def _BuildHistogram(self, tree, comp, compName, varName, cut, layer ):
        '''Build one histogram, for a given component'''

        if not hasattr( comp, 'tree'):
            comp.tree = tree
        histName = '_'.join( [compName, self.varName] )

        hist = None
        if self.xmin is not None and self.xmax is not None:
            hist = TH1F( histName, '', self.bins, self.xmin, self.xmax )
            hist = TH1F( histName, '', len(self.bins)-1, self.bins )
        weight = self.eventWeight
## to do the following, modify the eventWeight before giving it to self
##         if not comp.isData:
##             weight = ' * '.join( [self.eventWeight, recEffId.weight(), recEffIso.weight()])
        if tree == None:
            raise ValueError('tree does not exist for component '+compName)
        var = varName
        if not comp.isData and self.shift:
            if self.shift == 'Up':
                if varName == 'visMass' or varName == 'svfitMass':
                    print 'Shifting visMass and svfitMass by sqrt(1.03) for',
                    var = varName + '* sqrt(1.03)'
            elif self.shift == 'Down':
                if varName == 'visMass' or varName == 'svfitMass':
                    print 'Shifting visMass and svfitMass by sqrt(0.97) for',
                    var = varName + '* sqrt(0.97)'
                raise ValueError( self.shift + ' is not recognized. Use None, "Up" or "Down".')

        # hack to account for the shift determined for HCP, see:

        if isNewerThan('CMSSW_5_2_0'):
            # Andrew doesn't do the shift in 2011.
            if compName == 'Ztt_ZL' and self.treeName.find('TauEle') != -1:
                if varName == 'visMass' or varName == 'svfitMass':
                    print 'Shifting visMass and svfitMass by 1.015 for', compName
                    var = varName + '* 1.015'

        tree.Project( histName, var, '{weight}*({cut})'.format(cut=cut,
                                                               weight=weight) )
        componentName = compName
        legendLine = self._GetHistPref(compName)['legend']
        if legendLine is None:
            legendLine = compName
        self.AddHistogram( componentName, hist, layer, legendLine)
        self.Hist(componentName).realName = comp.realName
        if comp.isData:
            self.Hist(componentName).stack = False
            process.recoilCorMETDiTau.enable = True
            process.recoilCorMETDiTau.fileCorrectTo = correctFileName
            process.recoilCorMETDiTau.leptonLeg = leptonLeg 
            process.recoilCorMETDiTau.fileZmmData = fileZmmData
            process.recoilCorMETDiTau.fileZmmMC = fileZmmMC
            process.recoilCorMETDiTau.correctionType = correctionType
        print '\tDISABLED'
        if runOnMC:
            process.metRecoilCorrectionInputSequence.remove( process.genWorZ ) 
        if hasattr( process, 'recoilCorMETTauMu'):
            process.recoilCorMETTauMu.enable = False
        if hasattr( process, 'recoilCorMETTauEle'):
            process.recoilCorMETTauEle.enable = False
        if hasattr( process, 'recoilCorMETDiTau'):
            process.recoilCorMETDiTau.enable = False

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import sys
    from CMGTools.Common.Tools.cmsswRelease import isNewerThan

    data, mc, type = basicParameters(isNewerThan('CMSSW_5_2_X'))
    for line in sys.stdin:
        line = line.rstrip()
        print line
        print fileAndLeg(line, True, None, 'di-tau')
Esempio n. 3
process.tobtecfakesfilterPath = cms.Path(~process.tobtecfakesfilter)

## Close the schedule

## MessageLogger
process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery = 10
process.MessageLogger.suppressWarning = cms.untracked.vstring(
## Options and Output Report
process.options = cms.untracked.PSet(wantSummary=cms.untracked.bool(True))

## Print the schedule
print process.schedule

print sep_line

print 'Fastjet instances (dominating our processing time...):'
from CMGTools.Common.Tools.visitorUtils import SeqVisitor
v = SeqVisitor('FastjetJetProducer')

print sep_line

print 'starting CMSSW'

if not runOnMC and isNewerThan('CMSSW_5_2_0'):
    process.pfJetMETcorr.jetCorrLabel = cms.string("ak5PFL1FastL2L3Residual")
    # removing MC stuff
    print 'removing MC stuff, as we are running on Data'

