['ProtocolVersion'] = self.__PROTOCOL_VERSION

        xml = dicttoxml.dicttoxml(container,

        return xml