def __init__(self, event, ref, callback=None, similarEPGCB=None): self.similarEPGCB = similarEPGCB self.cbFunc = callback self.currentService = ref self.isRecording = ( not ref.ref.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup ) and ref.ref.getPath() and ref.ref.getPath()[0] == '/' self.event = event self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self["epg_eventname"] = ScrollLabel() self["epg_description"] = ScrollLabel() self["FullDescription"] = ScrollLabel() self["summary_description"] = StaticText() self["datetime"] = Label() self["channel"] = Label() self["duration"] = Label() if similarEPGCB is not None: self["key_red"] = Button("") self.SimilarBroadcastTimer = eTimer() self.SimilarBroadcastTimer.callback.append(self.getSimilarEvents) else: self.SimilarBroadcastTimer = None self["actions"] = ActionMap( ["OkCancelActions", "EventViewActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "pageUp": self.pageUp, "pageDown": self.pageDown, "prevEvent": self.prevEvent, "nextEvent": self.nextEvent, "contextMenu": self.doContext, }) self['dialogactions'] = ActionMap(['WizardActions'], { 'back': self.closeChoiceBoxDialog, }, -1) self['dialogactions'].csel = self self["dialogactions"].setEnabled(False) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate)
def __init__(self, event, Ref, callback=None, similarEPGCB=None): self.similarEPGCB = similarEPGCB self.cbFunc = callback self.currentService=Ref self.isRecording = (not Ref.ref.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup) and Ref.ref.getPath() self.event = event self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self["epg_description"] = ScrollLabel() self["FullDescription"] = ScrollLabel() self["datetime"] = Label() self["channel"] = Label() self["duration"] = Label() self["key_red"] = Button("") if similarEPGCB is not None: self.SimilarBroadcastTimer = eTimer() self.SimilarBroadcastTimer.callback.append(self.getSimilarEvents) else: self.SimilarBroadcastTimer = None self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER if self.isRecording: self["key_green"] = Button("") else: self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add timer")) self["key_yellow"] = Button("") self["key_blue"] = Button("") self["actions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "EventViewActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "pageUp": self.pageUp, "pageDown": self.pageDown, "prevEvent": self.prevEvent, "nextEvent": self.nextEvent, "timerAdd": self.timerAdd, "openSimilarList": self.openSimilarList, "contextMenu": self.doContext, }) self.onShown.append(self.onCreate)
def __init__(self, event, ref, callback=None, similarEPGCB=None): self.similarEPGCB = similarEPGCB self.cbFunc = callback self.currentService = ref self.isRecording = not ref.ref.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup and ref.ref.getPath( ) self.event = event self['Service'] = ServiceEvent() self['Event'] = Event() self['epg_description'] = ScrollLabel() self['FullDescription'] = ScrollLabel() self['summary_description'] = StaticText() self['datetime'] = Label() self['channel'] = Label() self['duration'] = Label() if similarEPGCB is not None: self['key_red'] = Button('') self.SimilarBroadcastTimer = eTimer() self.SimilarBroadcastTimer.callback.append(self.getSimilarEvents) else: self.SimilarBroadcastTimer = None self['actions'] = ActionMap( ['OkCancelActions', 'EventViewActions'], { 'cancel': self.close, 'ok': self.close, 'info': self.close, 'pageUp': self.pageUp, 'pageDown': self.pageDown, 'prevEvent': self.prevEvent, 'nextEvent': self.nextEvent, 'contextMenu': self.doContext }) self['dialogactions'] = ActionMap(['WizardActions'], {'back': self.closeChoiceBoxDialog}, -1) self['dialogactions'].csel = self self['dialogactions'].setEnabled(False) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate)
def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skinName = "TimerEditList" Screen.setTitle(self, _("PowerTimer List")) self.onChangedEntry = [] list = [] self.list = list self.fillTimerList() self["timerlist"] = PowerTimerList(list) self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self.key_yellow_choice = self.EMPTY self.key_blue_choice = self.EMPTY self["key_red"] = Button(" ") self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add")) self["key_yellow"] = Button(" ") self["key_blue"] = Button(" ") self["description"] = Label() self["ServiceEvent"] = ServiceEvent() self["actions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "DirectionActions", "ShortcutActions", "TimerEditActions"], { "ok": self.openEdit, "cancel": self.leave, "green": self.addCurrentTimer, "log": self.showLog, "left": self.left, "right": self.right, "up": self.up, "down": self.down }, -1) self.setTitle(_("PowerTimer Overview")) self.session.nav.PowerTimer.on_state_change.append(self.onStateChange) self.onShown.append(self.updateState)
def __init__(self, session, getServiceByNumber, callback, number): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skinName = "EPGServiceNumberSelection" self.getServiceByNumber = getServiceByNumber self.callback = callback helpDescription = _("EPG Commands") helpMsg = _("Enter a number to jump to a service/channel") self["actions"] = HelpableNumberActionMap(self, "NumberActions", dict([(str(i), (self.keyNumber, helpMsg)) for i in range(0, 10)]), prio=-1, description=helpDescription) self["cancelaction"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "OkCancelActions", { "cancel": (self.__cancel, _("Exit channel selection")), "OK": (self.__OK, _("Select EPG channel")) }, prio=-1, description=helpDescription) self["number"] = Label() self["service"] = ServiceEvent() self["service"].newService(None) self.timer = eTimer() self.timer.callback.append(self.__OK) self.number = "" self.keyNumber(number)
def __init__(self, servicecenter): ServiceEvent.__init__(self) self.servicecenter = servicecenter
