def __init__( self ) : #1) generate area lookup with xlrd.open_workbook( 'OOP_dislokace.xlsx', encoding_override="cp1251" ) as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index( 0 ) self.areaLookup = AreaLookup( sh ); with xlrd.open_workbook( 'kraje_ciselnik-stary.xls' ) as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index( 0 ) self.regionLookup = RegionLookup( sh ); with xlrd.open_workbook( 'okresy_ciselnik.xls' ) as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index( 0 ) self.countyLookup = CountyLookup( sh ); # with xlrd.open_workbook( 'SPH_OBEC.xls' ) as wb: with open('obce.csv', 'wb') as f: sh = wb.sheet_by_index( 0 ) numRows = sh.nrows print wb.encoding writer = UnicodeWriter( f ) for rowIndex in range(numRows): if rowIndex > 0 : placeId = sh.row( rowIndex )[0].value placeName = sh.row( rowIndex )[5].value nuts = sh.row( rowIndex )[1].value #regionName = self.regionLookup.getNameByCode( nuts ) countyName = self.countyLookup.getNameByCode( nuts ) keyName = unicode( placeName ) + "-" + unicode( countyName ) #oopName = self.countyLookup.getNameByCode( nuts ) oopName = self.areaLookup.getParentByName( keyName ) if oopName == -1: #print sh.row( rowIndex ) print unicode( placeName ) + "," + unicode( nuts ) + "," + unicode( keyName ) + "," + unicode( oopName ) writer.writerow( [ str( int(placeId) ), unicode( oopName ) ] )
def __init__(self, year, month, omitZeroValues, onCompleteCallback): # null everything self.areaLookup = "" self.crimeLookup = "" self.timeLookup = "" self.writer = "" self.areaWriter = "" self.crimeWriter = "" self.timeWriter = "" self.recordId = 1 self.year = year self.month = month self.omitZeroValues = omitZeroValues self.onCompleteCallback = onCompleteCallback # 1) a) generate area lookup with xlrd.open_workbook("areaLookup.xls") as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0) self.areaLookup = AreaLookup(sh) # b) time lookup with xlrd.open_workbook("timeLookup.xls") as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0) self.timeLookup = TimeLookup(sh) # 2) generate lookups # area lookup if self.generateAreaLookup: with open("../generated/AreaLookup.csv", "wb") as f: rows = self.areaLookup.generate() numRows = len(rows) self.areaWriter = UnicodeWriter(f) for rowIndex in range(numRows): row = rows[rowIndex] self.areaWriter.writerow(row) # crime lookup - is generated manually if self.generateCrimeLookup: with xlrd.open_workbook("../files/a______.xls", "wb") as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0) self.crimeLookup = CrimeLookup(sh) with open("../generated/CrimeLookup.csv", "wb") as f: rows = self.crimeLookup.generate() numRows = len(rows) # self.crimeWriter = UnicodeWriter( f ) # for rowIndex in range( numRows ): # row = rows[ rowIndex ] # replace dot zero # row[0] = row[0].replace( ".0","" ) # self.crimeWriter.writerow( [ row[0],row[1] ] ) # time lookup if self.generateTimeLookup: with open("../generated/TimeLookup.csv", "wb") as f: rows = self.timeLookup.generate() numRows = len(rows) self.timeWriter = UnicodeWriter(f) for rowIndex in range(numRows): row = rows[rowIndex] self.timeWriter.writerow(row) # 3) go to folders and go through all folder and process all files # itirate through all files if self.generateCrimeData: # -files # -2003 # -1 # -2 # -... # -2004 # -... directory = "../files" # itirate through all year folders yearFolders = listdir(directory) for yearFolder in yearFolders: # check if is year we're interested in if str(yearFolder) == str(self.year): # itirate through all month folders monthsFolders = listdir(directory + "/" + yearFolder) for monthFolder in monthsFolders: # check if is month we're interested in if str(monthFolder) == str(self.month): # itirate through files in month folder files = listdir(directory + "/" + yearFolder + "/" + monthFolder) # get time period id periodId = self.timeLookup.getTimeIdByYearAndMonth(int(yearFolder), int(monthFolder)) for file in files: # check only for excel files if ".xls" in file or ".xlsx" in file: # omit files with underscore if not "__L" in file and not "__R" in file and not "__X" in file: # temp constrain to generate just one file # if "a0011__" in file : url = directory + "/" + yearFolder + "/" + monthFolder + "/" + file # create district sheet districtSheet = self.processFile(url, periodId) # temp if districtSheet: self.districtCrimeDataSheetsByCode[districtSheet.code] = districtSheet # self.files.append( self.processFile( url, periodId ) ) # 4) add Letiste to respective districts transports = [ {"from": "x004110", "to": "0011"}, {"from": "x064160", "to": "0602"}, {"from": "x074170", "to": "0704"}, {"from": "x174150", "to": "1706"}, {"from": "x194130", "to": "1903"}, # add train stations {"from": "x060050", "to": "0602"}, {"from": "x070050", "to": "0707"}, ] lenTransports = len(transports) for transportIndex in range(lenTransports): transport = transports[transportIndex] baseDistrictSheet = self.districtCrimeDataSheetsByCode[transport["to"]] addingDistrictSheet = self.districtCrimeDataSheetsByCode[transport["from"]] baseDistrictSheet.addDistrictCrimeDataSheet(addingDistrictSheet) # 5) generate all files from district crime data rows = self.generate() # don't need all the objects any more self.clear() # 6) write to csv file fileName = str(self.year) + ":" + str("01-") + str(self.month) if not self.omitZeroValues: fileName = fileName + ":with-zeros" with open("../generated/crimeData-" + fileName + ".csv", "wb") as f: print "start writing file " + unicode(fileName) self.writer = UnicodeWriter(f) # write header # self.writer.writerow( self.COLUMN_NAMES ) # write rest of the content numRows = len(rows) for rowIndex in range(numRows): row = rows[rowIndex] # print rows self.writer.writerow(row) # complete callback if self.onCompleteCallback: self.onCompleteCallback()
class Generator: COLUMN_NAMES = [ "id", "time", "area", "crime", "found", "found-end", "found-total", "solved", "solved-perc", "solved-additionally", "commited-drugged", "commited-alcohol", "commited-recidivst", "commited-under-15", "comitted-15-17", "comitted-under-18", "charged-total", "charged-recidivist", "charged-under-15", "charged-15-17", "charged-women", "damage-total", "damage-found", ] areaLookup = "" crimeLookup = "" timeLookup = "" writer = "" areaWriter = "" crimeWriter = "" timeWriter = "" recordId = 1 files = [] districtCrimeDataSheetsByCode = {} districtCrimeDataSheets = [] # store areasheets with keys, so we can find them retrospectively to add another areasheet areaSheets = {} generateAreaLookup = False generateCrimeLookup = False generateTimeLookup = False generateCrimeData = True def __init__(self, year, month, omitZeroValues, onCompleteCallback): # null everything self.areaLookup = "" self.crimeLookup = "" self.timeLookup = "" self.writer = "" self.areaWriter = "" self.crimeWriter = "" self.timeWriter = "" self.recordId = 1 self.year = year self.month = month self.omitZeroValues = omitZeroValues self.onCompleteCallback = onCompleteCallback # 1) a) generate area lookup with xlrd.open_workbook("areaLookup.xls") as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0) self.areaLookup = AreaLookup(sh) # b) time lookup with xlrd.open_workbook("timeLookup.xls") as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0) self.timeLookup = TimeLookup(sh) # 2) generate lookups # area lookup if self.generateAreaLookup: with open("../generated/AreaLookup.csv", "wb") as f: rows = self.areaLookup.generate() numRows = len(rows) self.areaWriter = UnicodeWriter(f) for rowIndex in range(numRows): row = rows[rowIndex] self.areaWriter.writerow(row) # crime lookup - is generated manually if self.generateCrimeLookup: with xlrd.open_workbook("../files/a______.xls", "wb") as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index(0) self.crimeLookup = CrimeLookup(sh) with open("../generated/CrimeLookup.csv", "wb") as f: rows = self.crimeLookup.generate() numRows = len(rows) # self.crimeWriter = UnicodeWriter( f ) # for rowIndex in range( numRows ): # row = rows[ rowIndex ] # replace dot zero # row[0] = row[0].replace( ".0","" ) # self.crimeWriter.writerow( [ row[0],row[1] ] ) # time lookup if self.generateTimeLookup: with open("../generated/TimeLookup.csv", "wb") as f: rows = self.timeLookup.generate() numRows = len(rows) self.timeWriter = UnicodeWriter(f) for rowIndex in range(numRows): row = rows[rowIndex] self.timeWriter.writerow(row) # 3) go to folders and go through all folder and process all files # itirate through all files if self.generateCrimeData: # -files # -2003 # -1 # -2 # -... # -2004 # -... directory = "../files" # itirate through all year folders yearFolders = listdir(directory) for yearFolder in yearFolders: # check if is year we're interested in if str(yearFolder) == str(self.year): # itirate through all month folders monthsFolders = listdir(directory + "/" + yearFolder) for monthFolder in monthsFolders: # check if is month we're interested in if str(monthFolder) == str(self.month): # itirate through files in month folder files = listdir(directory + "/" + yearFolder + "/" + monthFolder) # get time period id periodId = self.timeLookup.getTimeIdByYearAndMonth(int(yearFolder), int(monthFolder)) for file in files: # check only for excel files if ".xls" in file or ".xlsx" in file: # omit files with underscore if not "__L" in file and not "__R" in file and not "__X" in file: # temp constrain to generate just one file # if "a0011__" in file : url = directory + "/" + yearFolder + "/" + monthFolder + "/" + file # create district sheet districtSheet = self.processFile(url, periodId) # temp if districtSheet: self.districtCrimeDataSheetsByCode[districtSheet.code] = districtSheet # self.files.append( self.processFile( url, periodId ) ) # 4) add Letiste to respective districts transports = [ {"from": "x004110", "to": "0011"}, {"from": "x064160", "to": "0602"}, {"from": "x074170", "to": "0704"}, {"from": "x174150", "to": "1706"}, {"from": "x194130", "to": "1903"}, # add train stations {"from": "x060050", "to": "0602"}, {"from": "x070050", "to": "0707"}, ] lenTransports = len(transports) for transportIndex in range(lenTransports): transport = transports[transportIndex] baseDistrictSheet = self.districtCrimeDataSheetsByCode[transport["to"]] addingDistrictSheet = self.districtCrimeDataSheetsByCode[transport["from"]] baseDistrictSheet.addDistrictCrimeDataSheet(addingDistrictSheet) # 5) generate all files from district crime data rows = self.generate() # don't need all the objects any more self.clear() # 6) write to csv file fileName = str(self.year) + ":" + str("01-") + str(self.month) if not self.omitZeroValues: fileName = fileName + ":with-zeros" with open("../generated/crimeData-" + fileName + ".csv", "wb") as f: print "start writing file " + unicode(fileName) self.writer = UnicodeWriter(f) # write header # self.writer.writerow( self.COLUMN_NAMES ) # write rest of the content numRows = len(rows) for rowIndex in range(numRows): row = rows[rowIndex] # print rows self.writer.writerow(row) # complete callback if self.onCompleteCallback: self.onCompleteCallback() def addRecordArray(self, sourceArr, arrToAdd): sourceLen = len(sourceArr) if sourceLen > 0: for i in range(sourceLen): # first three columns just identifies record if i > 2: sourceArr[i] = str(float(sourceArr[i]) + float(arrToAdd[i])) else: sourceArr = copy(arrToAdd) return sourceArr def processFile(self, fileUrl, timeId): # print "======= processing file: " + fileUrl + " ========== " with xlrd.open_workbook(fileUrl) as wb: numSheets = wb.nsheets fileRecords = [] sheetRecords = [] districtName = wb.sheet_by_index(0).row(4)[2].value areaName = wb.sheet_by_index(0).row(5)[2].value districtCode = str(self.areaLookup.getAreaCodeByName(districtName)) # if Letiste or train station, need to add next row to make it more specific firstSheetName = wb.sheet_by_index(0).name if districtCode == "-1" or firstSheetName == "a060050" or firstSheetName == "a070050": # print "getting district code" districtName = districtName + "-" + areaName districtCode = str(self.areaLookup.getAreaCodeByName(districtName)) # data records for districts districtCrimeDataSheet = DistrictCrimeDataSheet(districtCode, districtName, timeId) self.districtCrimeDataSheets.append(districtCrimeDataSheet) # self.districtCrimeDataSheetsByCode[ districtCode ] = districtCrimeDataSheet print unicode(districtName) + " - " + unicode(districtCode) if districtCode == -1: print districtCode print districtName for sheetIndex in range(numSheets): # print "========= processing sheet " + str( sheetIndex ) + " =========" sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(sheetIndex) areaSheet = AreaCrimeDataSheet(sheet, timeId, self.omitZeroValues) districtCrimeDataSheet.addAreaCrimeDataSheet(areaSheet) # testing correct naming areaName = # taking code straight from name of the sheet areaCode = areaSheet.code if areaCode == -1: Logger.throwError("Unknown Area: " + unicode(areaCode) + "," + unicode(areaName)) # print unicode( areaName ) print unicode(areaCode) + "," + unicode(areaName) # generatedRecords = areaSheet.generate() # print generatedRecords # lenRecords = len( generatedRecords ) # for recordIndex in range( lenRecords ): # get single record ## record = generatedRecords[ recordIndex ] # print "========= processing single record " + str( recordIndex ) + " =========" # record.insert( 0, str( timeId ) ) # increment variable value # self.recordId += 1 # fileRecords.extend( generatedRecords ) # fileRecords.extend( districtCrimeDataSheet.generate() ) # return fileRecords return districtCrimeDataSheet def generate(self): # print "======= generating =======" files = [] lenDistrictSheet = len(self.districtCrimeDataSheets) for sheetIndex in range(lenDistrictSheet): # for districtSheetIndex in self.districtCrimeDataSheetsByCode: # print "========= new district ========== " + unicode( sheetIndex ) districtSheet = self.districtCrimeDataSheets[ sheetIndex ] # self.districtCrimeDataSheetsByCode[ districtSheetIndex ] files.extend(districtSheet.generate()) return files def clear(self): self.districtCrimeDataSheets = [] self.districtCrimeDataSheetsByCode.clear()
class Generator() : COLUMN_NAMES = ["id","time","area","crime","found","found-end","found-total","solved","solved-perc","solved-additionally","commited-drugged","commited-alcohol","commited-recidivst","commited-under-15","comitted-15-17","comitted-under-18","charged-total","charged-recidivist","charged-under-15","charged-15-17","charged-women","damage-total","damage-found" ]; areaLookup = "" countyLookup = "" crimeLookup = "" writer = "" areaWriter = "" crimeWriter = "" recordId = 1 files = [] generateAreaLookup = True generateCrimeLookup = False generateCrimeData = False def __init__( self ) : #1) generate area lookup with xlrd.open_workbook( 'OOP_dislokace.xlsx', encoding_override="cp1251" ) as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index( 0 ) self.areaLookup = AreaLookup( sh ); with xlrd.open_workbook( 'kraje_ciselnik-stary.xls' ) as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index( 0 ) self.regionLookup = RegionLookup( sh ); with xlrd.open_workbook( 'okresy_ciselnik.xls' ) as wb: sh = wb.sheet_by_index( 0 ) self.countyLookup = CountyLookup( sh ); # with xlrd.open_workbook( 'SPH_OBEC.xls' ) as wb: with open('obce.csv', 'wb') as f: sh = wb.sheet_by_index( 0 ) numRows = sh.nrows print wb.encoding writer = UnicodeWriter( f ) for rowIndex in range(numRows): if rowIndex > 0 : placeId = sh.row( rowIndex )[0].value placeName = sh.row( rowIndex )[5].value nuts = sh.row( rowIndex )[1].value #regionName = self.regionLookup.getNameByCode( nuts ) countyName = self.countyLookup.getNameByCode( nuts ) keyName = unicode( placeName ) + "-" + unicode( countyName ) #oopName = self.countyLookup.getNameByCode( nuts ) oopName = self.areaLookup.getParentByName( keyName ) if oopName == -1: #print sh.row( rowIndex ) print unicode( placeName ) + "," + unicode( nuts ) + "," + unicode( keyName ) + "," + unicode( oopName ) writer.writerow( [ str( int(placeId) ), unicode( oopName ) ] )