    process.patElectrons.addGenMatch = False
    process.makePatElectrons.remove( process.electronMatch )
    process.patMuons.addGenMatch = False
    process.makePatMuons.remove( process.muonMatch )
    process.PATCMGSequence.remove( process.PATCMGGenSequence )
    process.PATCMGJetSequence.remove( process.jetMCSequence )
    process.PATCMGJetSequence.remove( process.patJetFlavourId )
    process.patJets.addGenJetMatch = False
    process.patJets.addGenPartonMatch = False

    if isNewerThan('CMSSW_5_2_0'):
        process.PATCMGJetSequenceCHSpruned.remove( process.jetMCSequenceCHSpruned )
        process.patJetsCHSpruned.addGenJetMatch = False
        process.patJetsCHSpruned.addGenPartonMatch = False

    process.PATCMGTauSequence.remove( process.tauGenJets )
    process.PATCMGTauSequence.remove( process.tauGenJetsSelectorAllHadrons )
    process.PATCMGTauSequence.remove( process.tauGenJetMatch )
    process.PATCMGTauSequence.remove( process.tauMatch )
    process.patTaus.addGenJetMatch = False
    process.patTaus.addGenMatch = False

    process.patMETs.addGenMET = False 
    process.patMETsRaw.addGenMET = False 

    # adding L2L3Residual corrections
Esempio n. 5
if runOnMC==False:
    from import setupJSON
    json = setupJSON(process)

# load the channel paths -------------------------------------------

# setting up the recoil correction according to the input file ---------------

print sep_line
from import setupRecoilCorrection

recoilEnabled = True
setupRecoilCorrection( process, runOnMC,
                       enable=recoilEnabled, is53X=isNewerThan('CMSSW_5_2_X'),channel=channel)

# Kinematic reweighting for the embedded samples from here
# Can also put this into a separate file under tools

isEmbedded = process.source.fileNames[0].find('embedded') != -1

if isEmbedded:

    if channel == 'all':
        print 'ERROR: not possible to run all the channels for the embedded samples right now'

    # for "standard" e+tau channel
    if channel == 'tau-ele':
trackingFailureFilter.JetSource = 'ak5PFJets'
trackingFailureSequence = cms.Sequence(goodVertices * trackingFailureFilter)
trackingFailureFilterPath = cms.Path(trackingFailureSequence)

metNoiseCleaning = cms.Sequence(
    primaryVertexFilter + noscraping + CSCTightHaloFilter + HBHENoiseFilter +
    hcalLaserEventFilter + EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter +
    # eeBadScSequence+
    # ecalLaserCorrSequence

metNoiseCleaningPath = cms.Path(metNoiseCleaning)

from CMGTools.Common.Tools.cmsswRelease import isNewerThan
if isNewerThan('CMSSW_5_2_0'):
    #the HCal noise filter works on AOD in 5.2. in 44, a list of events was used.
    hcalLaserEventFilter.vetoByRunEventNumber = cms.untracked.bool(False)
    hcalLaserEventFilter.vetoByHBHEOccupancy = cms.untracked.bool(True)
    #the ee bad sc filter is only available in 5X
    ## Bad EE Supercrystal filter
    from RecoMET.METFilters.eeBadScFilter_cfi import eeBadScFilter
    eeBadScFilterPath = cms.Path(eeBadScFilter)
    metNoiseCleaning += eeBadScFilter
    ## EB or EE Xtals with large laser calibration correction
    from RecoMET.METFilters.ecalLaserCorrFilter_cfi import ecalLaserCorrFilter
    ecalLaserFilterPath = cms.Path(ecalLaserCorrFilter)
    metNoiseCleaning += ecalLaserCorrFilter
    print >> sys.stderr, 'hcalLaserFilterFromAOD, eeBadScFilter and ecalLaserFilter only available in releases >= 5.2'
Esempio n. 7
import copy

from CMGTools.H2TauTau.proto.plotter.categories_common import *
from CMGTools.H2TauTau.proto.plotter.cut import *

from CMGTools.Common.Tools.cmsswRelease import cmsswIs44X,cmsswIs52X
from CMGTools.Common.Tools.cmsswRelease import isNewerThan

pt1 = 20
pt2 = 20 # 2011
if isNewerThan('CMSSW_5_2_0'):
    pt2 = 24 #2012

# ELECTRON = lepton 1
# TAU      = lepton 2

# this has to be in sync with:
# - H2TauTau/python/proto/analyzers/
# - H2TauTau/Colin/
# - H2TauTau/python/objects/
# - H2TauTau/python/objects/
# - H2TauTau/python/objects/

