def simulateCallback(frame):
        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowFrame
        global forceApplyFrame
        global JsysPre
        global JsupPreL
        global JsupPreR
        global JsupPre
        global softConstPoint
        global stage


        Kt, Kk, Kl, Kh, Ksc, Bt, Bl, Bh, Bsc = viewer.GetParam()

        Dt = 2 * (Kt**.5)
        Dk = 2 * (Kk**.5)
        Dl = 2 * (Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2 * (Kh**.5)
        Dsc = 2 * (Ksc**.5)

        if Bsc == 0.0:
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', False)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', True)
            renderer1 = viewer.doc.getRenderer('softConstraint')
            renderer1.rc.setLineWidth(0.1 + Bsc * 3)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)

        # tracking
        th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th = controlModel.getDOFPositions()
        dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        dth = controlModel.getDOFVelocities()
        ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r,
                                                  Kt, Dt)
        ddth_c = controlModel.getDOFAccelerations()

        ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        ype.flatten(ddth_c, ddth_c_flat)

        # jacobian
        if stage == POWERFUL_BALANCING:
        #if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
            footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)        
            footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
            footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[1])        
            footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[1])
        if footPartNum == 1:
            footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
            footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
            if stage == POWERFUL_BALANCING:
                footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
                footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
                footCenterL = (
                    controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL) +
                    controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[1])) / 2.0
                footCenterR = (
                    controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR) +
                    controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[1])) / 2.0

        refFootL = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refFootR = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)

        footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL) / 2.0
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        footCenter_ref = refFootL + (refFootR - refFootL) / 2.0
        #footCenter_ref[1] = 0.

        positionFootL = [None] * footPartNum
        positionFootR = [None] * footPartNum
        for i in range(footPartNum):
            positionFootL[i] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(
            positionFootR[i] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(

        linkPositions = controlModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = controlModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = controlModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        jointPositions = controlModel.getJointPositionsGlobal()
        jointAxeses = controlModel.getDOFAxeses()

        CM = yrp.getCM(linkPositions, linkMasses, totalMass)
        dCM = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        CM_plane[1] = 0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)
        dCM_plane[1] = 0.

        linkPositions_ref = motionModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        CM_ref = yrp.getCM(linkPositions_ref, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane_ref = copy.copy(CM_ref)
        CM_plane_ref[1] = 0.

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM,
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses,
                                                linkVelocities, dCM,

        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsys, DOFs, jointPositions,
                                       jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities,
                                       linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)

        if g_initFlag == 0:
            softConstPoint = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
            softConstPoint[1] -= .3
            g_initFlag = 1

        yjc.computeJacobian2(jFootL[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             [positionFootL[0]], jointMasksFootL[0])
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJFootL[0], DOFs, jointPositions,
                                       jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities,
                                       [positionFootL[0]], jointMasksFootL[0],

        yjc.computeJacobian2(jFootR[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             [positionFootR[0]], jointMasksFootR[0])
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJFootR[0], DOFs, jointPositions,
                                       jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities,
                                       [positionFootR[0]], jointMasksFootR[0],

        yjc.computeAngJacobian2(jAngFootL[0], DOFs, jointPositions,
                                jointAxeses, [positionFootL[0]],
        yjc.computeAngJacobianDerivative2(dJAngFootL[0], DOFs, jointPositions,
                                          jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities,
                                          jointMasksFootL[0], False)

        yjc.computeAngJacobian2(jAngFootR[0], DOFs, jointPositions,
                                jointAxeses, [positionFootR[0]],
        yjc.computeAngJacobianDerivative2(dJAngFootR[0], DOFs, jointPositions,
                                          jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities,
                                          jointMasksFootR[0], False)

        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
            bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)

        for i in range(len(bodyIDsToCheck)):
            controlModel.SetBodyColor(bodyIDsToCheck[i], 0, 0, 0)

        contactFlagFootL = [0] * footPartNum
        contactFlagFootR = [0] * footPartNum

        for i in range(len(bodyIDs)):
            controlModel.SetBodyColor(bodyIDs[i], 255, 105, 105)
            index = controlModel.id2index(bodyIDs[i])
            for j in range(len(indexFootL)):
                if index == indexFootL[j]:
                    contactFlagFootL[j] = 1
                    if j != 0:
                        yjc.computeJacobian2(jFootL[j], DOFs, jointPositions,
                                             jointAxeses, [positionFootL[j]],
                            dJFootL[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                            linkAngVelocities, [positionFootL[j]],
                            jointMasksFootL[j], False)
            for j in range(len(indexFootR)):
                if index == indexFootR[j]:
                    contactFlagFootR[j] = 1
                    if j != 0:
                        yjc.computeJacobian2(jFootR[j], DOFs, jointPositions,
                                             jointAxeses, [positionFootR[j]],
                            dJFootR[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                            linkAngVelocities, [positionFootR[j]],
                            jointMasksFootR[j], False)

        for j in range(len(indexFootL)):
            yjc.computeAngJacobian2(jAngFootL[j], DOFs, jointPositions,
                                    jointAxeses, [positionFootL[j]],
            yjc.computeAngJacobianDerivative2(dJAngFootL[j], DOFs,
                                              jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                                              jointMasksFootL[j], False)
            yjc.computeAngJacobian2(jAngFootR[j], DOFs, jointPositions,
                                    jointAxeses, [positionFootR[j]],
            yjc.computeAngJacobianDerivative2(dJAngFootR[j], DOFs,
                                              jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                                              jointMasksFootR[j], False)

        if checkAll(contactFlagFootL, 0) == 1 and checkAll(
                contactFlagFootR, 0) == 1:
            footCenter = footCenter
        elif checkAll(contactFlagFootL, 0) == 1:
            footCenter = footCenterR
        elif checkAll(contactFlagFootR, 0) == 1:
            footCenter = footCenterL
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        desForeSupLAcc = [0, 0, 0]
        desForeSupRAcc = [0, 0, 0]

        totalNormalForce = [0, 0, 0]

        for i in range(len(contactForces)):
            totalNormalForce[0] += contactForces[i][0]
            totalNormalForce[1] += contactForces[i][1]
            totalNormalForce[2] += contactForces[i][2]

        # linear momentum
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        dL_des_plane = Kl * totalMass * (CM_ref_plane -
                                         CM_plane) - Dl * totalMass * dCM_plane

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        timeStep = 30.
        if CP_old[0] == None or CP == None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0]) / (1 / timeStep)
        CP_old[0] = CP

        if CP != None and dCP != None:
            ddCP_des = Kh * (CP_ref - CP) - Dh * (dCP)
            CP_des = CP + dCP * (1 / timeStep) + .5 * ddCP_des * (
                (1 / timeStep)**2)
            dH_des = np.cross(
                (CP_des - CM),
                (dL_des_plane + totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            #dH_des = np.cross((CP_des - CM_plane), (dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            dH_des = None

        # momentum matrix
        RS =, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        rs =, Jsys) +, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # soft point constraint

        P_des = softConstPoint
        P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(constBody)
        ddP_des1 = Ksc * (P_des - P_cur) - Dsc * (dP_cur - dP_des)

        r = P_des - P_cur
        I = np.vstack(([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]))
        Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))

        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)
        JL, JA = np.vsplit(Jconst, 2)
        Q1 =, Jconst)

        q1 =, dth_flat)
        q2 =,
          , r))

        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJconst, DOFs, jointPositions,
                                       jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities,
                                       [softConstPoint], constJointMasks,
        q_bias1 =, dJconst), dth_flat) + q2


        flagContact = True
        if dH_des == None or np.any(np.isnan(dH_des)) == True:
            flagContact = False
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('rd_grf_des', False)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('rd_grf_des', True)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
        0 : initial
        1 : contact
        2 : fly
        3 : landing

        if mit.MOTION == mit.FORWARD_JUMP:
            frame_index = [136, 100]
            #frame_index = [100000, 100000]
        elif mit.MOTION == mit.TAEKWONDO:
            frame_index = [130, 100]
            #frame_index = [100000, 100000]
            frame_index = [1000000, 1000000]

        #frame_index = [135, 100]
        if frame > 300 :
            if stage != DYNAMIC_BALANCING:
                print("#", frame,"-DYNAMIC_BALANCING")
            stage = DYNAMIC_BALANCING
            Kk = Kk*1
            Dk = 2*(Kk**.5)        
        if frame > frame_index[0]:
            if stage != POWERFUL_BALANCING:
                print("#", frame, "-POWERFUL_BALANCING")
            stage = POWERFUL_BALANCING
            Kk = Kk * 2
            Dk = 2 * (Kk**.5)
        elif frame > frame_index[1]:
            if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
                print("#", frame, "-MOTION_TRACKING")
            stage = MOTION_TRACKING

        trackingW = w

        if stage == MOTION_TRACKING:
            trackingW = w2
            Bt = Bt * 2

        # optimization

        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, trackingW, ddth_des_flat)

        mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1,

        if flagContact == True:
            if stage != MOTION_TRACKING + 10:
                mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R,
                mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

        a_sup_2 = [None]
        Jsup_2 = [None]
        dJsup_2 = [None]

        # Hard constraint
        if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
            Kk2 = Kk * 2.0
            Kk2 = Kk * 1.5

        Dk2 = 2 * (Kk2**.5)
        desLinearAccL, desPosL = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supL, ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2) 
        desLinearAccR, desPosR = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supR, ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2) 

        desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supL, Kk2, Dk2)
        desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supR, Kk2, Dk2)

        if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
            idx = 0  #LEFT/RIGHT_TOES

            desLinearAccL, desPosL = getDesFootLinearAcc(
                motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[idx], ModelOffset,
                CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2)
            desLinearAccR, desPosR = getDesFootLinearAcc(
                motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[idx], ModelOffset,
                CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2)

            desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel,
                                                  indexFootL[idx], Kk2, Dk2)
            desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel,
                                                  indexFootR[idx], Kk2, Dk2)

            a_sup_2 = np.hstack((np.hstack((desLinearAccL, desAngularAccL)),
                                 np.hstack((desLinearAccR, desAngularAccR))))

