Esempio n. 1
 def setAtomTypeForSulfurs(self, mol):
     num_atoms = len(mol.atoms)
     atom = Atom()
     atom_linked = Atom()
     index = -1
     i = 0
     while i < num_atoms:
         atom = mol.atoms[i]
         if atom.element.lower() == "S".lower():
             atom_linked = mol.atoms[atom.linkage[0]]
             if atom.num_linkages == 2:
                 #  SG311: sulphur, SH, -S-
                 atom.atomType = "SG311"
             if not atom.isRingAtom:
                 if atom.isThiocarbonylS:
                     #  SG2D1: thiocarbonyl S
                     atom.atomType = "SG2D1"
                 elif atom.num_linkages == 2 and atom.numSulfurAtoms == 1 and atom.numCarbonAtoms == 1:
                     #  SG301: sulfur C-S-S-C type
                     atom.atomType = "SG301"
                 elif atom.isDeprotonatedSulfur:
                     #  SG302: thiolate sulfur (-1)
                     atom.atomType = "SG302"
                 elif atom.num_linkages == 3 and atom.numCarbonAtoms == 2 and atom.numOxygenAtoms == 1:
                     #  SG3O3: neutral sulfoxide sulfur
                     atom.atomType = "SG3O3"
                 if atom.numOxygenAtoms >= 2:
                     charge = self.getCharge(mol, i)
                     if charge == -1:
                         #  SG3O1: sulfate -1 sulfur
                         atom.atomType = "SG3O1"
                     elif charge == 0:
                         #  SG3O2: neutral sulfone/sulfonamide sulfur
                         atom.atomType = "SG3O2"
                 if atom.numOxygenAtoms >= 2 and self.getCharge(mol,
                                                                i) == 0:
                     #  SG3O2: neutral sulfone/sulfonamide sulfur
                     atom.atomType = "SG3O2"
                 elif atom.numRingAtoms[0] == 5:
                     #  SG2R50: THIP, thiophene
                     atom.atomType = "SG2R50"
         i += 1
Esempio n. 2
 def setAtomTypeForMiscellaneousAtoms(self, mol):
     num_atoms = len(mol.atoms)
     atom = Atom()
     atom_linked = Atom()
     index = -1
     i = 0
     while i < num_atoms:
         atom = mol.atoms[i]
         if atom.element.lower() == "P".lower():
             if atom.numSulfurAtoms == 0:
                 charge = self.getCharge(mol, i)
                 if charge == 0:
                     #  PG0: neutral phosphate
                     atom.atomType = "PG0"
                 elif charge == -1:
                     #  PG1: phosphate -1
                     atom.atomType = "PG1"
                 elif charge == -2:
                     #  PG2: phosphate -2
                     atom.atomType = "PG2"
                 j = 0
                 while j < atom.num_linkages:
                     atom_linked = mol.atoms[atom.linkage[j]]
                     if atom_linked.element.lower() == "O".lower(
                     ) and atom_linked.num_linkages == 1:
                         #  OG2S1: mono-thio S-P bond modulated oxygen; lsk
                         atom_linked.atomType = "OG2S1"
                     j += 1
         elif atom.element.lower() == "LP".lower():
             #  LPH: Lone pair for halogens
             atom.atomType = "LPH"
         elif atom.element.lower() == "AL".lower():
             if self.countSpecificElement(mol, i, "F") == 4:
                 #  ALG1: Aluminum, for ALF4, AlF4-
                 atom.atomType = "ALG1"
         elif atom.element.lower() == "S".lower():
             if atom.num_linkages == 1:
                 atom_linked = mol.atoms[atom.linkage[0]]
                 if atom_linked.element.lower() == "P".lower():
                     if num_S == 1:
                         #  SG2P1: mono-thio S-P bond; lsk
                         atom.atomType = "SG2P1"
                     elif num_S == 2:
                         #  SG2P2: di-thio S-P bond; lsk
                         atom.atomType = "SG2P2"
         i += 1
Esempio n. 3
    def setAtomTypeForHydrogens(self, mol):
        num_atoms = len(mol.atoms)
        atom = Atom()
        atom_linked = Atom()
        i = 0
        while i < num_atoms:
            atom = mol.atoms[i]
            if atom.element.lower() == "H".lower():
                atom_linked = mol.atoms[atom.linkage[0]]
                element = atom_linked.element
                atomType = atom_linked.atomType

                if atom_linked.isAromatic:
                    #  HGR61: aromatic H
                    atom.atomType = "HGR61"
                if element.lower() == "C".lower():
                    if not atom_linked.isAromatic:
