Esempio n. 1
def test_compute_statistics():
    R = numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=float)
    M = numpy.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]])
    I, J, K = 2, 2, 3
    lambdaU = 2 * numpy.ones((I, K))
    lambdaV = 3 * numpy.ones((J, K))
    alphatau, betatau = 3, 1
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'lambdaU': lambdaU,
        'lambdaV': lambdaV

    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, False, hyperparams)

    R_pred = numpy.array([[500, 550], [1220, 1342]], dtype=float)
    M_pred = numpy.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]])

    MSE_pred = (1217**2 + 1338**2) / 2.0
    R2_pred = 1. - (1217**2 + 1338**2) / (0.5**2 + 0.5**2)  #mean=3.5
    Rp_pred = 61. / (math.sqrt(.5) * math.sqrt(7442.)
                     )  #mean=3.5,var=0.5,mean_pred=1281,var_pred=7442,cov=61

    assert MSE_pred == BNMF.compute_MSE(M_pred, R, R_pred)
    assert R2_pred == BNMF.compute_R2(M_pred, R, R_pred)
    assert Rp_pred == BNMF.compute_Rp(M_pred, R, R_pred)
Esempio n. 2
def test_log_likelihood():
    R = numpy.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=float)
    M = numpy.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]])
    I, J, K = 2, 2, 3
    lambdaU = 2 * numpy.ones((I, K))
    lambdaV = 3 * numpy.ones((J, K))
    alphatau, betatau = 3, 1
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'lambdaU': lambdaU,
        'lambdaV': lambdaV

    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, False, hyperparams)
    BNMF.exp_U = numpy.ones((I, K))
    BNMF.exp_V = 2 * numpy.ones((J, K))
    BNMF.exp_logtau = 5.
    BNMF.exp_tau = 3.
    # expU*expV.T = [[6.]]

    log_likelihood = 3. / 2. * (5. - math.log(2 * math.pi)) - 3. / 2. * (
        5**2 + 4**2 + 2**2)
    AIC = -2 * log_likelihood + 2 * (2 * 3 + 2 * 3 + 1)
    BIC = -2 * log_likelihood + (2 * 3 + 2 * 3 + 1) * math.log(3)
    MSE = (5**2 + 4**2 + 2**2) / 3.

