Esempio n. 1
def AutoTimerGraphMultiEPG__init__(self, session, services, zapFunc=None, bouquetChangeCB=None, bouquetname=""):
        baseGraphMultiEPG__init__(self, session, services, zapFunc, bouquetChangeCB, bouquetname)
        baseGraphMultiEPG__init__(self, session, services, zapFunc, bouquetChangeCB)
    if config.plugins.autotimer.add_to_graph.value:

        def showAutoTimer():
            open_list = [
                (_("Open standard setup menu"), "setup"),
                (_("Add new AutoTimer"), "add"),
                (_("Preview for your AutoTimers"), "preview"),
                (_("Search new events matching for your AutoTimers"), "search"),
                (_("Timers list"), "timerlist"),
            dlg = self.session.openWithCallback(
                self.CallbackToGraphMultiEPG, ChoiceBox, title=_("Select action for AutoTimer:"), list=open_list
            dlg.setTitle(_("Choice list AutoTimer"))

        self["AutoTimeractions"] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, "ChannelSelectEditActions", {"contextMenu": (showAutoTimer, _("Choice list AutoTimer"))}, -1
        self["AutoTimeractions"].csel = self
    def initActions(self, csel, enable=True):
        if enable:
            keys = {
                "RED": (boundFunction(self.execColorButton,
                                      KEY_RED), _("Color key red")),
                "GREEN": (boundFunction(self.execColorButton,
                                        KEY_GREEN), _("Color key green")),
                "YELLOW": (boundFunction(self.execColorButton,
                                         KEY_YELLOW), _("Color key yellow")),
                "BLUE": (boundFunction(self.execColorButton,
                                       KEY_BLUE), _("Color key blue")),
                "OK": (csel.selectedEntry, _("Play")),
                "EXIT": (csel.exit, _("Exit")),
                "POWER": (csel.exit, _("Exit")),
                "MENUS": (csel.openContextMenu, _("Context menu")),
                "MENUL": (csel.openPluginsMenu, _("Plugins menu")),
                "INFOS": (csel.showMovieInfoEPG, _("EPG info")),
                "INFOL": (csel.showMovieInfoTMDB, _("TMDB info")),
                "LEFT": (csel.movie_list.pageUp, _("Cursor page up")),
                "RIGHT": (csel.movie_list.pageDown, _("Cursor page down")),
                "UP": (csel.movie_list.moveUp, _("Cursor up")),
                "DOWN": (csel.movie_list.moveDown, _("Cursor down")),
                (csel.movie_list.moveBouquetPlus, _("Bouquet up")),
                (csel.movie_list.moveBouquetMinus, _("Bouquet down")),
                "VIDEOS": (csel.toggleSelection, _("Selection on/off")),
                "VIDEOL": (csel.unselectAll, _("Selection off")),
                "STOP": (csel.stopRecordings, _("Stop recording(s)")),
                "NEXT": (csel.nextColorButtonsLevel, _("Color buttons next")),
                "PREVIOUS": (csel.previousColorButtonsLevel,
                             _("Color buttons previous")),
                "0": (csel.goHome, _("Home")),
                "1": (self.selfTest, _("Selftest")),  # pylint: disable=no-member
                "8": (csel.showFileManagerProgress,
                      _("File operations progress")),
                "5": (csel.showRecordingInfo, _("Recording Info")),
            keys = {
                "EXIT": (csel.exit, _("Exit")),

        actions = HelpableActionMap(
            -3  # give them a little more priority to win over base class buttons
        actions.csel = csel
        return actions
Esempio n. 3
def AutoTimerGraphMultiEPG__init__(self,
        baseGraphMultiEPG__init__(self, session, services, zapFunc,
                                  bouquetChangeCB, bouquetname)
        baseGraphMultiEPG__init__(self, session, services, zapFunc,
    if config.plugins.autotimer.add_to_graph.value:

        def showAutoTimer():
            open_list = [
                (_("Open standard setup menu"), "setup"),
                (_("Add new AutoTimer"), "add"),
                (_("Preview for your AutoTimers"), "preview"),
                (_("Search new events matching for your AutoTimers"),
                (_("Timers list"), "timerlist"),
            dlg = self.session.openWithCallback(
                title=_("Select action for AutoTimer:"),
            dlg.setTitle(_("Choice list AutoTimer"))

        self["AutoTimeractions"] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, "ChannelSelectEditActions", {
                "contextMenu": (showAutoTimer, _("Choice list AutoTimer")),
            }, -1)
        self["AutoTimeractions"].csel = self
Esempio n. 4
	def __init__(self, session, services, zapFunc=None, bouquetChangeCB=None, bouquetname=""):
		Screen.__init__(self, session)
		self.bouquetChangeCB = bouquetChangeCB
		now = time() - config.epg.histminutes.getValue() * 60
		self.ask_time = now - now % (config.misc.graph_mepg.roundTo.getValue() * 60)
		self.closeRecursive = False
		self["key_red"] = Button("")
		self["key_green"] = Button("")
		self["key_yellow"] = Button("")
		self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Goto"))

		self.key_green_choice = self.EMPTY
		self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY
		self["timeline_text"] = TimelineText()
		self["Event"] = Event()
		self.time_lines = [ ]
		for x in range(0, MAX_TIMELINES):
			pm = Pixmap()
			self["timeline%d"%(x)] = pm
		self["timeline_now"] = Pixmap() = services
		self.zapFunc = zapFunc
		if bouquetname != "":
			Screen.setTitle(self, bouquetname)

		self["list"] = EPGList( selChangedCB = self.onSelectionChanged,
					timer = self.session.nav.RecordTimer,
					time_epoch = config.misc.graph_mepg.prev_time_period.value,
					overjump_empty = config.misc.graph_mepg.overjump.value)

		self["okactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "OkCancelActions",
				"cancel": (self.closeScreen,   _("Exit EPG")),
				"ok":	  (self.eventSelected, _("Show detailed event info"))
			}, -1)
		self["okactions"].csel = self
		self["epgactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "EPGSelectActions",
				"timerAdd":    (self.timerAdd,       _("Add/Remove timer for current event")),
				"info":        (self.infoKeyPressed, _("Show detailed event info")),
				"red":         (self.zapTo,          _("Zap to selected channel")),
				"blue":        (self.enterDateTime,  _("Goto specific data/time")),
				"menu":        (self.showSetup,      _("Setup menu")),
				"nextBouquet": (self.nextBouquet,    _("Show bouquet selection menu")),
				"prevBouquet": (self.prevBouquet,    _("Show bouquet selection menu")),
				"nextService": (self.nextPressed,    _("Goto next page of events")),
				"prevService": (self.prevPressed,    _("Goto previous page of events"))
			}, -1)
		self["epgactions"].csel = self

