def getProperties( id, algname='',property='',cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : retlist= dict() tree = getConfigTree( id, cas ) import re if algname : reqNode = re.compile(algname) matchNode = lambda x : reqNode.match(x.leaf.fullyQualifiedName) else : matchNode = None if property : reqProp = re.compile(property) matchProp = lambda x : reqProp.match(x) else : matchProp = None # generate a unique ID for this traversal, so that we do not # repeat leafs... import uuid sig = uuid.uuid4().hex for i in tree : if not i.leaf or (matchNode and not matchNode(i)) : continue if hasattr(i.leaf,sig) : continue setattr(i.leaf,sig,True) pdict = dict() for (k,v) in : if matchProp and not matchProp(k) : continue pdict[k] = v if pdict : retlist[ ] = pdict return retlist
def xget( ids , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : if 'forest' not in dir(xget) : xget.forest = dict() fetch = [ id for id in ids if id not in xget.forest.keys() ] if fetch : for t in fetch : xget.forest[t] = getConfigTree(t).leafs() forest = dict() for id in ids : forest[id] = xget.forest[id] return forest
def getAlgorithms( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : tree = getConfigTree( id, cas ) tempstr = '' for i in tree : if i.leaf and i.leaf.kind =='IAlgorithm': s = i.depth*3*' ' + tempstr = tempstr + s + (80-len(s))*' ' + str(i.leaf.digest) + '\n' return tempstr
def getTCKs( release = None, hlttype = None, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : info = getConfigurations( cas ) pred = lambda x : x['TCK'] and ( not release or x['release'] == release ) and ( not hlttype or x['hlttype'] == hlttype ) result = [] for i in [ x for x in info.itervalues() if pred(x) ]: for tck in i['TCK'] : result.append( ('0x%08x'%tck,i['label']) ) return result
def copy( source = ConfigAccessSvc() , target = ConfigDBAccessSvc(ReadOnly=False), glob = None ) : if source == target : print 'WARNING: source and target are the same -- no-op ...' return r = AccessProxy().access( cas = ConfigStackAccessSvc( ConfigAccessSvcs = [ target.getFullName(), source.getFullName() ] , OutputLevel=DEBUG ) ).rcopy(glob) AccessProxy().flush() return r
def xget(ids, cas=ConfigAccessSvc()): if 'forest' not in dir(xget): xget.forest = dict() fetch = [id for id in ids if id not in xget.forest.keys()] if fetch: xget.forest.update(execInSandbox(_xget, fetch, cas)) forest = dict() for id in ids: forest[id] = xget.forest[id] return forest
def dumpL0( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : tree = getConfigTree( id, cas ) l0s = [ i for i in tree if i.leaf and i.leaf.type == 'L0DUConfigProvider' ] for i in l0s : print '%s TCK = %s %s' % ( 20*'*',i.leaf.props['TCK'],20 *'*' ) print '%s Channels %s' % ( 20*'*',20 *'*' ) pprint( _parseL0settings( eval(i.leaf.props['Channels']) ) ) print '%s Conditions %s' % ( 19*'*',19 *'*' ) pprint( _parseL0settings( eval(i.leaf.props['Conditions']) ) ) print 100*'*'
def getRoutingBits( id , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : # should be a map... so we try to 'eval' it rbs = {} for stage in ('Hlt1', 'Hlt2', 'Hlt'): for p in ['RoutingBits','routingBitDefinitions'] : try : prop = getProperty(id, '%sRoutingBitsWriter' % stage, p, cas) except KeyError : continue rbs.update(eval(prop)) return rbs if rbs else None
def getL0Prescales( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : tree = getConfigTree( id, cas ) l0s = [ i for i in tree if i.leaf and i.leaf.type == 'L0DUConfigProvider' ] ret = dict() for i in l0s : l0tck = i.leaf.props['TCK' ] ret[ l0tck ] = dict() settings = _parseL0settings( eval(i.leaf.props['Channels']) ) for chan in settings.itervalues() : ret[ l0tck ][ chan['name'] ] = chan['rate'] return ret