    assert log_likelihood == BNMF.quality('loglikelihood')
    assert AIC == BNMF.quality('AIC')
    assert BIC == BNMF.quality('BIC')
    assert MSE == BNMF.quality('MSE')
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error:
    assert str(error.value) == "Unrecognised metric for model quality: FAIL."
Esempio n. 3
def test_update_exp_lambdak():
    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, True, hyperparams)
    for k in range(K):
        assert abs(BNMF.exp_lambdak[k] - (alpha0 + I + J) /
                   (beta0 + (I + J) * beta0 / float(alpha0))) < 0.000000000001
        assert BNMF.exp_loglambdak[k] == 1.0129704878718551
Esempio n. 4
def test_update_exp_tau():
    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, False, hyperparams)
    assert abs(BNMF.exp_tau - (3 + 12. / 2.) /
               (1 + 35.4113198623 / 2.)) < 0.000000000001
    assert abs(BNMF.exp_logtau -
               (2.1406414779556 -
                math.log(1 + 35.4113198623 / 2.))) < 0.000000000001
Esempio n. 5
def test_update_lambdak():
    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, True, hyperparams)
    BNMF.alphak_s, BNMF.betak_s = numpy.zeros(K), numpy.zeros(K)
    BNMF.exp_U, BNMF.exp_V = 1. / lambdaU, 1. / lambdaV  # [[1./2.]], [[1./3.]]
    for k in range(K):
        assert BNMF.alphak_s[k] == alpha0 + I + J
        assert BNMF.betak_s[k] == (beta0 + I * 1. / 2. + J * 1. / 3.)
Esempio n. 6
def test_update_tau():
    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, False, hyperparams)
    BNMF.exp_U = 1. / lambdaU  #[[1./2.]]
    BNMF.exp_V = 1. / lambdaV  #[[1./3.]]
    BNMF.var_U = numpy.ones((I, K)) * 2  #[[2.]]
    BNMF.var_V = numpy.ones((J, K)) * 3  #[[3.]]
    assert BNMF.alpha_s == alphatau + 12. / 2.
    assert BNMF.beta_s == betatau + 172.66666666666666 / 2.
Esempio n. 7
def test_exp_square_diff():
    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, False, hyperparams)
    BNMF.exp_U = 1. / lambdaU  #[[1./2.]]
    BNMF.exp_V = 1. / lambdaV  #[[1./3.]]
    BNMF.var_U = numpy.ones((I, K)) * 2  #[[2.]]
    BNMF.var_V = numpy.ones((J, K)) * 3  #[[3.]]
    # expU * expV.T = [[1./3.]]. (varU+expU^2)=2.25, (varV+expV^2)=3.+1./9.
    exp_square_diff = 172.66666666666666  #12.*(4./9.) + 12.*(2*(2.25*(3.+1./9.)-0.25/9.))
    assert BNMF.exp_square_diff() == exp_square_diff
Esempio n. 8
def test_update_exp_V():
    for k in range(0, K):
        BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, False, hyperparams)
        BNMF.tau_V = 4 * numpy.ones((J, K))  # muV = [[1./3.]], tauV = [[4.]]
        )  #-mu*sqrt(tau) = -2./3., lambda(..) = 0.319448 / (1-0.2525) = 0.4273551839464883, gamma =
        for j in range(0, J):
            assert abs(BNMF.exp_V[j, k] -
                       (1. / 3. + 1. / 2. * 0.4273551839464883)) < 0.00001
            assert abs(BNMF.var_V[j, k] - 1. / 4. *
                       (1. - 0.4675359092102624)) < 0.00001
Esempio n. 9
def test_update_exp_U():
    for k in range(0, K):
        BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, False, hyperparams)
        BNMF.tau_U = 4 * numpy.ones((I, K))  # muU = [[0.5]], tauU = [[4.]]
        )  #-mu*sqrt(tau) = -0.5*2 = -1. lambda(1) = 0.241971 / (1-0.1587) = 0.2876155949126352. gamma = 0.37033832534958433
        for i in range(0, I):
            assert abs(BNMF.exp_U[i, k] -
                       (0.5 + 1. / 2. * 0.2876155949126352)) < 0.00001
            assert abs(BNMF.var_U[i, k] - 1. / 4. *
                       (1. - 0.37033832534958433)) < 0.00001
Esempio n. 10
def test_update_V():
    for k in range(0, K):
        BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, False, hyperparams)
        BNMF.mu_V = numpy.zeros((J, K))
        BNMF.tau_V = numpy.zeros((J, K))
        BNMF.exp_U = 1. / lambdaU  #[[1./2.]]
        BNMF.exp_V = 1. / lambdaV  #[[1./3.]]
        BNMF.var_U = numpy.ones((I, K)) * 2  #[[2.]]
        BNMF.var_V = numpy.ones((J, K)) * 3  #[[3.]]
        BNMF.exp_tau = 3.
        for j in range(0, J):
            assert BNMF.tau_V[j, k] == 3. * (M[:, j] * (
                BNMF.exp_U[:, k] * BNMF.exp_U[:, k] + BNMF.var_U[:, k])).sum()
            assert BNMF.mu_V[j,k] == (1./(3. * (M[:,j] * ( BNMF.exp_U[:,k]*BNMF.exp_U[:,k] + BNMF.var_U[:,k] )).sum())) * \
                                    ( -3. + BNMF.exp_tau * (M[:,j]*( (BNMF.R[:,j] -,BNMF.exp_V[j]) + BNMF.exp_U[:,k]*BNMF.exp_V[j,k])*BNMF.exp_U[:,k] )).sum() )
Esempio n. 11
def test_run():
    I, J, K = 10, 5, 2
    R = numpy.ones((I, J))
    M = numpy.ones((I, J))
    M[0, 0], M[2, 2], M[3, 1] = 0, 0, 0
    R[0, 1], R[0, 2] = 2., 3.

    alphatau, betatau = 3, 1
    alpha0, beta0 = 6, 2
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'alpha0': alpha0,
        'beta0': beta0

    iterations = 15

    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, True, hyperparams)

