def color_op(surfaces, color=None): from Commands import parse_surfaces, parse_color surfs = parse_surfaces(surfaces) if color == 'byatom': from chimera import MSMSModel if [s for s in surfs if not isinstance(s, MSMSModel)]: raise CommandError, 'Cannot color byatom non-molecular surfaces' elif not color is None: color = parse_color(color) for surf in surfs: import SurfaceColor as sc sc.stop_coloring_surface(surf) if color == 'byatom': surf.colorMode = surf.ByAtom elif not color is None: import Surface Surface.set_coloring_method('static', surf) from chimera import MSMSModel if isinstance(surf, MSMSModel): surf.customRGBA = [color] * surf.vertexCount else: for p in surf.surfacePieces: p.color = color
def gradient_op(surfaces, gradient=None, cmap='redblue', cmapRange=None, reverseColors=False, colorOutsideVolume='gray', offset=0, autoUpdate=True, capOnly=False): from Commands import parse_surfaces, single_volume from Commands import parse_color, parse_colormap surfs = parse_surfaces(surfaces) gradient = single_volume(gradient) if colorOutsideVolume: colorOutsideVolume = parse_color(colorOutsideVolume) cmap, cmapRange = parse_colormap(cmap, cmapRange, reverseColors) offset = parse_offset(offset) import SurfaceColor as sc for surf in surfs: cs = sc.Gradient_Color() cs.set_volume(gradient) cs.offset = offset cm = colormap(cs, cmap, cmapRange, capOnly, surf, colorOutsideVolume) cs.set_colormap(cm) sc.color_surface(surf, cs, capOnly, autoUpdate)
def volume_op(surfaces, volume=None, cmap='redblue', cmapRange=None, reverseColors=False, colorOutsideVolume='gray', offset=0, autoUpdate=True, capOnly=False, perPixel=False): from Commands import parse_surfaces, single_volume from Commands import parse_color, parse_colormap surfs = parse_surfaces(surfaces) volume = single_volume(volume) if colorOutsideVolume: colorOutsideVolume = parse_color(colorOutsideVolume) cmap, cmapRange = parse_colormap(cmap, cmapRange, reverseColors) offset = parse_offset(offset) import SurfaceColor as sc for surf in surfs: cs = sc.Volume_Color() cs.set_volume(volume) cs.offset = offset cm = colormap(cs, cmap, cmapRange, capOnly, surf, colorOutsideVolume) cs.set_colormap(cm) cs.per_pixel_coloring = perPixel sc.color_surface(surf, cs, capOnly, autoUpdate)
def color_op(surfaces, color = None): from Commands import parse_surfaces, parse_color surfs = parse_surfaces(surfaces) if color == 'byatom': from chimera import MSMSModel if [s for s in surfs if not isinstance(s, MSMSModel)]: raise CommandError, 'Cannot color byatom non-molecular surfaces' elif not color is None: color = parse_color(color) for surf in surfs: import SurfaceColor as sc sc.stop_coloring_surface(surf) if color == 'byatom': surf.colorMode = surf.ByAtom elif not color is None: import Surface Surface.set_coloring_method('static', surf) from chimera import MSMSModel if isinstance(surf, MSMSModel): surf.customRGBA = [color] * surf.vertexCount else: for p in surf.surfacePieces: p.color = color
def inertia(operation, objects, showEllipsoid = True, color = None, perChain = False): from chimera import specifier try: sel = specifier.evalSpec(objects) except: raise CommandError, 'Bad object specifier "%s"' % objects if not color is None: from Commands import parse_color color = parse_color(color) atoms = sel.atoms() if atoms: import inertia if perChain: xf = atoms[0].molecule.openState.xform mname = molecules_name(list(set([a.molecule for a in atoms]))) s = inertia.surface_model(None, xf, 'ellipsoids ' + mname) for achain in atoms_by_chain(atoms): p = inertia.atoms_inertia_ellipsoid(achain, showEllipsoid, color, s) if p: p.oslName = achain[0] else: inertia.atoms_inertia_ellipsoid(atoms, showEllipsoid, color) import Surface plist = Surface.selected_surface_pieces(sel, include_outline_boxes = False) if plist: import inertia inertia.surface_inertia_ellipsoid(plist, showEllipsoid, color)
def spine(operation, regions, spacing=None, tipLength=None, color=None, showDiameter=False): sel = parse_object_specifier(regions, 'segmentation region') import Surface plist = Surface.selected_surface_pieces(sel, include_outline_boxes=False) from Segger.regions import Segmentation rlist = [ p.region for p in plist if (hasattr(p, 'region') and isinstance(p.model, Segmentation)) ] if len(rlist) == 0: raise CommandError('No segmentation regions specified: "%s"' % regions) if not (spacing is None or isinstance(spacing, (int, float)) and spacing > 0): raise CommandError('spacing must be positive numeric value') if not (tipLength is None or isinstance(tipLength, (int, float)) and tipLength > 0): raise CommandError('tipLength must be positive numeric value') if not color is None: from Commands import parse_color color = parse_color(color) if showDiameter: from _surface import SurfaceModel diam_model = SurfaceModel() = 'Diameters' from chimera import openModels openModels.add([diam_model], sameAs=rlist[0].segmentation) else: diam_model = None import spine from chimera import replyobj from PathLength import path_length for r in rlist: mset = spine.trace_spine(r, spacing, tipLength, color) slen = path_length([ for l in mset.links()]) r.set_attribute('spine length', slen) msg = 'Spine length for region %d is %.4g' % (r.rid, slen) dmax, dmin = spine.measure_diameter(r, mset, diam_model) if not dmax is None: r.set_attribute('diameter1', dmax) r.set_attribute('diameter2', dmin) msg += ', diameters %.4g, %.4g' % (dmax, dmin) kave, kmin, kmax = spine.measure_curvature(mset) if not kmax is None: r.set_attribute('curvature average', kave) r.set_attribute('curvature minimum', kmin) r.set_attribute('curvature maximum', kmax) msg += ', curvature %.4g (ave), %.4g (max), %.4g (min)' % ( kave, kmax, kmin) + '\n')
def distance(operation, object1, object2, multiple=False, show=False, color=(0, 1, 1, 1)): a1 = object1.atoms() import Surface as s s1 = s.selected_surface_pieces(object1, include_outline_boxes=False) if len(a1) == 0 and len(s1) == 0: raise CommandError('No atoms or surfaces specified') a2 = object2.atoms() s2 = s.selected_surface_pieces(object2, include_outline_boxes=False) if len(a2) == 0 and len(s2) == 0: raise CommandError('No target atoms or surfaces') # Remove near stuff. if a1: a2 = list(set(a2).difference(a1)) if s1: s2 = list(set(s2).difference(s1)) name2 = object_name(a2, s2) xyz2 = point_array(a2, s2) if show: from Commands import parse_color color = parse_color(color) from _surface import SurfaceModel surf = SurfaceModel() = 'Distance measurement' from chimera import openModels openModels.add([surf]) else: surf = None if multiple: pairs = [([a], []) for a in a1] + [([], [s]) for s in s1] else: pairs = [(a1, s1)] for a, s in pairs: name = object_name(a, s) xyz = point_array(a, s) report_distance(xyz, xyz2, name, name2, surf, color)
def contact_area(operation, surf1, surf2, distance, show=True, color=(1, 0, 0, 1), offset=1, slab=None, smooth=False, optimize=True): plist = [] import Surface for spec in (surf1, surf2): s = parse_object_specifier(spec, 'surface') p = Surface.selected_surface_pieces(s, include_outline_boxes=False) if len(p) == 0: raise CommandError('%s has no surface pieces' % spec) elif len(p) > 1: raise CommandError('%s has %d surface pieces, require 1' % (spec, len(p))) plist.append(p[0]) p1, p2 = plist from Commands import parse_color color = parse_color(color) if not show: color = None from Commands import check_number check_number(offset, 'offset') if not slab is None: if isinstance(slab, (float, int)): slab = (-0.5 * slab, 0.5 * slab) else: from Commands import parse_floats slab = parse_floats(slab, 'slab', 2) offset = None import contactarea as c area = c.contact_area(p1, p2, distance, color, offset, slab, smooth, optimize) from chimera import replyobj'Contact area on %s within distance %.4g\nof %s = %.4g\n' % (, distance,, area)) replyobj.status('Contact area = %.4g' % area)
def gradient_op(surfaces, gradient = None, cmap = 'redblue', cmapRange = None, reverseColors = False, colorOutsideVolume = 'gray', offset = 0, autoUpdate = True, capOnly = False): from Commands import parse_surfaces, single_volume from Commands import parse_color, parse_colormap surfs = parse_surfaces(surfaces) gradient = single_volume(gradient) if colorOutsideVolume: colorOutsideVolume = parse_color(colorOutsideVolume) cmap, cmapRange = parse_colormap(cmap, cmapRange, reverseColors) offset = parse_offset(offset) import SurfaceColor as sc for surf in surfs: cs = sc.Gradient_Color() cs.set_volume(gradient) cs.offset = offset cm = colormap(cs, cmap, cmapRange, capOnly, surf, colorOutsideVolume) cs.set_colormap(cm) sc.color_surface(surf, cs, capOnly, autoUpdate)
def volume_op(surfaces, volume = None, cmap = 'redblue', cmapRange = None, reverseColors = False, colorOutsideVolume = 'gray', offset = 0, autoUpdate = True, capOnly = False, perPixel = False): from Commands import parse_surfaces, single_volume from Commands import parse_color, parse_colormap surfs = parse_surfaces(surfaces) volume = single_volume(volume) if colorOutsideVolume: colorOutsideVolume = parse_color(colorOutsideVolume) cmap, cmapRange = parse_colormap(cmap, cmapRange, reverseColors) offset = parse_offset(offset) import SurfaceColor as sc for surf in surfs: cs = sc.Volume_Color() cs.set_volume(volume) cs.offset = offset cm = colormap(cs, cmap, cmapRange, capOnly, surf, colorOutsideVolume) cs.set_colormap(cm) cs.per_pixel_coloring = perPixel sc.color_surface(surf, cs, capOnly, autoUpdate)
def inertia(operation, objects, showEllipsoid=True, color=None, perChain=False): from chimera import specifier try: sel = specifier.evalSpec(objects) except: raise CommandError, 'Bad object specifier "%s"' % objects if not color is None: from Commands import parse_color color = parse_color(color) atoms = sel.atoms() if atoms: import inertia if perChain: xf = atoms[0].molecule.openState.xform mname = molecules_name(list(set([a.molecule for a in atoms]))) s = inertia.surface_model(None, xf, 'ellipsoids ' + mname) for achain in atoms_by_chain(atoms): p = inertia.atoms_inertia_ellipsoid(achain, showEllipsoid, color, s) if p: p.oslName = achain[0] else: inertia.atoms_inertia_ellipsoid(atoms, showEllipsoid, color) import Surface plist = Surface.selected_surface_pieces(sel, include_outline_boxes=False) if plist: import inertia inertia.surface_inertia_ellipsoid(plist, showEllipsoid, color)