		self["inputactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InputActions",
				"left":  (self.leftPressed,  _("Goto previous event")),
				"right": (self.rightPressed, _("Goto next event")),
				"1":     (self.key1,         _("Set time window to 1 hour")),
				"2":     (self.key2,         _("Set time window to 2 hours")),
				"3":     (self.key3,         _("Set time window to 3 hours")),
				"4":     (self.key4,         _("Set time window to 4 hours")),
				"5":     (self.key5,         _("Set time window to 5 hours")),
				"7":     (self.prevPage,     _("Goto previous page of service")),
				"9":     (self.nextPage,     _("Goto next page of service")),
				"8":     (self.toTop,        _("Goto first service")),
				"0":     (self.toEnd,        _("Goto last service"))
			}, -1)
		self["inputactions"].csel = self

		self.updateTimelineTimer = eTimer()
		self.updateTimelineTimer.start(60 * 1000)
Esempio n. 5
	def __init__(self, session, services, zapFunc=None, bouquetChangeCB=None, bouquetname=""):
		Screen.__init__(self, session)
		self.bouquetChangeCB = bouquetChangeCB
		now = time() - config.epg.histminutes.value * 60
		self.ask_time = now - now % int(config.misc.graph_mepg.roundTo.value)
		self["key_red"] = Button("")
		self["key_green"] = Button("")

		global listscreen
		if listscreen:
			self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Normal mode"))
			self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("List mode"))

		self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Goto"))

		self.key_green_choice = self.EMPTY
		self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY
		self["timeline_text"] = TimelineText()
		self["Service"] = ServiceEvent()
		self["Event"] = Event()
		self.time_lines = [ ]
		for x in list(range(0, MAX_TIMELINES)):
			pm = Pixmap()
			self["timeline%d"%(x)] = pm
		self["timeline_now"] = Pixmap() = services
		self.zapFunc = zapFunc
		if bouquetname != "":
			Screen.setTitle(self, bouquetname)

		self["list"] = EPGList( selChangedCB = self.onSelectionChanged,
					timer = self.session.nav.RecordTimer,
					time_epoch = config.misc.graph_mepg.prev_time_period.value,
					overjump_empty = config.misc.graph_mepg.overjump.value)

		self["okactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "OkCancelActions",
				"cancel": (self.closeScreen,   _("Exit EPG")),
				"ok":	  (self.eventSelected, _("Zap to selected channel, or show detailed event info (depends on configuration)"))
			}, -1)
		self["okactions"].csel = self
		self["epgactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "EPGSelectActions",
				"timerAdd":    (self.timerAdd,       _("Add/remove change timer for current event")),
				"info":        (self.infoKeyPressed, _("Show detailed event info")),
				"red":         (self.zapTo,          _("Zap to selected channel")),
				"yellow":      (self.swapMode,       _("Switch between normal mode and list mode")),	
				"blue":        (self.enterDateTime,  _("Goto specific data/time")),
				"menu":        (self.showSetup,      _("Setup menu")),
				"nextBouquet": (self.nextBouquet,    _("Show bouquet selection menu")),
				"prevBouquet": (self.prevBouquet,    _("Show bouquet selection menu")),
				"nextService": (self.nextPressed,    _("Goto next page of events")),
				"prevService": (self.prevPressed,    _("Goto previous page of events")),
				"preview":     (self.preview,        _("Preview selected channel")),
				"nextDay":     (self.nextDay,        _("Goto next day of events")),
				"prevDay":     (self.prevDay,        _("Goto previous day of events"))
			}, -1)
		self["epgactions"].csel = self

		self["inputactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InputActions",
				"left":  (self.leftPressed,  _("Go to previous event")),
				"right": (self.rightPressed, _("Go to next event")),
				"1":     (self.key1,         _("Set time window to 1 hour")),
				"2":     (self.key2,         _("Set time window to 2 hours")),
				"3":     (self.key3,         _("Set time window to 3 hours")),
				"4":     (self.key4,         _("Set time window to 4 hours")),
				"5":     (self.key5,         _("Set time window to 5 hours")),
				"6":     (self.key6,         _("Set time window to 6 hours")),
				"7":     (self.prevPage,     _("Go to previous page of service")),
				"9":     (self.nextPage,     _("Go to next page of service")),
				"8":     (self.toTop,        _("Go to first service")),
				"0":     (self.toEnd,        _("Go to last service"))
			}, -1)
		self["inputactions"].csel = self

		self.updateTimelineTimer = eTimer()
		self.updateTimelineTimer.start(60 * 1000)
		self.previousref = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup()
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, session, returnService=None, playerInstance=None):
        print("MVC: MovieSelection: __init__")
        global instance
        instance = self

        Screen.__init__(self, session)

        self.skinName = ["MVCSelection"] = Util.readFile(self.getSkin())

        self.playerInstance = playerInstance
        self.multi_select_index = None

        self.lastservice = None
        self.cursorDir = 0
        self.savedIndex = 0

        self["wait"] = Label(_("Reading directory..."))