    for k in range(K):
        assert BNMF.alphak_s[k] != alpha0
        assert BNMF.betak_s[k] != beta0
        assert BNMF.exp_lambdak[k] != alpha0 / float(beta0)
    for i, k in itertools.product(range(I), range(K)):
        assert BNMF.mu_U[i, k] != 1. / (alpha0 / float(beta0))
        assert BNMF.tau_U[i, k] != 1.
        assert BNMF.exp_U[i, k] != numpy.inf and not math.isnan(BNMF.exp_U[i,
        assert BNMF.tau_U[i, k] != numpy.inf and not math.isnan(BNMF.tau_U[i,
    for j, k in itertools.product(range(J), range(K)):
        assert BNMF.mu_V[j, k] != 1. / (alpha0 / float(beta0))
        assert BNMF.tau_V[j, k] != 1.
        assert BNMF.exp_V[j, k] != numpy.inf and not math.isnan(BNMF.exp_V[j,
        assert BNMF.tau_V[j, k] != numpy.inf and not math.isnan(BNMF.tau_V[j,
    assert BNMF.alpha_s != alphatau
    assert BNMF.beta_s != betatau
    assert BNMF.exp_tau != numpy.inf and not math.isnan(BNMF.exp_tau)
    assert BNMF.exp_logtau != numpy.inf and not math.isnan(BNMF.exp_logtau)
Esempio n. 12
def test_predict():
    (I, J, K) = (5, 3, 2)
    R = numpy.array(
        [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15]],
    M = numpy.ones((I, J))
    K = 3
    lambdaU = 2 * numpy.ones((I, K))
    lambdaV = 3 * numpy.ones((J, K))
    alphatau, betatau = 3, 1
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'lambdaU': lambdaU,
        'lambdaV': lambdaV

    expU = numpy.array([[125., 126.], [126., 126.], [126., 126.], [126., 126.],
                        [126., 126.]])
    expV = numpy.array([[84., 84.], [84., 84.], [84., 84.]])

    M_test = numpy.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0],
                          [0, 0,
                           0]])  #R->3,5,10,11, P_pred->21084,21168,21168,21168
    MSE = (444408561. + 447872569. + 447660964. + 447618649) / 4.
    R2 = 1. - (444408561. + 447872569. + 447660964. + 447618649) / (
        4.25**2 + 2.25**2 + 2.75**2 + 3.75**2)  #mean=7.25
    Rp = 357. / (
        math.sqrt(44.75) * math.sqrt(5292.)
    )  #mean=7.25,var=44.75, mean_pred=21147,var_pred=5292, corr=(-4.25*-63 + -2.25*21 + 2.75*21 + 3.75*21)

    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, False, hyperparams)
    BNMF.exp_U = expU
    BNMF.exp_V = expV
    performances = BNMF.predict(M_test)

    assert performances['MSE'] == MSE
    assert performances['R^2'] == R2
    assert performances['Rp'] == Rp
Esempio n. 13
def test_initialise():
    I, J, K = 5, 3, 2
    R = numpy.ones((I, J))
    M = numpy.ones((I, J))

    lambdaU = 2 * numpy.ones((I, K))
    lambdaV = 3 * numpy.ones((J, K))
    alphatau, betatau = 3, 1
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'lambdaU': lambdaU,
        'lambdaV': lambdaV

    # Initialisation with expectation
    init = 'exp'
    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, False, hyperparams)

    assert BNMF.alpha_s == alphatau + 15. / 2.
    assert BNMF.beta_s == betatau + BNMF.exp_square_diff() / 2.

    for i, k in itertools.product(range(I), range(K)):
        assert BNMF.tau_U[i, k] == 1.
        assert BNMF.mu_U[i, k] == 1. / lambdaU[i, k]
    for j, k in itertools.product(range(J), range(K)):
        assert BNMF.tau_V[j, k] == 1.
        assert BNMF.mu_V[j, k] == 1. / lambdaV[j, k]

    assert BNMF.exp_tau == (alphatau +
                            15. / 2.) / (betatau + BNMF.exp_square_diff() / 2.)

    for i, k in itertools.product(range(I), range(K)):
        assert abs(BNMF.exp_U[i, k] - (0.5 + 0.352065 / (1 - 0.3085))) < 0.0001
    for j, k in itertools.product(range(J), range(K)):
        assert abs(BNMF.exp_V[j, k] - (1. / 3. + 0.377383 /
                                       (1 - 0.3694))) < 0.0001

    # With ARD
    init_UV = 'exp'
    alphatau, betatau = 3, 1
    alpha0, beta0 = 6, 2
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'alpha0': alpha0,
        'beta0': beta0

    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, True, hyperparams)
    for k in range(K):
        assert BNMF.exp_lambdak[k] == alpha0 / float(beta0)
        assert BNMF.exp_loglambdak[k] == 1.0129704878718551
    for i, k in itertools.product(range(I), range(K)):
        assert BNMF.tau_U[i, k] == 1.
        assert BNMF.mu_U[i, k] == 1. / (alpha0 / float(beta0))
    for j, k in itertools.product(range(J), range(K)):
        assert BNMF.tau_V[j, k] == 1.
        assert BNMF.mu_V[j, k] == 1. / (alpha0 / float(beta0))
Esempio n. 14
def test_elbo():
    I, J, K = 5, 3, 2
    R = numpy.ones((I, J))
    M = numpy.ones((I, J))
    M[0, 0], M[2, 2], M[3, 1] = 0, 0, 0  # size Omega = 12

    lambdaU = 2 * numpy.ones((I, K))
    lambdaV = 3 * numpy.ones((J, K))
    alphatau, betatau = 3, 1
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'lambdaU': lambdaU,
        'lambdaV': lambdaV

    exp_U = 5 * numpy.ones((I, K))
    exp_V = 6 * numpy.ones((J, K))
    var_U = 11 * numpy.ones((I, K))
    var_V = 12 * numpy.ones((J, K))
    exp_tau = 8.
    exp_logtau = 9.

