Esempio n. 1
    def pairwiseRmsd( self, aMask=None, noFit=0 ):
        Calculate rmsd between each 2 coordinate frames.

        @param aMask: atom mask
        @type  aMask: [1|0]
        @return: frames x frames array of float
        @rtype: array
        frames = self.frames

        if aMask is not None:
            frames = N0.compress( aMask, frames, 1 )

        result = N0.zeros( (len( frames ), len( frames )), N0.Float32 )

        for i in range(0, len( frames ) ):

            for j in range( i+1, len( frames ) ):
                if noFit:
                    d = N0.sqrt(N0.sum(N0.power(frames[i]-frames[j], 2), 1))
                    result[i,j] = result[j,i] = N0.sqrt( N0.average(d**2) )

                    rt, rmsdLst = rmsFit.match( frames[i], frames[j], 1 )
                    result[i,j] = result[j,i] = rmsdLst[0][1]

        return result
Esempio n. 2
    def __pairwiseDistances(self, u, v):
        pairwise distance between 2 3-D numpy arrays of atom coordinates.

        @param u: coordinates
        @type  u: array
        @param v: coordinates
        @type  v: array
        @return: Numpy array len(u) x len(v)
        @author: Wolfgang Rieping.
        ## check input
        if not type( u ) == arraytype or\
           not type( v ) == arraytype:
            raise ComplexError('unsupported argument type ' + \
                               str( type(u) ) + ' or ' + str( type(v) ) )

        diag1 = N0.diagonal(, N0.transpose(u)))
        diag2 = N0.diagonal(, N0.transpose(v)))
        dist =, N0.transpose(u)) - N0.transpose(
  , N0.transpose(v)))
        dist= N0.transpose(N0.asarray(map(lambda column,a:column+a, \
                                   N0.transpose(dist), diag1)))

        return N0.transpose(
            N0.sqrt(N0.asarray(map(lambda row, a: row + a, dist, diag2))))
Esempio n. 3
def centerSurfDist(model, surf_mask, mask=None):
    Calculate the longest and shortest distance from
    the center of the molecule to the surface.

    @param mask: atoms not to be considerd (default: None)
    @type  mask: [1|0]
    @param surf_mask: atom surface mask, needed for minimum surface distance
    @type  surf_mask: [1|0]

    @return: max distance, min distance
    @rtype: float, float
    if mask is None:
        mask = model.maskHeavy()

    ## calculate center of mass
    center = model.centerOfMass()

    ## surface atom coordinates
    surf_xyz = N0.compress(mask * surf_mask, model.getXyz(), 0)

    ## find the atom closest and furthest away from center
    dist = N0.sqrt(N0.sum((surf_xyz - center)**2, 1))
    minDist = min(dist)
    maxDist = max(dist)

    return maxDist, minDist
Esempio n. 4
def logConfidence( x, R, clip=0 ):
    Estimate the probability of x NOT beeing a random observation from a
    lognormal distribution that is described by a set of random values.

    @param x: observed value
    @type  x: float
    @param R: sample of random values
    @type  R: [float]
    @param clip: clip zeros at this value  0->don't clip (default: 0)
    @type  clip: float

    @return: confidence that x is not random, median of random distr.
    @rtype: (float, float)
    if clip and 0 in R:
        R = N0.clip( R, clip, max( R ) )
    if clip and x == 0:
        x = clip

    ## remove 0 instead of clipping
    R = N0.compress( R, R )
    if x == 0:
        return 0, 0

    ## get mean and stdv of log-transformed random sample
    alpha = N0.average( N0.log( R ) )

    n = len( R )

    beta = N0.sqrt(N0.sum(N0.power(N0.log( R ) - alpha, 2)) / (n - 1.))

