Esempio n. 1
def hydrogen():
    #Distance of the nucley from grid center
    a = 1.0

    #Nuclear charges on centers AB
    Za = 1
    Zb = 0

    #Set polaization. 1 Unpolarized, 2 Polarized
    pol = 1

    Nmo = [[1]]
    N = [[1]]

    optKS = {
        "interaction_type": "ni",
        "SYM": False,
        "FRACTIONAL": True,

    #Grid Options
    NP = 7  #Number of points per block
    NM = [4, 4]  #Number of blocks [angular, radial]
    L = np.arccosh(15. / a)  #Maximum radial coordinate value
    loc = np.array(range(-4, 5))  #Non inclusive on upper bound

    #Create and initialize grid object
    grid = Psgrid(NP, NM, a, L, loc)

    #Kohn Sham object
    KS = Kohnsham(grid, Za, Zb, pol, Nmo, N, optKS)

    return KS
Esempio n. 2
def h2plus():
    a = 2.0 / 2
    #Nuclear charge for fragments A and B
    Za, Zb = 1, 1
    #Set polarization 1-Unpolarized, 2-Polarized|
    pol = 2
    #Fragment a electrons [alpha, beta]
    Nmo_a = [[1, 0]]  #Number of molecular orbitals to calculate
    N_a = [[0.5, 0]]
    #Ensemble mix
    nu_a = 1
    #Fragment b electrons
    Nmo_b = [[1, 0]]
    N_b = [[0.5, 0]]
    #Ensemble mix
    nu_b = 1

    #Molecular elctron configuration
    Nmo_m = [[1, 1]]
    N_m = [[1, 1]]

    #Set up grid
    NP = 2
    NM = [3, 3]
    L = np.arccosh(10 / a)
    loc = np.array(range(-4, 5))  #Stencil outline

    grid = Psgrid(NP, NM, a, L, loc)

    part = Partition(
        grid, Za, Zb, pol, Nmo_a, N_a, nu_a, Nmo_b, N_b, nu_b, {
            "ab_sym": True,
            "ens_spin_sym": False,
            "kinetic_part_type": "libxcke",
            "k_family": "gga",
            "ke_func_id": 500,
            "interaction_type": "ni",
            "fractional": True,

    #Setup inverter object
    mol_solver = Pssolver(grid, Nmo_m, N_m)
    part.inverter = Inverter(
        grid, mol_solver, {
            "AB_SYM": True,
            "ENS_SPIN_SYM": False,
            "use_iterative": False,
            "invert_type": "orbitalinvert",
            "Tol_lin_solver": 1e-3,
            "disp": True,

    part.optPartition.isolated = True
    part.scf({"disp": True, "e_tol": 1e-7})

    return part
Esempio n. 3
#Nuclear charges on centers AB
Za = 1
Zb = 1

#Set polaization. 1 Unpolarized, 2 Polarized
pol = 1

Nmo = [[1]]
N = [[1]]

optKS = {
    "interaction_type": "ni",
    "SYM": True,
    "FRACTIONAL": True,

#Grid Options
NP = 7  #Number of points per block
NM = [4, 4]  #Number of blocks [angular, radial]
L = np.arccosh(15. / a)  #Maximum radial coordinate value
loc = np.array(range(-4, 5))  #Non inclusive on upper bound

#Create and initialize grid object
grid = Psgrid(NP, NM, a, L, loc)

#Kohn Sham object
KS = Kohnsham(grid, Za, Zb, pol, Nmo, N, optKS)

print(f" Total Energy: {KS.E.E}")
def test_partition_energies():

    a = 1.466 / 2
    #Nuclear charge for fragments A and B
    Za, Zb = 1, 1
    #Set polarization 1-Unpolarized, 2-Polarized|
    pol = 2
    #Fragment a electrons [alpha, beta]
    Nmo_a = [[1, 0]]  #Number of molecular orbitals to calculate
    N_a = [[1, 0]]
    #Ensemble mix
    nu_a = 1
    #Fragment b electrons
    Nmo_b = [[1, 0]]
    N_b = [[1, 0]]
    #Ensemble mix
    nu_b = 1

    #Molecular elctron configuration
    Nmo_m = [[1, 1]]
    N_m = [[1, 1]]

    #Set up grid
    NP = 4
    NM = [4, 4]
    L = np.arccosh(12 / a)
    loc = np.array(range(-4, 5))  #Stencil outline

    grid = Psgrid(NP, NM, a, L, loc)

    part = Partition(
        grid, Za, Zb, pol, Nmo_a, N_a, nu_a, Nmo_b, N_b, nu_b, {
            "AB_SYM": True,
            "ENS_SPIN_SYM": True,
            "kinetic_part_type": "inversion",
            "k_family": "gga",
            "ke_func_id": 500,