        self["space_info"] = Label("")
        self["sort_mode"] = Label("")

        self["list"] = MovieCenter()

        if returnService:
            self.returnService = returnService
            set_current_path = True
            for entry in self["list"].list:
                if entry[MOVIE_IDX_SERVICE] == self.returnService:
                    set_current_path = False
            if set_current_path:
                self.current_path = os.path.dirname(returnService.getPath())

        self["key_red"] = Button()
        self["key_green"] = Button()
        self["key_yellow"] = Button()
        self["key_blue"] = Button()

        self.cover = config.MVC.cover.value

        helptext = self.initButtons()

        self["actions"] = HelpableActionMap(
                "MVCOK": (self.entrySelected, _("Play selected movie(s)")),
                "MVCEXIT": (self.abort, _("Close plugin")),
                # 				"MVCEXITpowerdown":	(self.abortAndPowerDown, 	_("Close plugin and do power button action")),
                "MVCMENU": (self.openMenu, _("Open menu")),
                "MVCINFO": (self.showEventInformation, _("Show event info")),
                 _("IMDBSearch / MVC-TMDBInfo / TMDBInfo / TMBDInfo / CSFDInfo"
                "MVCRed": (self.redFunc, helptext[0]),  # redhelptext),
                (self.greenFuncShort, helptext[2]),  # greenhelptext),
                (self.yellowFunc, helptext[4]),  # yellowhelptext),
                "MVCBLUE": (self.blueFunc, helptext[6]),  # bluehelptext),
                (self.redFuncLong, helptext[1]),  # redlonghelptext),
                (self.greenFuncLong, helptext[3]),  # greenlonghelptext),
                (self.yellowFuncLong, helptext[5]),  # yellowlonghelptext),
                (self.blueFuncLong, helptext[7]),  # bluelonghelptext),
                "MVCLeft": (self.pageUp, _("Move cursor page up")),
                "MVCRight": (self.pageDown, _("Move cursor page down")),
                "MVCUp": (self.moveUp, _("Move cursor up")),
                "MVCDown": (self.moveDown, _("Move cursor down")),
                 _("Move cursor to the top / Move cursor x entries up / Switch Folders in Movie Home (up)"
                 _("Move cursor to the end / Move cursor x entries down / Switch Folders in Movie Home (down)"
                (self.toggleSelectionList, _("Toggle service selection")),
                (self.resetSelectionList, _("Remove service selection")),
                (self.openMenuPlugins, _("Available plugins menu")),
                "MVCTV": (self.openTimerList, _("Open Timer List")),
                "MVCRADIO": (self.resetProgress, _("Reset movie progress")),
                "MVCTEXT": (self.multiSelect, _("Start / end multiselection")),
                "0": (self.MVCKey0, _("Movie home")),
            -3  # give them a little more priority to win over base class buttons
        self["actions"].csel = self


        if self.current_path is None:
            self.current_path = config.MVC.movie_homepath.value
        self.last_current_path = None
        self.selection_list = []  # Used for file operations
        self.hide_miniTV = False

        # Key press short long handling
        #TODO We have to rework this key press handling in order to allow different user defined color key functions
        self.toggle = True  # Used for long / short key press detection: Toggle sort mode / order, Toggle selection / reset selection
        self.move = True

        self.delayTimer = eTimer()
        self.delayTimer_conn = self.delayTimer.timeout.connect(

        self.coverTimer = eTimer()
        self.coverTimer_conn = self.coverTimer.timeout.connect(