def __init__(self, session, *args): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skinName = ["EPGSearch", "EPGSelection"] self.searchargs = args self.currSearch = "" self.longbuttonpressed = False # XXX: we lose sort begin/end here self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("New Search")) self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Add AutoTimer")) # begin stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ self.ChoiceBoxDialog = None self.bouquetChangeCB = None self.serviceChangeCB = None self.ask_time = -1 #now self.closeRecursive = False self.saved_title = None self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self["number"] = Label() self["number"].hide() self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE self.currentService = None self.zapFunc = None self.currch = None self.sort_type = 0 self.eventviewDialog = None self["key_red"] = Button(_("IMDb Search")) self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add timer")) self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self["list"] = EPGSearchList(type=self.type, selChangedCB=self.onSelectionChanged, timer=session.nav.RecordTimer) self['dialogactions'] = HelpableActionMap(self, 'WizardActions', { 'back': (self.closeChoiceBoxDialog, _('Close dialog')), }, -1) self['dialogactions'].csel = self self["dialogactions"].setEnabled(False) self['okactions'] = HelpableActionMap( self, 'OkCancelActions', { 'cancel': (self.closeScreen, _('Exit EPG')), 'OK': (self.epgsearchOK, _('Zap to channel (setup in menu)')), 'OKLong': (self.epgsearchOKLong, _('Zap to channel and close (setup in menu)')) }, -1) self['okactions'].csel = self self['colouractions'] = HelpableActionMap( self, 'ColorActions', { 'red': (self.redButtonPressed, _('IMDB search for current event')), 'green': (self.timerAdd, _('Add/Remove timer for current event')), 'yellow': (self.yellowButtonPressed, _('Search for similar events')), 'blue': (self.exportAutoTimer, _('Add a auto timer for current event')), 'bluelong': (self.bluelongButtonPressed, _('Show AutoTimer List')) }, -1) self['colouractions'].csel = self self['recordingactions'] = HelpableActionMap( self, 'InfobarInstantRecord', { 'ShortRecord': (self.doRecordTimer, _('Add a record timer for current event')), 'LongRecord': (self.doZapTimer, _('Add a zap timer for current event')) }, -1) self['recordingactions'].csel = self self['epgactions'] = HelpableActionMap( self, 'EPGSelectActions', { 'nextBouquet': (self.nextBouquet, _('Goto next bouquet')), 'prevBouquet': (self.prevBouquet, _('Goto previous bouquet')), 'nextService': (self.nextService, _('Move down a page')), 'prevService': (self.prevService, _('Move up a page')), 'epg': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')), 'info': (self.Info, _('Show detailed event info')), 'infolong': (self.infoKeyPressed, _('Show single epg for current channel')), 'menu': (, _('Setup menu')) }, -1) self['epgactions'].csel = self self['epgcursoractions'] = HelpableActionMap( self, 'DirectionActions', { 'left': (self.prevPage, _('Move up a page')), 'right': (self.nextPage, _('Move down a page')), 'up': (self.moveUp, _('Goto previous channel')), 'down': (self.moveDown, _('Goto next channel')) }, -1) self['epgcursoractions'].csel = self self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate) # end stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ # Partnerbox if PartnerBoxIconsEnabled: EPGSelection.PartnerboxInit(self, False) self.refreshTimer = eTimer() self.refreshTimer.timeout.get().append(self.refreshlist) # Hook up actions for yttrailer if installed try: from Plugins.Extensions.YTTrailer.plugin import baseEPGSelection__init__ except ImportError as ie: pass else: if baseEPGSelection__init__ is not None: self["trailerActions"] = ActionMap( ["InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions"], { "showTv": self.showTrailer, "showRadio": self.showTrailerList, "startTeletext": self.showConfig })
def __init__(self, session, service, zapFunc=None, eventid=None, bouquetChangeCB=None, serviceChangeCB=None, parent=None): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.bouquetChangeCB = bouquetChangeCB self.serviceChangeCB = serviceChangeCB self.ask_time = -1 #now self["key_red"] = StaticText("") self.closeRecursive = False self.saved_title = None self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self.session = session self.Console = Console() if isinstance(service, str) and eventid is not None: self.type = EPG_TYPE_SIMILAR self.setTitle(_("Similar EPG")) self["key_yellow"] = StaticText() self["key_blue"] = StaticText() self["key_red"] = StaticText() self.currentService = service self.eventid = eventid self.zapFunc = None elif isinstance(service, eServiceReference) or isinstance( service, str): self.setTitle(_("Single EPG")) self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE self["key_yellow"] = StaticText() self["key_blue"] = StaticText(_("Select Channel")) self.currentService = ServiceReference(service) self.zapFunc = zapFunc self.sort_type = 0 self.setSortDescription() else: self.setTitle(_("Multi EPG")) self.skinName = "EPGSelectionMulti" self.type = EPG_TYPE_MULTI if self.bouquetChangeCB == StaticText: self["key_yellow"] = StaticText( pgettext("button label, 'previous screen'", "Prev")) self["key_blue"] = StaticText( pgettext("button label, 'next screen'", "Next")) else: self["key_yellow"] = Button( pgettext("button label, 'previous screen'", "Prev")) self["key_blue"] = Button( pgettext("button label, 'next screen'", "Next")) self["now_button"] = Pixmap() self["next_button"] = Pixmap() self["more_button"] = Pixmap() self["now_button_sel"] = Pixmap() self["next_button_sel"] = Pixmap() self["more_button_sel"] = Pixmap() self["now_text"] = Label() self["next_text"] = Label() self["more_text"] = Label() self["date"] = Label() = service self.zapFunc = zapFunc self.parent = parent if self.bouquetChangeCB == StaticText: self["key_green"] = StaticText(_("Add timer")) else: self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add