# inc_sig_tau = Cut('l1_looseMvaIso>0.5 && l1_againstElectronMVA > 0.5 && l1_againstElectronTightMVA2 > 0.5 && l1_againstElectronMedium > 0.5 && l1_againstMuonLoose > 0.5 && l1_dxy<0.045 && l1_dz<0.2 && l1_pt>{pt1}'.format(pt1=pt1))

inc_sig_tau = Cut('leptonAccept && thirdLeptonVeto && l1_threeHitIso<1.5 && l1_againstElectronMVA3Medium > 0.5 && l1_againstMuonLoose > 0.5 && l1_dxy<0.045 && l1_dz<0.2 && l1_pt>{pt1}'.format(pt1=pt1))

inc_sig_ele = Cut('l2_relIso05<0.1 && l2_tightId>0.5 && l2_dxy<0.045 && l2_dz<0.2 && l2_pt>{pt2}'.format(pt2=pt2))

passleptonvetoes = Cut('leptonAccept > 0.5 && thirdLeptonVeto > 0.5')
#inc_sig = inc_sig_ele & inc_sig_tau
Esempio n. 8
patJets.userData.userFunctionLabels = cms.vstring('secvtxMass','Lxy','LxyErr')

# parton and gen jet matching

from CommonTools.ParticleFlow.genForPF2PAT_cff import * 
from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.mcMatchLayer0.jetMatch_cfi import *
patJetPartonMatch.src = jetSource
patJetGenJetMatch.src = jetSource
patJetGenJetMatch.matched = 'ak5GenJetsNoNu'

from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.mcMatchLayer0.jetFlavourId_cff import *
patJetPartonAssociation.jets = jetSource

jetsPtGt1Cut = '(neutralHadronEnergy())/(correctedJet(0).pt()/pt()*energy())  < 0.99 && (neutralEmEnergy()/(correctedJet(0).pt()/pt()*energy())) < 0.99 && (nConstituents()) > 1    && ((abs(eta())  < 2.4  && chargedHadronEnergy()/(correctedJet(0).pt()/pt()*energy()) > 0 && chargedEmEnergy()      /(correctedJet(0).pt()/pt()*energy()) < 0.99 && chargedMultiplicity() > 0)   ||  abs(eta())  > 2.4) '
if not isNewerThan('CMSSW_5_2_0'):
    # addtl cut needed due to different MVA MET training in 44X
    jetsPtGt1Cut = ' && '.join([jetsPtGt1Cut,'pt()>1'])
jetsPtGt1 = cmgCandSel.clone( src = 'patJets', cut = jetsPtGt1Cut )

from CMGTools.Common.miscProducers.collectionSize.candidateSize_cfi import candidateSize
nJetsPtGt1 = candidateSize.clone( src = 'jetsPtGt1' )

# jet extender
patJetsWithVar = cms.EDProducer('JetExtendedProducer',
    jets     = cms.InputTag('selectedPatJets'),
    vertices = cms.InputTag('goodOfflinePrimaryVertices'),
    #debug   = cms.untracked.bool(True),
    payload  = cms.string('AK5PF')
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self, cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName):
     super(VBFAnalyzer,self).__init__(cfg_ana, cfg_comp, looperName)
     self.btagSF = BTagSF (cfg_ana.btagSFseed)
     # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
     self.is2012 = isNewerThan('CMSSW_5_2_0')
Esempio n. 10
process.schedule = getSchedule(process, runOnMC, runOnFastSim)


## MessageLogger
process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery = 10
process.MessageLogger.suppressWarning = cms.untracked.vstring(
    "ecalLaserCorrFilter", "manystripclus53X", "toomanystripclus53X"
## Options and Output Report
process.options = cms.untracked.PSet(wantSummary=cms.untracked.bool(False))

if not runOnMC and isNewerThan("CMSSW_5_2_0"):
    process.pfJetMETcorr.jetCorrLabel = cms.string("ak5PFL1FastL2L3Residual")
if runOnFastSim:
    process.patElectronsWithRegression.rhoCollection = cms.InputTag("kt6PFJets", "rho", "HLT")

## Last minute fixes
# process.PATJetSequenceCHS.remove(process.outTracksCHS)
# process.PATJetSequenceCHS.remove(process.ak5SoftTrackJetsForVbfHbbCHS)

print sep_line

print "Fastjet instances (dominating our processing time...):"
from CMGTools.Common.Tools.visitorUtils import SeqVisitor
Esempio n. 11
if runOnMC == False:
    from import setupJSON

    json = setupJSON(process)

