def testGoodPassword(schema_id, password):
    enc = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password, schema_id)
    assert enc != password
    assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, password)
    assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(u(enc), password)
    assert AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(enc)
    assert not AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(password)
Esempio n. 2
def testGoodPassword(schema_id, password):
    enc = AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password, schema_id)
    assert enc != password
    assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(enc, password)
    assert AuthEncoding.pw_validate(u(enc), password)
    assert AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(enc)
    assert not AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(password)
Esempio n. 3
    def _pw_encrypt(self, password):
        """Returns the AuthEncoding encrypted password

        If 'password' is already encrypted, it is returned
        as is and not encrypted again.
        if AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(password):
            return password
        return AuthEncoding.pw_encrypt(password)
Esempio n. 4
    def authenticateCredentials(self, credentials):
        """ See IAuthenticationPlugin.

        o We expect the credentials to be those returned by
        login = credentials.get('login')
        password = credentials.get('password')

        if login is None or password is None:
            return None

        # Do we have a link between login and userid?  Do NOT fall
        # back to using the login as userid when there is no match, as
        # that gives a high chance of seeming to log in successfully,
        # but in reality failing.
        userid = self._login_to_userid.get(login)
        if userid is None:
            # Someone may be logging in with a userid instead of a
            # login name and the two are not the same.  We could try
            # turning those around, but really we should just fail.
            # userid = login
            # login = self._userid_to_login.get(userid)
            # if login is None:
            #     return None
            return None

        reference = self._user_passwords.get(userid)

        if reference is None:
            return None

        if AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(reference):
            if AuthEncoding.pw_validate(reference, password):
                return userid, login

        # Support previous naive behavior
        if isinstance(password, six.text_type):
            password = password.encode('utf8')
        digested = sha(password).hexdigest()

        if reference == digested:
            return userid, login

        return None
Esempio n. 5
def testIsEncryptedAcceptsTextAndBinary():
    assert AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(b'{SHA}')
    assert AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(u'{SHA}')
    assert not AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(b'foo')
    assert not AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(u'foo')
Esempio n. 6
 def _isPasswordEncrypted(self, pw):
     return AuthEncoding.is_encrypted(pw)