    mu_U = 14 * numpy.ones((I, K))
    mu_V = 15 * numpy.ones((J, K))
    tau_U = numpy.ones((I, K)) / 100.
    tau_V = numpy.ones((J, K)) / 101.
    alpha_s = 20.
    beta_s = 21.

    # expU * expV = [[60]]
    # (R - expU*expV)^2 = 12*59^2 = 41772
    # Var[U*V] = 12*K*((11+5^2)*(12+6^2)-5^2*6^2) = 12*2*828 = 19872

    # -muU*sqrt(tauU) = -14*math.sqrt(100) = -1.4
    # -muV*sqrt(tauV) = -15*math.sqrt(101) = -1.4925557853149838
    # cdf(-1.4) = 0.080756659233771066
    # cdf(-1.4925557853149838) = 0.067776752211548219

    ELBO = 12./2.*(exp_logtau - math.log(2*math.pi)) - 8./2.*(41772+19872) \
         + 5*2*(math.log(2.) - 2.*5.) + 3*2*(math.log(3.) - 3.*6.) \
         + 3.*numpy.log(1.) - numpy.log(math.gamma(3.)) + 2.*9. - 1.*8. \
         - 20.*numpy.log(21.) + numpy.log(math.gamma(20.)) - 19.*9. + 21.*8. \
         - 0.5*5*2*math.log(1./100.) + 0.5*5*2*math.log(2*math.pi) + 5*2*math.log(1.-0.080756659233771066) \
         + 0.5*5*2*1./100.*(11.+81.) \
         - 0.5*3*2*math.log(1./101.) + 0.5*3*2*math.log(2*math.pi) + 3*2*math.log(1.-0.067776752211548219) \
         + 0.5*3*2*1./101.*(12.+81.)

    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, False, hyperparams)
    BNMF.exp_U = exp_U
    BNMF.exp_V = exp_V
    BNMF.var_U = var_U
    BNMF.var_V = var_V
    BNMF.exp_tau = exp_tau
    BNMF.exp_logtau = exp_logtau
    BNMF.mu_U = mu_U
    BNMF.mu_V = mu_V
    BNMF.tau_U = tau_U
    BNMF.tau_V = tau_V
    BNMF.alpha_s = alpha_s
    BNMF.beta_s = beta_s
    assert BNMF.elbo() == ELBO
Esempio n. 15
    for matrix in Ms:
        check_empty_rows_columns(matrix, fraction)
''' We now run the Gibbs sampler on each of the M's for each fraction. '''
all_performances = {metric: [] for metric in metrics}
average_performances = {metric: []
                        for metric in metrics}  # averaged over repeats
for (fraction, Ms, Ms_test) in zip(fractions_unknown, all_Ms, all_Ms_test):
    print "Trying fraction %s." % fraction

    # Run the algorithm <repeats> times and store all the performances
    for metric in metrics:
    for (repeat, M_train, M_test) in zip(range(0, repeats), Ms, Ms_test):
        print "Repeat %s of fraction %s." % (repeat + 1, fraction)

        BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M_train, K, ARD, hyperparams)

        # Measure the performances
        performances = BNMF.predict(M_test)
        for metric in metrics:
            # Add this metric's performance to the list of <repeat> performances for this fraction

    # Compute the average across attempts
    for metric in metrics:
            sum(all_performances[metric][-1]) / repeats)
''' Print and store the performances. '''
print "repeats=%s \nfractions_unknown = %s \nall_performances = %s \naverage_performances = %s" % \
Esempio n. 16
    'alpha0': alpha0,
    'beta0': beta0,
    'lambdaU': lambdaU,
    'lambdaV': lambdaV
''' Load in data. '''
R, M = load_ccle_ec50()
''' Run the algorithm, :repeats times, and average the timestamps. '''
times_repeats = []
performances_repeats = []
for i in range(0, repeats):
    # Set all the seeds
    numpy.random.seed(0), random.seed(0), scipy.random.seed(0)