                        if atom_linked.numHydrogenAtoms == 1:
                            #  HGA1: alphatic proton, CH
                            atom.atomType = "HGA1"
                        elif atom_linked.numHydrogenAtoms == 2:
                            #  HGA2: alphatic proton, CH2
                            atom.atomType = "HGA2"
                        elif atom_linked.numHydrogenAtoms == 3:
                            #  HGA3: alphatic proton, CH3
                            atom.atomType = "HGA3"
                        if self.hasCarbonDoubleBond(mol, atom_linked):
                            if atom_linked.numHydrogenAtoms == 1:
                                #  HGA4: alkene proton; RHC=
                                atom.atomType = "HGA4"
                            elif atom_linked.numHydrogenAtoms == 2:
                                #  HGA5: alkene proton; H2C=CR
                                atom.atomType = "HGA5"

                        num_fluorides = self.countSpecificElement(
                            mol, atom_linked, "F")

                        if num_fluorides > 0:
                            if num_fluorides == 1:
                                #  HGA6: aliphatic H on fluorinated C, monofluoro
                                atom.atomType = "HGA6"
                            elif num_fluorides == 2:
                                #  HGA7: aliphatic H on fluorinated C, difluoro
                                atom.atomType = "HGA7"
                        if atom_linked.numNitrogenAtoms > 0:
                            index = self.getIndex(mol, atom_linked, "N")

                            if not mol.atoms[index].isProtonatedNitrogen:
                                num_methyl = self.countMethyl(
                                    mol, mol.atoms[index])

                                if num_methyl == 3 and mol.atoms[
                                        index].numHydrogenAtoms == 0:
                                    #  HGAAM0: aliphatic H, NEUTRAL trimethylamine (#)
                                    atom.atomType = "HGAAM0"
                                elif num_methyl == 2 and mol.atoms[
                                        index].numHydrogenAtoms == 1:
                                    #  HGAAM1: aliphatic H, NEUTRAL dimethylamine (#)
                                    atom.atomType = "HGAAM1"
                                elif num_methyl == 1 and mol.atoms[
                                        index].numHydrogenAtoms == 2:
                                    #  HGAAM2: aliphatic H, NEUTRAL methylamine (#)
                                    atom.atomType = "HGAAM2"
                        if atom_linked.numHydrogenAtoms == 3 and atom_linked.numNitrogenAtoms == 1:
                            if mol.atoms[index].atomType.lower(
                            ) == "NG3P0".lower():
                                #  HGP5: polar H on quarternary ammonium salt (choline)
                                atom.atomType = "HGP5"
                    if atom_linked.num_linkages == 2 and self.hasTripleBond(
                        #  HGPAM1: polar H, NEUTRAL dimethylamine (#), terminal alkyne H
                        atom.atomType = "HGPAM1"
                    #  HGR52: Aldehyde H, formamide H (RCOH); nonpolar H, neutral 5-mem planar ring C adjacent to heteroatom or + charge
                    #  CG201, CG202, CG203, CG204
                    #  CG2R51, CG2R52, CG2R53 linked to heteroatom
                    #  CG2D1, CG2DC1 linked to protonated N
                    if atomType != None and (
                            atomType.lower() == "CG2O1".lower()
                            or atomType.lower() == "CG2O2".lower()
                            or atomType.lower() == "CG2O3".lower()
                            or atomType.lower() == "CG2O4".lower()):
                        atom.atomType = "HGR52"
                    elif atomType != None and (
                            atomType.lower() == "CG2R51".lower()
                            or atomType.lower() == "CG2R52".lower()
                            or atomType.lower()
                            == "CG2R53".lower()) and self.hasHeteroAtom(
                                mol, atom_linked):
                        atom.atomType = "HGR52"
                    elif atomType != None and (
                            atomType.lower() == "CG2D1".lower()
                            or atomType.lower() == "CG2DC1".lower()
                    ) and self.hasProtonatedNitrogen(mol, atom_linked):
                        atom.atomType = "HGR52"