Esempio n. 7
	def __init__(self, session, service, zapFunc = None, eventid = None, bouquetChangeCB = None, serviceChangeCB = None, EPGtype = None, StartBouquet = None, StartRef = None, bouquetname = ''):
		Screen.__init__(self, session)
		self.longbuttonpressed = False
		self.zapFunc = zapFunc
		self.bouquetChangeCB = bouquetChangeCB
		self.serviceChangeCB = serviceChangeCB
		graphic = False
		if EPGtype == 'single':
			self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE
		elif EPGtype == 'infobar':
			self.type = EPG_TYPE_INFOBAR
		elif EPGtype == 'enhanced':
			self.type = EPG_TYPE_ENHANCED
		elif EPGtype == 'graph':
			self.type = EPG_TYPE_GRAPH
			if config.epgselection.graph_type_mode.getValue() == "graphics":
				graphic = True
		elif EPGtype == 'infobargraph':
			if config.epgselection.infobar_type_mode.getValue() == "graphics":
				graphic = True
		elif EPGtype == 'multi':
			self.type = EPG_TYPE_MULTI
			self.type = EPG_TYPE_SIMILAR
		if not self.type == EPG_TYPE_SINGLE:
			self.StartBouquet = StartBouquet
			self.StartRef = StartRef
			self.bouquetname = bouquetname
			self.servicelist = None
		self.ask_time = -1
		self.closeRecursive = False
		self.eventviewDialog = None
		self.eventviewWasShown = False
		self.currch = None
		self.session.pipshown = False
		if plugin_PiPServiceRelation_installed:
			self.pipServiceRelation = getRelationDict()
			self.pipServiceRelation = {}
		self['Service'] = ServiceEvent()
		self['Event'] = Event()
		self.key_green_choice = self.EMPTY
		self['key_red'] = Button(_('IMDb Search'))
		self['key_green'] = Button(_('Add Timer'))
		self['key_yellow'] = Button(_('EPG Search'))
		self['key_blue'] = Button(_('Add AutoTimer'))
		self['okactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'OkCancelActions',
				'cancel': (self.closeScreen, _('Exit EPG')),
				'OK': (self.OK, _('Zap to channel (setup in menu)')),
				'OKLong': (self.OKLong, _('Zap to channel and close (setup in menu)'))
			}, -1)
		self['okactions'].csel = self
		self['colouractions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'ColorActions', 
				'red': (self.redButtonPressed, _('IMDB search for current event')),
				'redlong': (self.redlongButtonPressed, _('Sort EPG List')),
				'green': (self.greenButtonPressed, _('Add/Remove timer for current event')),
				'yellow': (self.yellowButtonPressed, _('Search for similar events')),
				'greenlong': (self.showTimerList, _('Show Timer List')),
				'blue': (self.blueButtonPressed, _('Add a auto timer for current event')),
				'bluelong': (self.bluelongButtonPressed, _('Show AutoTimer List'))
			}, -1)
		self['colouractions'].csel = self
		self['recordingactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'InfobarInstantRecord', 
				'ShortRecord': (self.doRecordTimer, _('Add a record timer for current event')),
				'LongRecord': (self.doZapTimer, _('Add a zap timer for current event'))
			}, -1)
		self['recordingactions'].csel = self
		if self.type == EPG_TYPE_SIMILAR:
			self.currentService = service
			self.eventid = eventid
			self['epgactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'EPGSelectActions', 
					'info': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')),
					'infolong': (self.InfoLong, _('Show single epg for current channel')),
					'menu': (self.createSetup, _('Setup menu'))
				}, -1)
			self['epgactions'].csel = self
		elif self.type == EPG_TYPE_SINGLE:
			self.currentService = ServiceReference(service)
			self['epgactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'EPGSelectActions', 
					'info': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')),
					'epg': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')),
					'menu': (self.createSetup, _('Setup menu'))
				}, -1)
			self['epgactions'].csel = self
			self['cursoractions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'DirectionActions', 
					'left': (self.prevPage, _('Move up a page')),
					'right': (self.nextPage, _('Move down a page')),
					'up': (self.moveUp, _('Goto previous channel')),
					'down': (self.moveDown, _('Goto next channel'))
				}, -1)
			self['cursoractions'].csel = self
		elif self.type == EPG_TYPE_INFOBAR or self.type == EPG_TYPE_ENHANCED:
			if self.type == EPG_TYPE_INFOBAR:
				self.skinName = 'QuickEPG'
				self['epgactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'EPGSelectActions', 
						'nextBouquet': (self.nextBouquet, _('Goto next bouquet')),
						'prevBouquet': (self.prevBouquet, _('Goto previous bouquet')),
						'nextService': (self.nextPage, _('Move down a page')),
						'prevService': (self.prevPage, _('Move up a page')),
						'input_date_time': (self.enterDateTime, _('Goto specific data/time')),
						'info': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')),
						'infolong': (self.InfoLong, _('Show single epg for current channel')),
						'menu': (self.createSetup, _('Setup menu'))
					}, -1)
				self['epgactions'].csel = self
				self['cursoractions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'DirectionActions', 
						'left': (self.prevService, _('Goto previous channel')),
						'right': (self.nextService, _('Goto next channel')),
						'up': (self.moveUp, _('Goto previous channel')),
						'down': (self.moveDown, _('Goto next channel'))
					}, -1)
				self['cursoractions'].csel = self
			elif self.type == EPG_TYPE_ENHANCED:
				self['epgactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'EPGSelectActions', 
						'nextBouquet': (self.nextBouquet, _('Goto next bouquet')),
						'prevBouquet': (self.prevBouquet, _('Goto previous bouquet')),
						'nextService': (self.nextService, _('Goto next channel')),
						'prevService': (self.prevService, _('Goto previous channel')),
						'input_date_time': (self.enterDateTime, _('Goto specific data/time')),
						'info': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')),
						'infolong': (self.InfoLong, _('Show single epg for current channel')),
						'menu': (self.createSetup, _('Setup menu'))
					}, -1)
				self['epgactions'].csel = self
				self['cursoractions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'DirectionActions', 
						'left': (self.prevPage, _('Move up a page')),
						'right': (self.nextPage, _('Move down a page')),
						'up': (self.moveUp, _('Goto previous channel')),
						'down': (self.moveDown, _('Goto next channel'))
					}, -1)
				self['cursoractions'].csel = self
			self['inputactions'] = HelpableNumberActionMap(self, 'NumberActions', 
					'1': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('enter number to jump to channel.')),
					'2': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('enter number to jump to channel.')),
					'3': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('enter number to jump to channel.')),
					'4': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('enter number to jump to channel.')),
					'5': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('enter number to jump to channel.')),
					'6': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('enter number to jump to channel.')),
					'7': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('enter number to jump to channel.')),
					'8': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('enter number to jump to channel.')),
					'9': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('enter number to jump to channel.'))
				}, -1)
			self['inputactions'].csel = self
			self.list = []
			self.servicelist = service
			self.currentService = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup()
		elif self.type == EPG_TYPE_GRAPH or self.type == EPG_TYPE_INFOBARGRAPH:
			if self.type == EPG_TYPE_GRAPH:
				if not config.epgselection.graph_pig.getValue():
					self.skinName = 'GraphicalEPG'
					self.skinName = 'GraphicalEPGPIG'
			elif self.type == EPG_TYPE_INFOBARGRAPH:
				self.skinName = 'GraphicalInfoBarEPG'
			now = time() - int(config.epg.histminutes.getValue()) * 60
			if self.type == EPG_TYPE_GRAPH:
				self.ask_time = self.ask_time = now - now % (int(config.epgselection.graph_roundto.getValue()) * 60)
			elif self.type == EPG_TYPE_INFOBARGRAPH:
				self.ask_time = self.ask_time = now - now % (int(config.epgselection.infobar_roundto.getValue()) * 60)
			self.closeRecursive = False
			self['lab1'] = Label(_('Wait please while gathering data...'))
			self['timeline_text'] = TimelineText(type=self.type,graphic=graphic)
			self['Event'] = Event()
			self['primetime'] = Label(_('PRIMETIME'))
			self['change_bouquet'] = Label(_('CHANGE BOUQUET'))
			self['jump'] = Label(_('JUMP 24 HOURS'))
			self['page'] = Label(_('PAGE UP/DOWN'))
			self.time_lines = []
			for x in range(0, MAX_TIMELINES):
				pm = Pixmap()
				self['timeline%d' % x] = pm

			self['timeline_now'] = Pixmap() = service
			self.curBouquet = bouquetChangeCB
			self.updateTimelineTimer = eTimer()
			self['epgactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'EPGSelectActions', 
					'nextService': (self.nextService, _('Jump forward 24 hours')),
					'prevService': (self.prevService, _('Jump back 24 hours')),
					'nextBouquet': (self.nextBouquet, _('Goto next bouquet')),
					'prevBouquet': (self.prevBouquet, _('Goto previous bouquet')),
					'input_date_time': (self.enterDateTime, _('Goto specific data/time')),
					'info': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')),
					'infolong': (self.InfoLong, _('Show single epg for current channel')),
					'tv': (self.togglePIG, _('Toggle Picture In Graphics')),
					'menu': (self.createSetup, _('Setup menu'))
				}, -1)
			self['epgactions'].csel = self
			self['cursoractions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'DirectionActions', 
					'left': (self.leftPressed, _('Goto previous event')),
					'right': (self.rightPressed, _('Goto next event')),
					'up': (self.moveUp, _('Goto previous channel')),
					'down': (self.moveDown, _('Goto next channel'))
				}, -1)
			self['cursoractions'].csel = self
			self['input_actions'] = HelpableNumberActionMap(self, 'NumberActions', 
					'1': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('Reduce time scale')),
					'2': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('Page up')),
					'3': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('Increase time scale')),
					'4': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('page left')),
					'5': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('Jump to current time')),
					'6': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('Page right')),
					'7': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('No of items switch (increase or reduced)')),
					'8': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('Page down')),
					'9': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('Jump to prime time')),
					'0': (self.keyNumberGlobal, _('Move to home of list'))
				}, -1)
			self['input_actions'].csel = self
		elif self.type == EPG_TYPE_MULTI:
			self.skinName = 'EPGSelectionMulti'
			self['now_button'] = Pixmap()
			self['next_button'] = Pixmap()
			self['more_button'] = Pixmap()
			self['now_button_sel'] = Pixmap()
			self['next_button_sel'] = Pixmap()
			self['more_button_sel'] = Pixmap()
			self['now_text'] = Label()
			self['next_text'] = Label()
			self['more_text'] = Label()
			self['date'] = Label() = service
			self.curBouquet = bouquetChangeCB
			self['epgactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'EPGSelectActions', 
					'nextService': (self.nextPage, _('Move down a page')),
					'prevService': (self.prevPage, _('Move up a page')),
					'nextBouquet': (self.nextBouquet, _('Goto next bouquet')),
					'prevBouquet': (self.prevBouquet, _('Goto previous bouquet')),
					'input_date_time': (self.enterDateTime, _('Goto specific data/time')),
					'info': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')),
					'infolong': (self.InfoLong, _('Show single epg for current channel')),
					'menu': (self.createSetup, _('Setup menu'))
				}, -1)
			self['epgactions'].csel = self
			self['cursoractions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'DirectionActions', 
					'left': (self.leftPressed, _('Move up a page')),
					'right': (self.rightPressed, _('Move down a page')),
					'up': (self.moveUp, _('Goto previous channel')),
					'down': (self.moveDown, _('Goto next channel'))
				}, -1)
			self['cursoractions'].csel = self
		if self.type == EPG_TYPE_GRAPH:
		elif self.type == EPG_TYPE_INFOBARGRAPH:
		self['list'] = EPGList(type=self.type, selChangedCB=self.onSelectionChanged, timer=session.nav.RecordTimer, time_epoch=time_epoch, overjump_empty=config.epgselection.overjump.getValue(), graphic=graphic)
		self.refreshTimer = eTimer()
		self.listTimer = eTimer()
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, session, *args, **kwargs):
        Screen.__init__(self, session)
        if not isinstance(self.skinName, list):
            self.skinName = [self.skinName]
        if isinstance(self, HelpableScreen):

        self.searchargs = args
        self.currSearch = ""
        self.longbuttonpressed = False

        # XXX: we lose sort begin/end here
        self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("New Search"))
        self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Add AutoTimer"))

        # begin stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__
        self.ChoiceBoxDialog = None
        self.bouquetChangeCB = None
        self.serviceChangeCB = None
        self.ask_time = -1  # now
        self.closeRecursive = False
        self.saved_title = None
        self.lastAsk = None
        self["Service"] = ServiceEvent()
        self["Event"] = Event()
        self["number"] = Label()
        self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE
        self.currentService = None
        self.zapFunc = None
        self.currch = None
        self.sort_type = 0
        self.eventviewDialog = None
        self["key_red"] = Button(_("IMDb Search"))
        self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add Timer"))
        self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER
        self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY
        self["list"] = EPGSearchList(type=self.type,

        self["dialogactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "WizardActions", {
            "back": (self.closeChoiceBoxDialog, _("Close dialog")),
        }, -1)
        self["dialogactions"].csel = self

        self["okactions"] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, "OkCancelActions", {
                "cancel": (self.closeScreen, _("Exit EPG Search")),
                "OK": (self.epgsearchOK, _("Zap to channel")),
                (self.epgsearchOKLong, _("Show detailed event information"))
            }, -1)
        self["okactions"].csel = self

        self["colouractions"] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, "ColorActions", {
                "red": (self.redButtonPressed,
                        _("IMDB search for highlighted event")),
                "green": (self.timerAdd,
                          _("Add/remove/edit timer for highlighted event")),
                "yellow": (self.yellowButtonPressed, _("Enter new search")),
                "yellowlong": (self.showHistory, _("Show search history")),
                "blue": (self.exportAutoTimer,
                         _("Add an AutoTimer for highlighted event")),
                (self.blueButtonPressedLong, _("Show AutoTimer list"))
            }, -1)
        self["colouractions"].csel = self

        self["recordingactions"] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, "InfobarInstantRecord", {
                "ShortRecord": (self.doRecordTimer,
                                _("Add a record timer for highlighted event")),
                (self.doZapTimer, _("Add a zap timer for highlighted event"))
            }, -1)
        self["recordingactions"].csel = self

        self["epgactions"] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, "EPGSelectActions", {
                "nextBouquet": (self.nextPage, _("Move down a page")),
                "prevBouquet": (self.prevPage, _("Move up a page")),
                "nextService": (self.prevPage, _("Move up a page")),
                "prevService": (self.nextPage, _("Move down a page")),
                "epg": (self.Info, _("Show detailed event information")),
                "info": (self.Info, _("Show detailed event information")),
                (self.infoKeyPressed, _("Show detailed event information")),
                "menu": (, _("Setup menu"))
            }, -1)
        self["epgactions"].csel = self

        self["epgcursoractions"] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, "DirectionActions", {
                "left": (self.prevPage, _("Move up a page")),
                "right": (self.nextPage, _("Move down a page")),
                "up": (self.moveUp, _("Move up")),
                "down": (self.moveDown, _("Move down"))
            }, -1)
        self["epgcursoractions"].csel = self

        self.openHistory = kwargs.get("openHistory", False)

        # end stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__

        # Partnerbox
        if PartnerBoxIconsEnabled:
            EPGSelection.PartnerboxInit(self, False)

        self.refreshTimer = eTimer()

        self.startTimer = eTimer()
        self.startTimer.start(10, 1)

        self.searchStartTimer = eTimer()

        # Hook up actions for yttrailer if installed
            from Plugins.Extensions.YTTrailer.plugin import baseEPGSelection__init__
        except ImportError as ie:
            if baseEPGSelection__init__ is not None:
                self["trailerActions"] = ActionMap(
                    ["InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions"], {
                        "showTv": self.showTrailer,
                        "showRadio": self.showTrailerList,
                        "startTeletext": self.showConfig
Esempio n. 9
	def __init__(self, session, *args):
		Screen.__init__(self, session)
		self.skinName = ["EPGSearch", "EPGSelection"]

		self.searchargs = args
		self.currSearch = ""
		self.longbuttonpressed = False

		# XXX: we lose sort begin/end here
		self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("New Search"))
		self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Add AutoTimer"))

		# begin stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__
		self.ChoiceBoxDialog = None
		self.bouquetChangeCB = None
		self.serviceChangeCB = None
		self.ask_time = -1 #now
		self.closeRecursive = False
		self.saved_title = None
		self["Service"] = ServiceEvent()
		self["Event"] = Event()
		self["number"] = Label()
		self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE
		self.zapFunc = None
		self.currch = None
		self.sort_type = 0
		self.eventviewDialog = None
		self["key_red"] = Button(_("IMDb Search"))
		self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add Timer"))
		self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER
		self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY
		self["list"] = EPGSearchList(type = self.type, selChangedCB = self.onSelectionChanged, timer = session.nav.RecordTimer)

		self['dialogactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'WizardActions',
				'back': (self.closeChoiceBoxDialog, _('Close dialog')),
			}, -1)
		self['dialogactions'].csel = self

		self['okactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'OkCancelActions',
				'cancel': (self.closeScreen, _('Exit EPG')),
				'OK': (self.epgsearchOK, _('Zap to channel (setup in menu)')),
				'OKLong': (self.epgsearchOKLong, _('Zap to channel and close (setup in menu)'))
			}, -1)
		self['okactions'].csel = self

		self['colouractions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'ColorActions', 
				'red': (self.redButtonPressed, _('IMDB search for current event')),
				'green': (self.timerAdd, _('Add/Remove timer for current event')),
				'yellow': (self.yellowButtonPressed, _('Search for similar events')),
				'blue': (self.exportAutoTimer, _('Add a auto timer for current event')),
				'bluelong': (self.blueButtonPressed, _('Show AutoTimer List'))
			}, -1)
		self['colouractions'].csel = self

		self['recordingactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'InfobarInstantRecord', 
				'ShortRecord': (self.doRecordTimer, _('Add a record timer for current event')),
				'LongRecord': (self.doZapTimer, _('Add a zap timer for current event'))
			}, -1)
		self['recordingactions'].csel = self

		self['epgactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'EPGSelectActions', 
				'nextBouquet': (self.nextBouquet, _('Goto next bouquet')),
				'prevBouquet': (self.prevBouquet, _('Goto previous bouquet')),
				'nextService': (self.nextService, _('Move down a page')),
				'prevService': (self.prevService, _('Move up a page')),
				'epg': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')),
				'info': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')),
				'infolong': (self.infoKeyPressed, _('Show single epg for current channel')),
				'menu': (, _('Setup menu'))
			}, -1)
		self['epgactions'].csel = self

		self['epgcursoractions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'DirectionActions', 
				'left': (self.prevPage, _('Move up a page')),
				'right': (self.nextPage, _('Move down a page')),
				'up': (self.moveUp, _('Goto previous channel')),
				'down': (self.moveDown, _('Goto next channel'))
			}, -1)
		self['epgcursoractions'].csel = self

		# end stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__

		# Partnerbox
		if PartnerBoxIconsEnabled:
			EPGSelection.PartnerboxInit(self, False)

		self.refreshTimer = eTimer()

		# Hook up actions for yttrailer if installed
			from Plugins.Extensions.YTTrailer.plugin import baseEPGSelection__init__
		except ImportError as ie:
			if baseEPGSelection__init__ is not None:
				self["trailerActions"] = ActionMap(["InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions"],
					"showTv": self.showTrailer,
					"showRadio": self.showTrailerList,
					"startTeletext": self.showConfig
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, session, *args):
        Screen.__init__(self, session)
        self.skinName = ["EPGSearch", "EPGSelection"]

        self.searchargs = args
        self.currSearch = ""
        self.longbuttonpressed = False

        # XXX: we lose sort begin/end here
        self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("New Search"))
        self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Add AutoTimer"))

        # begin stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__
        self.ChoiceBoxDialog = None
        self.bouquetChangeCB = None
        self.serviceChangeCB = None
        self.ask_time = -1  #now
        self.closeRecursive = False
        self.saved_title = None
        self["Service"] = ServiceEvent()
        self["Event"] = Event()
        self["number"] = Label()
        self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE
        self.currentService = None
        self.zapFunc = None
        self.currch = None
        self.sort_type = 0
        self.eventviewDialog = None
        self["key_red"] = Button(_("IMDb Search"))
        self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add timer"))
        self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER
        self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY
        self["list"] = EPGSearchList(type=self.type,

        self['dialogactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'WizardActions', {
            'back': (self.closeChoiceBoxDialog, _('Close dialog')),
        }, -1)
        self['dialogactions'].csel = self

        self['okactions'] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, 'OkCancelActions', {
                'cancel': (self.closeScreen, _('Exit EPG')),
                'OK': (self.epgsearchOK, _('Zap to channel (setup in menu)')),
                'OKLong': (self.epgsearchOKLong,
                           _('Zap to channel and close (setup in menu)'))
            }, -1)
        self['okactions'].csel = self

        self['colouractions'] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, 'ColorActions', {
                (self.redButtonPressed, _('IMDB search for current event')),
                (self.timerAdd, _('Add/Remove timer for current event')),
                (self.yellowButtonPressed, _('Search for similar events')),
                'blue': (self.exportAutoTimer,
                         _('Add a auto timer for current event')),
                (self.bluelongButtonPressed, _('Show AutoTimer List'))
            }, -1)
        self['colouractions'].csel = self

        self['recordingactions'] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, 'InfobarInstantRecord', {
                'ShortRecord': (self.doRecordTimer,
                                _('Add a record timer for current event')),
                (self.doZapTimer, _('Add a zap timer for current event'))
            }, -1)
        self['recordingactions'].csel = self

        self['epgactions'] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, 'EPGSelectActions', {
                'nextBouquet': (self.nextBouquet, _('Goto next bouquet')),
                'prevBouquet': (self.prevBouquet, _('Goto previous bouquet')),
                'nextService': (self.nextService, _('Move down a page')),
                'prevService': (self.prevService, _('Move up a page')),
                'epg': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')),
                'info': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')),
                'infolong': (self.infoKeyPressed,
                             _('Show single epg for current channel')),
                'menu': (, _('Setup menu'))
            }, -1)
        self['epgactions'].csel = self

        self['epgcursoractions'] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, 'DirectionActions', {
                'left': (self.prevPage, _('Move up a page')),
                'right': (self.nextPage, _('Move down a page')),
                'up': (self.moveUp, _('Goto previous channel')),
                'down': (self.moveDown, _('Goto next channel'))
            }, -1)
        self['epgcursoractions'].csel = self