timer")) self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self["list"] = EPGList(type=self.type, selChangedCB=self.onSelectionChanged, timer=session.nav.RecordTimer) self["actions"] = ActionMap( ["EPGSelectActions", "OkCancelActions"], { "cancel": self.closeScreen, "ok": self.eventSelected, "timerAdd": self.timerAdd, "yellow": self.yellowButtonPressed, "blue": self.blueButtonPressed, "info": self.infoKeyPressed, "menu": self.furtherOptions, "nextBouquet": self.nextBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "prevBouquet": self.prevBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "nextService": self.nextService, # just used in single epg yet "prevService": self.prevService, # just used in single epg yet "preview": self.eventPreview, }) self['colouractions'] = HelpableActionMap( self, 'ColorActions', {"red": (self.GoToTmbd, _("Search event in TMBD"))}) self.isTMBD = fileExists( resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/TMBD/plugin.pyo")) if self.isTMBD: self["key_red"] = Button(_("Search TMBD")) = True if not self.isTMBD: self["key_red"] = Button(_("TMBD Not Installed")) = False try: from Plugins.Extensions.YTTrailer.plugin import baseEPGSelection__init__ description = _("Search yt-trailer for event") except ImportError as ie: pass else: if baseEPGSelection__init__ is not None: self["trailerActions"] = ActionMap( ["InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions"], { "showTv": self.showTrailer, "showRadio": self.showTrailerList, "startTeletext": self.showConfig }) self["actions"].csel = self if parent and hasattr(parent, "fallbackTimer"): self.fallbackTimer = parent.fallbackTimer self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate) else: self.fallbackTimer = FallbackTimerList(self, self.onCreate)
def __init__(self, session, *args): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skinName = ["EPGSearch", "EPGSelection"] self.searchargs = args self.currSearch = "" # XXX: we lose sort begin/end here self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("New Search")) self["key_blue"] = Button(_("History")) # begin stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ self.bouquetChangeCB = None self.serviceChangeCB = None self.ask_time = -1 #now self["key_red"] = Button("") self.closeRecursive = False self.saved_title = None self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE self.currentService=None self.zapFunc = None self.sort_type = 0 self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add timer")) self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self["list"] = EPGSearchList(type = self.type, selChangedCB = self.onSelectionChanged, timer = session.nav.RecordTimer) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["EPGSelectActions", "OkCancelActions", "MenuActions"], { "menu":, "cancel": self.closeScreen, "ok": self.eventSelected, "timerAdd": self.timerAdd, "yellow": self.yellowButtonPressed, "blue": self.blueButtonPressed, "info": self.infoKeyPressed, "red": self.zapToselect, # needed --> Partnerbox "nextBouquet": self.nextBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "prevBouquet": self.prevBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "nextService": self.nextService, # just used in single epg yet "prevService": self.prevService, # just used in single epg yet }) self["actions"].csel = self self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate) # end stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ = False self.do_filter = None self.eventid = None self.isTMBD = fileExists("/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/TMBD/plugin.pyo") # Partnerbox if PartnerBoxIconsEnabled: EPGSelection.PartnerboxInit(self, False) if self.isTMBD: self["key_red"].setText(_("Choice list")) = True else: if self.isTMBD: self["key_red"].setText(_("Lookup in TMBD")) # Hook up actions for yttrailer if installed try: from Plugins.Extensions.YTTrailer.plugin import baseEPGSelection__init__ except ImportError as ie: pass else: if baseEPGSelection__init__ is not None: self["trailerActions"] = ActionMap(["InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions"], { "showTv": self.showTrailer, "showRadio": self.showTrailerList, "startTeletext": self.showConfig })
def __init__(self): self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self.list.connectSelChanged(self.__selectionChanged) self.timer = eTimer() self.timer.callback.append(self.updateEventInfo) self.onShown.append(self.__selectionChanged)
def __init__(self, session, *args): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skinName = ["EPGSearch", "EPGSelection"] self.searchargs = args self.currSearch = "" self.longbuttonpressed = False # XXX: we lose sort begin/end here self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("New Search")) self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Add AutoTimer")) # begin stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ self.bouquetChangeCB = None self.serviceChangeCB = None self.ask_time = -1 #now self.closeRecursive = False self.saved_title = None self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE self.currentService = None self.zapFunc = None self.sort_type = 0 self["key_red"] = Button(_("IMDb Search")) self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add timer")) self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self["list"] = EPGSearchList(type=self.type, selChangedCB=self.onSelectionChanged, timer=session.nav.RecordTimer) self["actions"] = ActionMap( [ "EPGSelectActions", "OkCancelActions", "MenuActions", 'ColorActions', 'InfobarInstantRecord' ], { "menu":, "cancel": self.closeScreen, "OK": self.epgsearchOK, "OKLong": self.epgsearchOKLong, "epg": self.Info, "info": self.Info, "timerAdd": self.timerAdd, "yellow": self.yellowButtonPressed, "yellowlong": self.showHistory, "blue": self.exportAutoTimer, "info": self.infoKeyPressed, "red": self.redButtonPressed, "nextBouquet": self.nextBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "prevBouquet": self.prevBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "nextService": self.nextService, # just used in single epg yet "prevService": self.prevService, # just used in single epg yet "ShortRecord": self.doRecordTimer, "LongRecord": self.doZapTimer, }) self["actions"].csel = self self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate) # end stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ # Partnerbox if PartnerBoxIconsEnabled: EPGSelection.PartnerboxInit(self, False) self.refreshTimer = eTimer() self.refreshTimer.timeout.get().append(self.refreshData) # Hook up actions for yttrailer if installed try: from Plugins.Extensions.YTTrailer.plugin import baseEPGSelection__init__ except ImportError as ie: pass else: if baseEPGSelection__init__ is not None: self["trailerActions"] = ActionMap( ["InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions"], { "showTv": self.showTrailer, "showRadio": self.showTrailerList, "startTeletext": self.showConfig })