    #Setup inverter object
    mol_solver = Pssolver(grid, Nmo_m, N_m)
    part.inverter = Inverter(
        grid, mol_solver, {
            "AB_SYM": True,
            "ENS_SPIN_SYM": True,
            "use_iterative": False,
            "invert_type": "orbitalinvert",
            "DISP": False,

    part.optPartition.isolated = False

        "disp": False,
        "alpha": [0.6],
        "max_iter": 200,
        "e_tol": 1e-9,
        "iterative": False,
        "continuing": False

    expected = {
        'Ea': -0.45648534732914625,
        'Eb': -0.45648534732914625,
        'Ef': -0.9129706946582925,
        'Tsf': 1.229793692709058,
        'Eksf': np.array([[-0.74204158, 0.]]),
        'Enucf': -2.195184927508663,
        'Exf': -0.5953289679034595,
        'Ecf': -0.0464215259607141,
        'Ehf': 0.6941710340054861,
        'Vhxcf': 0.5414671244122083,
        'Ep_pot': -1.3335441021724597,
        'Ep_kin': -0.15202727101015334,
        'Ep_h': 0.5801249630265373,
        'Ep_x': 0.04570980033028593,
        'Ep_c': -0.046872964090811736,
        'Ep_hxc': 0.5789617992660114,
        'Ep': -0.9066095739166016,
        'Et': -1.819580268574894,
        'Vnn': 0.6821282401091405,
        'E': -1.1374520284657534,
        'evals_a': np.array([], dtype=np.float64),
        'evals_b': np.array([], dtype=np.float64)

    for i in part.E.__dict__:
        if i.startswith("__") is False:
            if type(getattr(part.E, i)) == np.ndarray:
                assert np.isclose(getattr(part.E, i).all(), expected[i].all())
                assert np.isclose(getattr(part.E, i), expected[i])
def test_partition_energies():

    a = 4.522 / 2
    #Nuclear charge for fragments A and B
    Za, Zb = 4, 4
    #Set polarization 1-Unpolarized, 2-Polarized
    pol = 1
    #Fragment a electrons [alpha, beta]
    Nmo_a = [[2]]  #Number of molecular orbitals to calculate
    N_a = [[4]]
    #Ensemble mix
    nu_a = 1
    #Fragment b electrons
    Nmo_b = [[2]]
    N_b = [[4]]
    #Ensemble mix
    nu_b = 1

    #Molecular elctron configuration
    Nmo_m = [[4]]
    N_m = [[8]]

    #Set up grid
    NP = 4
    NM = [4, 4]
    L = np.arccosh(15 / a)
    loc = np.array(range(-4, 5))  #Stencil outline

    grid = Psgrid(NP, NM, a, L, loc)

    part = Partition(grid, Za, Zb, pol, Nmo_a, N_a, nu_a, Nmo_b, N_b, nu_b, {
        "kinetic_part_type": "inversion",
        "ab_sym": True,
        "ens_spin_sym": False
    #Setup inverter object
    mol_solver = Pssolver(grid, Nmo_m, N_m, {"tol_orbital": 1e-9})
    part.inverter = Inverter(
        grid, mol_solver, {
            "invert_type": "wuyang",
            "disp": False,
            "ab_sym": True,
            "ens_spin_sym": False,
            "tol_lin_solver": 1e-3,
            "tol_invert": 1e-4,
            "res_factor": 0,

    part.optPartition.isolated = True
    part.scf({"disp": False, "alpha": [0.6], "e_tol": 1e-7})

    part.optPartition.isolated = False
        "disp": False,
        "alpha": [0.3],
        "max_iter": 200,
        "e_tol": 1e-7,
        "continuing": True,
        "iterative": False

    expected = {
        'Ea': -14.64239075876027,
        'Eb': -14.64239075876027,
        'Ef': -29.28478151752054,
        'Tsf': 25.34937178021555,
        'Eksf': np.array([[-16.72707747]]),
        'Enucf': -63.73131825287787,
        'Exf': -4.527858632036746,
        'Ecf': -0.4495664797297575,
        'Ehf': 14.074590066908286,
        'Vhxcf': 21.60485817523808,
        'Ep': -3.614959527515154,
        'Ep_pot': -7.1522854050404625,
        'Ep_kin': 0.0642644656425091,
        'Ep_hxc': 3.4730614118827994,
        'Et': -32.8997410450357,
        'Vnn': 3.5382574082264484,
        'E': -29.361483636809247,
        'evals_a': np.array([], dtype=np.float64),
        'evals_b': np.array([], dtype=np.float64),
        'Ep_h': 3.519875684463109,
        'Ep_x': -0.04185713118930234,
        'Ep_c': -0.004957141391007558

    for i in part.E.__dict__:
        if i.startswith("__") is False:
            if type(getattr(part.E, i)) == np.ndarray:
                assert np.isclose(getattr(part.E, i).all(), expected[i].all())
                assert np.isclose(getattr(part.E, i), expected[i])