Esempio n. 1
def accbuilder(time, knots, coeffs):
    # build acceptance function
    from copy import deepcopy
    myknots = deepcopy(knots)
    mycoeffs = deepcopy(coeffs)
    from ROOT import (RooBinning, RooArgList, RooPolyVar,
    if (len(myknots) != len(mycoeffs) or 0 >= min(len(myknots), len(mycoeffs))):
        raise ValueError('ERROR: Spline knot position list and/or coefficient'
                'list mismatch')
    # create the knot binning
    knotbinning = WS(ws, RooBinning(time.getMin(), time.getMax(), 'knotbinning'))
    for v in myknots:
    oldbinning, lo, hi = time.getBinning(), time.getMin(), time.getMax()
    time.setBinning(knotbinning, 'knotbinning')
    time.setRange(lo, hi)
    del knotbinning
    del oldbinning
    del lo
    del hi
    # create the knot coefficients
    coefflist = RooArgList()
    i = 0
    for v in mycoeffs:
        coefflist.add(WS(ws, RooRealVar('SplineAccCoeff%u' % i,
            'SplineAccCoeff%u' % i, v)))
        i = i + 1
    del mycoeffs
    i = i + 1
    fudge = (myknots[0] - myknots[1]) / (myknots[2] - myknots[1])
    lastmycoeffs = RooArgList(
            WS(ws, RooConstVar('SplineAccCoeff%u_coeff0' % i,
                'SplineAccCoeff%u_coeff0' % i, 1. - fudge)),
            WS(ws, RooConstVar('SplineAccCoeff%u_coeff1' % i,
                'SplineAccCoeff%u_coeff1' % i, fudge)))
    del myknots
    coefflist.add(WS(ws, RooPolyVar(
        'SplineAccCoeff%u' % i, 'SplineAccCoeff%u' % i, - 2), lastmycoeffs)))
    del i
    # create the spline itself
    tacc = WS(ws, RooCubicSplineFun('SplineAcceptance', 'SplineAcceptance', time,
        'knotbinning', coefflist))
    del lastmycoeffs
    # make sure the acceptance is <= 1 for generation
    m = max([ for j in
        xrange(0, coefflist.getSize())])
    from ROOT import RooProduct
    c = WS(ws, RooConstVar('SplineAccNormCoeff', 'SplineAccNormCoeff', 0.99 / m))
    tacc_norm = WS(ws, RooProduct('SplineAcceptanceNormalised',
        'SplineAcceptanceNormalised', RooArgList(tacc, c)))
    del c
    del m
    del coefflist
    return tacc, tacc_norm
Esempio n. 2
def buildSplineAcceptance(
        ws,     # workspace into which to import
        time,   # time variable
        pfx,    # prefix to be used in names
        knots,  # knots
        coeffs, # acceptance coefficients
        floatParams = False, # float acceptance parameters
        debug = False # debug printout
    build a spline acceptance function

    ws          -- workspace into which to import acceptance functions
    time        -- time observable
    pfx         -- prefix (mode name) from which to build object names
    knots       -- list of knot positions
    coeffs      -- spline coefficients
    floatParams -- if True, spline acceptance parameters will be floated
    debug       -- if True, print some debugging output

    returns a pair of acceptance functions, first the unnormalised one for
    fitting, then the normalised one for generation

    The minimum and maximum of the range of the time variable implicitly
    defines the position of the first and last knot. The other knot positions
    are passed in knots. Conversely, the coeffs parameter records the height
    of the sline at all but the last two knot positions. The next to last knot
    coefficient is fixed to 1.0, thus fixing the overall scale of the
    acceptance function. The spline coefficient for the last knot is fixed by
    extrapolating linearly from the two knots before; this prevents
    statistical fluctuations at the low stats high lifetime end of the
    spectrum to curve the spline.
    # build acceptance function
    from copy import deepcopy
    myknots = deepcopy(knots)
    mycoeffs = deepcopy(coeffs)
    from ROOT import (RooBinning, RooArgList, RooPolyVar, RooCubicSplineFun,
            RooConstVar, RooProduct, RooRealVar)
    if (len(myknots) != len(mycoeffs) or 0 >= min(len(myknots), len(mycoeffs))):
        raise ValueError('ERROR: Spline knot position list and/or coefficient'
                'list mismatch')
    one = WS(ws, RooConstVar('one', '1', 1.0))
    # create the knot binning
    knotbinning = WS(ws, RooBinning(time.getMin(), time.getMax(),
        '%s_knotbinning' % pfx))
    for v in myknots:
    oldbinning, lo, hi = time.getBinning(), time.getMin(), time.getMax()
    time.setBinning(knotbinning, '%s_knotbinning' % pfx)
    time.setRange(lo, hi)
    del knotbinning
    del oldbinning
    del lo
    del hi
    # create the knot coefficients
    coefflist = RooArgList()
    i = 0
    for v in mycoeffs:
        if floatParams:
            coefflist.add(WS(ws, RooRealVar('%s_SplineAccCoeff%u' % (pfx, i),
                'v_{%u}' % (i+1), v, 0., 3.)))
            coefflist.add(WS(ws, RooConstVar('%s_SplineAccCoeff%u' % (pfx, i),
                'v_{%u}' % (i+1), v)))
        i = i + 1
    del mycoeffs
    i = i + 1
    fudge = (myknots[0] - myknots[1]) / (myknots[2] - myknots[1])
    lastmycoeffs = RooArgList(
            WS(ws, RooConstVar('%s_SplineAccCoeff%u_coeff0' % (pfx, i),
                '%s_SplineAccCoeff%u_coeff0' % (pfx, i), 1. - fudge)),
            WS(ws, RooConstVar('%s_SplineAccCoeff%u_coeff1' % (pfx, i),
                '%s_SplineAccCoeff%u_coeff1' % (pfx, i), fudge)))
    del myknots
    coefflist.add(WS(ws, RooPolyVar(
        '%s_SplineAccCoeff%u' % (pfx, i), 'v_{%u}' % (i+1), - 2), lastmycoeffs)))
    del i
    if debug:
        print 'DEBUG: Spline Coeffs: %s' % str([
   for i in xrange(0, coefflist.getSize())
    # create the spline itself
    tacc = WS(ws, RooCubicSplineFun('%s_SplineAcceptance' % pfx,
        '%s_SplineAcceptance' % pfx, time, '%s_knotbinning' % pfx,
    del lastmycoeffs
    if not floatParams:
        # make sure the acceptance is <= 1 for generation
        m = max([ for j in
            xrange(0, coefflist.getSize())])
        c = WS(ws, RooConstVar('%s_SplineAccNormCoeff' % pfx,
            '%s_SplineAccNormCoeff' % pfx, 0.99 / m))
        tacc_norm = WS(ws, RooProduct('%s_SplineAcceptanceNormalised' % pfx,
            '%s_SplineAcceptanceNormalised' % pfx, RooArgList(tacc, c)))
        del c
        del m
        tacc_norm = None # not supported when floating
    del coefflist
    return tacc, tacc_norm