            Jsup_2 = np.vstack((jFootL[idx], jFootR[idx]))
            dJsup_2 = np.vstack((dJFootL[idx], dJFootR[idx]))

            rd_DesPosL[0] = desPosL.copy()
            rd_DesPosR[0] = desPosR.copy()
            if footPartNum != 1:
                idx = 1
                idx = 0
            desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel,
                                                  indexFootL[idx], Kk2, Dk2)
            desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel,
                                                  indexFootR[idx], Kk2, Dk2)

            a_sup_2 = np.hstack((desAngularAccL, desAngularAccR))

            Jsup_2 = np.vstack((jAngFootL[idx], jAngFootR[idx]))
            dJsup_2 = np.vstack((dJAngFootL[idx], dJAngFootR[idx]))


        # Additional constraint

        if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
            Kk2 = Kk * 1.5
            Dk2 = 2 * (Kk2**.5)
            desForePosL = [0, 0, 0]
            desForePosR = [0, 0, 0]
            desRearPosL = [0, 0, 0]
            desRearPosR = [0, 0, 0]

            for i in range(1, footPartNum):
                if contactFlagFootL[i] == 1:
                    desLinearAccL, desForePosL = getDesFootLinearAcc(
                        motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[i], ModelOffset,
                        CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2)
                    desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(
                        motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[i], Kk2, Dk2)
                    a_sup_2 = np.hstack(
                        (a_sup_2, np.hstack((desLinearAccL, desAngularAccL))))
                    Jsup_2 = np.vstack((Jsup_2, jFootL[i]))
                    dJsup_2 = np.vstack((dJsup_2, dJFootL[i]))
                if contactFlagFootR[i] == 1:
                    desLinearAccR, desForePosR = getDesFootLinearAcc(
                        motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[i], ModelOffset,
                        CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2)
                    desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(
                        motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[i], Kk2, Dk2)
                    a_sup_2 = np.hstack(
                        (a_sup_2, np.hstack((desLinearAccR, desAngularAccR))))
                    Jsup_2 = np.vstack((Jsup_2, jFootR[i]))
                    dJsup_2 = np.vstack((dJsup_2, dJFootR[i]))

            rd_DesForePosL[0] = desForePosL
            rd_DesForePosR[0] = desForePosR
            rd_DesRearPosL[0] = desRearPosL
            rd_DesRearPosR[0] = desRearPosR

        mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup_2, dJsup_2, dth_flat,

        r = problem.solve()
        ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)

        rootPos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]

        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
                bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

            vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals,

            extraForce[0] = viewer.GetForce()
            if (extraForce[0][0] != 0 or extraForce[0][1] != 0
                    or extraForce[0][2] != 0):
                forceApplyFrame += 1
                #vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)
                controlModel.applyBodyForceGlobal(selectedBody, extraForce[0])
                applyedExtraForce[0] = extraForce[0]

            if forceApplyFrame * wcfg.timeStep > 0.1:
                forceApplyFrame = 0


            extraForce[0] = viewer.GetForce()
            if (extraForce[0][0] != 0 or extraForce[0][1] != 0 or extraForce[0][2] != 0) :
                forceApplyFrame += 1
                vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)
                applyedExtraForce[0] = extraForce[0]
            if forceApplyFrame*wcfg.timeStep > 0.1:
                forceApplyFrame = 0            

        # rendering
        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter

        rd_CM[0] = CM.copy()

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM_plane.copy()

        rd_footCenter_ref[0] = footCenter_ref
        rd_CM_plane_ref[0] = CM_ref.copy()
        rd_CM_ref[0] = CM_ref.copy()
        rd_CM_ref_vec[0] = (CM_ref - footCenter_ref) * 3.
        rd_CM_vec[0] = (CM - footCenter) * 3

        #rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP != None and dCP != None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des

        rd_dL_des_plane[0] = dL_des_plane
        rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

        rd_grf_des[0] = totalNormalForce - totalMass * mm.s2v(
            wcfg.gravity)  #dL_des_plane - totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)

        rd_exf_des[0] = applyedExtraForce[0]
        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        rd_CMP[0] = softConstPoint

        rd_soft_const_vec[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(
            constBody) - softConstPoint

        if (forceApplyFrame == 0):
            applyedExtraForce[0] = [0, 0, 0]
Esempio n. 2
    def setupQP(self, frame, motion, mcfg, model, world, config, timestep):
        motionModel = cvm.VpMotionModel(world, motion[frame], mcfg)

        # constants
        invdt = 1./timestep

        # dofs and flat data structure
        totalDOF = model.getTotalDOF()
        DOFs = model.getDOFs()
        self.totalDOF = totalDOF
        self.ddth_des_flat = ype.makeFlatList(totalDOF)
        self.ddth_r_flat = ype.makeFlatList(totalDOF)
        self.dth_flat = ype.makeFlatList(totalDOF)
        self.dth_r_flat = ype.makeFlatList(totalDOF)
        self.ddth_sol = ype.makeNestedList(DOFs)

        # momentum matrix
        linkMasses = model.getBodyMasses()
        totalMass = model.getTotalMass()
        TO = ymt.make_TO(linkMasses)
        dTO = ymt.make_dTO(len(linkMasses))

        # optimization

        Vc_tmp = self.Vc_tmp

        # tracking
        w = self.getTrackingWeight(DOFs, motion[0].skeleton, config['weightMap'])

        th_r = motion.getDOFPositionsLocal(frame)
        th = model.getDOFPositionsLocal()
        dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocitiesLocal(frame)
        dth = model.getDOFVelocitiesLocal()
        ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerationsLocal(frame)
        ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r, self.Kt, self.Dt)

        linkPositions = model.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = model.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = model.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = model.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        jointPositions = model.getJointPositionsGlobal()
        jointAxeses = model.getDOFAxesesLocal()

        #linkPositions_ref = motionModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        #linkVelocities_ref = motionModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        #linkAngVelocities_ref = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        #linkInertias_ref = motionModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        #jointPositions_ref = motionModel.getJointPositionsGlobal()
        #jointAxeses_ref = motionModel.getDOFAxesesLocal()

        ype.flatten(ddth_des, self.ddth_des_flat)
        ype.flatten(dth, self.dth_flat)
        ype.flatten(dth_r, self.dth_r_flat)
        ype.flatten(ddth_r, self.ddth_r_flat)

        # get CoM
        CM = yrp.getCM(linkPositions, linkMasses, totalMass)
        dCM = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM); CM_plane[1]=0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM); dCM_plane[1]=0.

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM, linkInertias)
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses, linkVelocities, dCM, linkAngVelocities, linkInertias)

        # jacobian
        Jsup = yjc.makeEmptyJacobian(DOFs, 1)
        dJsup = Jsup.copy()
        Jsys_old = None

        if self.Jsys != None:
            Jsys_old = self.Jsys.copy()

        if self.Jsys == None:
            self.Jsys = yjc.makeEmptyJacobian(DOFs, model.getBodyNum())
            self.dJsys = self.Jsys.copy()

        allLinkJointMasks = yjc.getAllLinkJointMasks(motion[0].skeleton)

        yjc.computeJacobian2(self.Jsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
        if Jsys_old ==None:
            self.dJsys = self.Jsys-self.Jsys
            self.dJsys = (self.Jsys - Jsys_old)*invdt
        #yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(self.dJsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)

        #CM_ref = yrp.getCM(linkPositions_ref, linkMasses, totalMass)
        #dCM_ref = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities_ref, linkMasses, totalMass)
        #CM_ref_plane = copy.copy(CM_ref); CM_ref_plane[1]=0.
        #dCM_ref_plane = copy.copy(dCM_ref); dCM_ref_plane[1]=0.

        #P_ref = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions_ref, CM_ref, linkInertias_ref)
        #dP_ref = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses, linkVelocities_ref, dCM_ref, linkAngVelocities_ref, linkInertias_ref)

        # get EoM
        totalActuator = totalDOF

        invM = np.zeros((totalActuator,totalDOF))
        invMc = np.zeros(totalDOF)
        model.getInverseEquationOfMotion(invM, invMc)
        #print invMc

        # contact detection
        Ks = 1
        Ds = 1
        supsupR = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('RightLeg')
        supsupL = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('LeftLeg')
        supR = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('RightFoot')
        supL = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('LeftFoot')
        bodyIDsToCheck = range(world.getBodyNum())
        #print bodyIDsToCheck
        #bodyIDsToCheck = [supsupR, supsupL]
        #bodyIDsToCheck = [supR, supL]
        mus = [.5]*len(bodyIDsToCheck)
        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = world.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = world.calcManyPenaltyForce(self.contactPerSide, bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces, contactVelocities = world.calcOnePenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

        #print bodyIDs, contactPositions

        footCenterL = model.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = model.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footCenter = footCenterL.copy()

        footRefCenterL = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footRefCenterR = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        #if supL in bodyIDs:
            #if supR in bodyIDs:
                #footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR-footCenterL)/2.
                #footCenter = footCenterL.copy()
            #if supR in bodyIDs:
                #footCenter = footCenterR.copy()
                #footCenter = np.array((0,0,0))

        contactL = 1
        contactR = 1

        if footRefCenterL[1] < 0.2:
            if footRefCenterR[1] < 0.2:
                footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR-footCenterL)/2.
                footCenter = footCenterL.copy()
                contactR = 0
            contactL = 0
            if footRefCenterR[1] < 0.2:
                footCenter = footCenterR.copy()
                footCenter = np.array((0,0,0))
                contactR = 0
        #print(contactR, contactL)
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        # linear momentum
        CM_ref = footCenter
        #CM_ref =
        #dL_des_plane = self.Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref - CM) + self.Dl*totalMass*(dCM_ref - dCM)
        dL_des_plane = self.Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref - CM) + self.Dl*totalMass*(-dCM)
        dL_des_plane[1] = 0.

