Esempio n. 1
    def gotChannelCastMessage(self, recv_msg, sender_permid, selversion):
        """ Receive and handle a ChannelCast message """
        # ChannelCast feature starts from eleventh version; hence, do not receive from lower version peers
        if selversion < OLPROTO_VER_ELEVENTH:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Do not receive from lower version peer:", selversion

        if DEBUG:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'channelcast: Received a msg from ', permid_for_user(
            print >> sys.stderr, " my_permid=", permid_for_user(self.my_permid)

        if not sender_permid or sender_permid == self.my_permid:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "channelcast: warning - got channelcastMsg from a None/Self peer", \
                        permid_for_user(sender_permid), recv_msg
            return False

        #if len(recv_msg) > self.max_length:
        #    if DEBUG:
        #        print >> sys.stderr, "channelcast: warning - got large channelCastHaveMsg", len(recv_msg)
        #    return False

        channelcast_data = {}

            channelcast_data = bdecode(recv_msg)
            print >> sys.stderr, "channelcast: warning, invalid bencoded data"
            return False

        # check message-structure
        if not validChannelCastMsg(channelcast_data):
            print >> sys.stderr, "channelcast: invalid channelcast_message"
            return False

        self.handleChannelCastMsg(sender_permid, channelcast_data)

        #Log RECV_MSG of uncompressed message
        if self.log:
            dns = self.dnsindb(sender_permid)
            if dns:
                ip, port = dns
                MSG_ID = "CHANNELCAST"
                msg = repr(channelcast_data)
                self.overlay_log('RECV_MSG', ip, port,
                                 show_permid(sender_permid), selversion,
                                 MSG_ID, msg)

        return True
Esempio n. 2
 def handleVoteCastMsg(self, sender_permid, data):
     """ Handles VoteCast message """
     if DEBUG: 
         print >> sys.stderr, "Processing VOTECAST msg from: ", permid_for_user(sender_permid), "; data: ", repr(data)
     for value in data:
         vote = {}
         vote['mod_id'] = value[0]
         vote['voter_id'] = permid_for_user(sender_permid)
         vote['vote'] = value[1] 
     if DEBUG:
         print >> sys.stderr,"Processing VOTECAST msg from: ", permid_for_user(sender_permid), "DONE; data:"
    def gotChannelCastMessage(self, recv_msg, sender_permid, selversion):
        """ Receive and handle a ChannelCast message """
        # ChannelCast feature starts from eleventh version; hence, do not receive from lower version peers
        if selversion < OLPROTO_VER_ELEVENTH:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Do not receive from lower version peer:", selversion
        if DEBUG:
            print >> sys.stderr,'channelcast: Received a msg from ', permid_for_user(sender_permid)
            print >> sys.stderr," my_permid=", permid_for_user(self.my_permid)

        if not sender_permid or sender_permid == self.my_permid:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "channelcast: warning - got channelcastMsg from a None/Self peer", \
                        permid_for_user(sender_permid), recv_msg
            return False

        #if len(recv_msg) > self.max_length:
        #    if DEBUG:
        #        print >> sys.stderr, "channelcast: warning - got large channelCastHaveMsg", len(recv_msg)
        #    return False

        channelcast_data = {}

            channelcast_data = bdecode(recv_msg)
            print >> sys.stderr, "channelcast: warning, invalid bencoded data"
            return False

        # check message-structure
        if not validChannelCastMsg(channelcast_data):
            print >> sys.stderr, "channelcast: invalid channelcast_message"
            return False
        self.handleChannelCastMsg(sender_permid, channelcast_data)
        #Log RECV_MSG of uncompressed message
        if self.log:
            dns = self.dnsindb(sender_permid)
            if dns:
                ip,port = dns
                MSG_ID = "CHANNELCAST"
                msg = repr(channelcast_data)
                self.overlay_log('RECV_MSG', ip, port, show_permid(sender_permid), selversion, MSG_ID, msg)
        return True       
Esempio n. 4
    def gotVoteCastMessage(self, recv_msg, sender_permid, selversion):
        """ Receives VoteCast message and handles it. """
        # VoteCast feature is renewed in eleventh version; hence, do not receive from lower version peers
        if selversion < OLPROTO_VER_ELEVENTH:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "Do not receive from lower version peer:", selversion
        if DEBUG:
            print >> sys.stderr,'votecast: Received a msg from ', permid_for_user(sender_permid)

        if not sender_permid or sender_permid == self.my_permid:
            if DEBUG:

                print >> sys.stderr, "votecast: error - got votecastMsg from a None peer", \
                        permid_for_user(sender_permid), recv_msg
            return False

        if self.max_length > 0 and len(recv_msg) > self.max_length:
            if DEBUG:
                print >> sys.stderr, "votecast: warning - got large voteCastHaveMsg; msg_size:", len(recv_msg)
            return False

        votecast_data = {}

            votecast_data = bdecode(recv_msg)
            print >> sys.stderr, "votecast: warning, invalid bencoded data"
            return False