def getConfigTree(id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc()): if 'forest' not in dir(getConfigTree) : getConfigTree.forest = dict() if id not in getConfigTree.forest : tree = AccessProxy().access(cas).rgetConfigTree( id ) getConfigTree.forest[id] = tree if tree.digest != id : # in case we got a TCK, the remote side resolves this to an ID # and we mark this ID in our cache. Unfortunately, it doesn't work # the other way around (i.e. we first get an ID, then a TCK ) # and we must rely on the remote to cache as much as possible... getConfigTree.forest[tree.digest] = tree return getConfigTree.forest[id]
def __init__(self,create=False,createConfigTreeEditor=False,cas=ConfigAccessSvc()) : if create : if (AccessSvcSingleton.__pcs or AccessSvcSingleton.__cas) : raise LogicError('re-entry of singleton creation') pcs = PropertyConfigSvc( ConfigAccessSvc = cas.getFullName() ) cte = ConfigTreeEditor( PropertyConfigSvc = pcs.getFullName() , ConfigAccessSvc = cas.getFullName() ) AccessSvcSingleton.__app = _appMgr() self._app().createSvc(cas.getFullName()) AccessSvcSingleton.__cas = self._app().service(cas.getFullName(),'IConfigAccessSvc') self._app().createSvc(pcs.getFullName()) AccessSvcSingleton.__pcs = self._app().service(pcs.getFullName(),'IPropertyConfigSvc') AccessSvcSingleton.__cte = lambda x : self._app().toolsvc().create(cte.getFullName(),interface='IConfigTreeEditor')
def updateL0TCK(id, l0tck, label='', cas = ConfigAccessSvc(), extra = None ) : if not label : print 'please provide a reasonable label for the new configuration' return None l0tck = '0x%04X'%_tck(l0tck) importOptions('$L0TCK/L0DUConfig.opts') from Configurables import L0DUMultiConfigProvider,L0DUConfigProvider if l0tck not in L0DUMultiConfigProvider('L0DUConfig').registerTCK : raise KeyError('requested L0 TCK %s is not known to TCK/L0TCK'%l0tck) configProvider = L0DUConfigProvider('ToolSvc.L0DUConfig.TCK_%s'%l0tck) l0config = configProvider.getValuedProperties() l0config['TCK'] = l0tck ret = AccessProxy().access(cas).rupdateL0TCK(id,l0config,label,extra) if ret : AccessProxy().flush() return ret
def diff( lhs, rhs , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : table = xget( [ lhs, rhs ] , cas ) setl = set( table[lhs].keys() ) setr = set( table[rhs].keys() ) onlyInLhs = setl - setr if len(onlyInLhs)>0 : print 'only in %s: ' % lhs for i in onlyInLhs : print ' ' + i onlyInRhs = setr - setl if len(onlyInRhs)>0 : print 'only in %s:' % rhs for i in onlyInRhs : print ' ' + i for i in setl & setr : (l,r) = ( table[lhs][i], table[rhs][i] ) if l.digest != r.digest : from difflib import unified_diff print ''.join( unified_diff(l.fmt(), r.fmt(), l.fqn(), r.fqn(), lhs, rhs, n=0) )
def listRoutingBits( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : pprint(getRoutingBits(id,cas))
def listTCKs( release, hlttype, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : return printTCKs( getTCKs(release,hlttype) )
def listHltTypes( release, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : return printHltTypes( getHltTypes(release) )
def listReleases( cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : return printReleases( getReleases() )
def listConfigurations( cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : return printConfigurations( getConfigurations(cas) )
def getConfigurations( cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : return AccessProxy().access(cas).rgetConfigurations()
def getHltTypes( release, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : info = getConfigurations( cas ) return set( [ i['hlttype'] for i in info.itervalues() if i['release']==release ] )
def getHltLines( id , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : return getHlt1Lines(id,cas) + getHlt2Lines(id,cas)
def getHlt2Lines( id , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : # should be a list... so we try to 'eval' it return eval(getProperty(id,'Hlt2','Members',cas))
def dump( id, properties = None, lines = None, file = None, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : if not properties : properties = [ 'RoutingBits', 'AcceptFraction', 'FilterDescriptor' , 'Preambulo', 'Code', 'InputLocations','Input','Inputs' , 'DaughtersCuts', 'CombinationCut', 'MotherCut', 'DecayDescriptor' , 'OutputSelection', 'Output' ] tree = getConfigTree( id, cas ) def len1(line): _i = line.rfind('\n') return len(line) if _i<0 else len(line)-(_i+1) def prettyPrintStreamer(code) : code.translate(None,'\n') return ('\n' + (_tab+25+18)*' ' + '>> ' ).join( [ i.strip() for i in code.split('>>') ] ) def prettyPrintDict(code,trItem) : try : cuts = eval(code) # should be a dict return "{ "+ ('\n' + (_tab+25+18)*' ' + ', ' ).join( [ trItem(k,v) for (k,v) in cuts.iteritems() ] ) + '\n'+(_tab+25+18)*' '+"}" except : return code def prettyPrintList(code,trItem = None, skipEmpty = True) : try : l = eval(code) if skipEmpty and not l : return '' if len(l)<2 : return code if trItem : l = [ trItem(i) for i in l ] return "[ "+('\n' + (_tab+25+18)*' ' + ', ' ).join( l )+'\n'+(_tab+25+18)*' '+']' except : return code trtable = { 'Code' : prettyPrintStreamer , 'DaughtersCuts' : lambda x : prettyPrintDict(x, lambda k,v : "'%s' : '%s'"%(k,v) ) , 'Inputs' : prettyPrintList , 'InputLocations' : prettyPrintList , 'Preambulo' : prettyPrintList , 'FilterDescriptor' : lambda x : prettyPrintList(x,lambda y : "'%s'"%y, True) , 'RoutingBits' : lambda x : prettyPrintDict(x, lambda k,v : "%2d : \"%s\""%(k,v) ) } import re show = not lines from sys import stdout file = open(file,'w') if file else sys.stdout for i in tree : if not i.leaf or i.leaf.kind != 'IAlgorithm' : continue if lines and i.leaf.type in [ 'Hlt::Line', 'HltLine' ] : show = re.match(lines, if not show : continue _tab = 50 line = i.depth * ' ' + if len1(line)>( _tab-1): line += '\n'+ _tab*' ' else : line += (_tab-len1(line))*' ' line += '%-25.25s'%i.leaf.type for k,v in [ (k,v) for k,v in i.leaf.props.iteritems() if k in properties and v ]: if _tab+25 < len1(line) : line+= '\n'+(_tab+25)*' ' if k in trtable.keys() : v = trtable[k](v) if v : line += '%-15s : %s' % ( k, v) file.write(line+'\n')
def updateProperties(id,updates,label='', cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : ret = AccessProxy().access(cas).rupdateProperties( id,updates,label ) if ret : AccessProxy().flush() # explicit flush in case we wrote something return ret
def listHlt2Lines( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : pprint(getHlt2Lines(id,cas))
def getHlt1Decisions( id , cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : table = xget( [ id ], cas )[id] lines = eval(_lookupProperty(table,'Hlt1','Members')) return [ _lookupProperty(table,i.split('/')[-1],'DecisionName') for i in lines ]
def listHlt1Decisions( id, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : pprint(getHlt1Decisions(id,cas))
def getTCKList( cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : info = getConfigurations( cas ) result = [] for i in info.itervalues() : for tck in i['TCK'] : result.append( '0x%08x'%tck ) return result
def createTCKEntries(d, cas = ConfigAccessSvc() ) : ret = AccessProxy().access(cas).rcreateTCKEntries(d) AccessProxy().flush() return ret
def resolveTCK( tck, cas=ConfigAccessSvc()) : return AccessProxy().access(cas).rresolveTCK( tck )