Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, font, size=(256,256)):
        self.font = font
        self.packingY = 0
        self.packingX = 0
        self.lineHeight = 0
        self.size = size
        self.surface = pygame.Surface(size)
        self.texture = Texture()
        self.textureDirty = True

        # To avoid mipmaps blending glyhps together, we have to
        # leave a gap between glyphs equal to the number of mipmap levels we have. = (int(math.log(size[0]) / math.log(2)),
                    int(math.log(size[1]) / math.log(2)))
Esempio n. 2
class FontPage:
    """A collection of glyphs rendered to one texture"""
    def __init__(self, font, size=(256,256)):
        self.font = font
        self.packingY = 0
        self.packingX = 0
        self.lineHeight = 0
        self.size = size
        self.surface = pygame.Surface(size)
        self.texture = Texture()
        self.textureDirty = True

        # To avoid mipmaps blending glyhps together, we have to
        # leave a gap between glyphs equal to the number of mipmap levels we have. = (int(math.log(size[0]) / math.log(2)),
                    int(math.log(size[1]) / math.log(2)))

    def updateTexture(self):
        """If necessary, update the texture from the surface"""
        if not self.textureDirty:
        self.texture.loadSurface(self.surface, monochrome=True)
        self.textureDirty = False

    def allocRect(self, size):
        """Allocate space for a rectangle of the given size on the texture.
           Return a point indicating the top-left corner of the allocated
           rectangle, or None if there is no room.
           This implementation simply packs top-down left-to-right in rows.
        if size[0] > self.size[0]:
            return None

        if self.packingX + size[0] +[0] > self.size[0]:
            # Next line
            self.packingX = 0
            self.packingY += self.lineHeight
            self.lineHeight = 0

        if self.packingY + size[1] > self.size[1]:
            return None
        if size[1] +[1] > self.lineHeight:
            self.lineHeight = size[1] +[1]

        allocated = (self.packingX, self.packingY)
        self.packingX += size[0] +[0]
        return allocated

    def pack(self, char):
        """Pack the glyph for the given character into our texture, return a Glyph.
           If there isn't enough room, return None.
        # Size the glyph and allocate space for it
        glyphSize = self.font.size(char)
        allocated = self.allocRect(glyphSize)
        if not allocated:
            return None

        # Render the character and create a Glyph
        self.surface.blit(self.font.render(char, True, (255,255,255), (0,0,0)), allocated)
        self.textureDirty = True
        return Glyph((allocated[0], allocated[1], glyphSize[0], glyphSize[1]), self)