        # check message-structure
        if not validVoteCastMsg(votecast_data):
            print >> sys.stderr, "votecast: warning, invalid votecast_message"
            return False
        self.handleVoteCastMsg(sender_permid, votecast_data)

        #Log RECV_MSG of uncompressed message
        if self.log:
            dns = self.dnsindb(sender_permid)
            if dns:
                ip,port = dns
                MSG_ID = "VOTECAST"
                msg = voteCastMsgToString(votecast_data)
                self.overlay_log('RECV_MSG', ip, port, show_permid(sender_permid), selversion, MSG_ID, msg)
        return True
Esempio n. 5
    def handleVoteCastMsg(self, sender_permid, data):
        """ Handles VoteCast message """
        if DEBUG: 
            print >> sys.stderr, "votecast: Processing VOTECAST msg from: ", show_permid_short(sender_permid), "; data: ", repr(data)

        mod_ids = Set()
        for key, value in data.items():
            vote = {}
            vote['mod_id'] = bin2str(key)
            vote['voter_id'] = permid_for_user(sender_permid)
            vote['vote'] = value['vote']
            vote['time_stamp'] = value['time_stamp'] 

        # Arno, 2010-02-24: Generate event
        for mod_id in mod_ids:
                self.notifier.notify(NTFY_VOTECAST, NTFY_UPDATE, mod_id)
        if DEBUG:
            print >> sys.stderr,"votecast: Processing VOTECAST msg from: ", show_permid_short(sender_permid), "DONE; data:"
Esempio n. 6
    def logMsg(self, msg_data, msg_permid, in_or_out, logfile):

        if in_or_out == 'in':
            permid_from = permid_for_user(msg_permid)

        elif in_or_out == 'out':
            permid_from = 'LOCAL'


        timestamp = now()

        log = open(logfile, 'a')
        string = '%.1f %s %s' % (timestamp, in_or_out,
        log.write(string + '\n')
        print >> sys.stderr, string

        data = msg_data.get('data', [])

        for permid in data:
            u = data[permid]['u']
            d = data[permid]['d']

            string = '%.1f %s %s %d %d' % (timestamp, permid_from,
                                           permid_for_user(permid), u, d)
            log.write(string + '\n')
            print >> sys.stderr, string

        totals = msg_data.get('totals', None)

        if totals != None:
            (u, d) = totals

            string = '%.1f TOT %s %d %d' % (timestamp, permid_from, u, d)
            log.write(string + '\n')
            print >> sys.stderr, string

    def logMsg(self, msg_data, msg_permid, in_or_out, logfile):
        if in_or_out == 'in':
            permid_from = permid_for_user(msg_permid) 
        elif in_or_out == 'out':
            permid_from = 'LOCAL'
        timestamp = now()
        log = open(logfile, 'a')
        string = '%.1f %s %s' % (timestamp, in_or_out, permid_for_user(msg_permid))
        log.write(string + '\n')
        print >> sys.stderr, string
        data = msg_data.get('data', [])
        for permid in data:
            u = data[permid]['u']
            d = data[permid]['d']
            string = '%.1f %s %s %d %d' % (timestamp, permid_from, permid_for_user(permid), u, d)
            log.write(string + '\n')
            print >> sys.stderr, string
        totals = msg_data.get('totals', None)

        if totals != None:
            (u, d) = totals
            string = '%.1f TOT %s %d %d' % (timestamp, permid_from, u, d)
            log.write(string + '\n')
            print >> sys.stderr, string
 def channelCastSendCallback(self, exc, target_permid, other=0):
     if DEBUG:
         if exc is None:
             print >> sys.stderr,"channelcast: *** msg was sent successfully to peer", permid_for_user(target_permid)
             print >> sys.stderr, "channelcast: *** warning - error in sending msg to", permid_for_user(target_permid), exc
Esempio n. 9
 def channelCastSendCallback(self, exc, target_permid, other=0):
     if DEBUG:
         if exc is None:
             print >> sys.stderr, "channelcast: *** msg was sent successfully to peer", permid_for_user(
             print >> sys.stderr, "channelcast: *** warning - error in sending msg to", permid_for_user(
                 target_permid), exc