    return logArea( x, alpha, beta ), logMedian( alpha )
Esempio n. 5
 def __distances(self, point, xyz=None):
     point - 3 x 1 array of float; point of origin
     xyz   - 3 x n array of float; coordinates, if None -- take model atoms
     -> distances of all atoms to given point
     if xyz is None:
         xyz = self.model.getXyz()
     return N0.sqrt(N0.sum(N0.power(xyz - point, 2), 1))
Esempio n. 6
 def __distances( self, point, xyz=None ):
     point - 3 x 1 array of float; point of origin
     xyz   - 3 x n array of float; coordinates, if None -- take model atoms
     -> distances of all atoms to given point
     if xyz is None:
         xyz = self.model.getXyz()
     return N0.sqrt( N0.sum( N0.power( xyz - point, 2), 1 ) )
Esempio n. 7
def logSigma( alpha, beta ):
    @param alpha: mean of log-transformed distribution
    @type  alpha: float
    @param beta: standarddev of log-transformed distribution
    @type  beta: float

    @return: 'standard deviation' of the original lognormal distribution
    @rtype: float
    return logMean( alpha, beta ) * N0.sqrt( N0.exp(beta**2) - 1.)
Esempio n. 8
    def dihedral(self, coor1, coor2, coor3, coor4):
        Calculates the torsion angle of a set of four atom coordinates.
        The dihedral angle returned is the angle between the projection
        of i1-i2 and the projection of i4-i3 onto a plane normal to i2-i3.

        @param coor1: coordinates
        @type  coor1: [float]
        @param coor2: coordinates
        @type  coor2: [float]
        @param coor3: coordinates
        @type  coor3: [float]
        @param coor4: coordinates
        @type  coor4: [float]        
        vec21 = coor2 - coor1
        vec32 = coor3 - coor2
        L = N0.cross(vec21, vec32)
        L_norm = N0.sqrt(sum(L**2))

        vec43 = coor4 - coor3
        vec23 = coor2 - coor3
        R = N0.cross(vec43, vec23)
        R_norm = N0.sqrt(sum(R**2))

        S = N0.cross(L, R)
        angle = sum(L * R) / (L_norm * R_norm)

        ## sometimes the value turns out to be ever so little greater than
        ## one, to prevent N0.arccos errors for this, set angle = 1.0
        if angle > 1.0: angle = 1.0

        if angle < -1.0: angle = -1.0

        angle = N0.arccos(angle) * 180 / N0.pi
        if sum(S * vec32) < 0.0:
            angle = -angle

        return angle
Esempio n. 9
def logArea(x, alpha, beta):
    Area of the smallest interval of a lognormal distribution that still
    includes x.

    @param x: border value
    @type  x: float
    @param alpha: mean of log-transformed distribution
    @type  alpha: float
    @param beta: standarddev of log-transformed distribution
    @type  beta: float

    @return: probability that x is NOT drawn from the given distribution
    @rtype: float
    r_max = N0.exp(alpha - beta**2)

    if x < r_max: x = r_max**2 / x

    upper = (N0.log(x) - alpha) / beta 

    return 0.5 * (erf(upper / N0.sqrt(2)) - erf(-(upper + 2*beta) / N0.sqrt(2)))
Esempio n. 10
    def __max_distance( self, model ):
        largest center to any other atom distance

        @param model: model with centered coordinates
        @type  model: PDBModel

        @return: largest distance
        @rtype: float
        center = model.centerOfMass()
        dist = N0.sqrt( N0.sum( ( model.getXyz()-center )**2 , 1 ) )

        return max( dist )
Esempio n. 11
    def __random_translation( self ):
        Random translation on a sphere around 0,0,0 with fixed radius
        The radius is the sum of the (max) radius of receptor and ligand

        @return: translation array 3 x 1 of float
        @rtype: array
        radius = (self.d_max_rec + self.d_max_lig) / 2.0
        xyz = R.random_sample( 3 ) - 0.5

        scale = radius*1.0 / N0.sqrt( N0.sum( xyz**2 ) )

        return scale * xyz
Esempio n. 12
    def __windowSize( self, n_per_node, n_nodes, n_frames ):
        @param n_per_node: how many chunks should be generated per node
        @type  n_per_node: int
        @param n_nodes: number of slave nodes
        @type  n_nodes: int
        @param n_frames: length of trajectory
        @type  n_frames: int

        @return: calculate number of frames per chunk
        @rtype: int
        r = int(round( n_frames * 1.0 / N0.sqrt(n_per_node * n_nodes) ))
        if r > 25:
            return r

        return 25
Esempio n. 13
    def __windowSize(self, n_per_node, n_nodes, n_frames):
        @param n_per_node: how many chunks should be generated per node
        @type  n_per_node: int
        @param n_nodes: number of slave nodes
        @type  n_nodes: int
        @param n_frames: length of trajectory
        @type  n_frames: int

