def _test_all(self,nickname): """ I want to start a Tribler client once and then connect to it many times. So there must be only one test method to prevent setUp() from creating a new client every time. The code is constructed so unittest will show the name of the (sub)test where the error occured in the traceback it prints. """ TestChannels._test_all(self,nickname) self.subtest_channelcastPlusMetadata()
def setupDB(self,nickname): TestChannels.setupDB(self,nickname) try: self.richMetadata_db = self.session.open_dbhandler(NTFY_RICH_METADATA) #add some metadata for torrents (they are defined in TestChannels.setupDB() self.mdto = MetadataDTO(self.hispermid, self.infohash1) subtitle1 = SubtitleInfo("nld", os.path.join(RES_DIR,"")) subtitle1.computeChecksum() subtitle2 = SubtitleInfo("eng", os.path.join(RES_DIR, "")) subtitle2.computeChecksum() self.mdto.addSubtitle(subtitle1) self.mdto.addSubtitle(subtitle2) self.mdto.sign(self.his_keypair) self.richMetadata_db.insertMetadata(self.mdto) except: print_exc()
def tearDown(self): TestChannels.tearDown(self) self.session.close_dbhandler(self.richMetadata_db)