    # Run the classifier
    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R, M, K, ARD, hyperparams)

    # Extract the performances and timestamps across all iterations
''' Check whether seed worked: all performances should be the same. '''
METRICS = ['MSE', 'R^2', 'Rp']

def excluse_nan(performances):
    return {
        metric: [v for v in performances[metric] if not numpy.isnan(v)]
        for metric in METRICS
Esempio n. 17
def test_init():
    # Test getting an exception when R and M are different sizes, and when R is not a 2D array.
    R1 = numpy.ones(3)
    M = numpy.ones((2, 3))
    I, J, K = 5, 3, 1
    lambdaU = numpy.ones((I, K))
    lambdaV = numpy.ones((J, K))
    alphatau, betatau = 3, 1
    alpha0, beta0 = 6, 2
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'alpha0': alpha0,
        'beta0': beta0
    ARD = True

    # Test R is 2-dim
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error:
        bnmf_vb(R1, M, K, ARD, hyperparams)
    assert str(
    ) == "Input matrix R is not a two-dimensional array, but instead 1-dimensional."

    R2 = numpy.ones((4, 3, 2))
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error:
        bnmf_vb(R2, M, K, ARD, hyperparams)
    assert str(
    ) == "Input matrix R is not a two-dimensional array, but instead 3-dimensional."

    # Test R is the same shape as M
    R3 = numpy.ones((3, 2))
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error:
        bnmf_vb(R3, M, K, ARD, hyperparams)
    assert str(
    ) == "Input matrix R is not of the same size as the indicator matrix M: (3, 2) and (2, 3) respectively."

    # Similarly for lambdaU, lambdaV
    R4 = numpy.ones((2, 3))
    lambdaU = numpy.ones((2 + 1, 1))
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'lambdaU': lambdaU,
        'lambdaV': lambdaV
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error:
        bnmf_vb(R4, M, K, False, hyperparams)
    assert str(
    ) == "Prior matrix lambdaU has the wrong shape: (3, 1) instead of (2, 1)."

    lambdaU = numpy.ones((2, 1))
    lambdaV = numpy.ones((3 + 1, 1))
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'lambdaU': lambdaU,
        'lambdaV': lambdaV
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error:
        bnmf_vb(R4, M, K, False, hyperparams)
    assert str(
    ) == "Prior matrix lambdaV has the wrong shape: (4, 1) instead of (3, 1)."

    # Test getting an exception if a row or column is entirely unknown
    M1 = [[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0]]
    M2 = [[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'alpha0': alpha0,
        'beta0': beta0

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error:
        bnmf_vb(R4, M1, K, ARD, hyperparams)
    assert str(error.value) == "Fully unobserved row in R, row 1."
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error:
        bnmf_vb(R4, M2, K, ARD, hyperparams)
    assert str(error.value) == "Fully unobserved column in R, column 2."

    # Finally, a successful case
    I, J, K = 3, 2, 2
    R5 = 2 * numpy.ones((I, J))
    M = numpy.ones((I, J))
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'alpha0': alpha0,
        'beta0': beta0
    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R5, M, K, ARD, hyperparams)

    assert numpy.array_equal(BNMF.R, R5)
    assert numpy.array_equal(BNMF.M, M)
    assert BNMF.I == I
    assert BNMF.J == J
    assert BNMF.K == K
    assert BNMF.size_Omega == I * J
    assert BNMF.alphatau == alphatau
    assert BNMF.betatau == betatau
    assert BNMF.alpha0 == alpha0
    assert BNMF.beta0 == beta0

    # And when lambdaU and lambdaV are integers
    I, J, K = 3, 2, 2
    R5 = 2 * numpy.ones((I, J))
    lambdaU = 3.
    lambdaV = 4.
    M = numpy.ones((I, J))
    hyperparams = {
        'alphatau': alphatau,
        'betatau': betatau,
        'lambdaU': lambdaU,
        'lambdaV': lambdaV
    BNMF = bnmf_vb(R5, M, K, False, hyperparams)

    assert numpy.array_equal(BNMF.R, R5)
    assert numpy.array_equal(BNMF.M, M)
    assert BNMF.I == I
    assert BNMF.J == J
    assert BNMF.K == K
    assert BNMF.size_Omega == I * J
    assert BNMF.alphatau == alphatau
    assert BNMF.betatau == betatau
    assert numpy.array_equal(BNMF.lambdaU, lambdaU * numpy.ones((I, K)))
    assert numpy.array_equal(BNMF.lambdaV, lambdaV * numpy.ones((J, K)))