                    if atomType != None and atomType.lower() == "CG2R53".lower(
                    ) and self.hasProtonatedNitrogen(mol, atom_linked):
                        #  HGR53: nonpolar H, +ve charge HIS he1(+1)
                        atom.atomType = "HGR53"
                    if atom_linked.isAromatic and atom_linked.numRingAtoms[
                            0] == 5 and atomType.lower() == "CG2R51".lower(
                            ) and not self.hasHeteroAtom(mol, atom_linked):
                        #  HGR51: nonpolar H, neutral 5-mem planar ring C, LJ based on benzene
                        atom.atomType = "HGR51"
                    if atom_linked.isRingAtom:
                        if atom_linked.isAromatic:
                            if atom_linked.numRingAtoms[0] == 6:
                                if self.isTypeHGR62(mol, atom_linked):
                                    #  HGR62: nonpolar H, neutral 6-mem planar ring C adjacent to heteroatom
                                    atom.atomType = "HGR62"
                                if atom_linked.isProtonatedPyridine or atom_linked.isProtonatedPyrimidine:
                                    #  HGR63: nonpolar H, NAD+ nicotineamide all ring CH hydrogens
                                    atom.atomType = "HGR63"
                            elif atom_linked.numRingAtoms[0] == 7:
                                #  HGR71: nonpolar H, neutral 7-mem arom ring, AZUL, azulene, kevo
                                atom.atomType = "HGR71"
                elif element.lower() == "N".lower():
                    if not atom_linked.isAromatic:
                        if not atom_linked.isProtonatedNitrogen:
                            num_methyl = self.countMethyl(mol, atom_linked)
                            if num_methyl == 2:
                                #  HGAAM1: aliphatic H, NEUTRAL dimethylamine (#)
                                atom.atomType = "HGAAM1"
                            elif num_methyl == 1:
                                #  HGAAM2: aliphatic H, NEUTRAL methylamine (#)
                                atom.atomType = "HGAAM2"
                    if atomType != None and atomType.lower() == "NG311".lower(
                        if atom_linked.numCarbonAtoms == 2:
                            #  HGPAM1: polar H, NEUTRAL dimethylamine (#), terminal alkyne H
                            atom.atomType = "HGPAM1"
                        elif atom_linked.numCarbonAtoms == 1 and (
                                atom_linked.numSulfurAtoms == 1
                                or atom_linked.numOxygenAtoms == 1):
                            #  HGP1: polar H
                            atom.atomType = "HGP1"
                    elif atomType != None and atomType.lower(
                    ) == "NG321".lower():
                        if atom_linked.numCarbonAtoms == 1:
                            #  HGPAM2: polar H, NEUTRAL methylamine (#)
                            atom.atomType = "HGPAM2"
                        elif atom_linked.numSulfurAtoms == 1:
                            #  HGP1: polar H
                            atom.atomType = "HGP1"
                    elif atom_linked.num_linkages == 3 and not atom_linked.isProtonatedNitrogen and atom_linked.numHydrogenAtoms == 3:
                        #  HGPAM3: polar H, NEUTRAL ammonia (#)
                        atom.atomType = "HGPAM3"
                    if atomType != None and (
                            atomType.lower() == "NG2P1".lower()
                            or atomType.lower() == "NG3P3".lower()
                            or atomType.lower() == "NG2R52".lower()
                            or atomType.lower() == "NG3P2".lower()
                            or atomType.lower() == "NG3P1".lower()):
                        #  HGP2: polar H, +ve charge
                        #  NG2P1, NG3P3, NG2R52, NG3P2, NG3P1
                        atom.atomType = "HGP2"
                    elif atomType != None and atomType.lower(
                    ) == "NG2P1".lower():
                        #  HGP3: polar H, thiol
                        atom.atomType = "HGP3"
                elif element.lower() == "S".lower():
                    if atomType != None and atomType.lower() == "SG311".lower(
                        #  HGP3: polar H, thiol
                        atom.atomType = "HGP3"
                if atomType != None and (
                        atomType.lower() == "OG311".lower()
                        or atomType.lower() == "NG2S2".lower()
                        or atomType.lower() == "NG2S1".lower()