# load the channel paths -------------------------------------------

# setting up the recoil correction according to the input file ---------------

print sep_line
from import setupRecoilCorrection

recoilEnabled = True
setupRecoilCorrection(process, runOnMC, enable=recoilEnabled, is53X=isNewerThan("CMSSW_5_2_X"), channel=channel)

# Kinematic reweighting for the embedded samples from here
# Can also put this into a separate file under tools

isEmbedded = process.source.fileNames[0].find("embedded") != -1

if isEmbedded:

    if channel == "all":
        print "ERROR: not possible to run all the channels for the embedded samples right now"

    # for "standard" e+tau channel
    if channel == "tau-ele":
Esempio n. 12
patJets.userData.userFunctionLabels = cms.vstring('secvtxMass','Lxy','LxyErr')

# parton and gen jet matching

from CommonTools.ParticleFlow.genForPF2PAT_cff import * 
from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.mcMatchLayer0.jetMatch_cfi import *
patJetPartonMatch.src = jetSource
patJetGenJetMatch.src = jetSource
patJetGenJetMatch.matched = 'ak5GenJetsNoNu'

from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.mcMatchLayer0.jetFlavourId_cff import *
patJetPartonAssociation.jets = jetSource

jetsPtGt1Cut = '(neutralHadronEnergy())/(correctedJet(0).pt()/pt()*energy())  < 0.99 && (neutralEmEnergy()/(correctedJet(0).pt()/pt()*energy())) < 0.99 && (nConstituents()) > 1    && ((abs(eta())  < 2.4  && chargedHadronEnergy()/(correctedJet(0).pt()/pt()*energy()) > 0 && chargedEmEnergy()      /(correctedJet(0).pt()/pt()*energy()) < 0.99 && chargedMultiplicity() > 0)   ||  abs(eta())  > 2.4) '
if not isNewerThan('CMSSW_5_2_0'):
    # addtl cut needed due to different MVA MET training in 44X
    jetsPtGt1Cut = ' && '.join([jetsPtGt1Cut,'pt()>1'])
jetsPtGt1 = cmgCandSel.clone( src = 'patJets', cut = jetsPtGt1Cut )

from CMGTools.Common.miscProducers.collectionSize.candidateSize_cfi import candidateSize
nJetsPtGt1 = candidateSize.clone( src = 'jetsPtGt1' )

# QG Tagger
QGTagger = cms.EDProducer('QGTagger',
  srcJets   = cms.InputTag('selectedPatJets'),
  isPatJet  = cms.untracked.bool(True),
  useCHS    = cms.untracked.bool(False),
  srcRho    = cms.InputTag('kt6PFJets','rho'),
  srcRhoIso = cms.InputTag('kt6PFJetsIsoQG','rho'),
Esempio n. 13
    from import setupJSON
    json = setupJSON(process)

# load the channel paths -------------------------------------------

# setting up the recoil correction according to the input file ---------------

print sep_line
from import setupRecoilCorrection

recoilEnabled = True

# Kinematic reweighting for the embedded samples from here
# Can also put this into a separate file under tools

isEmbedded = process.source.fileNames[0].find('embedded') != -1

if isEmbedded:

    if channel == 'all':
        print 'ERROR: not possible to run all the channels for the embedded samples right now'

    # for "standard" e+tau channel
    if channel == 'tau-ele':
        process.embeddingKineReweightRECembedding.inputFileName = cms.FileInPath(
Esempio n. 14
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
from CMGTools.Common.Tools.cmsswRelease import isNewerThan

is53X = isNewerThan('CMSSW_5_2_X')

def getEleCuts(leg, channel='tauEle', skim=False):

    ptCut = None
    etaCut = None
#    lmvaID = -99999
    lmvaID1 = -99999
    lmvaID2 = -99999
    lmvaID3 = -99999
#    isoCut = 100
    if channel == 'tauEle':
        ptCut = 20.
        if is53X:
            ptCut = 24.
        etaCut = 2.1
#        lmvaID = 0.9
        lmvaID1 = 0.925
        lmvaID2 = 0.975
        lmvaID3 = 0.985
#        isoCut = 0.3
    elif channel == 'muEle':
        ptCut = 20.
        etaCut = 2.3
        raise ValueError('bad channel specification:'+channel)

    if skim: