Esempio n. 1
 def export_xls(self):
     # TODO A
     # from Common.exports_xlsx import export_dynamic_data
     from Common.exports_xls import export_dynamic_data
     from Common.cel import cel
     table = self.table_show
     hheaders = table.hheaders[:-1]
     endrowx = len(hheaders) - 1
     dict_data = {
         'file_name': "facture.xls",
         'headers': hheaders,
         'data': table.get_table_items(),
         "extend_rows": [(3, table.montant_ht)],
         'sheet': self.title,
         'title': self.title,
         'widths': table.stretch_columns,
         "others": [
             (4, 4, 0, 2, "Doit: {}".format(self.invoice.client)),
             (45, 45, 0, endrowx,
              "Arrêté la présente facture à la somme de : {} FCFA".format(cel(table.montant_ht))),
             (50, 50, 0, 0, "Pour acquit"),
             (50, 50, endrowx, endrowx, "Le fournisseur")],
         'exclude_row': len( - 2,
Esempio n. 2
def pdFview(filename, invoice):
        cette views est cree pour la generation du PDF

    if not filename:
        filename = get_temp_filename('pdf')
    #on recupere les items de la facture
    items_invoice = InvoiceItem.filter(invoices=invoice)

    # Static source pdf to be overlayed
    PDFSOURCE = 'fact_source.pdf'
    TMP_FILE = 'tmp.pdf'
    DATE_FORMAT = u"%d/%m/%Y"

    FONT = 'Courier-Bold'
    # A simple function to return a leading 0 on any single digit int.

    def double_zero(value):
            return '%02d' % value
        except TypeError:
            return value

    # setup the empty canvas
    from io import FileIO as file
    # from Common.pyPdf import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
    from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader

    # PDF en entrée
    input1 = PdfFileReader(file(PDFSOURCE, "rb"))

    # PDF en sortie
    output = PdfFileWriter()
    # Récupération du nombre de pages
    n_pages = input1.getNumPages()
    # Pour chaque page
    for i in range(n_pages):
        # Récupération de la page du doc initial (input1)
        page = input1.getPage(i)

        p = canvas.Canvas(TMP_FILE, pagesize=A4)
        # p.setFont(FONT, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)

        p.drawString(130, 683, str(invoice.number))
        p.drawString(98, 667, (invoice.client))

        p.drawString(460, 683, str(

        # On ecrit les invoiceitem
        x, y = 40, 610
        for i in items_invoice:
            p.drawString(x, y, str(i.quantity).rjust(11, ' '))
            p.drawString(x + 75, y, str(i.description))
            p.drawString(x + 340, y, str(i.price).rjust(10, ' '))
            p.drawString(x + 430, y, str(i.price * i.quantity).rjust(10, ' '))
            y -= 20
        # on teste le type
        if invoice.type_ == "Facture":
            p.drawString(59, 80, "Pour acquit: ")
            p.drawString(59, 80, "Pour acceptation: ")

        p.drawString(435, 80, "Le fournisseur: ")
        #On calcul le montant total hors taxe et sa conversion en lettre
        ht = 0
        for i in items_invoice:
            montant = i.price * i.quantity
            ht += montant

        ht_en_lettre = cel(ht)

        p.drawString(470, 150, str(ht).rjust(10, ' '))
        ht_en_lettre1, ht_en_lettre2 = controle_caratere(ht_en_lettre +
                                                        " FCFA", 46, 40)
        p.drawString(258, 116, (ht_en_lettre  + " FCFA"))
        # p.drawString(258, 116, (ht_en_lettre1))
        # p.drawString(53, 100, (ht_en_lettre2))

        # legal_infos, legal_infos1 = controle_caratere(Config.BP, 55, 55)
        # p.drawString(90, 14, legal_infos)
        # p.drawString(90, 6, legal_infos1)
        # Sauvegarde de la page
        # Création du watermark
        watermark = PdfFileReader(file(TMP_FILE, "rb"))
        # Création page_initiale+watermark
        # Création de la nouvelle page
    # Nouveau pdf
    file_dest = filename + ".pdf"
    outputStream = file(file_dest, u"wb")

    return file_dest
Esempio n. 3
def pdf_view(filename, order):
        cette views est cree pour la generation du PDF

    if not filename:
        filename = get_temp_filename('pdf')
    # on recupere la facture a afficher
    invoice = order
    # on recupere les items de la facture
    items_invoice = Report.filter(invoice=invoice)

    # Static source pdf to be overlayed
    PDF_SOURCE = 'tools/fact_source.pdf'
    TMP_FILE = 'tools/tmp.pdf'
    DATE_FORMAT = u"%d/%m/%Y"

    FONT = 'Courier-Bold'
    # A simple function to return a leading 0 on any single digit int.

    def double_zero(value):
            return '%02d' % value
        except TypeError:
            return value

    # setup the empty canvas

    from pyPdf import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader
    # PDF en entrée
    input1 = PdfFileReader(file(PDF_SOURCE, "rb"))
    # PDF en sortie
    output = PdfFileWriter()
    # Récupération du nombre de pages
    n_pages = input1.getNumPages()
    # Pour chaque page
    for i in range(n_pages):
        # Récupération de la page du doc initial (input1)
        page = input1.getPage(i)

        # p = canvas.Canvas(buffer, pagesize=A4)
        p = canvas.Canvas(TMP_FILE, pagesize=A4)
        p.setFont(FONT, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)

        # Création de l'objet PDF, en utilisant l'objet de réponse comme "fichier"
        # on afffiche l'image de l'orgamisation
            p.drawImage(u'%s' % Config.APP_LOGO, 60, 740)
            print(u"logo non disponible!")

        p.drawString(370, 735, unicode(Config.NAME_ORGA))
        # On trace Une ligne horizontale
        p.line(60, 730, 535, 730)

        p.drawString(59, 25, Config.NAME_ORGA + " - tel : " +
                     str(Config.TEL_ORGA) + " - " + unicode(Config.ADRESS_ORGA))

        legal_infos, legal_infos1 = controle_caratere(Config.BP, 55, 55)

        p.drawString(90, 14, legal_infos)
        p.drawString(90, 6, legal_infos1)
            60, 706, str(invoice.type_) + " N°: " + str(invoice.number))
        p.drawString(370, 706, "Date: " + str( +
                     " à " + str(invoice.location))
        p.drawString(60, 690, "Doit: " + (invoice.client))

        if invoice.subject:
            p.drawString(60, 664, "Objet: " + str(invoice.subject))

        # On ecrit les invoiceitem
        x, y = 40, 600
        for i in items_invoice:
            p.drawString(x, y, str(i.qty).rjust(10, ' '))
            p.drawString(x + 75, y, (i.product.__str__()))
            p.drawString(x + 340, y, str(i.selling_price).rjust(10, ' '))
                x + 435, y, str(i.selling_price * i.qty).rjust(10, ' '))
            y -= 20
        # on teste le type
        if invoice.type_ == "Facture":
            p.drawString(59, 95, "Pour acquit: ")
            p.drawString(59, 95, "Pour acceptation: ")

        p.drawString(435, 95, "Le Providers: ")
        # On calcul le montant total hors taxe et sa conversion en lettre
        ht = 0
        for i in items_invoice:
            montant = i.selling_price * i.qty
            ht += montant
        p.drawString(476, 204, str(ht).rjust(10, ' '))
        ht_en_lettre = cel(ht)
        # Calcul du TTC avec le TVA s'il existe
            TVA = (invoice.tax_rate * ht) / 100
            p.drawString(476, 183.5, str(TVA).rjust(10, ' '))
            TTC = ht + TVA
            p.drawString(476, 164, str(TTC).rjust(10, ' '))
            ht_en_lettre = cel(TTC)
            ht_en_lettre1, ht_en_lettre2 = controle_caratere(
                ht_en_lettre + " FCFA", 46, 40)
            p.drawString(263.8, 133, (ht_en_lettre1))
            p.drawString(53, 120, (ht_en_lettre2))

            p.drawString(415, 183.5, str(invoice.tax_rate))

            TTC = ht
            p.drawString(476, 164, str(TTC).rjust(10, ' '))
            ht_en_lettre1, ht_en_lettre2 = controle_caratere(
                ht_en_lettre + " FCFA", 46, 40)
            p.drawString(263.8, 133, (ht_en_lettre1))
            p.drawString(53, 120, (ht_en_lettre2))
            p.drawString(415, 183.5, str(0))
            p.drawString(476, 183.5, str(0).rjust(10, ' '))
        # Sauvegarde de la page
        # Création du watermark
        watermark = PdfFileReader(file(TMP_FILE, "rb"))
        # Création page_initiale+watermark
        # Création de la nouvelle page
    # Nouveau pdf
    file_dest = filename + u".pdf"
    outputStream = file(file_dest, u"wb")

    return file_dest