                        or atomType.lower() == "NG2R51".lower()
                        or atomType.lower() == "NG2S3".lower()
                        or atomType.lower() == "NG2R61".lower()
                        or atomType.lower() == "NG2D1".lower()
                        or atomType.lower() == "NG3C51".lower()
                        or atomType.lower() == "NG2R53".lower()
                        or atomType.lower() == "NG3N1".lower()
                        or atomType.lower() == "NG2R43".lower()):
                    #  HGP1: polar H
                    #  OG311, NG2S2, NG2S1, NG2R51, NG2S3,
                    #  NG2R61, NG2D1, NG3C51, NG2R53, NG3N1,
                    #  NG2R43
                    atom.atomType = "HGP1"
                    if atomType.lower() == "NG321".lower(
                    ) and atom_linked.numSulfurAtoms == 1:
                        atom.atomType = "HGP1"
                    if atom_linked.isProtonatedNitrogen and atomType.lower(
                    ) == "NG2R61".lower():
                        #  HGP2: polar H, +ve charge
                        atom.atomType = "HGP2"
                if atom_linked.element.lower() == "N".lower(
                ) and not atom_linked.isProtonatedNitrogen and atom_linked.numHydrogenAtoms == 2 and self.hasAromaticBond(
                        mol, atom_linked):
                    #  HGP4: polar H, neutral conjugated -NH2 group (NA bases)
                    atom.atomType = "HGP4"
            i += 1
Esempio n. 4
 def setAtomTypeForOxygens(self, mol):
     num_atoms = len(mol.atoms)
     atom = Atom()
     atom_linked = Atom()
     index = -1
     i = 0
     while i < num_atoms:
         atom = mol.atoms[i]
         if atom.element.lower() == "O".lower():
             atom_linked = mol.atoms[atom.linkage[0]]
             if not atom.isRingAtom:
                 if atom_linked.isCarbonyl:
                     if atom_linked.numRingAtoms[
                             0] == 6 and atom_linked.isAromatic:
                         #  OG2D4: 6-mem aromatic carbonyl oxygen (nucleic bases)
                         atom.atomType = "OG2D4"
                     elif atom_linked.numRingAtoms[0] == 5:
                         if not atom_linked.isKetone and (
                                 or atom_linked.isEster):
                             if not atom.isDeprotonatedOxygen:
                                 #  OG2D1: carbonyl O: amides, esters, [neutral] carboxylic acids, aldehydes, uera
                                 atom.atomType = "OG2D1"
                     elif atom.num_linkages == 2 and atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 1:
                         #  OG311: hydroxyl oxygen
                         atom.atomType = "OG311"
                         if not atom_linked.isKetone and (
                                 or atom_linked.isEster):
                             if not atom.isDeprotonatedOxygen:
                                 #  OG2D1: carbonyl O: amides, esters, [neutral] carboxylic acids, aldehydes, uera
                                 atom.atomType = "OG2D1"
                                 #  OG2D2: carbonyl O: negative groups: carboxylates, carbonate
                                 atom.atomType = "OG2D2"
                             #  OG2D3: carbonyl O: ketones
                             atom.atomType = "OG2D3"
                 elif self.isTypeOG2D5(mol, i):
                     #  OG2D5: CO2 oxygen
                     atom.atomType = "OG2D5"
                 elif atom_linked.atomType != None and atom_linked.atomType.lower(
                 ) == "NG2O1".lower():
                     #  OG2N1: NITB, nitrobenzene
                     atom.atomType = "OG2N1"
                 elif atom.isPOxide or atom.isSOxide:
                     if atom.num_linkages == 1:
                         #  OG2P1: =O in phosphate or sulfate
                         atom.atomType = "OG2P1"
                     elif atom.num_linkages == 2 and atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 0:
                         #  OG303: phosphate/sulfate ester oxygen
                         atom.atomType = "OG303"
                     elif atom.num_linkages == 2 and atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 1:
                         #  OG311: hydroxyl oxygen
                         atom.atomType = "OG311"
                 elif atom.num_linkages == 2 and atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 1:
                     #  OG311: hydroxyl oxygen
                     atom.atomType = "OG311"
                 elif atom.num_linkages == 2 and atom.numCarbonAtoms == 2:
                     #  OG301: ether -O- !SHOULD WE HAVE A SEPARATE ENOL ETHER??? IF YES, SHOULD WE MERGE IT WITH OG3R60???
                     atom.atomType = "OG301"
                 if atom.isEster and atom.num_linkages == 2 and atom.numCarbonAtoms == 2:
                     #  OG302: ester -O-
                     atom.atomType = "OG302"
                 elif self.isTypeOG304(mol, i):
                     #  OG304: linkage oxygen in pyrophosphate/pyrosulphate
                     atom.atomType = "OG304"
                 elif not atom.isEster and atom.isDeprotonatedOxygen and (
                         atom.numCarbonAtoms == 1
                         or atom.numNitrogenAtoms == 1):
                     #  OG312: ionized alcohol oxygen
                     atom.atomType = "OG312"
                 if atom.isFuran:
                     #  OG2R50: FURA, furan
                     atom.atomType = "OG2R50"
                 elif atom.isFuranose:
                     #  OG3C51: 5-mem furanose ring oxygen (ether)
                     atom.atomType = "OG3C51"
                 elif atom.numRingAtoms[0] == 6:
                     #  OG3R60: O in 6-mem cyclic enol ether (PY01, PY02) or ester
                     atom.atomType = "OG3R60"
                     if not self.linkedCarbonHasDoundBond(mol, i):
                         #  OG3C61: DIOX, dioxane, ether in 6-membered ring !SHOULD WE MERGE THIS WITH OG3R60???
                         atom.atomType = "OG3C61"
                 elif atom.numRingAtoms[
                         0] == 3 and atom.num_linkages == 2 and atom.numCarbonAtoms == 2:
                     #  OG3C31: epoxide oxygen, 1EOX, 1BOX, sc
                     atom.atomType = "OG3C31"
         i += 1
Esempio n. 5
    def setAtomTypingNitrogen(self, mol):
        num_atoms = len(mol.atoms)
        atom = Atom()
        iminCarbonIndex = -1
        i = 0
        while i < num_atoms:
            atom = mol.atoms[i]
            if atom.element.lower() == "N".lower():
                #  NG1T1: N for cyano group
                if self.getIndexAtomType(mol, i, "CG1N1") != -1:
                    atom.atomType = "NG1T1"
                #  NG2D1: N for neutral imine/Schiff's base (C=N-R, acyclic amidine, gunaidine)
                #  NG2P1: N for protonated imine/Schiff's base (C=N(+)H-R, acyclic amidinium, guanidinium)
                iminCarbonIndex = self.getIndexOfImineCarbon(mol, i)

                if iminCarbonIndex != -1:
                    if not mol.atoms[iminCarbonIndex].isProtonatedImineGroup:
                        atom.atomType = "NG2D1"
                        atom.atomType = "NG2P1"
                if atom.isAmide:
                    if atom.num_linkages == 3:
                        if atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 0:
                            #  NG2S0: N,N-disubstituted amide, proline N (CO=NRR')
                            atom.atomType = "NG2S0"
                        elif atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 1:
                            #  NG2S1: peptide nitrogen (CO=NHR)
                            atom.atomType = "NG2S1"
                        elif atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 2:
                            #  NG2S2: terminal amide nitrogen (CO=NH2)
                            atom.atomType = "NG2S2"
                if atom.isRingAtom:
                    if not atom.isBridgingAtom:
                        if atom.isAmide and atom.numRingAtoms[0] == 4:
                            #  NG2R43: amide in 4-memebered ring (planar), AZDO, lsk
                            atom.atomType = "NG2R43"
                        elif atom.numRingAtoms[0] == 5:
                            if not atom.isProtonatedNitrogen and atom.num_linkages == 2 and atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 0:
                                #  NG2R50: double bound neutral 5-mem planar ring, purine N7
                                atom.atomType = "NG2R50"
                            elif not atom.isProtonatedNitrogen and atom.num_linkages == 3:
                                if atom.isAromatic:
                                    #  NG2R51: single bound neutral 5-mem planar (all atom types sp2) ring, his, trp pyrrole (fused)
                                    atom.atomType = "NG2R51"
                                if self.isTypeNG2R53(mol, i):
                                    #  NG2R53: amide in 5-memebered NON-SP2 ring (slightly pyramidized), 2PDO, kevo
                                    atom.atomType = "NG2R53"
                                if self.isBipyrroleNitrogen(mol, i):
                                    #  NG2R57: 5-mem ring, bipyrroles
                                    atom.atomType = "NG2R57"
                                if not atom.isAromatic and (
                                        atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 0
                                        or atom.numHydrogenAtoms
                                        == 1) and not atom.isAmide:
                                    #  NG3C51: secondary sp3 amine in 5-membered ring
                                    atom.atomType = "NG3C51"
                            elif iminCarbonIndex != -1 and mol.atoms[
                                #  NG2R52: protonated schiff base, amidinium, guanidinium in 5-membered ring, HIS, 2HPP, kevo
                                atom.atomType = "NG2R52"
                            elif atom.isAromatic and atom.num_linkages == 3 and not self.hasDoubleBond(
                                    mol, i):
                                #  NG2R51: single bound neutral 5-mem planar (all atom types sp2) ring, his, trp pyrrole (fused)
                                atom.atomType = "NG2R51"
                        elif atom.numRingAtoms[0] == 6:
                            if atom.isAromatic and atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 0:
                                #  NG2R60: double bound neutral 6-mem planar ring, pyr1, pyzn
                                atom.atomType = "NG2R60"
                            if atom.isAromatic and (self.hasCarbonyl(mol, i) or
                                #  NG2R61: single bound neutral 6-mem planar ring imino nitrogen; glycosyl linkage
                                atom.atomType = "NG2R61"
                            if self.isTypeNG2R62(mol, i):
                                #  NG2R62: double bound 6-mem planar ring with heteroatoms in o or m, pyrd, pyrm
                                atom.atomType = "NG2R62"
                            if self.isTypeNG2R67(mol, i):
                                #  NG2R67: 6-mem planar ring substituted with 6-mem planar ring (N-phenyl pyridinones etc.)
                                atom.atomType = "NG2R67"
                        if self.isTypeNG2RC0(mol, i):
                            #  NG2RC0: 6/5-mem ring bridging N, indolizine, INDZ, kevo
                            atom.atomType = "NG2RC0"
                if not atom.isAmide and not atom.isProtonatedNitrogen and iminCarbonIndex == -1:
                    if self.isTypeNG301(mol, i):
                        #  NG301: neutral trimethylamine nitrogen
                        atom.atomType = "NG301"
                    elif atom.numRingAtoms[0] != 5 and self.isTypeNG311(
                            mol, i):
                        #  NG311: neutral dimethylamine nitrogen
                        atom.atomType = "NG311"
                    elif self.isTypeNG321(mol, i):
                        #  NG321: neutral methylamine nitrogen
                        atom.atomType = "NG321"
                    elif atom.num_linkages == 3 and atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 3:
                        #  NG331: neutral ammonia nitrogen
                        atom.atomType = "NG331"
                    elif self.isTypeNG3N1(mol, i):
                        #  NG3N1: N in hydrazine, HDZN
                        atom.atomType = "NG3N1"
                #  NG2S3: external amine ring nitrogen (planar/aniline), phosphoramidate (PO3-NR2), sulfamate (SO3-NR2)
                if self.isTypeNG2S3(mol, i):
