def __init__(self): super(ApplyForce, self).__init__() = (0.0, 0.0) # The boundaries ground =, 20)) ground.CreateEdgeChain( [(-20, -20), (-20, 20), (20, 20), (20, -20), (-20, -20)] ) # TODO: make note of transform.R.set() -> transform.angle = xf1 = b2Transform() xf1.angle = 0.3524 * b2_pi xf1.position = xf1.R * (1.0, 0.0) xf2 = b2Transform() xf2.angle = -0.3524 * b2_pi xf2.position = xf2.R * (-1.0, 0.0) self.body = position=(0, 2), angle=b2_pi, angularDamping=5, linearDamping=0.1, shapes=[b2PolygonShape(vertices=[xf1 * (-1, 0), xf1 * (1, 0), xf1 * (0, .5)]), b2PolygonShape(vertices=[xf2 * (-1, 0), xf2 * (1, 0), xf2 * (0, .5)])], shapeFixture=b2FixtureDef(density=2.0), ) gravity = 10.0 fixtures = b2FixtureDef(shape=b2PolygonShape(box=(0.5, 0.5)), density=1, friction=0.3) for i in range(10): body = position=(0, 5 + 1.54 * i), fixtures=fixtures) # For a circle: I = 0.5 * m * r * r ==> r = sqrt(2 * I / m) r = sqrt(2.0 * body.inertia / body.mass) bodyA=ground, bodyB=body, localAnchorA=(0, 0), localAnchorB=(0, 0), collideConnected=True, maxForce=body.mass * gravity, maxTorque=body.mass * r * gravity )
def __init__(self): super(Distance, self).__init__() # Transform A -- a simple translation/offset of (0,-0.2) self.transformA = b2Transform() self.transformA.SetIdentity() self.transformA.position = (0, -0.2) # Transform B -- a translation and a rotation self.transformB = b2Transform() self.positionB = b2Vec2(12.017401, 0.13678508) self.angleB = -0.0109265 self.transformB.Set(self.positionB, self.angleB) # The two shapes, transformed by the respective transform[A,B] self.polygonA = b2PolygonShape(box=(10, 0.2)) self.polygonB = b2PolygonShape(box=(2, 0.1))