        @return: calculate number of frames per chunk
        @rtype: int
        r = int(round(n_frames * 1.0 / N0.sqrt(n_per_node * n_nodes)))
        if r > 25:
            return r

        return 25
Esempio n. 14
    def random_translations( self, n=1, center=None ):
        n Random translations on a sphere around center with fixed radius.
        The radius must be given as orbit to __init__.
        n      - int, number of random coordinates to generate
        center - 3 array of float
        -> array n x 3 of float
        if center is None:
            center =

        xyz = ra.random( (n,3) ) - 0.5

        scale = self.orbit*1.0 / N0.sqrt( N0.sum( xyz**2, 1 ) )

        r = N0.array( [ scale[i]*xyz[i] for i in range(n) ] )

        return r + center
Esempio n. 15
    def random_translations(self, n=1, center=None):
        n Random translations on a sphere around center with fixed radius.
        The radius must be given as orbit to __init__.
        n      - int, number of random coordinates to generate
        center - 3 array of float
        -> array n x 3 of float
        if center is None:
            center =

        xyz = ra.random((n, 3)) - 0.5

        scale = self.orbit * 1.0 / N0.sqrt(N0.sum(xyz**2, 1))

        r = N0.array([scale[i] * xyz[i] for i in range(n)])

        return r + center
Esempio n. 16
    def getFluct_global( self, mask=None ):
        Get RMS of each atom from it's average position in trajectory.
        The frames should be superimposed (fit() ) to a reference.

        @param mask: N x 1 list/Numpy array of 0|1, (N=atoms),
                     atoms to be considered.
        @type  mask: [1|0]

        @return: Numpy array ( N_unmasked x 1 ) of float.
        @rtype: array
        frames = self.frames
        if mask is not None:
            frames = N0.compress( mask, frames, 1 )

        ## mean position of each atom in all frames
        avg = N0.average( frames )

        return N0.average(N0.sqrt(N0.sum(N0.power(frames - avg, 2), 2) ))
Esempio n. 17
def xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour(i, model):
    Closest atom in the same residue as atom with index i

    @param model: PDBModel 
    @type  model: PDBModel
    @param i: atom index 
    @type  i: int

    @return: coordinates of the nearest atom 
    @rtype: [float, float, float]
    resModel = model.filter(residue_number=model.atoms['residue_number'][i])
    dist = N0.sqrt(N0.sum(( -[i])**2, 1))

    ## set distance to self to something high
    dist[N0.argmin(dist)] = 100.

    pos_shortest = N0.nonzero(dist == min(dist))[0]

Esempio n. 18
def xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour( i, model ):
    Closest atom in the same residue as atom with index i

    @param model: PDBModel 
    @type  model: PDBModel
    @param i: atom index 
    @type  i: int

    @return: coordinates of the nearest atom 
    @rtype: [float, float, float]
    resModel = model.filter( residue_number=model.atoms['residue_number'][i] )
    dist = N0.sqrt( N0.sum( ( -[i])**2 , 1) )

    ## set distance to self to something high
    dist[ N0.argmin(dist) ] = 100.
    pos_shortest =  N0.nonzero( dist == min(dist) )[0]
    return[ pos_shortest ]
Esempio n. 19
def rowDistances(x, y):
    Calculate the distances between the items of two arrays (of same shape)
    after least-squares superpositioning.

    @param x: first set of coordinates
    @type  x: array('f')
    @param y: second set of coordinates
    @type  y: array('f')  

    @return: array( len(x), 'f' ), distance between x[i] and y[i] for all i
    @rtype: array
    ## find transformation for best match
    r, t = findTransformation(x, y)

    ## transform coordinates
    z =, N0.transpose(r)) + t

    ## calculate row distances
    return N0.sqrt(N0.sum(N0.power(x - z, 2), 1))
Esempio n. 20
    def rmsd_res(self, coord1, coord2):
        Calculate the rsmd on residue level for c-alpha between a
        model and its reference.

        @param coord1: first set of coordinates
        @type  coord1: array
        @param coord2: second set of coordinates
        @type  coord2: array

        @return: rmsd_res: rmsd per c-alpha
        @rtype: [float]
        rmsd_res = []

        for i in range(len(coord1)):
            rmsd = N0.sqrt( (N0.power(coord1[i][0]-coord2[i][0],2) +  \
                            N0.power(coord1[i][1]-coord2[i][1],2 )+ \
                            N0.power(coord1[i][2]-coord2[i][2],2 )))

        return rmsd_res
Esempio n. 21
    def rmsd_res(self, coord1, coord2):
        Calculate the rsmd on residue level for c-alpha between a
        model and its reference.

        @param coord1: first set of coordinates
        @type  coord1: array
        @param coord2: second set of coordinates
        @type  coord2: array

        @return: rmsd_res: rmsd per c-alpha
        @rtype: [float]
        rmsd_res = []

        for i in range( len(coord1) ):
            rmsd = N0.sqrt( (N0.power(coord1[i][0]-coord2[i][0],2) +  \
                            N0.power(coord1[i][1]-coord2[i][1],2 )+ \
                            N0.power(coord1[i][2]-coord2[i][2],2 )))

        return rmsd_res
Esempio n. 22
def logConfidence(x, R, clip=1e-32):
    Estimate the probability of x NOT beeing a random observation from a
    lognormal distribution that is described by a set of random values.
    The exact solution to this problem is in L{Biskit.Statistics.lognormal}.

    @param x: observed value
    @type  x: float
    @param R: sample of random values; 0 -> don't clip (default: 1e-32)
    @type  R: [float]
    @param clip: clip zeros at this value
    @type  clip: float

    @return:  confidence that x is not random, mean of random distrib.
    @rtype: (float, float)
    if clip and 0 in R:
        R = N0.clip(R, clip, max(R))
    ## get mean and stdv of log-transformed random sample
    mean = N0.average(N0.log(R))

    n = len(R)

    stdv = N0.sqrt(N0.sum(N0.power(N0.log(R) - mean, 2)) / (n - 1.))

    ## create dense lognormal distribution representing the random sample
    stop = max(R) * 50.0
    step = stop / 100000
    start = step / 10.0

    X = [(v, p_lognormal(v, mean, stdv)) for v in N0.arange(start, stop, step)]

    ## analyse distribution
    d = Density(X)

    return d.findConfidenceInterval(x * 1.0)[0], d.average()
Esempio n. 23
def hbonds(model):
    Collect a list with all potential hydrogen bonds in model.

    @param model: PDBModel for which 
    @type  model: PDBModel

    @return: a list of potential hydrogen bonds containing a lists
             with donor index, acceptor index, distance and angle.
    @rtype: [ int, int, float, float ]
    hbond_lst = []
    donors = molU.hbonds['donors']
    accept = molU.hbonds['acceptors']

    ## indices if potential donors
    d_ind = []
    for res, aList in donors.items():
        for a in aList:
            if a in molU.hydrogenSynonyms.keys():

        d_ind += model.filterIndex(residue_name=res, name=aList)

    ## indices if potential acceptors
    a_ind = []
    for res, aList in accept.items():
        a_ind += model.filterIndex(residue_name=res, name=aList)

    ## calculate pairwise distances and angles
    for d in d_ind:
        d_xyz =[d]
        d_nr = model.atoms['residue_number'][d]
        d_cid = model.atoms['chain_id'][d]
        d_segi = model.atoms['segment_id'][d]

        for a in a_ind:
            a_xyz =[a]
            a_nr = model.atoms['residue_number'][a]
            a_cid = model.atoms['chain_id'][a]
            a_segi = model.atoms['segment_id'][a]

            dist = N0.sqrt(sum((d_xyz - a_xyz)**2))

            ## don't calculate angles within the same residue and
            ##  for distances definately are not are h-bonds
            if dist < 3.0 and not\
                  ( d_nr == a_nr and d_cid == a_cid and d_segi == a_segi ):