                    atom.atomType = "NG2S3"
                #  NG2O1: NITB, nitrobenzene
                if atom.num_linkages == 3 and atom.numOxygenAtoms == 2 and atom.numCarbonAtoms == 1:
                    atom.atomType = "NG2O1"
                if not atom.isRingAtom and atom.isProtonatedNitrogen and atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 0:
                    #  NG3P0: quarternary N+, choline
                    atom.atomType = "NG3P0"
                elif atom.isRingAtom and not atom.isAromatic and atom.isProtonatedNitrogen and atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 1:
                    #  NG3P1: tertiary NH+ (PIP)
                    atom.atomType = "NG3P1"
                elif atom.isRingAtom and not atom.isAromatic and atom.isProtonatedNitrogen and atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 2:
                    #  NG3P2: secondary NH2+ (proline)
                    atom.atomType = "NG3P2"
                elif not atom.isRingAtom and atom.isProtonatedNitrogen and atom.numHydrogenAtoms == 3:
                    #  NG3P3: primary NH3+, phosphatidylethanolamine
                    atom.atomType = "NG3P3"
            i += 1
Esempio n. 6
 def setAtomTypeForHalogens(self, mol):
     num_atoms = len(mol.atoms)
     atom = Atom()
     atom_linked = Atom()
     index = -1
     num_element = 0
     i = 0
     while i < num_atoms:
         atom = mol.atoms[i]
         if atom.element.lower() == "CL".lower():
             atom_linked = mol.atoms[atom.linkage[0]]
             if atom_linked.isAromatic and atom_linked.numRingAtoms[0] == 6:
                 #  CLGR1: CHLB, chlorobenzene
                 atom.atomType = "CLGR1"
                 num_element = self.countSpecificElement(
                     mol, atom.linkage[0], "CL")
                 if num_element == 1 or num_element == 2:
                     #  CLGA1: CLET, DCLE, chloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethane
                     atom.atomType = "CLGA1"
                 elif num_element == 3:
                     #  CLGA3: TCLE, 1,1,1-trichloroethane
                     atom.atomType = "CLGA3"
         elif atom.element.lower() == "BR".lower():
             atom_linked = mol.atoms[atom.linkage[0]]
             if atom_linked.isAromatic and atom_linked.numRingAtoms[0] == 6:
                 #  BRGR1: BROB, bromobenzene
                 atom.atomType = "BRGR1"
                 num_element = self.countSpecificElement(
                     mol, atom.linkage[0], "BR")
                 if num_element == 1:
                     #  BRGA1: BRET, bromoethane
                     atom.atomType = "BRGA1"
                 elif num_element == 2:
                     #  BRGA2: DBRE, 1,1-dibromoethane
                     atom.atomType = "BRGA2"
                 elif num_element == 3:
                     #  BRGA3: TBRE, 1,1,1-dibromoethane
                     atom.atomType = "BRGA3"
         elif atom.element.lower() == "I".lower():
             atom_linked = mol.atoms[atom.linkage[0]]
             if atom_linked.isAromatic and atom_linked.numRingAtoms[0] == 6:
                 #  IGR1: IODB, iodobenzene
                 atom.atomType = "IGR1"
         elif atom.element.lower() == "F".lower():
             atom_linked = mol.atoms[atom.linkage[0]]
             if atom_linked.isAromatic:
                 #  FGR1: aromatic flourine
                 atom.atomType = "FGR1"
                 num_element = self.countSpecificElement(
                     mol, atom.linkage[0], "F")
                 if num_element == 1:
                     #  FGA1: aliphatic fluorine, monofluoro
                     atom.atomType = "FGA1"
                 elif num_element == 2:
                     #  FGA2: aliphatic fluorine, difluoro
                     atom.atomType = "FGA2"
                 elif num_element == 3:
                     #  FGA3: aliphatic fluorine, trifluoro
                     atom.atomType = "FGA3"
                 elif num_element == 4:
                     #  FGP1: anionic F, for ALF4 AlF4-
                     atom.atomType = "FGP1"
         i += 1