Esempio n. 1
    def mouseDown_(self, event):
        # find out if we hit anything
        p = self.convertPoint_fromView_(event.locationInWindow(), None)
        for aGraphic in
            if aGraphic.hitTest_isSelected_(p, False):
                break; # aGraphic soll spaeter einen Wert haben, falls es getroffene gibt!
            aGraphic = None

        # if no graphic hit, then if extending selection do nothing
        # else set selection to nil
        if aGraphic is None:
            if not event.modifierFlags() & NSShiftKeyMask:
                self.selectionIndexesContainer.setValue_forKeyPath_(None, self.selectionIndexesKeyPath)

        # graphic hit
        # if not extending selection (Shift key down) then set
        # selection to this graphic
        # if extending selection, then:
        # - if graphic in selection remove it
        # - if not in selection add it
        graphicIndex =
        if not event.modifierFlags() & NSShiftKeyMask:
            selection = NSIndexSet.indexSetWithIndex_(graphicIndex)
            if  self.selectionIndexes().containsIndex_(graphicIndex):
                selection = self.selectionIndexes().mutableCopy()
                selection = self.selectionIndexes().mutableCopy()

        self.selectionIndexesContainer.setValue_forKeyPath_(selection, self.selectionIndexesKeyPath)
Esempio n. 2
    def tableView_acceptDrop_row_dropOperation_(self, tv, info, row, op):
        if row < 0:
            row = 0
        if info.draggingSource() == self.tableView:
            rows = info.draggingPasteboard().propertyListForType_(
            indexSet = self.indexSetFromRows_(rows)
                indexSet, row)
            # set selected rows to those that were just moved
            # Need to work out what moved where to determine proper selection...
            rowsAbove = self.rowsAboveRow_inIndexSet_(row, indexSet)
            aRange = NSMakeRange(row - rowsAbove, indexSet.count())
            indexSet = NSIndexSet.indexSetWithIndexesInRange_(aRange)
            # set selected rows to those that were just copied
            return True

        # Can we get rows from another document?  If so, add them, then return.
        newRows = info.draggingPasteboard().propertyListForType_(
        if newRows:
            aRange = NSMakeRange(row, newRows.count())
            indexSet = NSIndexSet.indexSetWithIndexesInRange_(aRange)
            self.insertObjects_atArrangedObjectIndexes_(newRows, indexSet)
            return True

        # Can we get an URL?  If so, add a new row, configure it, then return.
        url = NSURL.URLFromPasteboard_(info.draggingPasteboard())
        if url:
            newObject = self.newObject()
            self.insertObject_atArrangedObjectIndex_(newObject, row)
            newObject.setValue_forKey_(url.absoluteString(), u"url")
            newObject.setValue_forKey_(, u"date")
            # set selected rows to those that were just copied
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 3
    def awakeFromNib(self):
        # we're only using the AMWorkflowView for display

        # set up the data for NSTableView.  We'll store a list of
        # NSDictonary records each containing some information about the
        # workflow.  We'll display the name of the workflow's file in the
        # window.

        # set up an array for storing the table information
        theWorkflows = NSMutableArray.alloc().initWithCapacity_(20)

        # retrieve a list of all of the workflows stored in the application's
        # resourced folder.
        workflowPaths = NSBundle.mainBundle(
        ).pathsForResourcesOfType_inDirectory_("workflow", "workflows")

        # iterate through the paths, adding them to our table information
        # as we go.
        for nthWorkflowPath in workflowPaths:
            wfError = None

            # convert the path into an URL
            nthWorkflowURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_isDirectory_(
                nthWorkflowPath, False)

            # allocate and initialize the workflow
            nthWorkflow, wfError = AMWorkflow.alloc(
            ).initWithContentsOfURL_error_(nthWorkflowURL, None)

            if nthWorkflow:
                # calculate the file name without path or extension
                nthFileName = nthWorkflowPath.componentsSeparatedByString_(
                nthDisplayName = nthFileName[:-9]

                # add the workflow to the list
                    "name": nthDisplayName,
                    "path": nthWorkflowPath,
                    "workflow": nthWorkflow,

        # set the workflows
        self._.workflows = theWorkflows

        # if there are any workflows in the list, then select and display the first one */
        if len(self._.workflows):
                NSIndexSet.indexSetWithIndex_(0), False)
Esempio n. 4
    def tableView_acceptDrop_row_dropOperation_(self, tv, info, row, op):
        if row < 0:
            row = 0
        if info.draggingSource() == self.tableView:
            rows = info.draggingPasteboard().propertyListForType_(MovedRowsType)
            indexSet = self.indexSetFromRows_(rows)
            self.moveObjectsInArrangedObjectsFromIndexes_toIndex_(indexSet, row)
            # set selected rows to those that were just moved
            # Need to work out what moved where to determine proper selection...
            rowsAbove = self.rowsAboveRow_inIndexSet_(row, indexSet)
            aRange = NSMakeRange(row - rowsAbove, indexSet.count())
            indexSet = NSIndexSet.indexSetWithIndexesInRange_(aRange)
            # set selected rows to those that were just copied
            return True

        # Can we get rows from another document?  If so, add them, then return.
        newRows = info.draggingPasteboard().propertyListForType_(CopiedRowsType)
        if newRows:
            aRange = NSMakeRange(row, newRows.count())
            indexSet = NSIndexSet.indexSetWithIndexesInRange_(aRange)
            self.insertObjects_atArrangedObjectIndexes_(newRows, indexSet)
            return True

        # Can we get an URL?  If so, add a new row, configure it, then return.
        url = NSURL.URLFromPasteboard_(info.draggingPasteboard())
        if url:
            newObject = self.newObject()
            self.insertObject_atArrangedObjectIndex_(newObject, row)
            newObject.setValue_forKey_(url.absoluteString(), u"url")
            newObject.setValue_forKey_(, u"date")
            # set selected rows to those that were just copied
            return True
        return False
Esempio n. 5
    def awakeFromNib(self):
        # we're only using the AMWorkflowView for display

        # set up the data for NSTableView.  We'll store a list of
        # NSDictonary records each containing some information about the
        # workflow.  We'll display the name of the workflow's file in the
        # window.

        # set up an array for storing the table information
        theWorkflows = NSMutableArray.alloc().initWithCapacity_(20)

        # retrieve a list of all of the workflows stored in the application's
        # resourced folder.
        workflowPaths = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathsForResourcesOfType_inDirectory_(
                "workflow", "workflows")

        # iterate through the paths, adding them to our table information
        # as we go.
        for nthWorkflowPath in workflowPaths:
            wfError = None

            # convert the path into an URL
            nthWorkflowURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_isDirectory_(nthWorkflowPath, False)

            # allocate and initialize the workflow
            nthWorkflow, wfError = AMWorkflow.alloc().initWithContentsOfURL_error_(nthWorkflowURL, None)

            if nthWorkflow:
                # calculate the file name without path or extension
                nthFileName = nthWorkflowPath.componentsSeparatedByString_("/")[-1]
                nthDisplayName = nthFileName[:-9]

                # add the workflow to the list

        # set the workflows
        self._.workflows = theWorkflows

        # if there are any workflows in the list, then select and display the first one */
        if len(self._.workflows):
                NSIndexSet.indexSetWithIndex_(0), False)