        # end stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__

        # Partnerbox
        if PartnerBoxIconsEnabled:
            EPGSelection.PartnerboxInit(self, False)

        self.refreshTimer = eTimer()

        # Hook up actions for yttrailer if installed
            from Plugins.Extensions.YTTrailer.plugin import baseEPGSelection__init__
        except ImportError as ie:
            if baseEPGSelection__init__ is not None:
                self["trailerActions"] = ActionMap(
                    ["InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions"], {
                        "showTv": self.showTrailer,
                        "showRadio": self.showTrailerList,
                        "startTeletext": self.showConfig
Esempio n. 11
	def __init__(self, session, *args, **kwargs):
		Screen.__init__(self, session)
		self.skinName = [self.skinName, "EPGSelection"]
		if isinstance(self, HelpableScreen):

		self.searchargs = args
		self.currSearch = ""
		self.longbuttonpressed = False

		# XXX: we lose sort begin/end here
		self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("New Search"))
		self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Add AutoTimer"))

		# begin stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__
		self.ChoiceBoxDialog = None
		self.bouquetChangeCB = None
		self.serviceChangeCB = None
		self.ask_time = -1  # now
		self.closeRecursive = False
		self.saved_title = None
		self.lastAsk = None
		self["Service"] = ServiceEvent()
		self["Event"] = Event()
		self["number"] = Label()
		self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE
		self.currentService = None
		self.zapFunc = None
		self.currch = None
		self.sort_type = 0
		self.eventviewDialog = None
		self["key_red"] = Button(_("IMDb Search"))
		self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add Timer"))
		self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER
		self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY
		self["list"] = EPGSearchList(type=self.type, selChangedCB=self.onSelectionChanged, timer=session.nav.RecordTimer)

		self["dialogactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "WizardActions", {
			"back": (self.closeChoiceBoxDialog, _("Close dialog")),
		}, -1)
		self["dialogactions"].csel = self

		self["okactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "OkCancelActions", {
			"cancel": (self.closeScreen, _("Exit EPG Search")),
			"OK": (self.epgsearchOK, _("Zap to channel")),
			"OKLong": (self.epgsearchOKLong, _("Show detailed event information"))
		}, -1)
		self["okactions"].csel = self

		self["colouractions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "ColorActions", {
			"red": (self.redButtonPressed, _("IMDB search for highlighted event")),
			"green": (self.timerAdd, _("Add/remove/edit timer for highlighted event")),
			"yellow": (self.yellowButtonPressed, _("Enter new search")),
			"yellowlong": (self.showHistory, _("Show search history")),
			"blue": (self.exportAutoTimer, _("Add an AutoTimer for highlighted event")),
			"bluelong": (self.blueButtonPressedLong, _("Show AutoTimer list"))
		}, -1)
		self["colouractions"].csel = self

		self["recordingactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarInstantRecord", {
			"ShortRecord": (self.doRecordTimer, _("Add a record timer for highlighted event")),
			"LongRecord": (self.doZapTimer, _("Add a zap timer for highlighted event"))
		}, -1)
		self["recordingactions"].csel = self

		self["epgactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "EPGSelectActions", {
			"nextBouquet": (self.nextPage, _("Move down a page")),
			"prevBouquet": (self.prevPage, _("Move up a page")),
			"nextService": (self.prevPage, _("Move up a page")),
			"prevService": (self.nextPage, _("Move down a page")),
			"epg": (self.Info, _("Show detailed event information")),
			"info": (self.Info, _("Show detailed event information")),
			"infolong": (self.infoKeyPressed, _("Show detailed event information")),
			"menu": (, _("Setup menu"))
		}, -1)
		self["epgactions"].csel = self

		self["epgcursoractions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "DirectionActions", {
			"left": (self.prevPage, _("Move up a page")),
			"right": (self.nextPage, _("Move down a page")),
			"up": (self.moveUp, _("Move up")),
			"down": (self.moveDown, _("Move down"))
		}, -1)
		self["epgcursoractions"].csel = self

		self.openHistory = kwargs.get("openHistory", False)

		# end stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__

		# Partnerbox
		if PartnerBoxIconsEnabled:
			EPGSelection.PartnerboxInit(self, False)

		self.refreshTimer = eTimer()

		self.startTimer = eTimer()
		self.startTimer.start(10, 1)

		self.searchStartTimer = eTimer()