                ## calculate angle for potenital hbond
                d_xyz_cov = xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour(d, model)
                a_xyz_cov = xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour(a, model)
                d_vec = d_xyz_cov - d_xyz
                a_vec = a_xyz - a_xyz_cov

                d_len = N0.sqrt(sum((d_vec)**2))
                a_len = N0.sqrt(sum((a_vec)**2))

                da_dot =, a_vec)

                angle = 180 - N0.arccos(da_dot / (d_len * a_len)) * 180 / N0.pi

                if hbondCheck(angle, dist):
                    hbond_lst += [[d, a, dist, angle]]

    return hbond_lst
Esempio n. 24
    def getFluct_local( self, mask=None, border_res=1,
                        left_atoms=['C'], right_atoms=['N'], verbose=1 ):
        Get mean displacement of each atom from it's average position after
        fitting of each residue to the reference backbone coordinates of itself
        and selected atoms of neighboring residues to the right and left.

        @param mask: N_atoms x 1 array of 0||1, atoms for which fluctuation
                     should be calculated
        @type  mask: array
        @param border_res: number of neighboring residues to use for fitting
        @type  border_res: int
        @param left_atoms: atoms (names) to use from these neighbore residues
        @type  left_atoms: [str]
        @param right_atoms: atoms (names) to use from these neighbore residues
        @type  right_atoms: [str]

        @return: Numpy array ( N_unmasked x 1 ) of float
        @rtype: array
        if mask is None:
            mask = N0.ones( len( self.frames[0] ), N0.Int32 )

        if verbose: T.errWrite( "rmsd fitting per residue..." )

        residues = N0.nonzero( self.ref.atom2resMask( mask ) )

        ## backbone atoms used for fit
        fit_atoms_right = N0.nonzero( self.ref.mask( right_atoms ) )
        fit_atoms_left  = N0.nonzero( self.ref.mask( left_atoms ) )
        ## chain index of each residue
        rchainMap = N0.take( self.ref.chainMap(), self.ref.resIndex() )

        result = []

        for res in residues:

            i_res, i_border = self.__resWindow(res, border_res, rchainMap,
                                               fit_atoms_left, fit_atoms_right)

                if not len( i_res ): raise PDBError, 'empty residue'

                t_res = self.takeAtoms( i_res + i_border )

                i_center = range( len( i_res ) )

                mask_BB = t_res.ref.maskBB() * t_res.ref.maskHeavy()

                ## fit with border atoms ..
       ref=t_res.ref, mask=mask_BB, verbose=0 )
                ## .. but calculate only with center residue atoms
                frames = N0.take( t_res.frames, i_center, 1 )

                avg = N0.average( frames )

                rmsd = N0.average(N0.sqrt(N0.sum(N0.power(frames - avg, 2), 2) ))

                result.extend( rmsd )

                if verbose: T.errWrite('#')

            except ZeroDivisionError:
                result.extend( N0.zeros( len(i_res), N0.Float32 ) )
                T.errWrite('?' + str( res ))

        if verbose: T.errWriteln( "done" )

        return result
Esempio n. 25
def hbonds( model ):
    Collect a list with all potential hydrogen bonds in model.

    @param model: PDBModel for which 
    @type  model: PDBModel

    @return: a list of potential hydrogen bonds containing a lists
             with donor index, acceptor index, distance and angle.
    @rtype: [ int, int, float, float ]
    hbond_lst = []
    donors = molU.hbonds['donors']
    accept = molU.hbonds['acceptors']

    ## indices if potential donors
    d_ind = []
    for res , aList in donors.items():  
        for a in aList:
            if a in molU.hydrogenSynonyms.keys():
                aList.append( molU.hydrogenSynonyms[a] )
        d_ind += model.filterIndex( residue_name=res, name=aList )
    ## indices if potential acceptors
    a_ind = []
    for res , aList in accept.items():               
        a_ind += model.filterIndex( residue_name=res, name=aList )
    ## calculate pairwise distances and angles
    for d in d_ind:
        d_xyz  =[d]
        d_nr   = model.atoms['residue_number'][d]
        d_cid  = model.atoms['chain_id'][d]
        d_segi = model.atoms['segment_id'][d]

        for a in a_ind:
            a_xyz  =[a]
            a_nr   = model.atoms['residue_number'][a]
            a_cid  = model.atoms['chain_id'][a]
            a_segi = model.atoms['segment_id'][a]
            dist = N0.sqrt( sum( (d_xyz - a_xyz)**2 ) )

