def RunTestCaseType3_flag(self, appPath, testCase): ''' This method runs type3 tests with flag type actions. This kind of test takes as input a list of arguments (action) and waits for user interaction. User has to answer yes or no to an expected statement. If at least one action fails (a negative answer from the user), the test will fail. ''' testFailed = False testActions = {} sortedCases = [(k, testCase.actions[k]) for k in sorted(testCase.actions, key=asint)] for actionId, action in sortedCases: if testFailed == True: break testActions[actionId] = None appArgs = appPath+' '+action.action args = shlex.split(appArgs) try: app = Process(args) except OSError: sys.exit("Error, please specify a valid path for the tested application.") while testActions[actionId] == None: for responseId, response in sorted(testCase.responses.iteritems()): if responseId == actionId: print "\n", response.response print "YES/NO" #YES, test passato. No, test Fallito user_answer = lower(raw_input()) if user_answer.find('y') != -1: print "TestCase %s Action %s Passed\n" % (, actionId) self.TakeScreenshot(, actionId) if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) testActions[actionId] = True if user_answer.find('n') != -1: if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) testActions[actionId] = False testFailed = True if user_answer.find('n') == -1 and user_answer.find('y') == -1: pass for id, t in testActions.iteritems(): if t == False: testFailed = True print "TEST %s FAILED, (action %s)" % (, id) self.TakeScreenshot(, id) testCase.status = 'FAILED (%s)' % id if testFailed == False: print "TEST %s PASSED" % self.TakeScreenshot( testCase.status = 'PASSED' result = (,testCase.status) return result
def RunTestCaseType2_command(self, appPath, testCase): ''' This method runs type2 tests with command type actions. This kind of test takes as input a list of arguments (action) and search for a log in the standard output of the application to be tested. User can skip any test actions using a Keyboard interrupt (CTRL+C) If at least one action fails to retrieve its log, the test will fail. A timeout has to be setted before (default value is 900sec) ''' testFailed = False testActions = {} print "Launching main application." appArgs = appPath args = shlex.split(appArgs) ready = False try: app = Process(args) except OSError, e: print str(e) sys.exit("Error, please specify a valid path for the tested application.")
def RunTestCaseType3_command(self, appPath, testCase): ''' This method runs type3 tests with c type actions. This kind of test takes as input a list of arguments (action) and waits for user interaction. User has to answer yes or no to an expected statement. If at least one action fails (a negative answer from the user), the test will fail. ''' testFailed = False testActions = {} print "Launching main application." appArgs = appPath args = shlex.split(appArgs) ready = False try: app = Process(args) except OSError: sys.exit("Error, please specify a valid path for the tested application.") while ready == False: outAndErr = app.readboth() for out in outAndErr: if out.find(self.readyLog) != -1: print "Main application is ready, starting test actions" ready = True sortedCases = [(k, testCase.actions[k]) for k in sorted(testCase.actions, key=asint)] for actionId, action in sortedCases: if testFailed == True: break actionArgs = shlex.split(action.action) try: actionRunning = Popen(actionArgs) except OSError: if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) errorAction = "Error, please specify a valid command for action %s." % actionId sys.exit(errorAction) testActions[actionId] = None print "Running Action %s, Press CTRL-C to skip test" % actionId while testActions[actionId] == None: for responseId, response in sorted(testCase.responses.iteritems()): if responseId == actionId: print "\n", response.response print "YES/NO" #YES, test passed. No, test failed user_answer = lower(raw_input()) if user_answer.find('y') != -1: print "TestCase %s Action %s Passed\n" % (, actionId) self.TakeScreenshot(, actionId) sleep(self.sleepingTime) actionRunning.kill() testActions[actionId] = True if user_answer.find('n') != -1: sleep(self.sleepingTime) actionRunning.kill() if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) testActions[actionId] = False testFailed = True if user_answer.find('n') == -1 and user_answer.find('y') == -1: pass for id, t in testActions.iteritems(): if t == False: testFailed = True print "TEST %s FAILED, (action %s)" % (, id) self.TakeScreenshot(, id) testCase.status = 'FAILED (%s)' % id if testFailed == False: print "TEST %s PASSED" % self.TakeScreenshot( testCase.status = 'PASSED' if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) result = (,testCase.status) return result
