Esempio n. 1
def run(date, fout, yarn=None, verbose=None):
    Main function to run pyspark job. It requires a schema file, an HDFS directory
    with data and optional script with mapper/reducer functions.
    # define spark context, it's main object which allow to communicate with spark
    ctx = spark_context('cms', yarn, verbose)
    sqlContext = HiveContext(ctx)

    # read FTS tables
    date = fts_date(date)
    tables = {}
    tables.update(fts_tables(sqlContext, date=date, verbose=verbose))
    fts_df = tables['fts_df']  # fts table

    # example to extract transfer records for ASO
    # VK: the commented lines show how to extract some info from fts_df via SQL
    #    cols = ['data.job_metadata.issuer', 'data.f_size']
    #    stmt = 'SELECT %s FROM fts_df' % ','.join(cols)
    #    joins = sqlContext.sql(stmt)
    #    fjoin = joins.groupBy(['issuer'])\
    #            .agg({'f_size':'sum'})\
    #            .withColumnRenamed('sum(f_size)', 'sum_file_size')\
    #            .withColumnRenamed('issuer', 'issuer')

    # we can use fts_df directly for groupby/aggregated tasks
    fjoin = fts_df.groupBy(['job_metadata.issuer'])\

    # keep table around

    # write out results back to HDFS, the fout parameter defines area on HDFS
    # it is either absolute path or area under /user/USERNAME
    if fout:
                .option("header", "true").save(fout)

Esempio n. 2
def run(date, fout, yarn=None, verbose=None):
    Main function to run pyspark job. It requires a schema file, an HDFS directory
    with data and optional script with mapper/reducer functions.
    # define spark context, it's main object which allow to communicate with spark
    ctx = spark_context('cms', yarn, verbose)
    sqlContext = SQLContext(ctx)

    # read ASO and FTS tables
    date = aso_date(date)
    tables = {}
    tables.update(fts_tables(sqlContext, date=date, verbose=verbose))
    fts_df = tables['fts_df']  # fts table
    print_rows(fts_df, 'fts_df', verbose)
    tables.update(aso_tables(sqlContext, verbose=verbose))
    aso_df = tables['aso_df']  # aso table
    print_rows(aso_df, 'aso_df', verbose)

    fts =[
        'job_metadata.issuer', 'job_id', 'src_url', 't_final_transfer_state',
        'tr_timestamp_start', 'tr_timestamp_complete'

    fts = fts.filter("issuer = 'ASO'")
    fts_udf = udf(lambda x: x.split("/")[-1], StringType())
    fts = fts.withColumn("filename", fts_udf(fts.src_url))
    fts = fts.withColumn("fts_duration",
                         (fts.tr_timestamp_complete - fts.tr_timestamp_start) *
                         1. / 1000)

    aso =[
        'tm_source_lfn', 'tm_fts_id', 'tm_jobid', 'tm_type', 'tm_last_update',
        'tm_start_time', 'tm_transfer_state', 'tm_source', 'tm_destination',
        'tm_transfer_retry_count', 'tm_publish'
    ]).withColumnRenamed('tm_fts_id', 'job_id')

    aso_udf = udf(lambda x: x.split("/")[-1], StringType())
    aso = aso.withColumn("filename", aso_udf(aso.tm_source_lfn))
    aso = aso.filter((col("tm_transfer_state") == 3)
                     | (col("tm_transfer_state") == 2))
    aso = aso.filter((aso.tm_transfer_state.isNotNull()))
    aso = aso.filter((aso.job_id.isNotNull()))

    new_df = fts.join(aso, on=['filename', 'job_id'], how='left_outer')

    new_df = new_df.groupby([
        'job_id', 'tm_transfer_state', 'tm_publish', 'tm_transfer_retry_count'
        count(lit(1)).alias('Num Of Records'),
        mean(aso.tm_last_update - aso.tm_start_time).alias('Aso duration'),
        mean(new_df.tr_timestamp_start * 1. / 1000 -
             new_df.tm_start_time).alias('Aso delay start'),
        mean(new_df.tm_last_update -
             new_df.tr_timestamp_complete * 1. / 1000).alias('Aso delay'),
        mean(new_df.fts_duration).alias('fts duration'),

    # keep table around

    # write out results back to HDFS, the fout parameter defines area on HDFS
    # it is either absolute path or area under /user/USERNAME
    if fout:
                    .option("header", "true").save(fout)
