Esempio n. 1
 def mate(self, parentOne, parentTwo):
     """Accepts two parents and returns ONE offspring; if the offspring is unchanged from one of
     the parents, the fitness values are not re-evaluated, just copied.  Only one category of 
     mutation is performed on a single offspring."""
     # one parent will form the basis for the new offspring; the other is just there for 
     #    potential crossover (by default the mother will become the offspring)
     mother, father  = parentOne.copy(), parentTwo.copy()
     # fitEval will be set to True if any mutations occur that make the offspring different from
     #    its copied parent; this way we avoid unnecessary fitness evaluations
     fitEval = False
     # only one category of mutation is allowed per mating event
     r = urand()
     if r < self.pC: # parental crossover
         fitEval = True
         mNode = rchoice(mother.tree.getNodes())
         fNode = rchoice(father.tree.getNodes())
     elif r < self.pC + self.pHC: # headless chicken crossover
         fitEval = True
         mNode = rchoice(mother.tree.getNodes())
         rNode = rchoice(self.initialize_tree().getNodes())
     elif r < self.pC + self.pHC + self.pM: # point mutation (uses pM/node for mutation prob.)
         fitEval = True
         for n in mother.tree.getNodes():
             if urand() < self.pM:
                 CGAGenerator.point_mutate(mother.tree, n)
                 fitEval = True
     elif r < self.pC + self.pHC + self.pM + self.pP: # pruning - guaranteed to do one pruning operation
         fitEval = True
         mNode = rchoice(mother.tree.getNodes())
     elif r < self.pC + self.pHC + self.pM + self.pP + self.pG: # growth - guaranteed to do one growth op.
         fitEval = True
         mTerm = rchoice(mother.tree.getTermini())
     else: # offspring will just be a copy
     if fitEval:,mother.parsimony,mother.finitewts = self.evaluate_fitness(mother.tree)
     return mother