Esempio n. 1
def test():
    """Test voxelization module"""
    import ClearMap.Analysis.Voxelization as self

    import ClearMap.Analysis.VoxelizationCode as vox
    import numpy

    points = numpy.random.rand(200,3) * 10;

    #use cython code
    vi = vox.voxelizeSphere(points, 20,20,20, 5,5,5);

    import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as Plot


    #use voxelize
    vi = self.voxelize(points, dataSize = (20,20,20), size = (5,5,5));


    #weighted voxelization
    points = numpy.random.rand(10,3) * 10;
    weights = numpy.random.rand(10);

    #use voxelize
    vi = self.voxelize(points, dataSize = (20,20,20), size = (5,5,5));
    viw =  self.voxelize(points, dataSize = (20,20,20), size = (5,5,5), weights = weights);

def plotImportPreview(importResult):
    """Plots the prestiched preview file to check orientations and coarse alignment
    importResult (str): the base directory of the image data or the import xml file
    object: plot axes
    return cplt.plotTiling(readImportPreview(importResult))
Esempio n. 3
def plotImportPreview(importResult):
  """Plots the prestiched preview file to check orientations and coarse alignment
    importResult (str): the base directory of the image data or the import xml file
    object: plot axes
  return cplt.plotTiling(readImportPreview(importResult));
Esempio n. 4
def test():
    """Test the statistics array"""
    import ClearMap.Analysis.Statistics as self
    import numpy, os
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #x = stats.norm.rvs(loc=5,scale=1,size=1500)
    #y = stats.norm.rvs(loc=-5,scale=1,size=1500)
    s = numpy.ones((5, 4, 20))
    s[:, 0:3, :] = -1

    x = numpy.random.rand(4, 4, 20)
    y = numpy.random.rand(5, 4, 20) + s

    # print stats.ttest_ind(x,y, axis = 0, equal_var = False);
    pvals, psign = self.tTestVoxelization(x, y, signed=True)
    print pvals

    pvalscol = self.colorPValues(pvals,
                                 positive=[255, 0, 0],
                                 negative=[0, 255, 0])

    import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt_cm
    plot = plt_cm.plotTiling(pvalscol)

    # test points
    basedir = '/home/vzickus/repos/ClearMap-Debug/ClearMap'
    import ClearMap.Settings as settings
    pf = os.path.join(basedir,
    pf = numpy.loadtxt(pf, delimiter=',')
    pg = (pf, pf)

    pc = self.countPointsGroupInRegions(pg)

    pvals, tvals = self.tTestPointsInRegions(pg, pg, signed=True)
Esempio n. 5
import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath,
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z=(0, 26))
import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval as bgr
dataBGR = bgr.removeBackground(data.astype('float'), size=(3, 3), verbose=True)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.DoGFilter import filterDoG
dataDoG = filterDoG(dataBGR, size=(8, 8, 4), verbose=True)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection import findExtendedMaxima
dataMax = findExtendedMaxima(dataDoG, hMax=None, verbose=True, threshold=10)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection import findCenterOfMaxima
cells = findCenterOfMaxima(data, dataMax)
plt.plotOverlayPoints(data, cells, z=(10, 16))
import ClearMap.IO.IO as io
import os
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.Analysis.Label as lbl
import numpy as np

sampleName = 'LowNIC'
#execfile('/d2/studies/ClearMap/IA_iDISCO/' + sampleName + '/parameter_file_' + sampleName + '.py')
baseDirectory = '/d2/studies/ClearMap/Alex_Acute_iDISCO/NIC_HeatMaps/FiguresForPaper/'
region = 'MSC'

points = io.readPoints(TransformedCellsFile)
data = plt.overlayPoints(AnnotationFile, points.astype(int), pointColor=None)
                 sampleName + '_Annotations_Points_Overlay_newAtlas2.tif'),
data = data[:, :, :, 1:]
                 sampleName + '_Points_Transformed_newAtlas2.tif'), data)

label = io.readData(AnnotationFile)
label = label.astype('int32')
labelids = np.unique(label)

outside = np.zeros(label.shape, dtype=bool)
Esempio n. 7
import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath,
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z=(0, 26))
plt.plotTiling(data, x=(0, 70), y=(0, 50), z=(10, 16))
import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings

filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, "Test/Data/ImageAnalysis/cfos-substack.tif")
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io

data = io.readData(filename, z=(0, 26))
import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval as bgr

dataBGR = bgr.removeBackground(data.astype("float"), size=(3, 3), verbose=True)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.DoGFilter import filterDoG

dataDoG = filterDoG(dataBGR, size=(8, 8, 4), verbose=True)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection import findExtendedMaxima

dataMax = findExtendedMaxima(dataDoG, hMax=None, verbose=True, threshold=10)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection import findCenterOfMaxima

cells = findCenterOfMaxima(data, dataMax)
plt.plotOverlayPoints(data, cells, z=(10, 16))
Esempio n. 9
    io.writeData(os.path.join(resultDir, fName + '_CellShapes.tif'),
                 255 * dataShape.astype('int32') / dataShape.max())
    #cintensity = findIntensity(imgD, points);

    #points, intensities = thresholdPoints(points,cintensity, threshold = (5,20), row = (1,1));
    points, cellSizesPost = thresholdPoints(points,

    #io.writeData(os.path.join(homeDir, 'Results/OverlayWatershed.tif'), overlay_Img);

    overlay_Img = plt.fredOverlayPoints(cfos_fn,
                                        pointColor=[200, 0, 0])
    io.writeData(os.path.join(resultDir, fName + '_PointsOriginalImg.tif'),

    overlay_Img = plt.overlayPoints(imgD, points, pointColor=[200, 0, 0])
    io.writeData(os.path.join(resultDir, fName + '_PointsFilterDoG.tif'),

    #Convert points from 3d to 2d
    points = numpy.delete(points, 2, axis=1)
    io.writePoints(points_fn, points)


    imgR = io.readData(auto_fn)
Esempio n. 10
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Dec 19 04:29:29 2015

@author: ckirst

import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath,
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z=(0, 30))
plt.plotTiling(data, inverse=True, z=(10, 16))

#import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.ImageStatistics as stat
#stat.calculateStatistics(filename, method = 'mean', verbose = True)

import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval as bgr

dataBGR = bgr.removeBackground(data.astype('float'),
                               size=(10, 10),
plt.plotTiling(dataBGR, inverse=True, z=(10, 16))

from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.DoGFilter import filterDoG
dataDoG = filterDoG(dataBGR, size=(8, 8, 4), verbose=True)
plt.plotTiling(dataDoG, inverse=True, z=(10, 16))

import os
#row = (0,0) : peak intensity from the raw data
#row = (1,1) : peak intensity from the DoG filtered data
#row = (2,2) : peak intensity from the background subtracted data
#row = (3,3) : voxel size from the watershed
points, intensities = thresholdPoints(points,
                                      row=(0, 0))
io.writePoints(FilteredCellsFile, (points, intensities))

## Check Cell detection (For the testing phase only, remove when running on the full size dataset)
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
pointSource = os.path.join(BaseDirectory, FilteredCellsFile[0])
data = plt.overlayPoints(cFosFile,
io.writeData(os.path.join(BaseDirectory, 'cells_check.tif'), data)

# Transform point coordinates
points = io.readPoints(CorrectionResamplingPointsParameter["pointSource"])
points = resamplePoints(**CorrectionResamplingPointsParameter)
points = transformPoints(
CorrectionResamplingPointsInverseParameter["pointSource"] = points
points = resamplePointsInverse(**CorrectionResamplingPointsInverseParameter)
RegistrationResamplingPointParameter["pointSource"] = points
Esempio n. 12
cellSizesPre = findCellSize(dataShape, maxlabel=points.shape[0])
io.writeData(os.path.join(homeDir, 'Results/CellShapes.tif'),
             20 * dataShape.astype('int32'))

#cintensity = findIntensity(imgD, points);

#points, intensities = thresholdPoints(points,cintensity, threshold = (5,20), row = (1,1));
points, cellSizesPost = thresholdPoints(points,
                                        threshold=(5, 100),
                                        row=(3, 3))

#io.writeData(os.path.join(homeDir, 'Results/OverlayWatershed.tif'), overlay_Img);

overlay_Img = plt.fredOverlayPoints(input_fn, points, pointColor=[200, 0, 0])
io.writeData(os.path.join(homeDir, 'Results/PointsOriginalImg.tif'),

overlay_Img = plt.fredOverlayPoints(os.path.join(homeDir,
                                    pointColor=[200, 0, 0])
io.writeData(os.path.join(homeDir, 'Results/PointsFilterDoG.tif'), overlay_Img)

#Convert points from 3d to 2d
points = numpy.delete(points, 2, axis=1)
io.writePoints(points_fn, points)
#Resampled Img
imgR = io.readData(auto_fn)
Esempio n. 13
import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath,
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z=(0, 26))
import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval as bgr
dataBGR = bgr.removeBackground(data.astype('float'),
                               size=(10, 10),
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.DoGFilter import filterDoG
dataDoG = filterDoG(dataBGR, size=(8, 8, 4), verbose=True)
plt.plotTiling(dataDoG, inverse=True, z=(10, 16))
Esempio n. 14
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Dec 19 04:29:29 2015

@author: ckirst

import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/ImageAnalysis/cfos-substack.tif');
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z = (0,30));
plt.plotTiling(data, inverse = True, z = (10,16));

#import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.ImageStatistics as stat
#stat.calculateStatistics(filename, method = 'mean', verbose = True)

import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval as bgr

dataBGR = bgr.removeBackground(data.astype('float'), size=(10,10), verbose = True);
plt.plotTiling(dataBGR, inverse = True, z = (10,16));

from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.DoGFilter import filterDoG
dataDoG = filterDoG(dataBGR, size=(8,8,4), verbose = True);
plt.plotTiling(dataDoG, inverse = True, z = (10,16));

Esempio n. 15
import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath,
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z=(0, 26))
import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval as bgr
dataBGR = bgr.removeBackground(data.astype('float'), size=(3, 3), verbose=True)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.DoGFilter import filterDoG
dataDoG = filterDoG(dataBGR, size=(8, 8, 4), verbose=True)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection import findExtendedMaxima
dataMax = findExtendedMaxima(dataDoG, hMax=None, verbose=True, threshold=10)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection import findCenterOfMaxima
cells = findCenterOfMaxima(data, dataMax)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.CellSizeDetection import detectCellShape
dataShape = detectCellShape(dataDoG, cells, threshold=15)
plt.plotOverlayLabel(dataDoG / dataDoG.max(), dataShape, z=(10, 16))
Esempio n. 16
import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/ImageAnalysis/cfos-substack.tif');
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z = (0,26));
plt.plotTiling(data, x= (0,70), y = (0,50), z = (10,16));
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval as bgr
import matplotlib as mplt

BaseDirectory = '/d2/studies/ClearMap/IA_iDISCO/IA1_RB/'
filename = os.path.join(BaseDirectory, 'IA1_RB_cfos_stack.ome.tif')

data = io.readData(filename, z=(600, 650))
# size restriction
fileRange = 'x = (1050, 1350), y = (550,850), z = (25,34)'
""" note that the Z coordinate in fileRange variable are relative to the planes imported in the data variable.
So in this case, you would be imaging planes 675-684.

plt.plotTiling(data, inverse=True, x=(1250, 1350), y=(550, 650), z=(25, 34))  #
# background subtraction
dataBGR = bgr.removeBackground(data.astype('float'),
                               size=(5, 5),
dataBGR_write = plt.plotTiling(dataBGR,
                               x=(1250, 1350),
                               y=(550, 650),
                               z=(25, 34))
dataBGR_write = plt.overlayPoints(dataBGR, fileRange)
mplt.pyplot.savefig(os.path.join(BaseDirectory, 'dataBGR_write.tif'))

io.writeData(os.path.join(BaseDirectory, 'background_8.tif'), dataBGR_write)
io.writeData(os.path.join(BaseDirectory, 'cells_check.tif'), data)
Esempio n. 18
import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/ImageAnalysis/cfos-substack.tif');
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z = (0,26));
Esempio n. 19
import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/ImageAnalysis/cfos-substack.tif');
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z = (0,26));
import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval as bgr
dataBGR = bgr.removeBackground(data.astype('float'), size=(3,3), verbose = True);
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.DoGFilter import filterDoG
dataDoG = filterDoG(dataBGR, size=(8,8,4), verbose = True);
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection import findExtendedMaxima
dataMax = findExtendedMaxima(dataDoG, hMax = None, verbose = True, threshold = 10);
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection import findCenterOfMaxima
cells = findCenterOfMaxima(data, dataMax);
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.CellSizeDetection import detectCellShape
dataShape = detectCellShape(dataDoG, cells, threshold = 15);
plt.plotOverlayLabel(dataDoG / dataDoG.max(), dataShape, z = (10,16))
Esempio n. 20
import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/ImageAnalysis/cfos-substack.tif');
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z = (0,26));
import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval as bgr
dataBGR = bgr.removeBackground(data.astype('float'), size=(3,3), verbose = True);
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.DoGFilter import filterDoG
dataDoG = filterDoG(dataBGR, size=(8,8,4), verbose = True);
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection import findExtendedMaxima
dataMax = findExtendedMaxima(dataDoG, hMax = None, verbose = True, threshold = 10);
plt.plotOverlayLabel(dataDoG / dataDoG.max(), dataMax.astype('int'), z = (10,16), x = (50,100), y = (50,100))
Esempio n. 21
import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath, 'Test/Data/ImageAnalysis/cfos-substack.tif');
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z = (0,26));
import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval as bgr
dataBGR = bgr.removeBackground(data.astype('float'), size=(3,3), verbose = True);
plt.plotTiling(dataBGR, inverse = True, z = (10,16));
Esempio n. 22
import os
import ClearMap.Settings as settings
filename = os.path.join(settings.ClearMapPath,
import ClearMap.Visualization.Plot as plt
import ClearMap.IO as io
data = io.readData(filename, z=(0, 26))
import ClearMap.ImageProcessing.BackgroundRemoval as bgr
dataBGR = bgr.removeBackground(data.astype('float'), size=(3, 3), verbose=True)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.Filter.DoGFilter import filterDoG
dataDoG = filterDoG(dataBGR, size=(8, 8, 4), verbose=True)
from ClearMap.ImageProcessing.MaximaDetection import findExtendedMaxima
dataMax = findExtendedMaxima(dataDoG, hMax=None, verbose=True, threshold=10)
plt.plotOverlayLabel(dataDoG / dataDoG.max(),
                     z=(10, 16))