def RunTestCaseType2_flag(self, appPath, testCase): ''' This method runs type2 tests with flag type actions. This kind of test takes as input a list of arguments (action) and search for a log in the standard output of the application to be tested. User can skip any test actions using a Keyboard interrupt (CTRL+C) If at least one action fails to retrieve its log, the test will fail. A timeout has to be setted before (default value is 900sec) ''' testFailed = False testActions = {} try: sortedCases = [(k, testCase.actions[k]) for k in sorted(testCase.actions, key=asint)] for actionId, action in sortedCases: if testFailed == True: break print "Running Action %s, Press CTRL-C to skip test" % actionId testActions[actionId] = None appArgs = appPath+' '+action.action args = shlex.split(appArgs) try: app = Process(args) except OSError: sys.exit("Error, please specify a valid path for the tested application.") startTime = time() while testActions[actionId] == None: outAndErr = app.readboth() for out in outAndErr: sleep(0.1) for responseId, response in sorted(testCase.responses.iteritems()): if responseId == actionId: log = response.response if out.find(log) != -1: print "TestCase %s Action %s Passed" % (, actionId) testActions[actionId] = True if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) if out.find(log) == -1 and time()-startTime>self.timeOut: print "\nTestCase %s Action %s Failed" % (, actionId) if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) testActions[actionId] = False testFailed = True except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nTestCase %s Action %s Failed" % (, actionId) if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) testActions[actionId] = False testFailed = True for id, t in testActions.iteritems(): if t == False: testFailed = True print "TEST %s FAILED, (action %s)" % (, id) testCase.status = 'FAILED (%s)' % id if testFailed == False: print "TEST %s PASSED" % testCase.status = 'PASSED' result = (,testCase.status) return result
def RunTestCaseType2_flag(self, appPath, testCase): ''' This method runs type2 tests with flag type actions. This kind of test takes as input a list of arguments (action) and search for a log in the standard output of the application to be tested. User can skip any test actions using a Keyboard interrupt (CTRL+C) If at least one action fails to retrieve its log, the test will fail. A timeout has to be setted before (default value is 900sec) ''' testFailed = False testActions = {} try: sortedCases = [(k, testCase.actions[k]) for k in sorted(testCase.actions, key=asint)] for actionId, action in sortedCases: if testFailed == True: break print "Running Action %s, Press CTRL-C to skip test" % actionId testActions[actionId] = None appArgs = appPath+' '+action.action args = shlex.split(appArgs) try: app = Process(args) except OSError: sys.exit("Error, please specify a valid path for the tested application.") startTime = time() while testActions[actionId] == None: outAndErr = app.readboth() for out in outAndErr: sleep(0.5) for responseId, response in sorted(testCase.responses.iteritems()): if responseId == actionId: log = response.response if out.find(log) != -1: print "TestCase %s Action %s Passed" % (, actionId) testActions[actionId] = True if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) if out.find(log) == -1 and time()-startTime>self.timeOut: print "\nTestCase %s Action %s Failed" % (, actionId) if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) testActions[actionId] = False testFailed = True except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nTestCase %s Action %s Failed" % (, actionId) if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) testActions[actionId] = False testFailed = True for id, t in testActions.iteritems(): if t == False: testFailed = True print "TEST %s FAILED, (action %s)" % (, id) testCase.status = 'FAILED (%s)' % id if testFailed == False: print "TEST %s PASSED" % testCase.status = 'PASSED' result = (,testCase.status) return result
def RunTestCaseType1(self, appPath, testCase): """ This method runs type1 tests. This kind of test takes asks user to do an action and search for a log in the standard output of the application to be tested. User can skip any test action using a Keyboard interrupt (CTRL+C) If at least one action fails to retrieve its log, the test will fail. A timeout has to be set before (default value is 15min). """ testFailed = False testActions = {} appArgs = appPath args = shlex.split(appArgs) try: app = Process(args) except OSError: sys.exit("Error, please specify a valid path for the tested application.") try: sortedCases = [(k, testCase.actions[k]) for k in sorted(testCase.actions, key=asint)] for actionId, action in sortedCases: if testFailed == True: break startTime = time() testActions[actionId] = None print "\n", actionId, action.action print "Press CTRL-C to skip test" while testActions[actionId] == None: outAndErr = app.readboth() for out in outAndErr: sleep(0.1) for responseId, response in sorted(testCase.responses.iteritems()): if responseId == actionId: log = response.response if out.find(log) != -1: print "TestCase %s Action %s Passed" % (, actionId) testActions[actionId] = True if out.find(log) == -1 and time() - startTime > self.timeOut: print "TestCase %s Action %s Failed" % (, actionId) print "Press q to terminate this test or r to retry it" userInput = raw_input() if userInput == "q": if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) testActions[actionId] = False testFailed = True if userInput == "r": startTime = time() print actionId, action.action if userInput != "q" and userInput != "r": print "Press q to terminate this test or to retry it" userInput = raw_input() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nTestCase %s Action %s Failed" % (, actionId) if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) testActions[actionId] = False testFailed = True for id, t in testActions.iteritems(): if t == False: testFailed = True print "TEST %s FAILED, (action %s)" % (, id) testCase.status = "FAILED (%s)" % id if testFailed == False: print "TEST %s PASSED" % testCase.status = "PASSED" if self.userDefinedKill is None: app.terminate() else: Popen(self.userDefinedKill) result = (, testCase.status) return result