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter
        #bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = world.calcManyPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        #CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        CP = yrp.getSimpleCP(contactPositions)
        if self.CP_old==None or CP==None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - self.CP_old[0])/(1/30.)
        self.CP_old = CP

        if CP!=None and dCP!=None:
            ddCP_des = self.Kh*(CP_ref - CP) - self.Dh*(dCP)
            CP_des = CP + dCP*(1/30.) + .5*ddCP_des*((1/30.)**2)
            dH_des = np.cross((CP_des - CM), (dL_des_plane + totalMass*np.array((0,-9.8,0))))
            #if contactChangeCount >0: # and contactChangeType == 'DtoS':
                ##dH_des *= (maxContactChangeCount - contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount*10)
                #dH_des *= (self.maxContactChangeCount - self.contactChangeCount)/(self.maxContactChangeCount)
                ##dH_des *= (contactChangeCount)/(maxContactChangeCount)*.9+.1
            dH_des = None
        H =,, self.dth_flat))
        dH_des = -self.Kh*H[3:]

        # equality constraints
        JcTVc_append = np.zeros((totalDOF, 0))
        VcTJc_list = []
        VcTdJc_list = []
        dVcTJc_list = []
        ac_offset_list = []
        totalContact = 4*len(bodyIDs)
        totalProblem = totalDOF+totalActuator+totalContact

        preSup = -1
        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            sup = bodyIDs[i]
            supJointMasks = [yjc.getLinkJointMask(motion[0].skeleton, sup)]

            if preSup != sup:
                bodyPos = linkPositions[sup]
                bodyVel = linkVelocities[sup]
                #yjc.computeJacobian2(Jsup, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [bodyPos], supJointMasks)
                #yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsup, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [bodyPos], supJointMasks)
                Jsup = getPartJacobian(self.Jsys, sup)
                dJsup = getPartJacobian(self.dJsys, sup)

            R_dAd = np.hstack( (np.vstack( (np.eye(3), mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-bodyPos)) ), np.vstack( (np.zeros((3,3)), np.eye(3)) ) ) )
            dR_dAd = np.hstack( (np.vstack( (np.eye(3), mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-bodyVel)) ), np.vstack( (np.zeros((3,3)), np.eye(3)) ) ) )
            #R_dAd = np.hstack( (np.vstack( (np.eye(3), mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-contactPositions[i])) ), np.vstack( (np.zeros((3,3)), np.eye(3)) ) ) )
            #dR_dAd = np.hstack( (np.vstack( (np.eye(3), mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-contactVelocities[i])) ), np.vstack( (np.zeros((3,3)), np.eye(3)) ) ) )

            p = contactPositions[i]
            dotp = contactVelocities[i]
            VcT_tmp = np.zeros((4,6))
            dVcT_tmp = VcT_tmp.copy()
            for ii in range(4):
                n = Vc_tmp[ii]
                pcn = np.cross(contactPositions[i], Vc_tmp[ii])
                VcT_tmp[ii][:3] =n
                VcT_tmp[ii][3:] =pcn
                dotpcn = np.cross(contactVelocities[i], Vc_tmp[ii])
                dVcT_tmp[ii][3:] = dotpcn

            Vc =, VcT_tmp.T)
            dVc =, dVcT_tmp.T) +, VcT_tmp.T)

            JcTVc = Jsup.T, Vc)
            JcTVc_append = np.hstack((JcTVc_append, JcTVc))
            VcTJc_list.append( JcTVc.T )
            VcTdJc_list.append(, dJsup) )
            dVcTJc_list.append(, Jsup) )

            # when friction cones and velocity cones differ?
            #JcTVc = Jsup.T, VcT.T)
            #JcTVc_append = np.hstack((JcTVc_append, JcTVc))
            #VcTJc_list.append( JcTVc.T )
            #VcTdJc_list.append(, dJsup) )
            #dVcTJc_list.append(, Jsup) )

            penDepth = -0.05-contactPositions[i][1]
            if penDepth < 0.:
                penDepth = 0.
            #penDepth = 0.
            ac_offset = 1000.*penDepth*np.ones(4)
            preSup = sup

        extForce = np.zeros(totalActuator)
        if self.extDuration > 0:
            Jext = yjc.makeEmptyJacobian(DOFs, 1)
            extForcePos = model.getBodyPositionGlobal(self.extForceBody)
            extJointMasks = [yjc.getLinkJointMask(motion[0].skeleton, self.extForceBody)]
            yjc.computeJacobian2(Jext, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [extForcePos], extJointMasks)
            extForce =, self.extForce)

            self.extDuration -= timestep
            if self.extDuration < 0:
                self.extDuration = 0

        self.addQPEqualityInverseEomConstraint(totalProblem, totalDOF, totalActuator, totalContact, invM, invMc, JcTVc_append, extForce)

        # inequality constraints

        if totalContact> 0:
            self.addQPInequalityContactForceConstraint(totalProblem, totalDOF, totalActuator, totalContact)
            self.addQPInequalityVelocityConstraint(totalProblem, totalDOF, totalActuator, totalContact, VcTJc_list, VcTdJc_list,dVcTJc_list, self.dth_flat, ac_offset_list, invdt)
            #self.addQPInequalityVelocityConstraint(totalProblem, totalDOF, totalActuator, totalContact, VcTJc_vel_list, VcTdJc_vel_list,dVcTJc_vel_list, self.dth_flat, ac_offset_list, 30.)
        torqueMax = 1000.*np.ones(totalActuator-6)
        torqueMin = -torqueMax
        self.addQPInequalityTorqueConstraint(totalProblem, totalDOF, totalActuator, totalContact, torqueMax, torqueMin)

        # objectives
        self.addQPTrackingTerms(totalProblem, 0, totalDOF, self.Bt, w, self.ddth_des_flat)
        self.addQPTorqueTerms(totalProblem, totalDOF, totalActuator, self.Btau, w)
        if totalContact > 0:
            self.addQPContactForceTerms(totalProblem, totalDOF+totalActuator, totalContact, self.Bcon)
            #if dH_des !=None:
            #	allLinkJointMasks = yjc.getAllLinkJointMasks(motion[0].skeleton)
            #	yjc.computeJacobian2(Jsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
            #	yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
            #	self.addLinearAndAngularBalancigTerms(totalProblem, 0, totalDOF, self.Bl, self.Bh, P, self.Jsys, self.dth_flat, dP, self.dJsys, dL_des_plane, dH_des)

        # end effector
        eeList = [supR, supL]
        #eeList = []

        #if totalContact > 0:
        for ee in eeList:
            eeCenter = model.getBodyPositionGlobal(ee)
            eeJointMasks = [yjc.getLinkJointMask(motion[0].skeleton, ee)]
            yjc.computeJacobian2(Jsup, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [eeCenter], eeJointMasks)
            yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsup, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [eeCenter], eeJointMasks, False)
            ee_genvel_ref =, self.dth_r_flat)
            ee_genacc_ref =, self.ddth_r_flat) +, self.dth_r_flat)

            ee_pos_ref = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(ee)
            ee_pos = model.getBodyPositionGlobal(ee)
            ee_vel_ref = ee_genvel_ref[:3]
            ee_vel = model.getBodyVelocityGlobal(ee)
            ee_acc_ref = ee_genacc_ref[:3]
            ddp_des_pos = self.Ke*( (ee_pos_ref-th_r[0][0]) - (ee_pos-th[0][0]) )
            ddp_des_pos += self.De*(ee_vel_ref - ee_vel)
            ddp_des_pos += ee_acc_ref

            eeOri = model.getBodyOrientationGlobal(ee)
            eeAngVel = model.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(ee)
            ee_angvel_ref = ee_genvel_ref[3:]
            ee_angacc_ref = ee_genacc_ref[3:]
            a_ori_diff = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(, np.array([0,1,0])), np.array([0,1,0])))
            ddp_des_ang = self.Ke*a_ori_diff + self.De*(-eeAngVel)
            #ddp_des_ang = self.Ke*a_ori_diff + self.De*(ee_angvel_ref-eeAngVel)
            #ddp_des_ang += ee_angacc_ref

            ddp_des = np.hstack( (ddp_des_pos, ddp_des_ang) )

            #self.addEndEffectorTerms(totalProblem, 0, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, self.dth_flat, ddp_des, self.Be)
            self.addEqualityEndEffectorTerms(totalProblem, 0, totalDOF, Jsup, dJsup, self.dth_flat, ddp_des, self.Be)

        return contactPositions, CP, CM, footCenter, dL_des_plane, CM_ref
Esempio n. 3
    def simulateCallback(frame):
        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowFrame
        global forceApplyFrame
        global JsysPre
        global JsupPreL
        global JsupPreR
        global JsupPre
        global softConstPoint
        global stage
        global contactRendererName


        Kt, Kk, Kl, Kh, Ksc, Bt, Bl, Bh, Bsc = viewer.GetParam()
        Dt = 2*(Kt**.5)
        Dk = 2*(Kk**.5)
        Dl = 2*(Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2*(Kh**.5)
        Dsc = 2*(Ksc**.5)
        if Bsc == 0.0 :
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', False)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', True)
            renderer1 = viewer.doc.getRenderer('softConstraint')
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
        # tracking
        th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th = controlModel.getDOFPositions()
        dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        dth = controlModel.getDOFVelocities()
        ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r, Kt, Dt)
        ddth_c = controlModel.getDOFAccelerations()

        ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        ype.flatten(ddth_c, ddth_c_flat)
        # jacobian                                 
        refFootL = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)        
        refFootR = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        positionFootL = [None]*footPartNum
        positionFootR = [None]*footPartNum
        for i in range(footPartNum):
            positionFootL[i] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[i])
            positionFootR[i] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[i])
        linkPositions = controlModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = controlModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = controlModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        jointPositions = controlModel.getJointPositionsGlobal()
        jointAxeses = controlModel.getDOFAxeses()
        CM = yrp.getCM(linkPositions, linkMasses, totalMass)
        dCM = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM); CM_plane[1]=0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM); dCM_plane[1]=0.
        linkPositions_ref = motionModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        CM_ref = yrp.getCM(linkPositions_ref, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane_ref = copy.copy(CM_ref)
        CM_plane_ref[1] = 0.
        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM, linkInertias)
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses, linkVelocities, dCM, linkAngVelocities, linkInertias)

        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)       
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
        yjc.computeJacobian2(jFootL[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootL[0]], jointMasksFootL[0])
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJFootL[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootL[0]], jointMasksFootL[0], False)
        yjc.computeJacobian2(jFootR[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootR[0]], jointMasksFootR[0])
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJFootR[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootR[0]], jointMasksFootR[0], False)
        yjc.computeAngJacobian2(jAngFootL[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootL[0]], jointMasksFootL[0])
        yjc.computeAngJacobianDerivative2(dJAngFootL[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootL[0]], jointMasksFootL[0], False)
        yjc.computeAngJacobian2(jAngFootR[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootR[0]], jointMasksFootR[0])
        yjc.computeAngJacobianDerivative2(dJAngFootR[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootR[0]], jointMasksFootR[0], False)
        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)

        for i in range(len(bodyIDsToCheck)) :
            controlModel.SetBodyColor(bodyIDsToCheck[i], 0, 0, 0)
        for i in range(len(rd_contactPositions)):
            rd_contactPositions[i] = [0,0,0]
            rd_contactForces[i] = [0,0,0]

        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            rd_contactPositions[i] = np.copy(contactPositions[i])
            rd_contactForces[i] = np.copy(contactForces[i])
        if len(contactPositions) > 0:
            rd_contactPositions = np.copy(contactPositions)
            rd_contactForces = np.copy(contactForces)
            print("rd_contactPositions", rd_contactPositions)
            print("contactPositions", contactPositions)
        for i in range(len(contactRendererName)):
        del contactRendererName[:]

        for i in range(len(contactPositions)):
            #viewer.doc.addRenderer(str(i), yr.PointsRenderer([contactPositions[i]], (0,255,0)))
            viewer.doc.addRenderer(str(i), yr.ForcesRenderer([contactForces[i]], [contactPositions[i]], (0,255,0), .009, 0.009))

        viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)

        contactFlagFootL = [0]*footPartNum
        contactFlagFootR = [0]*footPartNum

        partialDOFIndex = [22, 22]
        for i in range(len(bodyIDs)) :
            controlModel.SetBodyColor(bodyIDs[i], 255, 105, 105)
            index = controlModel.id2index(bodyIDs[i])
            for j in range(len(indexFootL)):
                if index == indexFootL[j]:
                    contactFlagFootL[j] = 1
                    if j != 0:
                        yjc.computePartialJacobian2(jFootL[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootL[j]], jointMasksFootL[j], partialDOFIndex)
                        yjc.computePartialJacobianDerivative2(dJFootL[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootL[j]], jointMasksFootL[j], False, partialDOFIndex)
            for j in range(len(indexFootR)):
                if index == indexFootR[j]:
                    contactFlagFootR[j] = 1
                    if j != 0:
                        yjc.computePartialJacobian2(jFootR[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootR[j]], jointMasksFootR[j], partialDOFIndex)
                        yjc.computePartialJacobianDerivative2(dJFootR[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootR[j]], jointMasksFootR[j], False, partialDOFIndex)

        for j in range(len(indexFootL)):
            yjc.computeAngJacobian2(jAngFootL[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootL[j]], jointMasksFootL[j])
            yjc.computeAngJacobianDerivative2(dJAngFootL[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootL[j]], jointMasksFootL[j], False)            
            yjc.computeAngJacobian2(jAngFootR[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootR[j]], jointMasksFootR[j])
            yjc.computeAngJacobianDerivative2(dJAngFootR[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootR[j]], jointMasksFootR[j], False)

        if footPartNum == 1:
             footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
             footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)             
            if ((contactFlagFootL[3] == 1 or contactFlagFootL[4] == 1) and contactFlagFootL[0] == 0) or ((contactFlagFootR[3] == 1 or contactFlagFootR[4] == 1) and contactFlagFootR[0] == 0):
                r = 0.8
                footCenterL = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)*r + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[1])*(1.0-r))
                footCenterR = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)*r + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[1])*(1.0-r))
                #footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[1]) 
                #footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[1])                 
            else :
                #footCenterL = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL) + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[1]))/2.0
                #footCenterR = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR) + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[1]))/2.0
                #footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[1])                    
                #footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[1])
                r = 0.8
                footCenterL = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[1])*r + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[3])*(1.0-r))
                footCenterR = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[1])*r + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[3])*(1.0-r))
        if stage == POWERFUL_BALANCING:
            footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[1])        
            footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[1])
            footCenterL = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[1]) + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[3]) )/2.0       
            footCenterR = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[1]) + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[3]))/2.0
        p1 = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[0])
        p2 = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[0])
        p3 = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[3])
        p4 = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[3])
        print(frame, "supL", p1[1])
        print(frame, "supR", p2[1])
        print(frame, "calcL", p3[1])
        print(frame, "calcR", p4[1])        

        #footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL)/2.0
        #footCenter[1] = 0.     
        if checkAll(contactFlagFootL, 0) == 1 and checkAll(contactFlagFootR, 0) == 1:
            footCenter = footCenter
        elif checkAll(contactFlagFootL, 0) == 1 :
            footCenter = footCenterR
        elif checkAll(contactFlagFootR, 0) == 1 :
            footCenter = footCenterL

        if footPartNum == 1:
            desFCL = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL))
            desFCR = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR))
        else :
            r = .4
            desFCL = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[1])*r + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[3])*(1.0-r))#controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[1])
            desFCR = (controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[1])*r + controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[3])*(1.0-r))#controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[1])
        desFC = desFCL + (desFCR - desFCL)/2.0  
        if checkAll(contactFlagFootL, 0) == 1 and checkAll(contactFlagFootR, 0) == 1:
            desFC = desFC
        elif checkAll(contactFlagFootL, 0) == 1 :
            desFC = desFCR
        elif checkAll(contactFlagFootR, 0) == 1 :
            desFC = desFCL
        #if stage == MOTION_TRACKING:
        #    desFC = desFCL
        desFC[1] = 0
        rd_footCenter_des[0] = desFC.copy()
        curRelCMVec = CM_plane - desFC
        vecRatio = mm.length(curRelCMVec)*0.
        #print(frame, vecRatio)
        footCenter = desFC - curRelCMVec*(vecRatio)#/10.0

        footCenter_ref = refFootL + (refFootR - refFootL)/2.0
        #footCenter_ref[1] = 0.    
        footCenter[1] = 0.  

        vecRatio = mm.length(curRelCMVec)*0.
        softConstPointOffset = -curRelCMVec*(vecRatio)#/10.0
        #print(frame, vecRatio, softConstPointOffset)

        desForeSupLAcc = [0,0,0]
        desForeSupRAcc = [0,0,0]
        totalNormalForce = [0,0,0]    
        for i in range(len(contactForces)):
            totalNormalForce[0] += contactForces[i][0]
            totalNormalForce[1] += contactForces[i][1]
            totalNormalForce[2] += contactForces[i][2]
        print("totalNormalForce=", totalNormalForce[1])
        print("F_Diff=", (totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity))[1]+totalNormalForce[1])

        # linear momentum
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        dL_des_plane = Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref_plane - CM_plane) - Dl*totalMass*dCM_plane
        print("CM_Diff=",mm.length(CM_ref_plane - CM_plane))
        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        timeStep = 30.
        if CP_old[0]==None or CP==None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0])/(1/timeStep)
        CP_old[0] = CP            
        if CP!=None and dCP!=None:
            ddCP_des = Kh*(CP_ref - CP) - Dh*(dCP)
            CP_des = CP + dCP*(1/timeStep) + .5*ddCP_des*((1/timeStep)**2)
            #dH_des = np.cross((CP_des - CM), (dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))            
            dH_des = np.cross((CP_des - CM_plane), (dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            print("CP_Diff=",mm.length(CP_des - CP))
            dH_des = None
        # momentum matrix
        RS =, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)
        rs =, Jsys) +, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # soft point constraint

        P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        constBodyVec = P_cur - footCenter
        softConstPoint = [footCenter[0]+softConstPointOffset[0], mm.length(constBodyVec), footCenter[2]+softConstPointOffset[2]]

        P_des = softConstPoint
        #P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(constBody)
        ddP_des1 = Ksc*(-(P_des - P_cur)) - Dsc*(-(dP_cur - dP_des))

        r = -(P_des - P_cur)
        I = np.vstack(([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]))
        Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))
        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [P_cur], constJointMasks)
        JL, JA = np.vsplit(Jconst, 2)
        Q1 =, Jconst)
        q1 =, dth_flat)
        q2 =,, r))
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [P_cur], constJointMasks, False)
        q_bias1 =, dJconst), dth_flat) + q2
        flagContact = True
        if dH_des==None or np.any(np.isnan(dH_des)) == True:
            flagContact = False 
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('rd_grf_des', False)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('rd_grf_des', True)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
        0 : initial
        1 : contact
        2 : fly
        3 : landing

        if mit.MOTION == mit.FORWARD_JUMP :
            frame_index = [136, 100]
            #frame_index = [100000, 100000]
        elif mit.MOTION == mit.TAEKWONDO:
            frame_index = [130, 100]
            #frame_index = [100000, 100000]
        elif mit.MOTION == mit.TAEKWONDO2:
            frame_index = [130+40, 100]
        elif mit.MOTION == mit.WALK:
            frame_index = [10000, 60]
        else :
            frame_index = [1000000, 1000000]
        #frame_index = [135, 100]

        if frame > 300 :
            if stage != DYNAMIC_BALANCING:
                print("#", frame,"-DYNAMIC_BALANCING")
            stage = DYNAMIC_BALANCING
            Kk = Kk*1
            Dk = 2*(Kk**.5)        
        if frame > frame_index[0] :
            if stage != POWERFUL_BALANCING:
                print("#", frame,"-POWERFUL_BALANCING")
            stage = POWERFUL_BALANCING
            Kk = Kk*2
            Dk = 2*(Kk**.5)            
        elif frame > frame_index[1]:
            if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
                print("#", frame,"-MOTION_TRACKING")
            stage = MOTION_TRACKING

        trackingW = w

        #if checkAll(contactFlagFootR, 0) != 1 :
        if stage == MOTION_TRACKING:
            trackingW = w2
            #stage = POWERFUL_BALANCING
            Bt = Bt*2

        # optimization
        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, trackingW, ddth_des_flat)
        mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1, q_bias1)

        if flagContact == True:
            if stage != MOTION_TRACKING+10:
                mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias) 
                mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)
        a_sup_2 = [None]
        Jsup_2 = [None]
        dJsup_2 = [None]

        # Hard constraint        
        if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
            Kk2 = Kk * 2.0
        else :
            Kk2 = Kk * 1.5
        Dk2 = 2*(Kk2**.5)

        desLinearAccL, desPosL = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supL, ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2) 
        desLinearAccR, desPosR = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supR, ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2) 

        desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supL, Kk2, Dk2)
        desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supR, Kk2, Dk2)
        if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
            idx = 0 #LEFT/RIGHT_TOES 
            if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
                desLinearAccL, desPosL = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[idx], ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2, 0.14)#0.076) 
                desLinearAccR, desPosR = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[idx], ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2, 0.14) 

                desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[idx], Kk2, Dk2, [0,0,-1], [0,1,1.5])
                desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[idx], Kk2, Dk2, [0,0,-1], [0,1,1.5])
                a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( np.hstack((desLinearAccL, desAngularAccL)), np.hstack((desLinearAccR, desAngularAccR)) ))
                Jsup_2 = np.vstack((jFootL[idx], jFootR[idx]))
                dJsup_2 = np.vstack((dJFootL[idx], dJFootR[idx]))   
                desLinearAccL, desPosL = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[idx], ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2, 0.040) 
                desLinearAccR, desPosR = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[idx], ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2, 0.040) 

                desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[idx], Kk2, Dk2)
                a_sup_2 = np.hstack((desLinearAccL, desAngularAccL))
                Jsup_2 = jFootL[idx] 
                dJsup_2 = dJFootL[idx]
            rd_DesPosL[0] = desPosL.copy()
            rd_DesPosR[0] = desPosR.copy()
            if footPartNum != 5:
                idx = 0
                desLinearAccL, desPosL = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[idx], ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2, 0.045) 
                desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[idx], Kk2, Dk2)
                a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( desLinearAccL, desAngularAccL))
                Jsup_2 = (jFootL[idx])
                dJsup_2 = (dJFootL[idx])  
                idx = 4
                desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[idx], Kk2, Dk2)
                a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( a_sup_2, desAngularAccL))
                Jsup_2 = np.vstack(( Jsup_2, jAngFootL[idx]))
                dJsup_2 = np.vstack(( dJsup_2, dJAngFootL[idx]))
                idx = 1
                desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[idx], Kk2, Dk2)        
                a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( a_sup_2, desAngularAccL))
                Jsup_2 = np.vstack(( Jsup_2, jAngFootL[idx]))
                dJsup_2 = np.vstack(( dJsup_2, dJAngFootL[idx]))
                idx = 0
                desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[idx], Kk2, Dk2)
                desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[idx], Kk2, Dk2)
                a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( desAngularAccL, desAngularAccR ))
                Jsup_2 = np.vstack((jAngFootL[idx], jAngFootR[idx]))
                dJsup_2 = np.vstack((dJAngFootL[idx], dJAngFootR[idx]))             

        # Additional constraint          

        if stage != MOTION_TRACKING+10:
            #Kk2 = Kk * 2.5
            Kk2 = Kk * 2.5
            Dk2 = 2*(Kk2**.5)
            desForePosL = [0,0,0]
            desForePosR = [0,0,0]
            desRearPosL = [0,0,0]
            desRearPosR = [0,0,0]
            for i in range(1, footPartNum) :
                if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
                    axis = [0,1,0]
                    desAng = [0,1,0]
                    desY = 0.04
                    if i == 1 or i == 2:
                        desAng = [0,1,1.2]
                        desY = 0.076
                    if contactFlagFootL[i] == 1:
                        desLinearAccL, desForePosL = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[i], ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2, desY) 
                        desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[i], Kk2, Dk2, axis, desAng)
                        a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( a_sup_2, np.hstack((desLinearAccL, desAngularAccL)) ))
                        Jsup_2 = np.vstack(( Jsup_2, jFootL[i] ))
                        dJsup_2 = np.vstack(( dJsup_2, dJFootL[i] ))                
                    if contactFlagFootR[i] == 1:
                        desLinearAccR, desForePosR = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[i], ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2, desY) 
                        desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[i], Kk2, Dk2, axis, desAng)
                        a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( a_sup_2, np.hstack((desLinearAccR, desAngularAccR)) ))            
                        Jsup_2 = np.vstack(( Jsup_2, jFootR[i] ))
                        dJsup_2 = np.vstack(( dJsup_2, dJFootR[i] ))
                    if contactFlagFootL[i] == 1:
                        desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[i], Kk2, Dk2)
                        a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( a_sup_2, desAngularAccL ))
                        Jsup_2 = np.vstack(( Jsup_2, jAngFootL[i] ))
                        dJsup_2 = np.vstack(( dJsup_2, dJAngFootL[i] ))                
                    if contactFlagFootR[i] == 1:
                        desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[i], Kk2, Dk2)
                        a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( a_sup_2, desAngularAccR ))            
                        Jsup_2 = np.vstack(( Jsup_2, jAngFootR[i] ))
                        dJsup_2 = np.vstack(( dJsup_2, dJAngFootR[i] ))

            for i in range(1, footPartNum) :
                if contactFlagFootL[i] == 1:
                    desLinearAccL, desForePosL = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[i], ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2, 0.034) 
                    desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[i], Kk2, Dk2)
                    a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( a_sup_2, np.hstack((desLinearAccL, desAngularAccL)) ))
                    Jsup_2 = np.vstack(( Jsup_2, jFootL[i] ))
                    dJsup_2 = np.vstack(( dJsup_2, dJFootL[i] ))                
                if contactFlagFootR[i] == 1:
                    desLinearAccR, desForePosR = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[i], ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2, 0.034) 
                    desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[i], Kk2, Dk2)
                    a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( a_sup_2, np.hstack((desLinearAccR, desAngularAccR)) ))            
                    Jsup_2 = np.vstack(( Jsup_2, jFootR[i] ))
                    dJsup_2 = np.vstack(( dJsup_2, dJFootR[i] ))
            rd_DesForePosL[0] = desForePosL
            rd_DesForePosR[0] = desForePosR
            rd_DesRearPosL[0] = desRearPosL
            rd_DesRearPosR[0] = desRearPosR

        mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup_2, dJsup_2, dth_flat, a_sup_2)

        r = problem.solve()
        ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)
        rootPos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]   

        rd_Joint[0] = controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal(motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('LeftMetatarsal_1'))
        rd_Joint2[0] = controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal(motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('LeftMetatarsal_3'))
        rd_Joint3[0] = controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal(motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('LeftPhalange_1'))
        rd_Joint4[0] = controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal(motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('LeftPhalange_3'))
        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
            vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals, contactForces)                      
            extraForce[0] = viewer.GetForce()
            if (extraForce[0][0] != 0 or extraForce[0][1] != 0 or extraForce[0][2] != 0) :
                forceApplyFrame += 1
                #vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)
                controlModel.applyBodyForceGlobal(selectedBody, extraForce[0])
                applyedExtraForce[0] = extraForce[0]
            if forceApplyFrame*wcfg.timeStep > 0.1:
                forceApplyFrame = 0            

            extraForce[0] = viewer.GetForce()
            if (extraForce[0][0] != 0 or extraForce[0][1] != 0 or extraForce[0][2] != 0) :
                forceApplyFrame += 1
                vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)
                applyedExtraForce[0] = extraForce[0]
            if forceApplyFrame*wcfg.timeStep > 0.1:
                forceApplyFrame = 0            
        # rendering        

        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_CM[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM_plane.copy()
        rd_footCenter_ref[0] = footCenter_ref
        rd_CM_plane_ref[0] = CM_ref.copy()
        rd_CM_ref[0] = CM_ref.copy()
        rd_CM_ref_vec[0] = (CM_ref - footCenter_ref)*3.
        rd_CM_vec[0] = (CM - footCenter)*3

        #rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.
        if CP!=None and dCP!=None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des
        rd_dL_des_plane[0] = dL_des_plane
        rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des
        rd_grf_des[0] = totalNormalForce# - totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)#dL_des_plane - totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)
        rd_exf_des[0] = applyedExtraForce[0]
        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        rd_CMP[0] = softConstPoint

        rd_soft_const_vec[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)-softConstPoint

        #indexL = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('Hips')
        #indexR = motion[0].skeleton.getJointIndex('Spine1')
        indexL = indexFootL[0]        
        indexR = indexFootR[0]

        curAng = [controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(indexL)]                        
        curAngY =, np.array([0,0,1]))

        rd_footL_vec[0] = np.copy(curAngY[0])
        rd_footCenterL[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexL)
        curAng = [controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(indexR)]                        
        curAngY =, np.array([0,0,1]))

        rd_footR_vec[0] = np.copy(curAngY[0])
        rd_footCenterR[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexR)
        if (forceApplyFrame == 0) :
            applyedExtraForce[0] = [0, 0, 0]
Esempio n. 4
    def simulateCallback(frame):
        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowFrame
        global forceApplyFrame
        global JsysPre
        global JsupPreL
        global JsupPreR
        global JsupPre
        global softConstPoint
        global stage


        Kt, Kk, Kl, Kh, Ksc, Bt, Bl, Bh, Bsc = viewer.GetParam()

        Dt = 2 * (Kt**.5)
        Dk = 2 * (Kk**.5)
        Dl = 2 * (Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2 * (Kh**.5)
        Dsc = 2 * (Ksc**.5)

        if Bsc == 0.0:
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', False)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', True)
            renderer1 = viewer.doc.getRenderer('softConstraint')
            renderer1.rc.setLineWidth(0.1 + Bsc * 3)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)

        # tracking
        th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th = controlModel.getDOFPositions()
        dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        dth = controlModel.getDOFVelocities()
        ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r,
                                                  Kt, Dt)
        ddth_c = controlModel.getDOFAccelerations()

        ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        ype.flatten(ddth_c, ddth_c_flat)

        # jacobian
        footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)

        refFootL = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refFootR = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)

        footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL) / 2.0
        footCenter[1] = 0.

        footCenter_ref = refFootL + (refFootR - refFootL) / 2.0
        #footCenter_ref[1] = 0.

        foreFootCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(foreSupL)
        foreFootCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(foreSupR)
        rearFootCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(rearSupL)
        rearFootCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(rearSupR)

        linkPositions = controlModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = controlModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = controlModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        jointPositions = controlModel.getJointPositionsGlobal()
        jointAxeses = controlModel.getDOFAxeses()

        CM = yrp.getCM(linkPositions, linkMasses, totalMass)
        dCM = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM)
        CM_plane[1] = 0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM)
        dCM_plane[1] = 0.

        linkPositions_ref = motionModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        CM_ref = yrp.getCM(linkPositions_ref, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane_ref = copy.copy(CM_ref)
        CM_plane_ref[1] = 0.

        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM,
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses,
                                                linkVelocities, dCM,

        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
        #dJsys = (Jsys - JsysPre)/(1/30.)
        #JsysPre = Jsys
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsys, DOFs, jointPositions,
                                       jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities,
                                       linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)

        if g_initFlag == 0:
            softConstPoint = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
            softConstPoint[1] -= .3
            g_initFlag = 1

        yjc.computeJacobian2(JsupL, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             [footCenterL], supLJointMasks)
        #dJsupL = (JsupL - JsupPreL)/(1/30.)
        #JsupPreL = JsupL
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsupL, DOFs, jointPositions,
                                       jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities,
                                       [footCenterL], supLJointMasks, False)

        yjc.computeJacobian2(JsupR, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             [footCenterR], supRJointMasks)
        #dJsupR = (JsupR - JsupPreR)/(1/30.)
        #JsupPreR = JsupR
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsupR, DOFs, jointPositions,
                                       jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities,
                                       [footCenterR], supRJointMasks, False)

        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
            bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)

        for i in range(len(bodyIDsToCheck)):
            controlModel.SetBodyColor(bodyIDsToCheck[i], 0, 0, 0)

        flagForeSupLContact = 0
        flagForeSupRContact = 0
        flagRearSupLContact = 0
        flagRearSupLContact = 0

        for i in range(len(bodyIDs)):
            controlModel.SetBodyColor(bodyIDs[i], 255, 105, 105)
            index = controlModel.id2index(bodyIDs[i])
            if index == foreSupL:
                flagForeSupLContact = 1
                yjc.computeJacobian2(JforeSupL, DOFs, jointPositions,
                                     jointAxeses, [foreFootCenterL],
                yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJforeSupL, DOFs,
                                               jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                                               foreSupLJointMasks, False)
            elif index == foreSupR:
                flagForeSupRContact = 1
                yjc.computeJacobian2(JforeSupR, DOFs, jointPositions,
                                     jointAxeses, [foreFootCenterR],
                yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJforeSupR, DOFs,
                                               jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                                               foreSupRJointMasks, False)
            elif index == rearSupL:
                flagRearSupLContact = 1
                yjc.computeJacobian2(JrearSupL, DOFs, jointPositions,
                                     jointAxeses, [rearFootCenterL],
                yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJrearSupL, DOFs,
                                               jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                                               rearSupLJointMasks, False)
            elif index == rearSupR:
                flagRearSupRContact = 1
                yjc.computeJacobian2(JrearSupR, DOFs, jointPositions,
                                     jointAxeses, [rearFootCenterR],
                yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJrearSupR, DOFs,
                                               jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                                               rearSupRJointMasks, False)

        desForeSupLAcc = [0, 0, 0]
        desForeSupRAcc = [0, 0, 0]

        totalNormalForce = [0, 0, 0]

        for i in range(len(contactForces)):
            totalNormalForce[0] += contactForces[i][0]
            totalNormalForce[1] += contactForces[i][1]
            totalNormalForce[2] += contactForces[i][2]

        # linear momentum
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        dL_des_plane = Kl * totalMass * (CM_ref_plane -
                                         CM_plane) - Dl * totalMass * dCM_plane

        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        timeStep = 30.
        if CP_old[0] == None or CP == None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0]) / (1 / timeStep)
        CP_old[0] = CP

        if CP != None and dCP != None:
            ddCP_des = Kh * (CP_ref - CP) - Dh * (dCP)
            CP_des = CP + dCP * (1 / timeStep) + .5 * ddCP_des * (
                (1 / timeStep)**2)
            dH_des = np.cross(
                (CP_des - CM),
                (dL_des_plane + totalMass * mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            #dH_des = np.cross((CP_des - CM_plane), (dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            dH_des = None

        CMP = yrp.getCMP(contactForces, CM)
        r = [0, 0, 0]
        if CP != None and np.any(np.isnan(CMP)) != True:
            r = CP - CMP

        # momentum matrix
        RS =, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)

        rs =, Jsys) +, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # soft point constraint

        P_des = softConstPoint
        P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(constBody)
        ddP_des1 = Ksc * (P_des - P_cur) - Dsc * (dP_cur - dP_des)

        r = P_des - P_cur
        I = np.vstack(([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]))
        Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))

        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses,
                             [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)
        JL, JA = np.vsplit(Jconst, 2)
        Q1 =, Jconst)

        q1 =, dth_flat)
        q2 =,
          , r))

        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJconst, DOFs, jointPositions,
                                       jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities,
                                       [softConstPoint], constJointMasks,
        q_bias1 =, dJconst), dth_flat) + q2


        flagContact = True
        if dH_des == None or np.any(np.isnan(dH_des)) == True:
            flagContact = False
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('rd_grf_des', False)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('rd_grf_des', True)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
        0 : initial
        1 : contact
        2 : fly
        3 : landing

        if mit.MOTION == mit.FORWARD_JUMP:
            frame_index = [136, 100]
        elif mit.MOTION == mit.TAEKWONDO:
            frame_index = [130, 100]
            frame_index = [1000000, 1000000]

        #frame_index = [135, 100]

        if frame > frame_index[0]:
            stage = POWERFUL_BALANCING
            Kk = Kk * 2
            Dk = 2 * (Kk**.5)
        elif frame > frame_index[1]:
            stage = MOTION_TRACKING

        trackingW = w
        if stage == MOTION_TRACKING:
            trackingW = w2

        # optimization

        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, trackingW, ddth_des_flat)

        mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1,

        if flagContact == True:
            if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
                mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R,
                mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)

        # Hard constraint

        desLinearAccL = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supL,
                                            ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk, Dk)
        desLinearAccR = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supR,
                                            ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk, Dk)

        desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supL,
                                              Kk, Dk)
        desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supR,
                                              Kk, Dk)
        desLinearAccL = [0,0,0]
        desAngularAccL = [0,0,0]
        desLinearAccR = [0,0,0]
        desAngularAccR = [0,0,0]

        refPos = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)  
        curPos = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refRootPos = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(rootB)
        curRootPos = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(rootB)
        refVecL = refPos - CM_ref
        if stage == MOTION_TRACKING:
            refPos = CM + refVecL
            refPos[1] += 0.05
            refPos[0] -= 0.05
        elif stage == POWERFUL_BALANCING:
            refPos = copy.copy(curPos)
            refPos[1] = 0
            refPos[0] += ModelOffset[0]
        rd_root[0] = curRootPos
        refVel = motionModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL) 
        rd_footCenterL[0] = copy.copy(curPos)
        #rd_footCenterL[0][2] += 0.2
        curVel = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        #refAcc = (0,0,0)
        refAcc = motionModel.getBodyAccelerationGlobal(supL)
        if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
            refPos[1] = 0
        if refPos[1] < 0.0 :
            refPos[1] = 0.0
        rd_DesPosL[0] = refPos

        desLinearAccL = yct.getDesiredAcceleration(refPos, curPos, refVel, curVel, refAcc, Kk, Dk)
        refPos = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)       
        curPos = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        refVecR = refPos - CM_ref
        if stage == MOTION_TRACKING:
            refPos = CM + refVecR
            refPos[1] += 0.05
            refPos[0] -= 0.05
        elif stage == POWERFUL_BALANCING:
            refPos = copy.copy(curPos)
            refPos[1] = 0
        else :
            refPos[0] += ModelOffset[0]
        refVel = motionModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR) 
        curVel = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        refAcc = motionModel.getBodyAccelerationGlobal(supR)
        if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
            refPos[1] = 0
        if refPos[1] < 0.0 :
            refPos[1] = 0.0
        rd_DesPosR[0] = refPos

        desLinearAccR = yct.getDesiredAcceleration(refPos, curPos, refVel, curVel, refAcc, Kk, Dk)

        curAng = [controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)]
        refAngVel = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        curAngVel = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        refAngAcc = (0,0,0)
        curAngY =, np.array([0,1,0]))
        refAngY = np.array([0,1,0])
        if stage == DYNAMIC_BALANCING:    
            refAng = [motionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)]
            refAngY2 =, np.array([0,1,0]))
            refAngY = refAngY2[0]
        rd_footL_vec[0] = refAngY
        rd_footR_vec[0] = curAngY[0]
        aL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(curAngY[0], refAngY))
        desAngularAccL = [Kk*aL + Dk*(refAngVel-curAngVel)]      
        curAng = [controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)]
        refAngVel = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)
        curAngVel = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)
        refAngAcc = (0,0,0)
        curAngY =, np.array([0,1,0]))
        refAngY = np.array([0,1,0])
        if stage == DYNAMIC_BALANCING:    
            refAng = [motionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)]
            refAngY2 =, np.array([0,1,0]))
            refAngY = refAngY2[0]
        aL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(curAngY[0], refAngY))
        desAngularAccR = [Kk*aL + Dk*(refAngVel-curAngVel)]

        a_sup_2 = [desLinearAccL[0], desLinearAccL[1], desLinearAccL[2], desAngularAccL[0][0], desAngularAccL[0][1], desAngularAccL[0][2], 
                   desLinearAccR[0], desLinearAccR[1], desLinearAccR[2], desAngularAccR[0][0], desAngularAccR[0][1], desAngularAccR[0][2]]
        a_sup_2 = np.hstack((np.hstack((desLinearAccL, desAngularAccL)),
                             np.hstack((desLinearAccR, desAngularAccR))))

        Jsup_2 = np.vstack((JsupL, JsupR))
        dJsup_2 = np.vstack((dJsupL, dJsupR))

        mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup_2, dJsup_2, dth_flat,


        # Additional constraint
        desLinearAccL = [0, 0, 0]
        desAngularAccL = [0, 0, 0]
        desLinearAccR = [0, 0, 0]
        desAngularAccR = [0, 0, 0]

        refPos = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        curPos = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refVecL = refPos - CM_ref
        if stage == MOTION_TRACKING:
            refPos = CM + refVecL
            refPos[1] += 0.05
            refPos[0] -= 0.05
        elif stage == POWERFUL_BALANCING:
            refPos = copy.copy(curPos)
            refPos[1] = 0
            refPos[0] += ModelOffset[0]

        refVel = motionModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        curVel = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        #refAcc = (0,0,0)
        refAcc = motionModel.getBodyAccelerationGlobal(supL)

        if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
            refPos[1] = 0

        if refPos[1] < 0.0:
            refPos[1] = 0.0

        desLinearAccL = yct.getDesiredAcceleration(refPos, curPos, refVel,
                                                   curVel, refAcc, Kk, Dk)

        curAng = [controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)]
        refAngVel = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        curAngVel = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        refAngAcc = (0, 0, 0)

        curAngY =, np.array([0, 1, 0]))
        refAngY = np.array([0, 1, 0])
        if stage == DYNAMIC_BALANCING:
            refAng = [motionModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)]
            refAngY2 =, np.array([0, 1, 0]))
            refAngY = refAngY2[0]

        rd_footL_vec[0] = refAngY
        rd_footR_vec[0] = curAngY[0]
        aL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(curAngY[0], refAngY))
        desAngularAccL = [Kk * aL + Dk * (refAngVel - curAngVel)]


        r = problem.solve()
        ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)

        rootPos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]

        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(
                bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)

            vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals,


            if flagForeSupLContact == 1:
                    foreSupL, (2.1, 0, 0))
            if flagForeSupRContact == 1:
                    foreSupR, (2.1, 0, 0))


            extraForce[0] = viewer.GetForce()
            if (extraForce[0][0] != 0 or extraForce[0][1] != 0
                    or extraForce[0][2] != 0):
                forceApplyFrame += 1
                vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)
                applyedExtraForce[0] = extraForce[0]

            if forceApplyFrame * wcfg.timeStep > 0.1:
                forceApplyFrame = 0


        # rendering
        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter

        rd_CM[0] = CM.copy()

        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM_plane.copy()

        rd_footCenter_ref[0] = footCenter_ref
        rd_CM_plane_ref[0] = CM_ref.copy()
        rd_CM_ref[0] = CM_ref.copy()
        rd_CM_ref_vec[0] = (CM_ref - footCenter_ref) * 3.
        rd_CM_vec[0] = (CM - footCenter) * 3

        #rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.

        if CP != None and dCP != None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des

        rd_dL_des_plane[0] = dL_des_plane
        rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des

        rd_grf_des[0] = totalNormalForce - totalMass * mm.s2v(
            wcfg.gravity)  #dL_des_plane - totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)

        rd_exf_des[0] = applyedExtraForce[0]
        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        rd_CMP[0] = softConstPoint

        rd_soft_const_vec[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(
            constBody) - softConstPoint

        if (forceApplyFrame == 0):
            applyedExtraForce[0] = [0, 0, 0]
Esempio n. 5
    def simulateCallback(frame):
        global g_initFlag
        global preFootCenterL, preFootCenterR
        global preFootOrientationL, preFootOrientationR
        global forceShowFrame
        global forceApplyFrame

        global JsysPre
        global JsupPreL
        global JsupPreR
        global JsupPre

        global softConstPoint

        global stage


        Kt, Kk, Kl, Kh, Ksc, Bt, Bl, Bh, Bsc = viewer.GetParam()
        if stage == 3:
            Bsc = 0
            #Kl *= 1.5

        Dt = 2*(Kt**.5)
        Dk = 2*(Kk**.5)
        Dl = 2*(Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2*(Kh**.5)
        Dsc = 2*(Ksc**.5)
        if Bsc == 0.0 :
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', False)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', True)
            renderer1 = viewer.doc.getRenderer('softConstraint')
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
        # tracking
        th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th = controlModel.getDOFPositions()
        dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        dth = controlModel.getDOFVelocities()
        ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r, Kt, Dt)
        ddth_c = controlModel.getDOFAccelerations()

        ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        ype.flatten(ddth_c, ddth_c_flat)
        # jacobian 
        footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)        
        footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        refFootL = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)        
        refFootR = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL)/2.0
        footCenter[1] = 0.        
        footCenter_ref = refFootL + (refFootR - refFootL)/2.0
        footCenter_ref[1] = 0.      
        linkPositions = controlModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = controlModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = controlModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        jointPositions = controlModel.getJointPositionsGlobal()
        jointAxeses = controlModel.getDOFAxeses()
        CM = yrp.getCM(linkPositions, linkMasses, totalMass)
        dCM = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM); CM_plane[1]=0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM); dCM_plane[1]=0.
        linkPositions_ref = motionModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        CM_plane_ref = yrp.getCM(linkPositions_ref, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane_ref[1] = 0.
        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM, linkInertias)
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses, linkVelocities, dCM, linkAngVelocities, linkInertias)

        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
        dJsys = (Jsys - JsysPre)/(1/30.)
        JsysPre = Jsys
        #yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
        if g_initFlag == 0:
            preFootCenterL = footCenterL
            preFootCenterR = footCenterR
            preFootCenterL[1] -= 0.02
            preFootCenterR[1] -= 0.02
            preFootOrientationL = controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)
            preFootOrientationR = controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)
            softConstPoint = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
            #softConstPoint[2] += 0.3
            #softConstPoint[1] -= 1.1
            #softConstPoint[0] += 0.1

            softConstPoint[1] -= .3            
            #softConstPoint[0] -= .1
            #softConstPoint[1] -= 1.
            #softConstPoint[0] -= .5
            g_initFlag = 1

        yjc.computeJacobian2(JsupL, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [footCenterL], supLJointMasks)
        dJsupL = (JsupL - JsupPreL)/(1/30.)
        JsupPreL = JsupL
        #yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsupL, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [footCenterL], supLJointMasks, False)
        yjc.computeJacobian2(JsupR, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [footCenterR], supRJointMasks)
        dJsupR = (JsupR - JsupPreR)/(1/30.)
        JsupPreR = JsupR
        #yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsupR, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [footCenterR], supRJointMasks, False)
        preFootCenter = preFootCenterL + (preFootCenterR - preFootCenterL)/2.0
        preFootCenter[1] = 0

        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)
        # linear momentum
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        #CM_ref_plane = preFootCenter
        dL_des_plane = Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref_plane - CM_plane) - Dl*totalMass*dCM_plane
        #print("dL_des_plane ", dL_des_plane )
        #dL_des_plane[1] = 0.
        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        timeStep = 30.
        if CP_old[0]==None or CP==None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0])/(1/timeStep)
        CP_old[0] = CP            
        if CP!=None and dCP!=None:
            ddCP_des = Kh*(CP_ref - CP) - Dh*(dCP)
            CP_des = CP + dCP*(1/timeStep) + .5*ddCP_des*((1/timeStep)**2)
            dH_des = np.cross((CP_des - CM), (dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))            
            #dH_des = np.cross((CP_des - CM_plane), (dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            #dH_des = [0, 0, 0]
            dH_des = None
        CMP = yrp.getCMP(contactForces, CM)
        r = [0,0,0]
        if CP!= None and np.any(np.isnan(CMP))!=True :
            r = CP - CMP
        #print("r.l", mm.length(r))
        #Bba = Bh*(mm.length(r))
        Bba = Bh

        # momentum matrix
        RS =, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)
        rs =, Jsys) +, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # soft point constraint

        cmDiff = footCenter - CM_plane
        print("cmDiff", cmDiff)
        if stage == 3:
            softConstPoint +=
        P_des = softConstPoint
        P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(constBody)
        ddP_des1 = Ksc*(P_des - P_cur) - Dsc*(dP_cur - dP_des)

        r = P_des - P_cur
        I = np.vstack(([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]))
        Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))
        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)
        JL, JA = np.vsplit(Jconst, 2)
        Q1 =, Jconst)
        q1 =, dth_flat)
        q2 =,, r))
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks, False)
        q_bias1 =, dJconst), dth_flat) + q2
        P_des = preFootCenterR
        P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        P_cur[1] = 0
        dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        ddP_des2 = Kp*(P_des - P_cur) - Dp*(dP_cur - dP_des)
        r = P_des - P_cur
        #print("r2", r)
        I = np.vstack(([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]))
        Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))
        JL, JA = np.vsplit(JsupR, 2)
        Q2 =, JsupR)
        q1 =, dth_flat)
        q2 =,, r))
        q_bias2 =, dJsupR), dth_flat) + q2
        #print("Q1", Q1)
        print("ddP_des1", ddP_des1)
        q_ddth1 =, ddth_c_flat)
        print("q_ddth1", q_ddth1)
        print("q_bias1", q_bias1)
        ddp1 = q_ddth1+q_bias1
        print("ddp1", ddp1)
        print("diff1", ddP_des1-ddp1)

        print("ddP_des2", ddP_des2)
        q_ddth2 =, ddth_c_flat)
        print("q_ddth2", q_ddth2)
        print("q_bias2", q_bias2)
        ddp2 = q_ddth2+q_bias2
        print("ddp2", ddp2)
        print("diff2", ddP_des2-ddp2)

        # IK
        P_des = preFootCenterL
        P_cur = controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal(supL)
        r = P_des - P_cur
        Q_des = preFootOrientationL 
        Q_cur = controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supL)
        rv = mm.logSO3(, Q_des))
        #print("rv", rv)

        des_v_sup = (r[0],r[1],r[2], rv[0], rv[1], rv[2])
        A_large =, JsupL)
        b_large =, des_v_sup)

        des_d_th = npl.lstsq(A_large, b_large)

        ype.nested(des_d_th[0], d_th_IK_L)
        P_des2 = preFootCenterR
        P_cur2 = controlModel.getJointPositionGlobal(supR)
        r2 = P_des2 - P_cur2
        Q_des2 = preFootOrientationR
        Q_cur2 = controlModel.getJointOrientationGlobal(supR)
        rv2 = mm.logSO3(, Q_des2))
        #print("Q_des2", Q_des2)
        #print("Q_cur2", Q_cur2)
        #print("rv2", rv2)

        des_v_sup2 = (r2[0],r2[1],r2[2], rv2[0], rv2[1], rv[2])
        A_large =, JsupR)
        b_large =, des_v_sup2)

        des_d_th = npl.lstsq(A_large, b_large)

        ype.nested(des_d_th[0], d_th_IK_R)
        for i in range(len(d_th_IK_L)):
            for j in range(len(d_th_IK_L[i])):
                d_th_IK[i][j] = d_th_IK_L[i][j] + d_th_IK_R[i][j]
        th_IK = yct.getIntegralDOF(th, d_th_IK, 1/timeStep)
        dd_th_IK = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_IK, th, d_th_IK, dth, ddth_r, Kk, Dk)
        ype.flatten(d_th_IK, d_th_IK_flat)
        ype.flatten(dd_th_IK, dd_th_IK_flat)
        flagContact = True
        if dH_des==None or np.any(np.isnan(dH_des)) == True:
            flagContact = False 
        0 : initial
        1 : contact
        2 : fly
        3 : landing
        if flagContact == False :
            if stage == 1:
                stage = 2
            if stage == 0:
                stage = 1
            elif stage == 2:
                stage = 3 

        if stage == 3:
            Bt = Bt*0.8
            Bl = Bl*1

        # optimization
        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, w, ddth_des_flat)
        #mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bk, w_IK, dd_th_IK_flat)       
        mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1, q_bias1)

        #mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bp, ddP_des2, Q2, q_bias2)

        #mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupL, dJsupL, dth_flat, a_sup)
        #mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupR, dJsupR, dth_flat, a_sup2)

        desLinearAccL = [0,0,0]
        desAngularAccL = [0,0,0]
        desLinearAccR = [0,0,0]
        desAngularAccR = [0,0,0]

        refPos = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        refPos[0] += ModelOffset[0]
        refPos[1] = 0
        refVel = motionModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)        
        curPos = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)
        #curPos[1] = 0
        curVel = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supL)
        refAcc = (0,0,0)
        if stage == 3:
            refPos = curPos
            refPos[1] = 0
            if curPos[1] < 0.0:
                curPos[1] = 0
        else :
            curPos[1] = 0
        rd_DesPosL[0] = refPos

        #(p_r, p, v_r, v, a_r, Kt, Dt)
        desLinearAccL = yct.getDesiredAcceleration(refPos, curPos, refVel, curVel, refAcc, Kk, Dk)
        #desLinearAccL[1] = 0
        refPos = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        refPos[0] += ModelOffset[0]
        refPos[1] = 0    

        refVel = motionModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)        
        curPos = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        #curPos[1] = 0
        curVel = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(supR)
        if stage == 3:
            refPos = curPos
            refPos[1] = 0
            if curPos[1] < 0.0:
                curPos[1] = 0
        else :
            curPos[1] = 0
        rd_DesPosR[0] = refPos

        desLinearAccR = yct.getDesiredAcceleration(refPos, curPos, refVel, curVel, refAcc, Kk, Dk)
        #desLinearAccR[1] = 0
        #(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r, Kt, Dt)
        refAng = [preFootOrientationL]
        curAng = [controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supL)]
        refAngVel = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        curAngVel = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supL)
        refAngAcc = (0,0,0)
        #desAngularAccL = yct.getDesiredAngAccelerations(refAng, curAng, refAngVel, curAngVel, refAngAcc, Kk, Dk)
        curAngY =, np.array([0,1,0]))
        aL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(curAngY[0], np.array([0,1,0])))
        print("curAngYL=",curAngY, "aL=", aL)
        desAngularAccL = [Kk*aL + Dk*(refAngVel-curAngVel)]

        refAng = [preFootOrientationR]
        curAng = [controlModel.getBodyOrientationGlobal(supR)]
        refAngVel = motionModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)
        curAngVel = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocityGlobal(supR)
        refAngAcc = (0,0,0)
        #desAngularAccR = yct.getDesiredAngAccelerations(refAng, curAng, refAngVel, curAngVel, refAngAcc, Kk, Dk)   
        curAngY =, np.array([0,1,0]))
        aL = mm.logSO3(mm.getSO3FromVectors(curAngY[0], np.array([0,1,0])))
        desAngularAccR = [Kk*aL + Dk*(refAngVel-curAngVel)]
        print("curAngYR=",curAngY, "aL=", aL)

        a_sup_2 = [desLinearAccL[0], desLinearAccL[1], desLinearAccL[2], desAngularAccL[0][0], desAngularAccL[0][1], desAngularAccL[0][2], 
                   desLinearAccR[0], desLinearAccR[1], desLinearAccR[2], desAngularAccR[0][0], desAngularAccR[0][1], desAngularAccR[0][2]]

        if stage == 2 :#or stage == 3:
            refAccL = motionModel.getBodyAccelerationGlobal(supL)
            refAndAccL = motionModel.getBodyAngAccelerationGlobal(supL)
            refAccR = motionModel.getBodyAccelerationGlobal(supR)
            refAndAccR = motionModel.getBodyAngAccelerationGlobal(supR)
            a_sup_2 = [refAccL[0], refAccL[1], refAccL[2], refAndAccL[0], refAndAccL[1], refAndAccL[2],
                       refAccR[0], refAccR[1], refAccR[2], refAndAccR[0], refAndAccR[1], refAndAccR[2]]
            a_sup_2 = [0,0,0, desAngularAccL[0][0], desAngularAccL[0][1], desAngularAccL[0][2], 
                       0,0,0, desAngularAccR[0][0], desAngularAccR[0][1], desAngularAccR[0][2]]
        Jsup_2 = np.vstack((JsupL, JsupR))
        dJsup_2 = np.vstack((dJsupL, dJsupR))
        if flagContact == True:
            mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias) 
            mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)
        mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup_2, dJsup_2, dth_flat, a_sup_2)
        #mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, JsupR, dJsupR, dth_flat, a_sup2)
        #mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup_2, dJsup_2, dth_flat, a_sup_2)
        #mot.addConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup_2, dJsup_2, d_th_IK_flat, a_sup_2)

        jZ =, dJsup_2)

        lamda = 0.001

        for i in range(len(jZ)):
            for j in range(len(jZ[0])):
                if i == j :
                    jZ[i][j] += lamda

        jZInv = npl.pinv(jZ)
        jA =,,, -Jsup_2)))
        mot.addConstraint2(problem, totalDOF, jA, a_sup_2)
        r = problem.solve()
        ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)
        rootPos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]   
        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
            vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals, contactForces)
            extraForce[0] = viewer.GetForce()
            if (extraForce[0][0] != 0 or extraForce[0][1] != 0 or extraForce[0][2] != 0) :
                forceApplyFrame += 1
                vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)
                applyedExtraForce[0] = extraForce[0]
            if forceApplyFrame*wcfg.timeStep > 0.1:
                forceApplyFrame = 0
        # rendering
        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_footCenterL[0] = preFootCenterL
        rd_footCenterR[0] = preFootCenterR
        rd_CM[0] = CM
        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM_plane.copy()
        rd_footCenter_ref[0] = footCenter_ref
        rd_CM_plane_ref[0] = CM_plane_ref.copy()

        #rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.
        if CP!=None and dCP!=None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des
        rd_dL_des_plane[0] = dL_des_plane
        rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des
        rd_grf_des[0] = dL_des_plane - totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)
        rd_exf_des[0] = applyedExtraForce[0]
        #print("rd_exf_des", rd_exf_des[0])
        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        rd_CMP[0] = softConstPoint

        rd_soft_const_vec[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)-softConstPoint
        #if (applyedExtraForce[0][0] != 0 or applyedExtraForce[0][1] != 0 or applyedExtraForce[0][2] != 0) :
        if (forceApplyFrame == 0) :
            applyedExtraForce[0] = [0, 0, 0]