def __init__(self, session, *args, **kwargs): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skinName = ["EPGSearch", "EPGSelection"] self.searchargs = args self.searchkwargs = kwargs self.currSearch = "" self.currSearchSave = False self.currSearchDescription = False # XXX: we lose sort begin/end here self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("New Search")) self["key_blue"] = Button(self.getBlueButtonText()) # begin stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ self.bouquetChangeCB = None self.serviceChangeCB = None self.ask_time = -1 #now self["key_red"] = Button("") self.closeRecursive = False self.saved_title = None self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE self.currentService = None self.zapFunc = None self.sort_type = 0 self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add timer")) self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self["list"] = EPGSearchList(type=self.type, selChangedCB=self.onSelectionChanged, timer=session.nav.RecordTimer) self["actions"] = ActionMap( [ "EPGSelectActions", "OkCancelActions", "MenuActions", "InputActions", "InfobarAudioSelectionActions" ], { "menu":, "cancel": self.closeScreen, "ok": self.eventSelected, "timerAdd": self.timerAdd, "yellow": self.yellowButtonPressed, "blue": self.blueButtonPressed, "info": self.infoKeyPressed, "red": self.zapTo, # needed --> Partnerbox "nextBouquet": self.nextBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "prevBouquet": self.prevBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "nextService": self.nextService, # just used in single epg yet "prevService": self.prevService, # just used in single epg yet "1": self.importFromTimer, "2": self.importFromEPG, "3": self.importFromAutoTimer, "4": self.addAutoTimer, "5": self.exportAutoTimer, "6": self.openSPInfoScreen, "7": self.openImdb, "8": self.openTMDb, "9": self.openTMDbSerie, "0": self.setup, "audioSelection": self.searchNoNumber, }) if autoTimerAvailable: self["EPGSeachFilterActions"] = ActionMap( ["WizardActions"], { "video": self.openSearchFilterList, }) self["actions"].csel = self self["list"].mostSearchService = "" self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate) # end stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ # Partnerbox if PartnerBoxIconsEnabled: EPGSelection.PartnerboxInit(self, False) self.pluginList = [(, p) for p in plugins.getPlugins(where=[ PluginDescriptor.WHERE_EPG_SELECTION_SINGLE_BLUE, PluginDescriptor.WHERE_CHANNEL_SELECTION_RED ])] self.was_history_start = False if self.searchkwargs and self.searchkwargs.has_key( "startWithHistory") and self.searchkwargs["startWithHistory"]: self.onShown.append(self.__onShownStartHistory)
def __init__(self, session, services, zapFunc=None, bouquetChangeCB=None, bouquetname=""): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.bouquetChangeCB = bouquetChangeCB now = time() - config.epg.histminutes.value * 60 self.ask_time = now - now % int(config.misc.graph_mepg.roundTo.value) self["key_red"] = Button("") self["key_green"] = Button("") global listscreen if listscreen: self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Normal mode")) self.skinName="GraphMultiEPGList" else: self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("List mode")) self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Goto")) self.key_green_choice = self.EMPTY self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self["timeline_text"] = TimelineText() self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self.time_lines = [ ] for x in list(range(0, MAX_TIMELINES)): pm = Pixmap() self.time_lines.append(pm) self["timeline%d"%(x)] = pm self["timeline_now"] = Pixmap() = services self.zapFunc = zapFunc if bouquetname != "": Screen.setTitle(self, bouquetname) self["list"] = EPGList( selChangedCB = self.onSelectionChanged, timer = self.session.nav.RecordTimer, time_epoch = config.misc.graph_mepg.prev_time_period.value, overjump_empty = config.misc.graph_mepg.overjump.value) HelpableScreen.__init__(self) self["okactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "OkCancelActions", { "cancel": (self.closeScreen, _("Exit EPG")), "ok": (self.eventSelected, _("Zap to selected channel, or show detailed event info (depends on configuration)")) }, -1) self["okactions"].csel = self self["epgactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "EPGSelectActions", { "timerAdd": (self.timerAdd, _("Add/remove change timer for current event")), "info": (self.infoKeyPressed, _("Show detailed event info")), "red": (self.zapTo, _("Zap to selected channel")), "yellow": (self.swapMode, _("Switch between normal mode and list mode")), "blue": (self.enterDateTime, _("Goto specific data/time")), "menu": (self.showSetup, _("Setup menu")), "nextBouquet": (self.nextBouquet, _("Show bouquet selection menu")), "prevBouquet": (self.prevBouquet, _("Show bouquet selection menu")), "nextService": (self.nextPressed, _("Goto next page of events")), "prevService": (self.prevPressed, _("Goto previous page of events")), "preview": (self.preview, _("Preview selected channel")), "nextDay": (self.nextDay, _("Goto next day of events")), "prevDay": (self.prevDay, _("Goto previous day of events")) }, -1) self["epgactions"].csel = self self["inputactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InputActions", { "left": (self.leftPressed, _("Go to previous event")), "right": (self.rightPressed, _("Go to next event")), "1": (self.key1, _("Set time window to 1 hour")), "2": (self.key2, _("Set time window to 2 hours")), "3": (self.key3, _("Set time window to 3 hours")), "4": (self.key4, _("Set time window to 4 hours")), "5": (self.key5, _("Set time window to 5 hours")), "6": (self.key6, _("Set time window to 6 hours")), "7": (self.prevPage, _("Go to previous page of service")), "9": (self.nextPage, _("Go to next page of service")), "8": (self.toTop, _("Go to first service")), "0": (self.toEnd, _("Go to last service")) }, -1) self["inputactions"].csel = self self.updateTimelineTimer = eTimer() self.updateTimelineTimer.callback.append(self.moveTimeLines) self.updateTimelineTimer.start(60 * 1000) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate) self.previousref = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup()
def __init__(self, session, service, zapFunc=None, eventid=None, bouquetChangeCB=None, serviceChangeCB=None): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.bouquetChangeCB = bouquetChangeCB self.serviceChangeCB = serviceChangeCB self.ask_time = -1 #now self["key_red"] = Button("") self.closeRecursive = False self.saved_title = None self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self.session = session if isinstance(service, str) and eventid != None: self.type = EPG_TYPE_SIMILAR self["key_yellow"] = Button() self["key_blue"] = Button() self["key_red"] = Button() self.currentService = service self.eventid = eventid self.zapFunc = None elif isinstance(service, eServiceReference) or isinstance( service, str): self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE self["key_yellow"] = Button() self["key_blue"] = Button() self.currentService = ServiceReference(service) self.zapFunc = zapFunc self.sort_type = 0 self.setSortDescription() else: self.skinName = "EPGSelectionMulti" self.type = EPG_TYPE_MULTI self["key_yellow"] = Button( pgettext("button label, 'previous screen'", "Prev")) self["key_blue"] = Button( pgettext("button label, 'next screen'", "Next")) self["now_button"] = Pixmap() self["next_button"] = Pixmap() self["more_button"] = Pixmap() self["now_button_sel"] = Pixmap() self["next_button_sel"] = Pixmap() self["more_button_sel"] = Pixmap() self["now_text"] = Label() self["next_text"] = Label() self["more_text"] = Label() self["date"] = Label() = service self.zapFunc = zapFunc self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add timer")) self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self["list"] = EPGList(type=self.type, selChangedCB=self.onSelectionChanged, timer=session.nav.RecordTimer) self["actions"] = ActionMap( ["EPGSelectActions", "OkCancelActions"], { "cancel": self.closeScreen, "ok": self.eventSelected, "timerAdd": self.timerAdd, "yellow": self.yellowButtonPressed, "blue": self.blueButtonPressed, "info": self.infoKeyPressed, "red": self.zapTo, "menu": self.furtherOptions, "nextBouquet": self.nextBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "prevBouquet": self.prevBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "nextService": self.nextService, # just used in single epg yet "prevService": self.prevService, # just used in single epg yet "preview": self.eventPreview, }) self["actions"].csel = self self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate)
def __init__(self, session, *args): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skinName = ["EPGSearch", "EPGSelection"] self.searchargs = args self.currSearch = "" # XXX: we lose sort begin/end here self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("New Search")) self["key_blue"] = Button(_("History")) # begin stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ self.bouquetChangeCB = None self.serviceChangeCB = None self.ask_time = -1 #now self["key_red"] = Button("") self.closeRecursive = False self.saved_title = None self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE self.currentService = None self.zapFunc = None self.sort_type = 0 self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add timer")) self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self["list"] = EPGSearchList(type=self.type, selChangedCB=self.onSelectionChanged, timer=session.nav.RecordTimer) self["actions"] = ActionMap( [ "EPGSelectActions", "OkCancelActions", "MenuActions", "InputActions", "InfobarAudioSelectionActions" ], { "menu":, "cancel": self.closeScreen, "ok": self.eventSelected, "timerAdd": self.timerAdd, "yellow": self.yellowButtonPressed, "blue": self.blueButtonPressed, "info": self.infoKeyPressed, "red": self.zapTo, # needed --> Partnerbox "nextBouquet": self.nextBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "prevBouquet": self.prevBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "nextService": self.nextService, # just used in single epg yet "prevService": self.prevService, # just used in single epg yet "1": self.importFromTimer, "2": self.importFromEPG, "3": self.importFromAutoTimer, "4": self.addAutoTimer, "5": self.exportAutoTimer, "6": self.openSPInfoScreen, "7": self.openImdb, "8": self.openTMDb, "9": self.openTMDbSerie, "0": self.setup, "audioSelection": self.searchNoNumber, }) self["actions"].csel = self self["list"].mostSearchService = "" self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate) # end stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ # Partnerbox if PartnerBoxIconsEnabled: EPGSelection.PartnerboxInit(self, False) # Hook up actions for yttrailer if installed try: from Plugins.Extensions.YTTrailer.plugin import baseEPGSelection__init__ except ImportError as ie: pass else: if baseEPGSelection__init__ is not None: self["trailerActions"] = ActionMap( ["InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions"], { "showTv": self.showTrailer, "showRadio": self.showTrailerList, "startTeletext": self.showConfig })
def __init__(self, session, epgConfig, startBouquet=None, startRef=None, bouquets=None): Screen.__init__(self, session) HelpableScreen.__init__(self) self.epgConfig = epgConfig self.bouquets = bouquets self.originalPlayingServiceOrGroup = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup( ) self.startBouquet = startBouquet self.startRef = startRef self.choiceBoxDialog = None self.closeRecursive = False self.eventviewDialog = None self.eventviewWasShown = False self.session.pipshown = False self.pipServiceRelation = getRelationDict( ) if plugin_PiPServiceRelation_installed else {} self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self["lab1"] = Label(_("Please wait while gathering EPG data...")) self["lab1"].hide() self["key_red"] = Button(_("IMDb Search")) self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add Timer")) self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("EPG Search")) self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Add AutoTimer")) helpDescription = _("EPG Commands") self["dialogactions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "WizardActions", { "back": (self.closeChoiceBoxDialog, _("Close dialog box")), }, prio=-1, description=helpDescription) self["dialogactions"].setEnabled(False) self["okactions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "OkCancelActions", { "cancel": (self.closeScreen, _("Exit EPG")), "OK": (ignoreLongKeyPress(self.OK), _("Zap to channel/service")), "OKLong": (self.OKLong, _("Zap to channel/service and close")) }, prio=-1, description=helpDescription) self["colouractions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "ColorActions", { "red": (ignoreLongKeyPress( self.openIMDb), _("IMDB search for current event")), "redlong": (self.sortEPG, _("Sort the EPG list")), "green": (ignoreLongKeyPress(self.addEditTimer), _("Add/Remove timer for current event")), "greenlong": (self.openTimerList, _("Show timer list")), "yellow": (ignoreLongKeyPress( self.openEPGSearch), _("Search for similar events")), "blue": (ignoreLongKeyPress(self.addAutoTimer), _("Add an autotimer for current event")), "bluelong": (self.openAutoTimerList, _("Show autotimer list")) }, prio=-1, description=helpDescription) self["recordingactions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "InfobarInstantRecord", { "ShortRecord": (self.recordTimerQuestion, _("Add a record timer for current event")), "LongRecord": (self.doZapTimer, _("Add a zap timer for current event")) }, prio=-1, description=helpDescription) self["epgactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "EPGSelectActions", {}, -1) self.noAutotimer = _( "The AutoTimer plugin is not installed!\nPlease install it.") self.noEPGSearch = _( "The EPGSearch plugin is not installed!\nPlease install it.") self.noIMDb = _( "The IMDb plugin is not installed!\nPlease install it.") self.refreshTimer = eTimer() self.refreshTimer.timeout.get().append(self.refreshList) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate)
def __init__(self): eServiceEvent.__init__(self)
def __init__(self, session, *args, **kwargs): Screen.__init__(self, session) if not isinstance(self.skinName, list): self.skinName = [self.skinName] self.skinName.append("EPGSelection") if isinstance(self, HelpableScreen): HelpableScreen.__init__(self) self.searchargs = args self.currSearch = "" self.longbuttonpressed = False # XXX: we lose sort begin/end here self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("New Search")) self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Add AutoTimer")) # begin stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ self.ChoiceBoxDialog = None self.bouquetChangeCB = None self.serviceChangeCB = None self.ask_time = -1 # now self.closeRecursive = False self.saved_title = None self.lastAsk = None self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self["number"] = Label() self["number"].hide() self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE self.currentService = None self.zapFunc = None self.currch = None self.sort_type = 0 self.eventviewDialog = None self["key_red"] = Button(_("IMDb Search")) self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add Timer")) self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self["list"] = EPGSearchList(type=self.type, selChangedCB=self.onSelectionChanged, timer=session.nav.RecordTimer) self["dialogactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "WizardActions", { "back": (self.closeChoiceBoxDialog, _("Close dialog")), }, -1) self["dialogactions"].csel = self self["dialogactions"].setEnabled(False) self["okactions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "OkCancelActions", { "cancel": (self.closeScreen, _("Exit EPG Search")), "OK": (self.epgsearchOK, _("Zap to channel")), "OKLong": (self.epgsearchOKLong, _("Show detailed event information")) }, -1) self["okactions"].csel = self self["colouractions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "ColorActions", { "red": (self.redButtonPressed, _("IMDB search for highlighted event")), "green": (self.timerAdd, _("Add/remove/edit timer for highlighted event")), "yellow": (self.yellowButtonPressed, _("Enter new search")), "yellowlong": (self.showHistory, _("Show search history")), "blue": (self.exportAutoTimer, _("Add an AutoTimer for highlighted event")), "bluelong": (self.blueButtonPressedLong, _("Show AutoTimer list")) }, -1) self["colouractions"].csel = self self["recordingactions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "InfobarInstantRecord", { "ShortRecord": (self.doRecordTimer, _("Add a record timer for highlighted event")), "LongRecord": (self.doZapTimer, _("Add a zap timer for highlighted event")) }, -1) self["recordingactions"].csel = self self["epgactions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "EPGSelectActions", { "nextBouquet": (self.nextPage, _("Move down a page")), "prevBouquet": (self.prevPage, _("Move up a page")), "nextService": (self.prevPage, _("Move up a page")), "prevService": (self.nextPage, _("Move down a page")), "epg": (self.Info, _("Show detailed event information")), "info": (self.Info, _("Show detailed event information")), "infolong": (self.infoKeyPressed, _("Show detailed event information")), "menu": (, _("Setup menu")) }, -1) self["epgactions"].csel = self self["epgcursoractions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "DirectionActions", { "left": (self.prevPage, _("Move up a page")), "right": (self.nextPage, _("Move down a page")), "up": (self.moveUp, _("Move up")), "down": (self.moveDown, _("Move down")) }, -1) self["epgcursoractions"].csel = self self.openHistory = kwargs.get("openHistory", False) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate) # end stripped copy of EPGSelection.__init__ # Partnerbox if PartnerBoxIconsEnabled: EPGSelection.PartnerboxInit(self, False) self.refreshTimer = eTimer() self.refreshTimer.callback.append(self.refreshlist) self.startTimer = eTimer() self.startTimer.callback.append(self.startUp) self.startTimer.start(10, 1) self.searchStartTimer = eTimer() # Hook up actions for yttrailer if installed try: from Plugins.Extensions.YTTrailer.plugin import baseEPGSelection__init__ except ImportError as ie: pass else: if baseEPGSelection__init__ is not None: self["trailerActions"] = ActionMap( ["InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions"], { "showTv": self.showTrailer, "showRadio": self.showTrailerList, "startTeletext": self.showConfig })
def __init__(self): self["DescriptionBorder"] = Pixmap() self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["FileSize"] = Label("") self.prev_descdis = not config.suomipoeka.movie_descdis.value
def __init__(self, session, service, zapFunc=None, eventid=None, bouquetChangeCB=None, serviceChangeCB=None, isEPGBar=None, switchBouquet=None, EPGNumberZap=None, togglePiP=None): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.screentitle = _("EPG Selection") self.bouquetChangeCB = bouquetChangeCB self.serviceChangeCB = serviceChangeCB self.switchBouquet = switchBouquet self.EPGNumberZap = EPGNumberZap self.togglePiP = None self.ask_time = -1 #now self["key_red"] = Button("") self.closeRecursive = False self.saved_title = None self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() if isinstance(service, str) and eventid != None: self.type = EPG_TYPE_SIMILAR self["key_yellow"] = Button() self["key_blue"] = Button() self["key_red"] = Button() self.currentService = service self.eventid = eventid self.zapFunc = None elif isEPGBar and (isinstance(service, eServiceReference) or isinstance(service, str)): self.skinName = ["EPGSelectionEPGBar_SD"] if session.desktop.size().width() > 720: self.skinName = ["EPGSelectionEPGBar_HD"] self.type = EPG_TYPE_EPGBAR self["key_yellow"] = Button() self["key_blue"] = Button() self.currentService = ServiceReference(service) self.zapFunc = zapFunc self.togglePiP = togglePiP self.sort_type = 0 self.setSortDescription() self["EPGBarActions"] = ActionMap( ["DirectionActions", "OkCancelActions", "InfobarSeekActions"], { "cancel": self.closeScreen, "ok": self.zapTo, "left": self.prevService, "right": self.nextService, "playpauseService": self.setPiPService, }, -1) self["EPGBarActions"].csel = self elif isinstance(service, eServiceReference) or isinstance( service, str): self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE self["key_yellow"] = Button() self["key_blue"] = Button() self.currentService = ServiceReference(service) self.zapFunc = zapFunc self.sort_type = 0 self.setSortDescription() else: self.skinName = "EPGSelectionMulti" self.type = EPG_TYPE_MULTI self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Prev")) self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Next")) self["now_button"] = Pixmap() self["next_button"] = Pixmap() self["more_button"] = Pixmap() self["now_button_sel"] = Pixmap() self["next_button_sel"] = Pixmap() self["more_button_sel"] = Pixmap() self["now_text"] = Label() self["next_text"] = Label() self["more_text"] = Label() self["date"] = Label() = service self.zapFunc = zapFunc self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add timer")) self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self["list"] = EPGList(type=self.type, selChangedCB=self.onSelectionChanged, timer=session.nav.RecordTimer) self["actions"] = ActionMap( ["EPGSelectActions", "OkCancelActions"], { "cancel": self.closeScreen, "ok": self.eventSelected, "timerAdd": self.timerAdd, "timerEnableDisable": self.timerEnableDisable, "instantToggleTimerState": self.instantToggleTimerState, "instantTimer": self.addInstantTimer, "yellow": self.yellowButtonPressed, "blue": self.blueButtonPressed, "info": self.infoKeyPressed, "red": self.zapTo, "input_date_time": self.enterDateTime, "nextBouquet": self.nextBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "prevBouquet": self.prevBouquet, # just used in multi epg yet "nextService": self.nextService, # just used in single epg yet "prevService": self.prevService, # just used in single epg yet }) self["actions"].csel = self if EPGNumberZap: self["EPGBarNumberActions"] = NumberActionMap( ["NumberActions"], { "1": self.keyNumberGlobal, "2": self.keyNumberGlobal, "3": self.keyNumberGlobal, "4": self.keyNumberGlobal, "5": self.keyNumberGlobal, "6": self.keyNumberGlobal, "7": self.keyNumberGlobal, "8": self.keyNumberGlobal, "9": self.keyNumberGlobal, }) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate)
def __init__(self, session, service, zapFunc=None, eventid=None, bouquetChangeCB=None, serviceChangeCB=None, parent=None): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.bouquetChangeCB = bouquetChangeCB self.serviceChangeCB = serviceChangeCB self.ask_time = -1 self['key_red'] = Button('') self.closeRecursive = False self.saved_title = None self['Service'] = ServiceEvent() self['Event'] = Event() self.session = session if isinstance(service, str) and eventid != None: self.type = EPG_TYPE_SIMILAR self.setTitle(_('Similar EPG')) self['key_yellow'] = Button() self['key_blue'] = Button() self['key_red'] = Button() self.currentService = service self.eventid = eventid self.zapFunc = None elif isinstance(service, eServiceReference) or isinstance( service, str): self.setTitle(_('Single EPG')) self.type = EPG_TYPE_SINGLE self['key_yellow'] = Button() self['key_blue'] = Button(_('Select Channel')) self.currentService = ServiceReference(service) self.zapFunc = zapFunc self.sort_type = 0 self.setSortDescription() else: self.setTitle(_('Multi EPG')) self.skinName = 'EPGSelectionMulti' self.type = EPG_TYPE_MULTI self['key_yellow'] = Button( pgettext("button label, 'previous screen'", 'Prev')) self['key_blue'] = Button( pgettext("button label, 'next screen'", 'Next')) self['now_button'] = Pixmap() self['next_button'] = Pixmap() self['more_button'] = Pixmap() self['now_button_sel'] = Pixmap() self['next_button_sel'] = Pixmap() self['more_button_sel'] = Pixmap() self['now_text'] = Label() self['next_text'] = Label() self['more_text'] = Label() self['date'] = Label() = service self.zapFunc = zapFunc self.parent = parent self['key_green'] = Button(_('Add timer')) self.key_green_choice = self.ADD_TIMER self.key_red_choice = self.EMPTY self['list'] = EPGList(type=self.type, selChangedCB=self.onSelectionChanged, timer=session.nav.RecordTimer) self['actions'] = ActionMap( ['EPGSelectActions', 'OkCancelActions'], { 'cancel': self.closeScreen, 'ok': self.eventSelected, 'timerAdd': self.timerAdd, 'yellow': self.yellowButtonPressed, 'blue': self.blueButtonPressed, 'info': self.infoKeyPressed, 'red': self.zapTo, 'menu': self.furtherOptions, 'nextBouquet': self.nextBouquet, 'prevBouquet': self.prevBouquet, 'nextService': self.nextService, 'prevService': self.prevService, 'preview': self.eventPreview }) self['actions'].csel = self self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate)
def __init__(self, session, epgConfig, startBouquet=None, startRef=None, bouquets=None): Screen.__init__(self, session) HelpableScreen.__init__(self) self.epgConfig = epgConfig self.bouquets = bouquets self.startBouquet = startBouquet self.startRef = startRef self.popupDialog = None self.closeRecursive = False self.eventviewDialog = None self.eventviewWasShown = False self.session.pipshown = False self.pipServiceRelation = getRelationDict( ) if plugin_PiPServiceRelation_installed else {} self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self["lab1"] = Label(_("Please wait while gathering EPG data...")) self["lab1"].hide() self["key_red"] = Button(_("IMDb Search")) self["key_green"] = Button(_("Add Timer")) self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("EPG Search")) self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Add AutoTimer")) helpDescription = _("EPG Commands") self["okactions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "OkCancelActions", { "cancel": (self.closeScreen, _("Exit EPG")), "OK": (self.helpKeyAction("ok")), "OKLong": (self.helpKeyAction("oklong")) }, prio=-1, description=helpDescription) self["colouractions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "ColorActions", { "red": self.helpKeyAction("red"), "redlong": self.helpKeyAction("redlong"), "green": self.helpKeyAction("green"), "greenlong": self.helpKeyAction("greenlong"), "yellow": self.helpKeyAction("yellow"), "yellowlong": self.helpKeyAction("yellowlong"), "blue": self.helpKeyAction("blue"), "bluelong": self.helpKeyAction("bluelong") }, prio=-1, description="EPG Commands") self._updateButtonText() self["recordingactions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, "InfobarInstantRecord", { "ShortRecord": self.helpKeyAction("rec"), "LongRecord": self.helpKeyAction("reclong") }, prio=-1, description=helpDescription) self["epgactions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "EPGSelectActions", {}, -1) self.noAutotimer = _( "The AutoTimer plugin is not installed!\nPlease install it.") self.noEPGSearch = _( "The EPGSearch plugin is not installed!\nPlease install it.") self.noIMDb = _( "The IMDb plugin is not installed!\nPlease install it.") self.refreshTimer = eTimer() self.refreshTimer.timeout.get().append(self.refreshList) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onCreate)
def __init__(self): self["ServiceEvent"] = ServiceEvent() self["ShortDesc"] = Label("") self.timer = eTimer() self.timer.callback.append(self.updateEventInfo) self.onShow.append(self.__selectionChanged)
def __init__(self, event, serviceRef, callback=None, similarEPGCB=None, parent=None, windowTitle=None): self.event = event self.serviceRef = serviceRef self.callbackMethod = callback if similarEPGCB is None: self.similarBroadcastTimer = None else: self.similarBroadcastTimer = eTimer() self.similarBroadcastTimer.callback.append(self.getSimilarEvents) self.similarEPGCB = similarEPGCB if parent and hasattr(parent, "fallbackTimer"): self.fallbackTimer = parent.fallbackTimer self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.layoutFinished) else: self.fallbackTimer = FallbackTimerList(self, self.layoutFinished) self.windowTitle = windowTitle self.isRecording = ( not serviceRef.ref.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup) and serviceRef.ref.getPath() self["channel"] = Label() self["datetime"] = Label() self["duration"] = Label() self["Service"] = ServiceEvent() self["Event"] = Event() self["epg_eventname"] = ScrollLabel() self["epg_description"] = ScrollLabel() self["FullDescription"] = ScrollLabel() self["key_red"] = StaticText("") self["key_green"] = StaticText( "" if self.isRecording else _("Add Timer")) self.keyGreenAction = self.ADD_TIMER self["key_menu"] = StaticText(_("MENU")) self["key_info"] = StaticText(_("INFO")) self["actions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, ["OkCancelActions", "EventViewActions"], { "cancel": (self.close, _("Close Event View screen")), "ok": (self.close, _("Close Event View screen")), "contextMenu": (self.doContext, _("Open context menu")), "timerAdd": (self.addTimer, _("Add a timer for the current event")), "pageUp": (self.pageUp, _("Show previous page of description")), "pageDown": (self.pageDown, _("Show next page of description")) }, prio=0, description=_("Event View Actions")) self["eventActions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, ["EventViewActions"], { "prevEvent": (self.prevEvent, _("Show previous event")), "nextEvent": (self.nextEvent, _("Show next event")) }, prio=0, description=_("Event View Actions")) self["eventActions"].setEnabled(callback is not None) self["similarActions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, ["EventViewActions"], { "openSimilarList": (self.openSimilarList, _("Find similar events in the EPG")) }, prio=0, description=_("Event View Actions")) self["similarActions"].setEnabled(False)