            ## don't calculate angles within the same residue and 
            ##  for distances definately are not are h-bonds
            if dist < 3.0 and not\
                  ( d_nr == a_nr and d_cid == a_cid and d_segi == a_segi ):

                ## calculate angle for potenital hbond
                d_xyz_cov = xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour( d, model )
                a_xyz_cov = xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour( a, model )
                d_vec = d_xyz_cov - d_xyz
                a_vec = a_xyz - a_xyz_cov
                d_len = N0.sqrt( sum( (d_vec)**2 ) )
                a_len = N0.sqrt( sum( (a_vec)**2 ) )
                da_dot = d_vec, a_vec)
                angle = 180 - N0.arccos( da_dot / (d_len * a_len) )*180/N0.pi
                if hbondCheck( angle, dist ):
                    hbond_lst += [[ d, a, dist, angle ]]
    return hbond_lst
Esempio n. 26
    def fit( self, mask=None, ref=None, n_it=1,
             prof='rms', verbose=1, fit=1, **profInfos ):
        Superimpose all coordinate frames on reference coordinates. Put rms
        values in a profile. If n_it > 1, the fraction of atoms considered
        for the fit is put into a profile called |prof|_considered
        (i.e. by default 'rms_considered').

        @param mask: atom mask, atoms to consider default: [all]
        @type  mask: [1|0]
        @param ref: use as reference, default: None, average Structure
        @type  ref: PDBModel
        @param n_it: number of fit iterations, kicking out outliers on the way
                     1 -> classic single fit, 0 -> until convergence
                     (default: 1)
        @type  n_it: int
        @param prof: save rms per frame in profile of this name, ['rms']
        @type  prof: str
        @param verbose: print progress info to STDERR (default: 1)
        @type  verbose: 1|0
        @param fit: transform frames after match, otherwise just calc rms
                    (default: 1)          
        @type  fit: 1|0
        @param profInfos: additional key=value pairs for rms profile info []
        @type profInfos: key=value
        if ref is None:
            refxyz = N0.average( self.frames, 0 )
            refxyz = ref.getXyz()

        if mask is None:
            mask = N0.ones( len( refxyz ), N0.Int32 )

        refxyz = N0.compress( mask, refxyz, 0 )

        if verbose: T.errWrite( "rmsd fitting..." )

        rms = []          ## rms value of each frame
        non_outliers = [] ## fraction of atoms considered for rms and fit
        iterations = []   ## number of iterations performed on each frame

        for i in range(0, len( self.frames) ):

            xyz = self.frames[i]

            if n_it != 1:
                (r, t), rmsdList = rmsFit.match( refxyz,
                                                 N0.compress( mask, xyz, 0), n_it)
                iterations.append( len( rmsdList ) )
                non_outliers.append( rmsdList[-1][0] )

                xyz_transformed = xyz, N0.transpose(r)) + t

                rms += [ rmsdList[-1][1] ]

                r, t = rmsFit.findTransformation( refxyz,
                                                  N0.compress( mask, xyz, 0))

                xyz_transformed = xyz, N0.transpose(r)) + t

                d = N0.sqrt(N0.sum(N0.power( N0.compress(mask, xyz_transformed,0)\
                                          - refxyz, 2), 1))

                rms += [ N0.sqrt( N0.average(d**2) ) ]

            if fit:
                self.frames[i] = xyz_transformed.astype(N0.Float32)

            if verbose and i%100 == 0:
                T.errWrite( '#' )

        self.setProfile( prof, rms, n_iterations=n_it, **profInfos )

        if non_outliers:
            self.setProfile( prof+'_considered', non_outliers,
                             comment='fraction of atoms considered for iterative fit' )

        if verbose: T.errWrite( 'done\n' )
Esempio n. 27
def match(x, y, n_iterations=1, z=2, eps_rmsd=0.5, eps_stdv=0.05):
    Matches two arrays onto each other, while iteratively removing outliers.
    Superimposed array y would be C{, N0.transpose(r)) + t }.

    @param n_iterations: number of calculations::
                           1 .. no iteration 
                           0 .. until convergence
    @type  n_iterations: 1|0
    @param z: number of standard deviations for outlier definition (default: 2)
    @type  z: float
    @param eps_rmsd: tolerance in rmsd (default: 0.5)
    @type  eps_rmsd: float
    @param eps_stdv: tolerance in standard deviations (default: 0.05)
    @type  eps_stdv: float

    @return: (r,t), [ [percent_considered, rmsd_for_it, outliers] ]
    @rtype: (array, array), [float, float, int]
    iter_trace = []

    rmsd_old = 0
    stdv_old = 0

    n = 0
    converged = 0

    mask = N0.ones(len(y), N0.Int32)

    while not converged:

        ## find transformation for best match
        r, t = findTransformation(N0.compress(mask, x, 0),
                                  N0.compress(mask, y, 0))

        ## transform coordinates
        xt =, N0.transpose(r)) + t

        ## calculate row distances
        d = N0.sqrt(N0.sum(N0.power(x - xt, 2), 1)) * mask

        ## calculate rmsd and stdv
        rmsd = N0.sqrt(N0.average(N0.compress(mask, d)**2))
        stdv = MU.SD(N0.compress(mask, d))

        ## check conditions for convergence
        d_rmsd = abs(rmsd - rmsd_old)
        d_stdv = abs(1 - stdv_old / stdv)

        if d_rmsd < eps_rmsd and d_stdv < eps_stdv:
            converged = 1
            rmsd_old = rmsd
            stdv_old = stdv

        ## store result
        perc = round(float(N0.sum(mask)) / float(len(mask)), 2)

        ## throw out non-matching rows
        mask = N0.logical_and(mask, N0.less(d, rmsd + z * stdv))
        outliers = N0.nonzero(N0.logical_not(mask))
        iter_trace.append([perc, round(rmsd, 3), outliers])

        n += 1

        if n_iterations and n >= n_iterations:

    return (r, t), iter_trace
Esempio n. 28
def distance_matrix(x, y):
    return N0.sqrt(squared_distance_matrix(x, y))
Esempio n. 29
    doper.addSurfaceRacer( probe=1.4 )
    surf_lig = lig.profile2mask( 'MS', 0.0001, 101 )

    ## kick out non-surface
    rec = rec.compress( surf_rec )
    lig = lig.compress( surf_lig )

    com = Complex( rec, lig )

    ## get interface patch
    cont = com.atomContacts( cutoff=6.0 )
    rec_if = N0.sum( cont, 1 )
    lig_if = N0.sum( cont, 0 )

    ## center distance
    c2c = N0.sqrt( N0.sum( ( -**2, 0 ) )
    print "Center2Center: ", c2c

    ## get patches and put them into Pymoler for display
    print "Patching"
    excl = N0.compress( N0.ones( len( rec_if ) ), rec_if )
    pm = test( rec, c2c, nAtoms=len(N0.nonzero(rec_if)), exclude=rec_if )

    pm.addPdb( rec.compress( rec_if ), 'rec_interface' )
    pm.addPdb( lig.compress( lig_if ), 'lig_interface' )
    pm.addPdb( com.model(), 'complex')

    ## show everything
    ## the patches are as movie in 'model'
Esempio n. 30
    surf_lig = lig.profile2mask('MS', 0.0001, 101)

    ## kick out non-surface
    rec = rec.compress(surf_rec)
    lig = lig.compress(surf_lig)

    com = Complex(rec, lig)

    ## get interface patch
    cont = com.atomContacts(cutoff=6.0)
    rec_if = N0.sum(cont, 1)
    lig_if = N0.sum(cont, 0)

    ## center distance
    c2c = N0.sqrt(N0.sum(( -**2, 0))
    print "Center2Center: ", c2c

    ## get patches and put them into Pymoler for display
    print "Patching"
    excl = N0.compress(N0.ones(len(rec_if)), rec_if)
    pm = test(rec, c2c, nAtoms=len(N0.nonzero(rec_if)), exclude=rec_if)

    pm.addPdb(rec.compress(rec_if), 'rec_interface')
    pm.addPdb(lig.compress(lig_if), 'lig_interface')
    pm.addPdb(com.model(), 'complex')

    ## show everything
    ## the patches are as movie in 'model'