		# Hook up actions for yttrailer if installed
			from Plugins.Extensions.YTTrailer.plugin import baseEPGSelection__init__
		except ImportError as ie:
			if baseEPGSelection__init__ is not None:
				self["trailerActions"] = ActionMap(["InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions"], {
					"showTv": self.showTrailer,
					"showRadio": self.showTrailerList,
					"startTeletext": self.showConfig
Esempio n. 12
    def __init__(self, session):
        Screen.__init__(self, session)
        CoolWide = getDesktop(0).size().width()
        skinpath = str(resolveFilename)
        self.skinName = "MovieSelectionSP"
        if CoolWide == 720:
            skin = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/Suomipoeka/CoolSkin/MovieSelectionSP_720.xml"
        elif CoolWide == 1024:
            skin = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/Suomipoeka/CoolSkin/MovieSelectionSP_1024.xml"
            skin = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/Suomipoeka/CoolSkin/MovieSelectionSP_1280.xml"
        Cool = open(skin) =
        self.wasClosed = True
        self.playerInstance = None
        self.selectIdx = -1
        self.cursorDir = 0
        self.currentGrnText = _("Alpha sort")
        self["wait"] = Label(_("Reading directory..."))
        self["list"] = MovieList()
        self["key_red"] = Button()
        self["key_green"] = Button()
        self["key_yellow"] = Button()
        self["key_blue"] = Button()
        global gMS
        gMS = self
        self["actions"] = HelpableActionMap(
            self, "PluginMovieSelectionActions", {
                "bOK": (self.movieSelected, _("Play selected movie(s)")),
                "bOKL": (self.unUsed, "-"),
                "bEXIT": (self.abort, _("Close movie list")),
                "bMENU": (self.openMenu, _("Open menu")),
                "bINFO": (self.showEventInformation, _("Show event info")),
                "bINFOL": (self.unUsed, "-"),
                "bRed": (self.deleteFile, _("Delete file or empty dir")),
                "bGreen": (self.toggleSort, _("Toggle sort mode")),
                "bYellow": (self.moveMovie, _("Move selected movie(s)")),
                (self.blueFunc, _("Movie home / Play last (configurable)")),
                "bRedL": (self.unUsed, "-"),
                "bGreenL": (self.unUsed, "-"),
                "bYellowL": (self.openScriptMenu, _("Open shell script menu")),
                "bBlueL": (self.openBookmarks, _("Open bookmarks")),
                "bLeftUp": (self.keyPress, _("Move cursor page up")),
                "bRightUp": (self.keyPress, _("Move cursor page down")),
                "bUpUp": (self.keyPressU, _("Move cursor up")),
                "bDownUp": (self.keyPressD, _("Move cursor down")),
                "bBqtPlus": (self.bouquetPlus, _("Move cursor 1/2 page up")),
                (self.bouquetMinus, _("Move cursor 1/2 page down")),
                "bArrowR": (self.unUsed, "-"),
                "bArrowRL": (self.unUsed, "-"),
                "bArrowL": (self.unUsed, "-"),
                "bArrowLL": (self.unUsed, "-"),
                (self.selectionToggle, _("Toggle service selection")),
                "bAUDIO": (self.openMenuPlugins, _("Available plugins menu")),
                "bAUDIOL": (self.unUsed, "-"),
                "bMENUL": (self.openMenuPlugins, _("Available plugins menu")),
                "bTV": (self.reloadList, _("Reload movie file list")),
                "bTVL": (self.unUsed, "-"),
                "bRADIO": (self.viewedToggle, _("Toggle viewed / not viewed")),
                "bRADIOL": (self.unUsed, "-"),
                "bTEXT": (self.multiSelect, _("Start / end multiselection")),
                "bTEXTL": (self.unUsed, "-")
        self["actions"].csel = self

        self.currentPathSel = config.suomipoeka.movie_homepath.value
        self.parentStack = []
Esempio n. 13
	def __init__(self, session, services, zapFunc=None, bouquetChangeCB=None, bouquetname=""):
		Screen.__init__(self, session)
		self.bouquetChangeCB = bouquetChangeCB
		now = time() - config.epg.histminutes.getValue() * 60
		self.ask_time = now - now % int(config.misc.graph_mepg.roundTo.getValue())
		self["key_red"] = Button("")
		self["key_green"] = Button("")

		global listscreen
		if listscreen:
			self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Normal mode"))
			self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("List mode"))

		self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Goto"))

		self.key_green_choice = self.EMPTY
		self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY
		self["timeline_text"] = TimelineText()
		self["Service"] = ServiceEvent()
		self["Event"] = Event()
		self.time_lines = [ ]
		for x in range(0, MAX_TIMELINES):
			pm = Pixmap()
			self["timeline%d"%(x)] = pm
		self["timeline_now"] = Pixmap() = services
		self.zapFunc = zapFunc
		if bouquetname != "":
			Screen.setTitle(self, bouquetname)

		self["list"] = EPGList( selChangedCB = self.onSelectionChanged,
					timer = self.session.nav.RecordTimer,
					time_epoch = config.misc.graph_mepg.prev_time_period.value,
					overjump_empty = config.misc.graph_mepg.overjump.value)

		self["okactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "OkCancelActions",
				"cancel": (self.closeScreen,   _("Exit EPG")),
				"ok":	  (self.eventSelected, _("Zap to selected channel, or show detailed event info (depends on configuration)"))
			}, -1)
		self["okactions"].csel = self
		self["epgactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "EPGSelectActions",
				"timerAdd":    (self.timerAdd,       _("Add/remove change timer for current event")),
				"info":        (self.infoKeyPressed, _("Show detailed event info")),
				"red":         (self.zapTo,          _("Zap to selected channel")),
				"yellow":      (self.swapMode,       _("Switch between normal mode and list mode")),
				"blue":        (self.enterDateTime,  _("Goto specific date/time")),
				"menu":	       (self.furtherOptions, _("Further Options")),
				"nextBouquet": (self.nextBouquet, self.getKeyNextBouquetHelptext),
				"prevBouquet": (self.prevBouquet, self.getKeyPrevBouquetHelptext),
				"nextService": (self.nextPressed,    _("Goto next page of events")),
				"prevService": (self.prevPressed,    _("Goto previous page of events")),
				"preview":     (self.preview,        _("Preview selected channel")),
				"nextDay":     (self.nextDay,        _("Goto next day of events")),
				"prevDay":     (self.prevDay,        _("Goto previous day of events"))
			}, -1)
		self["epgactions"].csel = self

		self["inputactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InputActions",
				"left":  (self.leftPressed,  _("Go to previous event")),
				"right": (self.rightPressed, _("Go to next event")),
				"1":     (self.key1,         _("Set time window to 1 hour")),
				"2":     (self.key2,         _("Set time window to 2 hours")),
				"3":     (self.key3,         _("Set time window to 3 hours")),
				"4":     (self.key4,         _("Set time window to 4 hours")),
				"5":     (self.key5,         _("Set time window to 5 hours")),
				"6":     (self.key6,         _("Set time window to 6 hours")),
				"7":     (self.prevPage,     _("Go to previous page of service")),
				"9":     (self.nextPage,     _("Go to next page of service")),
				"8":     (self.toTop,        _("Go to first service")),
				"0":     (self.toEnd,        _("Go to last service"))
			}, -1)
		self["inputactions"].csel = self

		self.updateTimelineTimer = eTimer()
		self.updateTimelineTimer.start(60 * 1000)
		self.previousref = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup()